After returning to the office and closing the door, Luo Jiashu is also gasping for breath. He never dreamed that he would go out for a stroll that day. Meeting Li Xinran was actually the beginning of his nightmare.

But just then, his real nightmare came!

"Police, get out of the way!"

A serious voice came, and the reporters who surrounded them stepped aside one by one. Then they looked behind them and found that fan Yanyan came in with several policemen!

Everyone turned on the camera one after another. I didn't expect the police to come so soon. Sure enough, things were done too quickly!

Luo Jiashu, who had just returned to the office, was about to have a cup of tea to have a rest, but he heard a violent knock on the door outside, which made him restless for a moment!

"If you quarrel with me again, I will call the police. Are you so arrogant as a reporter?" Luo Jiashu angrily called up, and called very overbearing very loud, for fear that the people outside the door would not hear the same!

"We are the police. Open the door!"

A same overbearing and colder voice came out of the door, which made Luo Jiashu in the room confused. What is going on?

"Open the door!"

Without giving him time to be idle, there was another thump and a serious shout from the door.

Luo Jiashu felt as if the sky was about to fall down. He opened the door of the office in fear and saw fan Yanyan's face and looked at herself seriously.

"Police comrade, our company is investigating this matter, it's none of my business!" Luo Jiashu said with a sad face.

"We will have a special person to investigate this defamation. We arrested you because of the shadow mercenary group. After our investigation, we found that there was your phone number and call record on the killer's cell phone. We also found that there was a sum of money in your account on that day. The account number is the account number of the shadow employment group. We suspect that you are employed The killer takes revenge on Qin Tian, Zhu Yu and others! "

"So it's time to arrest you!"

Fan Yanyan's voice dropped, and she stepped on two policemen, and instantly approached Luo Jiashu!

"I, no, I owe them money. It's a coincidence!" Luo Jiashu was shaking with fear.

That day, he hinted that after knowing the fact that the shadow mercenary group had gone, he was so shocked that he couldn't sleep for several consecutive nights. Fortunately, he has been busy publicizing longevity ointment recently, so that he is too tired in the busy and can sleep!

"Coincidence? Take it away Zhu Yu couldn't help saying.

"No way, I was wronged!" Luo Jiashu step by step back, refused to accept punishment!

But this kind of police there gave her a chance, quickly rushed to him, and handcuffed his hand directly to the backhand!

The next moment, Luo Jiashu is like a mad dog struggling on the ground, but letting him struggle is useless!

Soon, Luo Jiashu was escorted out of the office by fan Yanyan and others. He was met by the flashing lights outside and the office hall of the whole company. Everyone looked at Luo Jiashu with fear.

I didn't expect his pot to come down so soon. I'm really looking for death!

Luo Jiashu lowers his head, where dare to raise his head? This is still his inexplicable panic, want to die of the heart have, the corners of his mouth also twitch a few times, the eyes are full of resentment color.

"Qin Tian helped you, didn't you?"

"Why do you ask? Want to revenge Qin Tian? Is he the one you can provoke? " Zhu Yu said without a good breath.

"Your crime is not only about this, but also about slandering Li's medicine and murdering patients. It's right to go back and lock you up and interrogate them slowly." Zhu Yu said with a sneer.

Luo Jiashu can be said to be very regret, but directly say where there is any regret medicine for him to eat?


At this time, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu still returned to the president's office.

Because his mouth was dry, he poured tea directly and drank it. After a sip of tea was stuffy and refreshing, Zhu Yu couldn't wait to ask, "Qin Tian, how can you see that the middle-aged man has needles? Isn't it amazing? "

Qin Tian laughed and asked, "do you really want to know?"

"Why, is this your little secret again?" Zhu Yu couldn't help but frown at Qin Tian.

"Why are you curious about everything?" Qin Tianyi, you are really bored.

"Who is not curious?" She is really itchy today. She has to pick out some secrets from Qin Tian's mouth!

Seeing Zhu Yu's appearance that he wanted to know, Qin Tian couldn't help but show a smile. He said in a playful tone: "I said I could see the black poison needle in his swollen body through his clothes. Do you believe it?"

"What? Can you see through it? I believe you Zhu Yu suddenly turned his eyes in anger. This guy didn't think he was a child!

Qin Tian didn't speak, but looked straight at the woman's body. He looked up and down, as if he had seen some wonderful pictures!"You are shameless!" Zhu Yu couldn't help but hold his hands in front of her chest. "Why look at me like this?"

"Don't you believe it?" Must say this Zhu Yu is really a very good ah, although only 20 years old, but the development of body is the peak!

Seeing Qin Tian's eyes on himself, and those eyes still can not be stopped looking at the place that should not be seen, Zhu Yu is more red, "Stinky hooligan, don't look at me like this, what eyes do you have!"

"Amount..." Qin Tian immediately returned to God, and said in his eyes, "don't you believe it? I just wanted to prove it to you! "

"You guys are obviously playing rogue to take advantage of it, and blame me?" Zhu Yu can not help but scold a voice, the heart is more shy.

At this time, she is not why, always believe that he has practiced what skills, let his vision become extraordinary off the ordinary? It can only be explained in this way, otherwise there is no other explanation!

This guy usually looks low-key, sometimes arrogant, sometimes interested in her sometimes not interested, really can not understand!

But this is her top boss, and also his new Sister Li Xinran's husband, Zhu Yu also dare not think more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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