In front of him, the man did not flinch back, but he uttered wild words, which made them completely angry!

At this time, the movement of the door also attracted the attention of people around, many people have begun to come towards this side.

"Look, there's a kid trying to break into the ballroom."

"Hum, it may be the rich second generation of a small family who didn't get the invitation letter and wanted to fight for a chance."

"You have to have a life to come in!"

Many people around murmured in a low voice. The head of the bodyguard who had spoken before uttered a cold hum. His eyes twinkled with cold killing intent. He lowered his voice and said, "old four, abolish him!"

Known as the fourth bodyguard directly forward, a sudden killing opportunity directly locked Qin Tian!

He is enough to deal with this kind of rubbish in front of him!

The bodyguard rushed to Qin Tian and saw Qin Tian sneer, hit the whip leg, and went straight to the fourth leg bone!


A crisp sound, known as the fourth bodyguard suddenly a soft body, fell to the ground, and then look at his leg bones, has already broken into two pieces!


The voice of pouring air-conditioner keeps ringing, and people around him are surprised. It seems that Qin Tian has such ability unexpectedly!

For a moment, the air became solidified!

"If you dare to hurt my brother, you want to die!" The head of the bodyguard roared and rushed up with the two people behind him!

Qin Tian sneered and suddenly lifted his legs. A bodyguard who had just come up was blown out directly. Until he smashed the wall lamp on the wall, he fell on the ground unconscious!

The second bodyguard is armed with military fighting skills, and his fists are full of vigorous wind. It seems that each fist can break through the void. He bombards Qin Tian!

Without any hesitation, Qin Tian's body leaped up like a shell, his right leg was like a whip, he swung round and smashed down from the air, just landed on the bodyguard's shoulder!

The powerful force instantly pressed down, the bodyguard's knees suddenly knelt down, the strong force let the floor tiles split, the bodyguard's knee also became smashed incomparably!

In front of Qin Tian, the three bodyguards didn't even support a move. They had no resistance!

For a moment, everyone looked shocked!

The head of the bodyguard's face had already turned black and blue. He roared, as if the air was shaking. He waved his long legs and kicked Qin Tian with a terrible force!

Qin Tian's body shape leaps, can avoid this leg, lost the target's leg to kick directly on the wall, the hard wall instantly more a terrible hole!

The power of one foot is so terrible!

One hit is not hit, the head of the bodyguard bombards again, the leg technique is incomparably fierce, with the momentum of terror!

And this time, Qin Tian did not choose to avoid, suddenly kicked out, actually chose to meet each other hard!

The head of the bodyguard's face showed a ferocious smile!

His legs have experienced countless grinding, has been solid as iron, no one knows the strength of this leg better than himself!

Qin Tian and his hard touch, it is simply looking for death!


In a short moment, the two legs collided in mid air!

But in the next second, everyone's face turned blue!

I saw the bodyguard leader fly back like a broken kite, his long leg bone broke instantly, and the whole person ejected a bright red blood arrow in the air!

Unexpectedly, Qin Tian's leg made his mouth spit blood!

For a while, everyone's face became ugly. I didn't expect that a rich second generation of a small family who was despised by himself would have such strength!

With his own strength, he actually killed four professional bodyguards!

Qin Tian stood at the gate, glanced at the four bodyguards who had been put down by himself, patted the dust on his trousers, and walked straight into the banquet hall in the eyes of the public!

"God!? You're here too! "

At this time, a familiar figure came over, with a surprise on his face!

"Yiming!" Qin Tian smiles. When he saw Chen Kaige just now, he guessed that he would meet many acquaintances today.

"I'll take you to find Li Zheng. He doesn't know what kind of devil he has recently. He holds his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast all day long." Gu Yiming laughs and takes Qin Tian to one side of the corner.

Li Zheng is sitting in a chair, drinking, staring at the mobile phone screen, as if there is something on it that is very attractive to him!

"Li Zheng!" Qin Tian walked over and patted Li Zheng's shoulder. His face changed instantly!

