Looking at this scene, all of a sudden, people who are not happy to see this scene are not happy!

"What are you doing? Don't bully my students!" Zhou Hong, the leading teacher who was dissatisfied with Qin Tian just now, couldn't help but come forward and have a theory.

"Your students? I've seen a lot of animal teachers like you. Don't I just look at the beautiful girl student and then want to mess around? " The middle-aged man full of wine fumes said with a gloomy face.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Hong looks unhappy. She is also an associate professor in a famous university. How can she be humiliated like this?

But when he was about to be fierce, he found that three people suddenly came out of the middle-aged man. Standing in front of him, he immediately showed fear!

"You are in charge of your master. This guy drinks too much and bullies our female classmates. How can this be done?" Zhou Hong said anxiously.

Another teacher also went up and said, "can you take your boss away? There is no good result for bullying people in public. We will call the police later! "

"Alarm? Ha ha ha, let me tell you, I have someone there. It's no use calling the police! " The middle-aged man's expression is very proud, with a strong contempt.

"I like this kind of lolly girl. Come back with me tonight. While I have a drink, we'll go back and have a good time. You can't have too much fun!" The middle-aged man spoke incoherently, obviously half drunk.

"You let me go..." At this time, Zhang Nan was scared to death. He didn't expect to read a book and suddenly come up with such a man. Who can stand it?

"Ha ha, your voice is so beautiful!" The middle-aged man saw Zhang Nan struggling for an instant more like, buried his head to inhale, "still very fragrant, I really like it too much!"

As he said this, his hand wanted to start, but he was caught by a boy.

This boy is not who, it is Shen ruohai. Seeing that this is a young man in luxurious clothes, these private bodyguards are also serious.

"Is there really no one to take care of it? Are you blind or what? He drank too much, did you drink too much? " Shen ruohai looks serious at those men with sunglasses.

"You just drank too much. Didn't you see that I was articulate, articulate and energetic? I've only drunk one and a half catties of white wine, and you say I've drunk too much. You're insulting me! " The middle-aged man impolitely shook off Shen ruohai's hand, and his voice was a little arrogant.

Such a scene also attracted the attention of many people in the hall, and the front desk of the hotel saw this scene. But when they saw that the middle-aged man had four bodyguards, they all showed fear!

Because everyone can see that this middle-aged man is a big man of an underground organization here in Jinmen City. He is the eldest of Hydra. His name is heiwushang. This guy is a double take all character. He comes here for free, because the owner of the hotel calls him brother Wudang!

Can the security guard of such a character hotel be provoked? So we can only pretend not to see, and then let the situation develop!

Many of the people watching were outsiders, and they dared not speak out because the four bodyguards looked very fierce. At this time, it was not a very rational choice to save the beauty.

"Shen Xuechang, please help me!" Zhang Nan broke away from the middle-aged man's claws and hid behind Shen ruohai.

"Stinky boy, you get out of my way. Do you dare to hide the woman I like?" The middle-aged man got up and scolded Shen ruohai.

"I've seen a lot of animals like you. If you don't leave, I'll be impolite." Shen ruohai doesn't know how he's not polite. In short, such a cruel word is out of his mouth. It seems that he is even more cruel than others!

"Ha ha, it's the first time someone said you're welcome to me. I'm scared to death? Throw this boy out for me The middle-aged man belched wine and called out impolitely.

"Dare you Shen ruohai was scared to step back two steps, the body directly came to Zhang Nan's back, this scene suddenly looked a little funny.

"Do you know who I am? I am the young master of Shen family, the capital of the emperor. If you dare to beat me, I will not be polite to you! " Shen ruohai said angrily.

Hearing the imperial capital Shen family, those bodyguards were stunned for a moment, but the drunk middle-aged man didn't care, "ha ha, so what? Do I have any connection with your Shen family? This is Jinmen. It's not your capital. I'm sorry. I'm in underground business. You bite me

"Underground business?"

Hearing these words, all the other students on the scene were pale and did not dare to get close to them. Who are these people? Where can they provoke them? It can't be too powerful!

This just settled down on such a burst of trouble, all of a sudden everyone was afraid, those teachers are also called the police suddenly, dare not go forward!Hearing that it was organized underground, Shen ruohai also subconsciously stepped back two steps, getting farther and farther away from Zhang Nan.

"Shen Shao, don't you save me?" Zhang Nan was scared to tears.

"Little sister, come with me, ha ha, I'm middle-aged, in fact, I'm fierce!" The middle-aged man laughs extremely obscene, one hears this words certainly is not what good words.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't look down. He whispered to Qin Tian on one side: "Why are you still sitting?"

"Let them suffer a little bit first, otherwise they really think that the world can go through in front of each other and look arrogant!" Qin Tian caresses the husha on the cheek slowly, does not care at all, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

"It's going to be taken away!" Lin Xiaoyao looked up and found that the four bodyguards had already put their hands on Anna Zhang's hands and shoulders!

"You let me go Help me Help Zhang Nan cried out, very desperate, although he is not a pure body, but this can not be easily defiled ah!

"Let go of her!" At this time, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't bear it and went straight up.

"Oh, what do I see?" The middle-aged man saw Lin Xiaoyao walk up from the back, and his face was immediately happy, and his eyes were even brighter!

"This girl is more beautiful, and she has a better figure." The middle-aged man waved to his four bodyguards!

Zhang Nan saw here, in the heart a burst of happiness, quickly hide behind the result of the boy, eyes at Lin Xiaoyao who was approached by the bodyguard.

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