"Me?" Zhang Nan full face excited looking at the Shen ruohai in front of him with a smile.

"Oh, and Xiaoyao. She's her. Come out together!" Shen ruohai waved his hand with a big gesture, which made him look very bold and unconstrained.

The excitement on the face of Lin Xiaoyao and Zhang Nan disappeared. Instead, he was a little disappointed, but he still put on a smile: "OK, Xiaoyao, they come to us to eat!"

Lin Xiaoyao from the room out of the living room, and then saw Shen ruohai and other people, a little strange expression is not, appears very calm.

When Shen ruohai saw Lin Xiaoyao's face as usual, he was surprised. He thought he was sad for Qin Tianna's failure to contact him!

"Come on, Xiaoyao, they are waiting for us!" Shen ruohai showed a little spoiled smile!

"You go first. I want to wait for my brother." Lin Xiaoyao's words made Shen ruohai's smile suddenly solidified.

"Can you come? Are you waiting for him? " Shen ruohai is a little surprised. Won't Qin Tian get into trouble? He has already informed Gao Shengwang!

"Yes, you go down first. He'll be here in a minute." Lin Xiaoyao said very definitely.

"I see. You wait. Let's go down first." Shen ruohai's face is a little uncomfortable. What's Gao Shengwang doing? Why don't you clean up Qin Tian? If you go back, you won't have a chance!

With a kind of doubt, Shen ruohai and these people went down together, but left Lin Xiaoyao standing alone at the door of the hotel room, feeling a little lost.

But soon, in the corridor, she heard a trace of sound, looked up, can not help but show a happy and happy smile on her face.

This kind of excited mood is and Li Xinran and Qin Tian together when together, this kind of mood is she and Qin Tian alone together only has the excited mood, that is a kind of young girl can't help but the inner feeling!

"Qin Tian, are you ok?" Lin Xiaoyao can't help but restore a lovely and lively look, just now frost hit eggplant instantly become spiritual, as if Qin Tian is his catalyst!

"I don't want to say that. I'm ok. You don't have to worry about me. Instead, I'm worried about you. Will Shen ruohai eat you? Who knows if he will be a lecher in the middle of the night?" Qin Tian said without good breath.

"What do you think? He's not crazy. He dares to move this lady!" When Lin Xiaoyao heard Qin Tian say that he was worried about himself, he felt excited. He took the man's hand and looked like a bird in love with others.

Qin Tian also laughed and put his hand unconsciously on her small waist and pinched it, "did you go to Songshan to get fat? Or is the food of Beidi university so good that you are getting fat? "

"Fart, it's because you haven't looked at my body for too long, so you don't know that this lady's figure is still perfect!"


Qin Tian doesn't want to continue this topic, so don't talk about it anymore. It's not the past.

Seeing a man like this, Lin Xiaoyao is not angry. Instead, she is a little excited. Only when she and Qin Tian come out together to play alone, can she have this feeling of being furtive.

"I thought about our past when I was in Songshan, but I knew we couldn't, so when I came back, I asked Xinran to lend you a loan. I didn't expect that you were really good!" Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Well, I would not have come if I had known that!" Qin Tian didn't like to shake his head, a look of regret.

"Look at you. Tell me, how can I make it up to you?" The woman said this, unconsciously put Qin Tian's wrist closer.

"No, it's all from relatives and friends. What's polite?"

"Then I'm not polite." At this time, the two people walked into the elevator. Lin Xiaoyao didn't know it was the flower infatuation period in the evening. He stood on tiptoe and gave Qin Tian a kiss on the cheek.

Qin Tian doesn't speak, but his expression is helpless.

Because of such a kiss, now their atmosphere is a little different, more like a feeling of lovers, can actually have some ambiguous flavor, do not know what to say.

Fortunately, the elevator soon arrived on the first floor. Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao still walked to the restaurant of the five-star hotel hand in hand.

Even if people who don't live here will come to eat from the outside. It's very luxurious and a good place for dinner.

In the box, Shen ruohai sat in the most conspicuous place, saw Lin Xiaoyao with Qin Tian so intimate to enter, the moment will be full of gas!

His pupil does not live in Qin Tian's body to look at, found that he was still intact, is simply a big fortune ah!

"Xiaoyao, I'll treat you this evening. I'll only invite the students from our intensive education business. This position is reserved for you." Shen ruohai looked at Lin Xiaoyao for the first time and then took a very provocative look at Qin Tian's place.

Seeing here, Lin Xiaoyao was immediately impolite. Dai Mei frowned and said, "I'll invite Qin Tian to eat by myself."

"Are you classmates who don't even give us this face?" Shen ruohai is also a little angry. He really can't stand Lin Xiaoyao's treatment of Qin Tian like this. Why is this?Two students hurriedly said: "OK, just move a stool. Today we celebrate Xiao Yao won the first place in the speech contest!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyao is embarrassed not to sit down, pulling Qin Tian to go, and wants to arrange a stool for him.

"OK, sit down. Can't I afford to have more people?" Shen ruohai said, with a gentle cold hum.

After sitting down, it is the order link. Because it is coming to play, you will not be polite in eating, but refuse to waste, everyone is responsible for ordering two dishes.

The boys had some direct comments when they ordered.

"I rely on you, you are woodlouse, who will come to the Imperial Palace and what kind of stir fry?" All seafood, OK? Here is Australian lobster, here big crab And imported French wine. Some bottles. What kind of beer! "

"I don't think it's rare for Australian lobsters. I think it's enough!"

"Yes, there is also imported red wine. What can't beer do?"

"woodlouse is really, but these two dishes are not worth five thousand yuan. What's the point? Can't our Shen Shao afford Australian lobster? " A boy named Gaoyang wants to eat lobster more and make his classmates order, but this student wants to eat home food.

, "don't shut up and be woodlouse. You can say you're fucking great!" Classmate Li Fei also said that displeasantly.

"in my eyes, you are still a woodlouse. Now you can't afford woodlouse, do you?" Gaoyang pointed to Li Fei's face, proudly said.

Li Fei raised his hand and pushed Gao Yang's hand. They had a limb movement one by one, and then they were pulled apart by others

this scene made Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao laugh.

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