After the exchange and understanding are almost the same, Lei Qianyao went directly, and did not dare to delay Qin Tian's work.

Zhu Yu has been busy returning to chundan offline this day, while Qin Tian helps his wife deal with the decision-making of the company, just as if he had undertaken what the chairman and president should do.

These things are very complicated. If he does it all by himself, he can't finish it all year, and there is no time to leave. He also gradually understood why Li Xinran was so desperate!

But Dongchen group, is directly investigated, longevity paste an order is not, completely killed in the cradle, as for zhongyaozu and other people are afraid to move lightly, now they are thinking about how to give themselves off?

Police investigation continues, Dongchen group market value is falling, and this day, Li Xinran told Qin Tian, Lin Xiaoyao this little demon girl back!

"Will you use me to pick her up?" Asked Qin Tian curiously.

"She is now sent to Beidi university to study management, saying that she has defects in managing enterprises, and she will not play everywhere!" Li said with a smile.

"This is, Lin family so has the right to have the potential, young young, is to go to learn more!" Qin Tian said in a proper manner.

At the same time, somewhere in the capital.

Zhang Min and others sat around, and in front of them were a wide video, and there were a bunch of people sitting opposite the video.

Just now they had a video conversation with people from Bushido. The people of Bushido are now in Jinmen City and don't come directly to the capital.

After the video call, Zhang Min and others laughed at each other, and their hearts were full of pride.

"Miss Zhang, this time, we have martial arts and Taoism. If we can take Panlong area, it will help us consolidate the power of Zhang family!" Zhang Min said in a positive tone.

Zhang family wanted to deal with Lin family before, but when he Lin family got Qin Tian's investment, it has gradually risen, and its strength has surpassed Zhang family, which makes Zhang Min and others have no way.

"Hum, Panlong area is only a set small goal. If you hit the target, you should invite these masters of wushidao to defeat Qin Tian and force Lin Dongqiang to give R & D data to our Zhang family!"

"Zhang family must break through the new industry if he wants to rise to be the first-class family like Shen family in the capital city. However, Lin Dongqiang's scientific research team's scientific research data on the development of new energy is what he wants most!"

Many people want to get the information from Lin Dongqiang, because once this thing is actually listed, it will have billions of profits. It is crazy!

"Lin Dongqiang is now sheltering Qin Tian. When we take Panlong area, we can turn our hands to let the martial arts people deal with Qin Tian. That is a very one stone two stroke!" The assistant said.

"But have you read the news lately? Qin Tian has developed a return to chundan, which is a good business opportunity for a pharmaceutical company under Linjia

"You mean, we get the prescription for chundan?" Zhang Min squints at her own think tank, which are all the masters of her martial arts association. Each has good strength and has a good mind.

"Yes, we must do the research on Lin Dongqiang's hands, and Qin Tian should not let go of the spring pill in his hand!"

Zhang Minmei's eyes flashed through a bit of insincerity, she found that she had too many things to take, only blame that she was not strong enough, as long as they want to get the hand, she is the queen of the capital!


After lunch, Lin Xiaoyao called to say that Qin Tian went to their northern emperor university to participate in the event, and she was not sure about it alone.

About the University of northern emperor, Qin Tian naturally has an impression, because before Jiao Jie opened the signing meeting, there happened bad things, and Shen qiuze, the son of Shen family, called him!

Qin Tian looks at the afternoon things just finished, and he goes to their university to see. Li Xinran thinks so. He also wants Qin Tian to help, which is better than going out all day to fight and kill.

I don't know what the situation is over Lin Xiaoyao, and I didn't know what the activity was. Qin Tian drove to the place Lin Xiaoyao said. Only Lin Xiaoyao and her classmates came to ten such places. There were two young associate professors who said what competition to participate in!

Before that, I came to see the lack of campus life with brother Jiao. This time, Qin Tian can feel a good experience!

Qin Tian, you are here Lin Xiaoyao calls Qin Tian's name directly, a pair of beautiful eyes are overflowing with exciting colors, and the heart is full of joy color!

With a cry from Lin Xiaoyao, several other boys who studied and managed the study looked at the past together. Seeing Lin Xiaoyao, the eldest Miss Lin family, greeted such a young boy so happily, and suddenly there was a little hostility in his eyes.

One of the men is shenruohai. He looks at Qin Tian with vicious eyes. He is planning to pursue Lin Xiaoyao in the study of this semester. Because in his opinion, his qualification as a master of Shen family can take Lin Xiaoyao completely. It can be said that there is no one more worthy of this big lady than him!"Are these your classmates and teachers? It seems that you like studying very much. How many days have you been back? " Qin Tian smiles curiously.

"For a week, you don't care. How can I know? Don't be my cousin's brother-in-law today. There are several boys who are difficult to deal with. Would you like to be my fake boyfriend Lin Xiaoyao said, directly stretched out his hand and held the man's hand, winking at him.

"I'll go. What do I say to help? You want me to be a shield for you!" Qin Tian was speechless for a while.

"Hee hee, what else? I can't believe anyone I'm looking for. Only you are the most reliable man Said Lin Xiaoyao.

"With your words, I'll help you decide. Tonight I'll see how I can kill them, so that you can study steadily in the future." Qin Tianzheng said with a smile.

Shen ruohai and others saw that Lin Xiaoyao and Qin Tian were holding hands and joking. They were so jealous!

But looking at Qin Tian, it seems that he didn't find anything valuable. It's not the temperament of a rich man?

It's true that Qin Tian's son-in-law is used to hardship. He is not a rich second-generation son-in-law. On the contrary, he has a kind of fierce wild spirit, and the man's toughness is not the same style as the rich second generation.

However, in the eyes of these rich second generation, they look down on the people with developed limbs and no money, so they are not willing to look at Qin Tian one by one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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