So Shen ruohai took Shen Shi to the restaurant of the hotel.

At this time, we were still eating and drinking. We were surprised to see Shen ruohai coming back, and there was a well-dressed man beside him!

Shen ruohai introduced him to you and said, "this is my uncle, Shen Shi. He is a friend of Jiangfeng, the first underground big man in Yancheng. My uncle is the right arm of Jiangfeng in the underground! Of course, my uncle is not underground. He is in charge of our Shen branch in Yancheng. "

Hearing this, everyone got up to greet and say hello to them. They all envied Shen ruohai's great career. There are such influential people's uncles in Yancheng. Is it really praiseworthy that Shen's family can become the top-ranking powerful family of the imperial capital? It's really powerful!

Seeing everyone's expression like this, Shen ruohai is even more proud, but when his eyes scan Lin Xiaoyao and Qin Tian, he can't help but look gloomy.

Only Lin Xiaoyao and Qin Tian are still sitting there. It seems that you don't take this stone seriously!

Lin Xiaoyao's mind at this time is all in Qin Tian's body. Sitting with him, he feels very happy. He is very happy and happy. Where can he go to manage uncle Shen?

Qin Tian is not surprised to see many people like Shen Shi, not to mention Jiang Feng's friend. If he knew Jiang Feng's attitude towards himself, he would be more filial than a dog.

But there is no need to publicize, the more low-key, the more interesting.

Seeing that Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao are so intimate, Shen ruohai can't bear it. Looking at Qin Tian, he says angrily, "uncle, this is this guy. This is the eldest lady of the Lin family."

Shen Shi looked at Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao with gloomy eyes, and said impolitely, "is the eldest lady of the Lin family with such a liar?"

"We came here together. Of course, we are together. Is it reasonable that we should be with young master Shen of your family?" Qin Tian's words are very casual.

Seeing Qin Tian's lazy attitude, Shen Shi showed no respect for him. He immediately turned gloomy and said coldly, "boy, I heard that you cheated my nephew's ten million with Gu Wu? When our Shen family's money is so easy to cheat? "

When other students saw that Shen ruohai's uncle came for this matter, and it was still 10 million yuan, they suddenly became nervous. In fact, they were secretly enjoying themselves and told you to pretend to be. Now they are finally pretending to be something?

They have long been unhappy with Qin Tian. Now they can appreciate the feeling of Qin Tian being beaten. It's really not too exciting!

So they didn't eat or drink. They stood and watched as if they were watching a good play. They allowed Lin Xiaoyao and Qin Tian to eat and drink. It seemed that they had some shameless feeling.

"Ha ha, gambling is gambling. There is always risk. Moreover, I'm not gambling with your nephew, but gambling with Gao Sheng Wang, the king of gambling. If your nephew loses his own money, he blames me?" Qin Tian thought it was funny. It seemed that he was not afraid of the stone.

Shen Shi was even more angry when he saw Qin Tian. He said, "I don't care if you are a liar or won with Gu Wu. If you dare to take advantage of our Shen family in Yancheng, and it's still 10 million yuan, I can't forgive you. Now you'd better kneel down and kowtow to me, and then take out the check, maybe I can spare you!"

"Kneel down and kowtow again. Can you play something new?" Qin Tian was speechless for a while.

"If you want to play fresh, I have a hundred ways to kill you!" Shen Shi said calmly.

his tone is very overbearing, his attitude is very arrogant, has arrived at the stage of lawlessness, of course, it feels like he has the final say here.

Shen Shi continued to curse: "Shen ruohai, how can you cheat like this when you lose money? Let your uncle deal with me. You are too small a son of the Shen family? "

"What, you say I'm small?" Shen ruohai's face became serious, "you cheated my money, but also said I was a small family?"? Is ten million less? "

"Lin Xiaoyao, I respect you a little. I used to be polite to you. Now don't be shameless. Don't you say something to me like this?" Shen ruohai said unhappily.

"What do I say? You've been targeting Tiange all the time, and blame me?" Lin Xiaoyao was speechless. For the first time, he saw that he couldn't catch up with him. There was no one else!

"Well, if you don't plead for him, don't blame me for being rude." Shen ruohai looks vicious at Qin Tian, as if he has been sentenced to death.

"Now it's a place to eat, and we've only eaten a third of it. Can't we eat more than that?" Qin Tian continued to eat, and it was really boring to see them standing.

His tone is very calm, but it makes people feel that this guy is arrogant and invincible.

Shen Shi also sparkled in his eyes, and his eyes released a cold light. With a strong murderous spirit in his angry eyes, he said with pity: "do you want me to wait for you to eat? And then? ""Then kneel down and apologize to me, and ask for a hundred million dollars of spiritual loss, otherwise I won't forgive you lightly!" Qin Tian said impolitely that he was eating a mouthful of ginseng soup and enjoying himself incomparably.

The other people are directly confused. This guy is crazy, and he is still crazy!

the mental loss cost is 100 million yuan? Thanks to his ability to think it out, he is not dying, just say so?

Shen ruohai and Shen Shi are also dull. Their eyes have some incredible light. They have seen too many arrogant people, and ignorant people know how miserable the consequences are. But now when they see Qin Tian, they really haven't seen this type. Is it too overbearing? Or is it stupid?

"You're afraid you're going to die, so you have to eat enough and save time to be a starving ghost? Do you know what a hundred million is? " Shen Shi asked darkly.


What responds to Shen Shi is Qin Tian's voice of drinking bone soup.

"One hundred million is the concept that I want your whole family to die!" Shen Shi said angrily.

"Well?" This is still qintian can not eat, raised his head to see, eyes can not help flooding with a trace of anger.

"What strength do you dare to be arrogant in front of me? You want to deal with my family even if you can't get through me? " Qin Tian was a little angry.

"Boy, I'll tell you the truth. My martial art is dark stone boxing. It's extremely fierce. My internal strength is determined by the northern people's level. I'm a little master in the male side." In Shen Shi's eyes, his eyes suddenly flashed like firelight, showing a trace of coldness.

All the students who were present heard that it was dark strength Dacheng or a master. They all cried out in surprise.

Master level people, one punch can break all the muscles and bones of people, ah, today Qin Tian is bound to die! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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