"Am I right? You're here to act, and the side effect is that you've already taken poison in advance. Otherwise, it's impossible to have such a situation? " Qin Tian continues to ask the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was flustered in an instant. He was excited. Looking at Luo Jiashu behind him, he said, "help, where are your security guards? This man is going to attack me. Help me

Luo Jiashu looks motionless, as if he has never heard of it. The whole person looks gloomy and looks at him. Where dare he speak?

Miao Lin and others are also secretly worried that their faces are no longer arrogant and domineering before, and they become only panic and nervous. Will they not show their true feelings?

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. I'll let you admit it slowly!"

Qin Tian looked at the middle-aged man with a sneer and said to everyone calmly: "our rejuvenation pill has no poison needle, so his side effects are fake. Can you believe it?"

No one dares to speak, many people blush, as if they were slapped.

"But don't worry. Take your time. I'm going to expose to you the terrible and harmful deception in the medical and pharmaceutical industry."

Qin Tian's hands constantly stroked, a stream of immortal spirit in the middle-aged man's body running, so that the middle-aged man suddenly all over the pain can't bear, that kind of itching feeling, let him want to use his hands to grasp, but once touched those black needles and pain!

"Ah, ah, help me!" The middle-aged man began to scream, the whole person directly sat on the ground.

Who dares to go up and save him at this time? We have found something wrong for a long time. After all, the eyes of the masses are bright, although they were cheated and blinded before!

Now hear Qin Tian say so, and look at this middle-aged man's situation, too miserable, this is really not the result of a pair of medicine can lead to, everyone is willing to believe that this middle-aged man's body redness is caused by these small black needles!

See no one to save themselves, even Dongchen medicine people are indifferent, the middle-aged man is very desperate, he began to directly scold up!

"Damn Luo Jiashu, damn Zhong Yaozu, you hurt me, help me, ambulance!"

"But you can give me the answer first." Qin Tian stood in front of the middle-aged man and asked coldly.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Jiashu. He said this thing before and after that. It was just a few simple words. After that, the whole audience was in an uproar!

The masses and reporters have looked in the direction of Luo Jiashu. At this time, he has turned around and left. He dare not come out to confront each other!

Qin Tian didn't care. He kept his promise and slapped the middle-aged man's body again. All the poisonous needles were shaken out with the venom in his body!

"Take Huichundan, you can eliminate half of the swelling and pain!" Qin Tian picked up the middle-aged man to prepare that box of back spring pills.

"I eat fear and reaction, that is more troublesome, my body has toxins, and the rejuvenation pill is restrained!" The man looked at the poison needle came out, and finally fell to the ground.

"As soon as the poison needle flies out, I'll send people back to study the venom, and then I'll ask the old man of Dongchen group for questions." Qin Tian said impolitely.

Smell speech, on the one hand is still frightened, watching Miao Lin and others are more afraid, directly pulled away, dare not stay more!

"Well, I believe you!" The middle-aged man grabbed two rejuvenation pills and wanted to swallow them!

"Just one. How wasteful to eat!" Qin Tian warned.

The middle-aged man swallowed a rejuvenation pill, and then waited silently, just a few minutes of the world, his swelling pain is almost the speed of the naked eye directly slowed down!

This change directly confirmed that the poison needle caused his swelling, and Huichundan is indeed a powerful effect of restoring body function!

Now there is no need for Qin Tian to prompt. The reporters on the scene have already seen that what is the cause of this middle-aged man's poisoning, and the person who rescued him is Qin Tian, who is Huichundan!

At this time, the masses looked at the pitiful middle-aged man, and their hearts were filled with anger. There was a feeling of being expected. The people at Dongchen drugstore directly scolded him!

"Animals, they have no ability to open up sales, and even the chairman's direct action to trap Li's Pharmaceutical Group!"

"It's shameless. These people sell expensive drugs all year round, and they never consider it for the common people."

The drugstore of Dongchen group, looking at it, could hardly live. It closed the door directly, and the shop assistant also ran away from the back!

The reporter at the scene focused on Qin Tian's body, because he seemed to have something to say.

"I say three points today. First, Dongchen medicine has slandered our company's Huichundan, and I will file a lawsuit against them; second, Zhong Yaozu's use of poison to poison the common people has been seen. Please call the police directly. This is the poison. Go back and test it. Third, our Huichundan is a good medicine. If there are any side effects, it's you The basic pathological changes of the body are not caused by bad medicine. If there are any side effects, come to me, Qin Tian, and I will treat you personally! "After three o'clock, the audience directly sent out a burst of applause, everyone looked at Qin Tian's expression has become extraordinary!

Back to the office, looking down from the French window, Luo Jiashu's face is full of anger, and the corners of his mouth are twitching.

"What should the president do? Now Qin Tian is going to report us!"

"And so many reporters are watching. I'm worried that our reputation will be destroyed, so I have to clarify it quickly."

"Think of a way to get in touch with the vice president and the chairman of the board."

The whole Dongchen medicine instantly flurried into a group, and the opposite Li's pharmacy, again lined up a long line!

This time, the media reporter once again focused their eyes on Qin Tian.

Qin Tian didn't want to interview himself. He was tired of these reporters' faces. He simply said, "let my assistant tell you, I still have some things to deal with."

Zhu Yu said impolitely, "do you know what Luo Jiashu has run away from me? Do you know why Dongchen medicine people dare not come out? Do you know why Huichundan makes people jealous and framed? I don't think you all know the answer without me! "

"Who are the real black hearted enterprises, who are the pharmaceutical enterprises with real conscience, and what are the good drugs that are really beneficial to the people? Our Huichundan dare not say that it has no side effects, but it is definitely not like him. Even if you buy a car, there may be some problems. Do you stop buying a car

We all know such a simple truth, but why are we forced? Is it the bad guys who are too clever, or the good people who are too kind?

At the same time.

In the office of Zhong Xiao, vice chairman of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., after hearing that the matter was revealed, Zhong Xiao was very angry and went mad.

"Qin Tiantian is doing something. What do those reporters say now?"

"I won't let them in, but I'm afraid they will report it out, so I have to find a way, or you can explain it!"

Zhong Xiao thought of Qin Tian and the two beauties he met last time when he was appreciating the moon. He gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart. "I will inform the public relations department of the company and the bosses of the media and newspapers to do a good job. This matter can't be reported today at least!"


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