"No? Qin Tian, you can't be conceited because you have some skills. It's said that this dinner party is related to the great people from the imperial capital. If you are lucky, you can make a great success in this dinner party. How many rich second generations have broken their heads and want to attend it! "

Li Cheng is right. The person who is responsible for sending out the invitation cards for the dinner party is the person arranged by Mr. Nie. Who is not a big person with a head and a face who is invited!?

"Dad, I don't mean that. It's a real appointment, and it's very important."

It doesn't matter if you beat someone's grandson and rob his daughter-in-law.

Qin Tian refused several times. Li Cheng also hated iron and steel, so he gave up his plan to take Qin Tian to the dinner party.

Qin Tian is also confused. I don't know why. I went to Hyatt Hotel today.

In the evening soon, the gate of Hyatt grand hotel has already been cordoned off by numerous secret guards. One luxury car with Songshan license plate will come every few minutes. The shock of the scene has already surpassed that of the last auction held by Zheng Dakang.

All major forces in Songshan City, black and white, were invited one after another. The rich second generation also appeared at the gate one after another, but without exception, few of them dared to step into the hotel and seemed to be waiting for someone.

As the sky darkened, more and more people gathered at the door. At this time, a golden Rolls Royce in the distance drove slowly and stopped at the hotel gate. A group of bodyguards stood solemnly on one side and opened the door of Rolls Royce.

At this time, a young man in a suit slowly stepped out of the car door. For a while, he became the focus of everyone present!

There are many helmsmen of some large enterprises in Songshan and the general manager of the group. When they see this young man, they show their incomparable respect, which shows how high the status of this young man is!

"Who is this man? Cow like this, let so many people wait for him A young rich second generation was not satisfied and asked the people next to him quietly.

"Hush! You want to die! This is Wu's young master, Wu Qilin, who can shake the whole East China with one stamp of his foot

Talking about the rich second generation of Jingtian group in Songshan City, because the group's scale is not first-class, it is also because of the relationship that they barely squeeze into the dinner party!

Hearing Wu Qilin's three words, the young man who asked before suddenly felt as if he had been struck by thunder, and his eyes were full of panic!

There are four big families in East China. Although the Wu family only ranks third, its strength is not comparable to any other family in Songshan. If the Wu family opens its mouth, there is no indelible Songshan family!

It is said that the Wu family is a big family handed down from the period of the people's Republic of China. They have thoroughly understood the black and white of East China. The strength of the family background is beyond the comparison of those small families that rose after liberation!

After Wu Qilin stepped out of the car, the crowd around the door of the hotel gave way one after another.

"Songshan Daiyue group, Liu qianggong welcomes Wu Dashao!"

"Huanhai group, Lin Dadong says hello to Wu Dashao!"

"Songshan Chen family, meet Wu Dashao!"


for a while, all the families with names and surnames came forward to say hello to Wu Qilin, but Wu Qilin didn't even look at them with pride and silence on his face, and walked straight into the hotel with a cold breath on his body!

At the moment, in a private room on the top floor of the hotel, all the old and the young are watching the scene downstairs.

"Grandfather, it's the Wu family that's here!" Nie Zhiyang stood by the window and said seriously.

"Wu family..." Nie's eyes narrowed involuntarily when he heard the two words of Wu family. "I didn't expect that a small branch of Wu family could occupy such a high position in East China. It seems that the old Wu family has not less support for this side!"

"Grandfather, it's your party today. The boy of Wu family doesn't know how to be polite. Do you want to teach him a lesson?" Nie Zhiyang has a sinister look. He obviously doesn't like the people of the Wu family!

"No, wait and see." With that, Nie closed his eyes slowly.

For a moment, the banquet on the top floor of Hyatt had a feeling of surging wind and clouds!

With the passage of time, everyone came to the lobby on the top floor of the hotel, Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun were also in the list!

At this time, a refitted Huiteng slowly stops at the hotel gate. Surrounded by many luxury cars, the original value of millions of cars seems a little shabby.

The hotel attendant opens the door for Qin Tian. Qin Tian throws the car key to the waiter and walks towards the hotel gate.

"Such a big hotel, I don't know where to see..." Qin Tian smashed his mouth twice, took his hand and dialed the phone number of the black suit.

"Hello, Mr. Qin Tian!" A calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, if you just said let me come to Hyatt, where can I meet the old man?"

"Mr. Qin Tian, we have a dinner party on the top floor of the hotel. You can go down and have a drink. Nie will be here soon!" The black suit then hung up.Qin Tian looks at the face of mobile phone, this is special. Code is the attitude of inviting people to eat!?

But Qin Tian knew that he was in the wrong position and didn't think much about it. He turned around and was ready to go upstairs.

But at this time, another car stopped at the gate of the hotel. A young man of the same age as Qin Tian walked slowly from the car...

it was him!?

Chen Kaige is the first successor to Chen jewelry!

I didn't expect even him to be invited!

Qin Tian pondered about the dinner they said by zhengdakang and Licheng. It is necessary that the whole Songshan people with a face have arrived.

Chen Kaige slowly walked to the hotel gate, naturally found Qin Tian, looked at him coldly and said, "life is really hard, even the ancient moon villa can not clean you up!"

Chen Kaige at this time than before, temperament changed greatly, full of evil in both eyes.

Qin Tian hurt him to be a man, this account must be counted!

"OK, hard, it's estimated that you will live a few years more, and have more children." Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket, smiling with a mockery.

Chen Kaige was not moved at all, and stood upright in the place with his waist, as if Qin Tian said nothing to do with him. "Sooner or later, I will step you under my feet, and let you cry and ask me to let you go... And this day will not be too far!"

"Then I'll wait for you." Qin Tian finished, first entered the door, leaving Chen Kaige outside vent his anger!

"Damn Qin Tian, I must kill you!"

After that, Chen Kaige called out a phone...

under the guidance of hotel reception, Qin Tian came to the front of the huge banquet hall.

At the gate of the banquet hall, four bodyguards in black were standing there in their suits, each of which was solemn and firm in appearance.

"Hello, please show me your invitation!" The bodyguard nodded slightly, and was solemn but did not lose etiquette, and stopped Qin tianwai.

"Oh, I didn't have an invitation, I was received..." br >

Qin Tian hurriedly wanted to explain that he was invited by people. Without invitation, but his words were not finished, the bodyguard broke Qin Tian with a cold face: "sorry sir, dinner party has regulations. Only when I can show the invitation letter, I can enter, idle people, and can not enter!"

"No, I am not a casual person, I really was invited to come..." Qin Tian explained again.

"Small clutter, I see myself get away, you such a person I see more, dare to make trouble, don't blame me not polite!" The bodyguard's tone was warning, and his face was full of frost.

Originally Qin Tian also wanted to explain carefully or let the black suit come to pick up himself before, but I didn't expect the bodyguard at the door was so speechless!

Since the last time in the ancient moon villa transformation, Qin days is not the former good man and trustworthy woman.

For a time, Qin Tian's anger was ignited!

"Oh? Is it? " Qin Tian faces like water, "if I have to go in!"

"Find death!"

For a time, all four bodyguards looked at Qin Tian, and a terrible killing Qi rose on his body, which made the surrounding temperature drop by three points!

"I advise you to be polite to me while I am patient, or don't blame me for being polite!" Qin Tian said, the body of green energy quietly running, a breath if there is no rose from his body!

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