Li Zheng is not right!

After several seconds, Li Zheng slowly raised his head, looking at Qin Tian and Gu Yiming's eyes seemed very empty, as if thinking for a long time to remember who they were in front of him!

"Oh, my God, Yiming." With that, Li Zheng again focused on the mobile phone screen!

"You see, I said Li Zheng is not normal recently." Gu Yiming shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.But at the moment, Qin Tian's heart has already been overturned!

Li Zheng, lost a soul!

Human beings have three spirits and seven spirits. The three spirits can be divided into heaven soul, earth soul and life soul. If one soul is lost, one person will die. Seven spirits can be divided into Tianchong, wisdom, Qi, strength, center, essence and English. If one soul is lost, the corresponding ability will be lost.

Qin Tian looked at Li Zheng's face and lost his soul!

At this time, Qin Tian saw Li Zheng's mobile phone, which seemed to be broadcasting a supernatural program!

"Yiming, do you know where Li Zheng has been recently!? When did it begin? " Qin Tian frowned and asked Gu Yiming very seriously.

Gu Yiming was stunned by Qin Tian's sudden question, but recovered in a flash and said, "I haven't heard where he is going... Oh, by the way, a few days ago, it seemed that he was going to explore a place with his friends. He said that there was a supernatural event. After coming back, Gu Yiming widened his eyes and said," brother Tian, you mean Li Zheng Now it looks like this because... "

speaking of this, Gu Yiming is sweating all over his body!

"It's not urgent. It's going to be discussed tomorrow." Qin Tian said, from behind took out a silver needle, suddenly stabbed to Li Zheng's back brain!

Only a moment, Li Zheng then fainted in the past!

The balance in his body has already been broken. Now let Li Zheng faint in the past is the best care for his soul!

At this time, a box door at the innermost side of the hall opened, and a man in a black suit came to Qin Tian and said in a high profile, "Mr. Qin, the host of the banquet specially ordered you to go in and have a talk."

The black suit's manner is modest and courteous. Although the voice is loud but gentle, it makes the original noisy banquet hall become quiet!

All people's eyes fell on Qin Tian, and they guessed Qin Tian's identity, why he could get the banquet host's separate banquet!

However, just as Qin Tian was about to walk to the box, an discordant voice came from behind.

"Excuse me, why is he treated differently? Will the host of a banquet do such unfair and differential treatment to others? "

Chen Kaige stands out from the crowd. Dayi lingran looks at Qin Tian with a rising tone. It seems that he wants all the people in the banquet hall to hear the same thing!

Sure enough, his sentence "unfair to others, differential treatment" aroused the resonance of the people around, and everyone began to whisper to the people around them!

"Yes, why did he get in there?"

"Does it have anything to do with the people in it?"

"Well, there must have been something shady in the dark that made the host of the banquet very fond of them!"


looking at the reaction of the people around him, Chen Kaige seemed very satisfied, and his mouth showed an imperceptible smile!

Qin Tian looked, helplessly turned his lips, and wanted to beat Chen Kaige's mood, once again improved!

At this time, Gu Yiming stood in front of Qin Tian and said, "Chen Kaige, what kind of ability does my brother Tian have? Don't you know? If you go in ahead of time, do you have to report to you? "

"You don't have to report to me, but... How can a bad security guard be treated differently by the host of the banquet? Is he a lowly worker at the bottom of the class, whose status is more noble than ours? "

Chen Kaige pointed to Qin Tian and sneered! It's boiling around again!

"Is it a doorman?"

"How dare you come to such a place

"Well, I can't help myself!"


Chen Kaige sneered at the reaction of people behind him, and immediately decided to add another fire to Qin Tian!

"Oh, I see. Is it because you've become a son-in-law for someone else, and the aura of being a loser makes you superior to us?"

Suddenly, the people around, again boiling up!

Qin Tian listens, the vision is cold!!

All of a sudden, the air at the door of the banquet hall is a condensation. Qin Tian's breath has begun to affect the temperature here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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