Lin Xiaoyao stood there proudly, motionless, this scene let many people more frighten!

Shenruohai is also in a hurry. I knew Zhang Nan had not stood up before. Now how good it is to stand out, we can mix a hero to save the beauty reputation. Now I regret it!

Just when these people want to seize Lin Xiaoyao, a voice let everyone be stunned!


I saw that a shoe was thrown on the cheek of a drunk middle-aged man, and hit him straight to the wrong side, and almost fell on the ground.

This scene also let these bodyguards are stunned, quickly turn around to support their boss, face angry to look around!

"Who? Who are you beating me? "

"Who is so tired of his life, dare to beat me!"

The middle-aged man with wine, the voice hoarse and hard to hear shouting, face anger to the extreme, that look is really ugly!

Maybe he wakes up and finds out that he will regret it, too?

Although not drunk, but already is the drunk crazy situation, it is too humiliating!


Then, the shoes were lost all the time, and they hit the middle-aged man on the cheek. This time, he hit his face with a shoe seal directly.

"What about him, who?"

"You see it, you?"

"It's a pair of shoes, it's a man!"

Four bodyguards also took off sunglasses and scanned for a circle. Everyone was frightened by their murderous eyes, and they were afraid to look at them with their heads lowered.

Four bodyguards began to look at their feet to see who had no shoes!

"It's me. Please throw my shoes back!" Qin Tian sat there and raised his hand!

In a moment, several eyes all looked at Qin Tian. Each eye had an incredible look, as if they had seen a young man dying!

many people have begun shaking their heads. There are no people who speak hard to hear black without injury in Jinmen City. However, the young man dare to let him lose his shoes on his face, and he is still a pair of shoes It really doesn't kill me!

"You're going to die, stinky boy!" The middle-aged man was angry and threw his hands on two shoes towards Qin Tian and smashed it!

He was cooperative, and his movements were crooked and twisted. He almost fell down. Fortunately, his bodyguard caught him!

Qin Tian lifted his hand and grabbed it. The two shoes flying in the sky set his hand with a very delicate arc!

"It's so obedient. I'll be lost so soon!"

Qin Tian put on shoes and walked out slowly!

"You know who I am, stinky boy? The black of the hydra is undamaged! "

"Can you afford it?"

"Hydra? Strange names are not as good as shrimp with skin! "

"Shrimp with skin?"

This kid dare to say that the nine headed snake is a shrimp with skin skin!

"Give me a beating!" Middle aged man is also angry, standing on his own heel, and then shouting at the side!

Four bodyguards went up two, holding the big fist of sandbags, they would hit Qin Tian's door!

But strange things happened. The fist was only a centimeter away from Qin Tian, and it was fixed. It was like smashing on the glass, and it was difficult to go forward!

Without joking about dealing with ordinary bodyguards, his anger can block these ordinary attacks. Where else should he stop it?

Next moment, something more frightening happened!

Qin Tian slowly extended one hand, and pulled it at the guy's arm!

"Click!" Only a crisp sound, straight break!

"Ah!" The scream of the fierce came, the bodyguard ate pain and retreated back!


Then three people together, but they are even worse!

One can not hit Qin Tian even if, but also by Qin Tian a punch a direct hit fly out.

Solving four bodyguards is just blinking eyes, ten seconds!

At this time, the whole scene was choked. Only the four bodyguards were screaming violently, which sounded like it was very painful.

Black no injury is also looked at the muddle, how could he not know that Qin Tian is an ancient martial arts expert in front of him, this strength is not their own comparison!

"Boy, who are you, why can you have ancient martial arts?" The middle-aged man asked, spitting up his wine.

"Who am I is not important, and what matters is, you are going to be disabled today!" Qin Tian smiled and said, "you better apologize to miss Lin, otherwise, the consequences will be serious!"

"I......" Middle aged man face exposed bitter color, oneself such a big underground organization big guy, how can be to a female student kneel?"It's too deceiving. Can you let me go once? I'll repay you well. Tell me how much you want." The middle-aged man thought that since he had done wrong, he might as well spend some money!

"100 million?" Qin Tian said impolitely.


All of a sudden, the whole audience was shocked, a fight to 100 million, this guy is crazy or want money crazy?

"You can't afford to rob a bank? I have another hundred million dollars. What else do I do in underground business? " Black without injury directly scolded.


Qin Tian slapped directly in the past, hit black without injury directly fell on the ground, all of a sudden it is difficult to get up!

"Kneel down and apologize! Or 100 million, or disabled for life! Make your own choice Qin Tian is not joking with him casually. Since this guy is going to act recklessly, let him taste a little cruel. In general, don't be soft hearted to such people!

"Well, I kneel, I kneel!" Hei Wushang said to Lin Xiaoyao and knelt down directly.

Lin Xiaoyao also impolitely said: "apology?"

"I'm sorry, little beauty, it's because I drink too much that I can do such a bold thing. I don't know you have such a master around you. I hope you can let me go..."

"Are you so scared that you wake up? How obedient Qin Tian smiles, no longer pay attention to him, as if to do a very small thing the same, sit back on the seat again!

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at his four bodyguards also just stumbled up, suddenly became angry, in the past one foot.

"Waste, I raise you trash!"

Finish saying that, his cold eyes gaze at Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao, call to go out!

Seeing this, Zhou Hong and Shen ruohai are still in a daze, but they soon wake up, especially Shen ruohai.

"It's over, Qin Tian. You've provoked the underground big man here. You don't want to go out from here today!"

"That's right. Just let them go. You still use shoes to make a big family. You kneel down and apologize. I really think you can deal with an underground organization alone!" Zhou Hong said speechless.

"It's really troublesome. Sooner or later, we'll be implicated by him. Go to the conference center so as not to wait for others to come. We can't leave!" Another teacher was also full of disappointment.

"What are you worried about?" Qin Tian said slowly.

People are surprised, he has caused trouble, do not know? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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