But Zhong Xiao and Luo Jiashu still think too much, how can these media reporters not come in?

One by one, they tried their best to rush to the interior of Dongchen company, which immediately caused a flurry and sensation of the company. Because the things downstairs, they all know that although they are despised by the leadership of these things, they will not stand opposite to the company because of this!

In the face of these reporters' interviews, one by one they all hide far away, saying that they do not know the question three do not know, or I am sorry that I have no time and so on all escaped!

At this time, Miao Lin, the manager of the marketing department, rushed into the vice chairman's office and called out anxiously to Luo Jiashu and Zhong Xiao: "no, the chairman, the president, these reporters have come in, we can't stop it at all!"

"What's the matter? Why let them in? " Zhong Xiao is also angry, such a thing is simply too terrible, they all face fear!

"It's because there are so many media reporters and big brother cameras that several of our gatekeepers can't stop them. They have to report our Dongchen group's defamation of Li's medicine this time!" Miao Lin with a look of fear said, this thing for her is also never seen, today is really a devastating blow!

"Vice president, I'm afraid this matter can't be stopped. We must have a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, these media reporters will only report crazily and will not give us any room for explanation." Luo Jiashu said anxiously.

"Yes, vice chairman, instead of letting these people report in a random way, we should make up some excuses casually to deceive them, and then consult with the managers of these media organizations. On the contrary, it is not without a problem to replace these reports!" Miao Lin reminded.

"I have a face. You can go and deal with it by yourself. You can say what you want. If your reputation is destroyed, you can quit and leave by yourself." Zhong Xiao is also very angry. It's shameless to come to him in such a way!

"All right." Luo Jiashu walked out of the vice chairman's office, looked at Miao Lin and said, "all those media reporters are here?"

"I don't know. Just go and see it!" Miao Lin said helplessly.

Soon see Luo Jiashu and Miao Lin come out, these media reporters immediately a light, one by one look at Luo Jiashu in front of, because just now Luo Jiashu himself ran away, now he still dare to come out is amazing!

"Mr. Luo, are you not afraid to be punished if you slander each other like this and murder others? I'm the headline reporter of the DIDU daily The most overbearing reporter went out and looked at Luo Jiashu and put out the microphone!

His words also made a lot of cameras aim at Luo Jiashu, which was like trying to overthrow Luo Jiashu. It was so frightening that Miao Lin couldn't help but step back five meters away. She didn't dare to get close!

This is one of the largest newspapers in the imperial city. Its weight is well-known in the north. If this event is reported, it will certainly cause a stir on the Internet!

Luo Jiashu looked at the front page reporter of the imperial capital daily. His face was hard to see, and his tone was also very gloomy. "Don't report this matter. There are some misunderstandings during this period. We will give the media reporters an accurate report after sorting out. At that time, our public relations Department will specially hold a news and press conference!"

"If you casually report some untrue things before this press conference, the consequences will be very serious, because many things are the opinions of Qin Tian and Li's medicine. What he said is what he said?"

"So please give us time to investigate what's going on here!" Luo Jiashu said with righteous words.

The reporter is not good to offend, he does not deny anything, nor is he sure of any facts. He just said that he was given time to investigate, which may be the best explanation. For a moment, he was absolutely overwhelmed by his temporary reaction!

However, his words really made these reporters not buy it. Many reporters couldn't help being more angry. They pointed the cameras at Luo Jiashu one after another, and then said, "we will not be deceived by you again. The eyes of the masses are bright. Do we have to invent any lies to give you time?"

"That is, are you trying to make up a story and fight back? Why can't you explain it now because you want to make up a story behind your back, right? "

The face of these reporters noisy and overbearing voice, Luo Jiashu is also suddenly speechless!

"I'm sorry, I can only explain this. I hope you don't report in a random way. Otherwise, the facts will be distorted. We will investigate your legal responsibility. You are all well-known media, and the consequences will be even more unimaginable if they cause adverse effects." Luo Jiashu directly threatened to say.

"That's all I have to say. You can do the rest yourself." Luo Jiashu said he was going to leave, but he was still blocked by reporters!

How terrible! Dozens of media, large and small, as well as we media, surrounded him by hundreds of people. Even if the security guards of the whole company came, there was no way to stop them!"Does your chairman have anything to say? And Mr. Zhong Yaoshen? " The reporter looked at Luo Jiashu and continued to ask.

"That's the chairman's business. How can I know? Don't ask me, I really don't know anything! " Luo Jiashu is really afraid, also very upset!

Someone said, "you'd better call Zhong Yaoshen and give us an explanation, or we will broadcast it according to the doctor Qin's words. At that time, we will not be responsible for any responsibility, because these are Mr. Qin's words."

"That is, let Zhong Yaozu come out to explain. If the explanation is not clear, report it like that. In any case, this is something we all know!"

Luo Jiashu was very angry. Looking at these reporters, he said with a threatening tone: "that's just his speech, and there is no evidence to prove that it was done by Zhong Yaoshen. If Zhong Yaoshen knows that you slander him like this, your leaders will certainly find you in trouble!"

However, the headline reporter in the imperial capital did not care, and went on to say: "a person who claims to be the God of medicine may have such a kind of ability to apply needles on people, right? Otherwise, who in your company has this ability? "

"How would you deal with the case that doctor Qin wanted to report you?"

"Well, I don't have time to argue with you!" Luo Jiashu pushed the reporter away madly, and ran to his office like a mad dog!

At this time, he seemed to be pressing a mountain in his heart, so that she could hardly breathe!

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