Everyone was stunned. I don't know how Qin Tian flew the stone. This situation can't be too shocking.

And now they can see that the stone was directly hit and flew out, and then fell to the ground, showing a look of extreme pain. Besides, no one can see where the stone was hurt!

"How are you now, uncle?" The instant change let Shen ruohai are stunned, can't believe looking at the uncle in front of him, hurriedly went up and directly helped Shen Shi up!

"Don't move!" Shen Shi's face was a little uncomfortable at this time, holding a breath, and then he couldn't hold back. He vomited blood directly!

Seeing this, Shen Shi's face turned pale, just like a piece of white paper. Although Shen Shi didn't say anything, he was very clear that his martial arts had been abolished by Qin Tian!

Just now, Qin Tian hit him on the chest with such a powerful force, which broke his meridians and ruined his martial arts. In such a serious internal injury, it is really difficult to recover in the future!

"If you want your little life, you should be honest at last. You should know what to do!" Qin Tian's voice is very quiet, even can't hear his words have any serious meaning, just like chatting with people casually!

Shen Shi looks at Qin Tian in front of him. He finally understands that this is a great master with Dan Jin and above!

This kind of person can beat him back by understatement. What's more, his martial arts are so strong and precise. Isn't it a great master or something?

Generally, people with small dark strength can't kill him with one move, but Qin Tian can do it, which shows that his strength is indeed this realm, and has reached the point where he feels extremely scared!

Looking at Qin Tian's young face, Shen Shi and his indifferent voice, Shen Shi's pupil is gradually enlarged. There is no doubt that Qin Tian is the young genius who has come out of the martial arts competition of three cities to stir up the game and defeat the master!

He is the God that makes his heart awe incomparably, a strong man who makes him feel extremely frightened. It is really stupid to provoke such a person himself!

But how could he bet that such a person would eat here, and still make a quarrel with his nephew, which is unreasonable!

Shen Shi sat on the ground thinking, panic to the extreme, pushed away Shen ruohai's hand, directly knelt down to Qin Tian, trembling and locking: "I don't know you are the great master again. I shouldn't have offended you!"

"I also hope master Qin can spare my life. My martial arts skills have been abolished. I just want to live with this little life!"

Shen Shi also knocked his head directly on the ground, which seemed to be a man without any dignity!

This scene let the students at the scene were stunned, each face showed an incredible look!

Who could have thought that after Shen Shi's attitude of being courteous before and after, he should kneel down and beg for mercy. Such a sudden change in painting style is so fast that his family can't even change it, and he can't resist it!

Shen ruohai's look is even more astonished. This is his uncle. The Shen family is in charge of the lifeblood in Yancheng. Such a person should kneel down to Qin Tian, the boy?

"Uncle, what are you doing? Did you just throw in the towel? "

"Hum, you must kneel down, or master Qin will never forgive you!" Shen Shi looks at Shen ruohai and scolds him fiercely.

If this silly nephew didn't let him come to help him, he would go to Jiangfeng directly. Where would he participate in this matter? Now it's really a stranger at home and abroad!

Who would like to provoke such a great master? Isn't this the existence of seeking death? You Shen ruohai wants to die, but I don't want to die. This is the situation now!

Shen ruohai is also surprised and suspicious at the moment. He hasn't responded. What's going on!

Shen Shi looked at Qin Tian's continued eating and ignored his appearance. He was even more panicked and worried. He couldn't stop cursing: "you're such an evil pen. Get down on your knees. Do you want to die? Mr. Qin is the Supreme Master. Hurry up, or you will die! "

"Great master?" Shen ruohai doesn't know the division of these martial arts realm, because it's too chaotic. At present, he just feels very surprised. He knows that his uncle is a little grandmaster. Is Qin Tian a higher man?

What is the difference between small and large, he thought it was a bit incredible, after all, such a person, if the future realm is higher, then it is unimaginable!

Anyway, now my uncle is so afraid and afraid of Qin Tian, and he hurt his uncle. He must have used some evil means.

Qin Tian didn't show any amazing talent and strength. It was just a move. Shen ruohai thought that he was just lucky. He suppressed his anger and said, "uncle, you are a member of the Shen family. You can't kneel down to this boy. If you are afraid of him, you can go to Jiangfeng boss directly. Can't the first underground boss of Yancheng do anything He can't? "Shen ruohai now feels that even if Qin Tian is more powerful than his uncle, he admits, but there are many powerful masters in Yancheng, not to mention Jiangfeng, the boss of the first underground organization. He is a big guy who may kill them at any time!

Now the whole Yancheng is the territory of Jiangfeng. Qin Tian is a man. How can he fight against such a City boss as Jiangfeng?

Shen Shi saw that Shen ruohai was unconvinced. He also advised him not to kneel down, but to find Jiangfeng himself. He was so angry that he wanted to say that a great master of Qi was far from being a local big man!

Try to think about it. Although you have tens of millions of soldiers, it is useless. No one can hurt the great master. On the contrary, the great master can kill you in the protection of tens of thousands of people!

This is strength, and this is the respect that ancient martial artists should have. Otherwise, how can so many people cultivate ancient martial arts without paying any attention to power and wealth?

But just when Shen Shi was about to say something, a few people came in outside the restaurant and came towards them!

Shen Zuoshi is the first person to see a fight in the restaurant, so some of his friends are not sure when they see him!

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