"Why did you come?" Qin Tian looks at Lei qianjue's face and says with surprise.

Two people sat on the sofa together, Lei qianjue said with a smile: "Congratulations Tiange, finally in the emperor's capital a piece of sky, return to spring Dan barley, really let us feel surprised ah!"

"You didn't come here to congratulate me, did you?" Qin Tian said faintly, took the cigarette of Lei qianjue, the other side took the initiative to light it for him!

"Of course not. I have a big project and a big plan. I want to find Tiange to do it together. I know that my courage and financial resources are not enough. If I have Tiange, I can do it!" Lei qianjue points a cigarette to Qin Tian, and the book is indifferent.

"Well? It's interesting! " Qin Tian laughs. Unexpectedly, the advertising effect of Huichundan is so wide that the underground big men like Lei qianjue come to cooperate with him!

Qin Tian continued: "you go on, I'll see what kind of situation it is!"

Lei qianjue nodded and said, "brother Tian, you don't know. There is a small place between the imperial capital, Linhai City of Jinmen City, and Yancheng City. This place is now a state-level new area, called Panlong area!"

"Well, I know this place!" Qin Tian nodded and said.

"The Panlong area is located at the junction of four cities, and has been controversial in terms of development rights for many years. What is just is not the government, but the people. Because the people there are quite fierce and difficult to govern, no organization can be established there. The Panlong area in the city is not under the jurisdiction of any city. It is independent and autonomous, which also makes it more difficult for the government to suppress the people. In the past two years, Panlong area has become a mixed place of three religions and nine buildings, and gambling industry and some other industries are rising! "

Qin Tian did not speak, just nodded, let Lei qianjue continue to talk.

"Because the Panlong area is beyond the official control, our emperor is the most powerful existence. Many ancient martial arts organizations and boxing clubs want to develop there. If we can control the underground of Panlong area, it is just a huge piece of fat, which can be used as a stronghold and radiate to the four cities around the imperial capital."

"Unexpectedly, you still have such ambition?" Qin Tian squints at Lei qianjue and says.

"I'm different from other martial arts school owners. I open hotels, do business, and develop my own ancient martial arts organizations and forces. In fact, I wanted to serve the commercial development and seize the power. This year, Jiang Dahuang of Jinmen City, Liu Shihao of Linhai City, and Cao Yanfeng of Yancheng City fought for Panlong area, and their losses were very big!"

"Don't you say there are a lot of different schools over there? Is it hard for any of you to get close to? Do you want to have a firm foothold in Panlong Qin Tian asked.

"Then you should first enter Panlong area. When we enter, we have to face competition. Only by solving these competitors can we really compete with the local power of Panlong area."

"Therefore, I am willing to show 60% sincerity. If our people can make a firm foothold in Panlong area, I will be big and small for Tiange, and I will take care of it. I will make sure that Tiange will be able to establish his power peacefully and make money."

"Tiange, you are a businessman and an ancient warrior. You should know the importance of establishing power for commercial development?" Lei qianjue squints at Qin Tian.

"It's true. What you said is true. Panlong is indeed a piece of fat, and even a major breakthrough for the development of the four northern cities in the future." Qin Tian squinted at a cigarette and said positively.

"How can I help you?"

After hearing the speech, Lei qianjue was pleased and continued: "we decided to take a decisive victory in the form of gambling and challenge this year, and then we can see who is qualified to occupy the territory. If we win both ways, we can get the qualification to enter Panlong area. Other people retreat. If we win only one of the two ways, we need to share the territory with the other party."

"In Panlong area, the territory that can be occupied is in the West. Other forces are local forces, so there is no possibility of direct access. Therefore, there is still a territory to be contested in Panlong area!"

"In terms of gambling and fighting, I have invited Mr. Zhou HUAFA from Hong Kong Island, who is known as the God of gambling. As for the fight of arena, the young people in our martial arts school don't care enough. Tiange, you can fight at a young age!"

Lei qianjue's words go down in a low voice, and sincerely want to invite Qin Tian to make a move.

As long as Qin Tian helps and takes the site in the west of Panlong District, he is willing to take out 60% of the shares and stand 40% of his own, plus management!

Qin Tian's strength has already had a certain foundation in the imperial capital. Let Qin Tian help himself to fight in the arena, which is also the magic performance of Qin Tian in the martial arts of three cities.

Of course, cooperation in occupying territory is one thing. Lei qianjue knows that Qin Tian's power is infinite. If he can get close to Qin Tian, it's his good fortune and good fortune. It depends on whether Qin Tian is willing to help and cooperate!

Qin Tian looked calm, without a trace of emotion. He said faintly, "I can do it. You can also give me 60% profit. You can manage and develop. But I only have one word. I need to listen to my words."Lei qianjue looks tight. Qin Tian wants to be his little brother completely. He means to give Qin Tian 60% profit and give me the management. But Qin Tian even wants to let him obey. He is really cruel!

But if there was no Qin Tian, he would not have taken the land. What he really wanted was cooperation, not being a younger brother. After all, he was also a little famous big man!

In the capital road people all call him thunder boss, this is not unreasonable thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei qianjue said, "naturally, I would like to listen to Tiange in Panlong area, but in other places, I still hope to take the initiative by myself..."

"That's for sure. I'm not interested in your other industries. I can't take care of the development of my own company!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"That's good. Ha ha, this is a good thing. Tiange is really a wise man." Lei qianjue said at ease.

Qin Tian continued to ask, "when will this matter begin in Panlong area?"

"Soon, it's the day after tomorrow. I'll pick you up again and drive for more than an hour."

Qin Tian thinks about it, but he can go with Zhu Yu. After all, the dead girl also wants to experience it. Later, let her be his assistant and protect Xinran's safety without any problem!

"Boss Lei, you don't have to pick me up. You just need to send me the specific address. As soon as my friend and I go there, you can go there." Qin Tian said.

"Well, I'll send you the information about Bidou and some other information about that place."

The two exchanged cell phones and began to discuss.

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