Zhang Nan and other girls also issued a voice to advise, do not quarrel, eat anything can, there is no need to eat Australian lobster.

At this time shenruohai went to call back, and he was surprised to see this scene and asked, "what happened?"

"Gaoyang must eat Australian lobster and crab. It is said that this is where seafood is eaten. We despise our home food!" Li Fei said helplessly.

"Who said we couldn't afford the Australian lobster? How much would you like to eat, but you'll finish it when you order! " Shen ruoheaton retorted.

"I didn't say Shen Shao could not afford it. I just thought I could eat the best we all liked!" "Said Gao Yang.

"What if I ordered it? Can't anyone else eat it! " Asked Li Fei again.

"Ha ha, you have never eaten lobster, I don't want to laugh at you!" Gaoyang said with a cold smile.

In their opinion, Li Fei is not the outbreak of the general? There is something to respect!


Li Fei was upset. He took a slap and picked up the menu. "I'll show you the dishes. It's stinky to suck your mouth. Don't you have any idea?"

"Dare you beat me?" Gaoyang covered his face with his hand. The whole person was frightened. How to bully Li Fei usually is OK. This guy dare to slap his face now!

And there is no omen, in front of the class, he can not help it!

Everyone was scared, because Gaoyang has always been the most arrogant one, Li Fei is the most cowardly one. Now Gaoyang is actually slapped by Qin Tian?

It's incredible!

"What happened to you?" Li Fei's brother son stood out and shouted.

See Li Fei side of the very his people, Gaoyang is also a single wood difficult to support, bite teeth or swallow a breath!

"OK, what is this? I want to order my own, not enough for me to make up! " Shenruohai headache said, it is really rich and poor gap ah.

"Order a dish also fight, there is no need!"

"Yes, although I also want to eat Australian lobster, it is not necessary to order so much!"

"Young people are crazy. They are the people!"

Such a small contradiction does not affect everyone's happiness, the meal continued, we eat and drink while chatting!

Shenruohai watched Lin Xiaoyao sit beside Qin Tian, and whispered with him what, really envy envy hate!

"By the way, can this boy fight, Lin Xiaoyao is so dead to him!"

"Damn it, Lin Xiaoyao usually looks very restrained, now he and Qin Tian's thighs are going to touch together!"

Thinking in mind, shenruohai has been difficult to swallow the food, and those eyes are like poisonous snakes with murderous Qi!

And then he called, and rose and said, "I'll take a call!"

Shen ruohai said to go outside, but it was not the direction of the bathroom.

He went directly to the door of the hotel, his eyes were so gloomy that he was about to connect the phone and a man came in front of him!

"Uncle, how are you here?" The phone was also hung up at this time, which is obviously the phone of the person coming in front of us.

The person who came is not who, is Shen ruohai's uncle, Shen Shi, this is a man of over 40 years old, strong and strong, and his muscles are very strong. When you read the book, you go to be the kind of dead ancient martial arts strong person. His eyes are very sharp. At first glance, he is a man who has a thought of the law.

He looked at shenruohai and said, "I heard you were in Yancheng. Come and see what happened?"

"Uncle, I have some trouble here. I was bullied just now and cheated 10 million!" Shenruohai, I think since the king Gaosheng can not contact, just now he has called, he can rely on his own people!

"Ten million? Who is so arrogant, dare to cheat you 10 million! " Shen Shi's heart a while speechless, the face became very gloomy up!

"It's a person I brought with my classmates. I heard of what assistant she was. Actually, she was the fake boyfriend of this schoolmate. I really can't see it!" Shen ruohai said bitterly.

"If it's a little bit of a fuss between you and my classmates, I'm fine, but since you've been cheated by this guy so much money, I can't ignore it, but I have a little bit of my own business today. I hear you're here, I'll come straight here!" Shen Shi eyes in the flood of a murderous!

He is a person who develops in Yancheng. This guy has close cooperation with Jiangfeng. He has opened his own martial arts museum and also manages Shen family's industry in Yancheng. He is a big guy who can develop business and mix underground. He has entered the strength of dark force!

Such strength is extremely rare in business circle, so he can walk almost horizontally.

Shen family industry is so big, in a sense, because Shen Shi has developed well in Yancheng and has a certain role in helping the head office."You didn't come to help me!" Shen ruohai smiled, and he was flattered for a while!

"The elder Jiangfeng asked me to do something!" Shen Shi said that although he is a great success in dark power, if there is no river wind protection in Yancheng, his strength is still unstable, and can only develop business on the ground.

"That's what it was!" Shenruohai probably guessed it out. He heard Gao Sheng Wang say before. Here is a big guy coming here. He said that Qin Tian could learn from it. It was a mountain of his uncle. It was more interesting. Then, it was not easy to deal with Qin Tiantian?

"How did you get cheated?" Shen Shi said nothing, "you are a very smart person, not like that kind of deceived, and now you are still in the intensive business management, the brain should be very open-minded to be right!"

"I......" Shenruohai thought about it and said, "there was a kid and I just gambled money. I won 10 million with my ancient martial arts. So I hope you can help me teach that guy!"

Sure enough, Shen Shi's face was straight. "How can you bet so big with others? People are still ancient martial arts, not out of the thousands of strange! You guys are not paying money. How many Shen family members are trying to make efforts, but you young masters are losing their families! "

"Uncle, you have learned that I dare not do this again!" Shenruohai pretended to regret his head low, dare not refute what.

Shen Shi hum coldly: "no matter what kind of ancient martial arts he is, I must make him dare to bully our Shen family in Yancheng like this!"

Hearing Shen Shi say this, Shen ruoheaton is relieved directly!

"What about the boy?"

"He is eating with my classmates in the box now!" Shenruohai pointed to it.

"Hum, is that boy coming over with 10 million people to eat and drink? We Shen family money also dare to cheat, you take me over! " Shen Shi said politely.

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