Seeing the girl's blushing face, Qin Tian continued to smile and say, "I don't want to tell you. I told you. You don't believe me, do you?"? That's why I said it depends on your body. It's really not easy to see it! "

In fact, if Qin Tian's vision is infused with his own green energy, that is, immortal Qi, it is really close to perspective. So when looking at Zhu Yu, he obviously feels the excitement that he can't feel at ordinary times!

"Impossible? Can you really see it? " Zhu Yu still does not believe.

"You're wearing black!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

As soon as Qin Tian said this, Zhu Yu was immediately stunned, and then quickly responded to the second floor. Her pretty face suddenly blushed like a ripe apple. She bit her teeth and said angrily, "Qin Tian, you are going to die. You look at me! I didn't think you were such a dirty man

With that, the woman raised her fist in spite of everything, exerted an internal force, and directly hit Qin Tian's head in the past!


A strong vibration came from the office. Of course, it was not Qin Tian who was hit. Moreover, Zhu Yu was directly sent out by Qin Tian's boxing. The whole body hit the wall, as if the building had been shaken!

This woman is a beautiful woman. She has no power to parry in front of her. But she still dares to do it. Isn't she looking for death?

Qin Tian looked at the woman is not willing to, holding a powder fist, want to continue to attack him, can not help showing a smile of abuse, said: "don't be impulsive, the girl's family is all right, and this is the office, you broke the wall of our house, you can't afford it?"

"You Why don't you say the wall hurt me Zhu Yu was angry. Who are these people? Is this kind of person still called a man? I don't know anything about it. It's too much!

"No way. Even if you don't break our walls and break our desks, I won't let you go. You're not as good as your fast trash can!" Qin Tian said without good breath.

"Beast, I will kill you!" Zhu Yu's fist blows over, but this time Qin Tian grabs his fist again, and then makes her completely unable to use strength!

The woman was suddenly shy, a pair of beautiful eyes twinkled with water, it seemed that I was still in pity. It was rare to see Zhu Yu show such a shy appearance, but it was quite lovely!

However, it was just a fight. Qin Tian soon let go of the woman and didn't care about her business at this time. The business seemed to be magic and continued to say, "black bow, right?"

After hearing Qin Tian say such words, Zhu Yu was completely shocked, "still have?"

"I guess it's 36e. There's a little hollowed out pattern at the back of the bottom!"

Zhu Yu was stunned and dared to pick himself up as if he were standing in front of Qin Tian with naked fruit. How could this guy go so far?

Because there is no problem in his depiction. It's just accurate data. This guy is incredible!

"Do you usually think of me like that?" Zhu Yu is thinking about an extremely terrible thing. He feels that he will stay away from Qin Tiantian's needs. This kind of person is too terrible!

"No, I can't see something I can't see until I apply my energy to my eyes. If I don't, my eyesight will be the same as that of ordinary people." Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Then I can rest assured that you have nothing to do. Don't do this. It's too obscene. Sooner or later, you will become an animal!" Zhu Yu said without a good breath.

"Cough, I'm just looking at you like this for the first time today. I've never seen you like this before, I swear!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Really?" Zhu Yu can't believe it. Who are these people?

"I didn't lie to you. Have you seen me look at you like this before?" Qin Tian said the eyes again swept the past, the purpose is to let women see clearly what their eyes are!

"Shameless, take your eyes back!" Zhu Yu a pair of beautiful eyes emerged murderous spirit, wish that Qin Tian would be eliminated immediately.

This time she was also seen by Qin Tian blushing, pretty face angry, simply shameless!

"If I find out that you look at me with this kind of eyes, I will certainly put you in the right place. Anyway, I will punish you at all costs and let you show your true colors in front of sister Xinran!" Zhu Yu said angrily.

"If you don't look at your strength, what can I do?" Qin Tian's face hung a calm smile.

"You can let go of my hand now!" The woman didn't have a good temper said, this guy is relying on his own skill, strength, so has been bullying her.

"I let go, you can, but you don't mess around, smashing things, I really want to be angry!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Don't worry, I won't mess, I just have to let you out of the office today."

She said that Qin Tian was more reluctant to let go, but said: "do you have to die?""Well, I'm wrong, be serious, I'm joking with you!" Zhu Yu said with a serious expression. After the man released her, he continued, "but seriously, don't look at me with your eyes before, otherwise I will feel very uncomfortable! A woman's body is her own secret. If you have read all the secrets of others, how can we live

"Damn it, the more you say it, the more ridiculous it is." Qin Tian has been crying and laughing, "OK, you should think I didn't see anything!"

This let Zhu Yu have to clench the powder fist again in Qin Tian's body hit two times, is to ease over!

Finally, the woman didn't want to stay with the man. She walked out of Qin Tian's office and went back to the office next door.

Suddenly, the office fell into a short period of quiet, Qin Tian thought of this time's Dongchen group, will never give up, but they will not let go of these people!

As for the report, Qin Tian thought it would be better to hand it over to the Ministry of justice. He was too lazy to take part in such a thing.


At the same time, Luo Jiashu was taken to the police station and put into the interrogation room. He was very experienced and did not say anything. In addition, someone called a lawyer to defend him and wanted to break through the evidence held by the police.

As for the chairman's office of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group, after hearing the news that Luo Jiashu was arrested, Zhong Xiao was completely unable to sit still, and called his father Zhong Yaozu to come to the company.

This is an old man who looks like a fairy, but he has a sinister smell in his eyes, which makes people know that he is a cruel character at a glance!

"What's the matter? Why is it so terrible?" Zhong Yaozu looked at his son and asked seriously.

"Well, father, it's a bad thing. I can't do it myself." Zhong Xiao was embarrassed and told the story.

"How unreasonable, who is that boy of Qin Tian? Why can he see through my skills? It's impossible!" Zhong Yaozu said in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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