He didn't dare to be careless. Are there any powerful people in the middle age of these people?

At present, he picked up the phone and called Jiangfeng directly. This restaurant is Jiangfeng's industry. Under normal circumstances, he will come here to meet guests when he has something to do. The person who will meet today is naturally Shen Shi, because they need to discuss the plan of going to Panshi area to do things.

Just did not expect to happen Gao Shengwang and Shen ruohai things, leading him now do not know what to do.

It is said that Shen Shi kneels down to people. After receiving the information, Jiang Feng comes out directly. He walks in front of him in a fierce manner. He is also followed by several tall and strong bodyguards. This makes people in the restaurant hide far away. They know that he must be a big man and dare not to get close to him, because that is a very difficult existence!

At this time, Jiang Feng's mood is very bad. I met Qin Tian before and became a grandson. Now I don't know what kind of big man is coming again and makes Shen Shi kneel down. It must be hard to get into trouble?

Of course, even if it's not easy to be provoked, we should give him face. As the No.1 underground man in Songshan, he still has absolute confidence to suppress each other, or let the other party give himself face. This is his idea.

There were people in the box, and they were all standing. Only Qin Tian sat there to eat. Suddenly, the river breeze didn't see the very hidden Qin Tian over there. Looking at the Shen Shi kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help being surprised: "Mr. Shen, who made you kneel down?"

His tone is very angry, very surprised, as if you, this is not to my Jiangfeng disgrace? It's good to say that you are the right arm of my River breeze. It's not embarrassing for me, isn't it?

When Shen Shi saw that Jiangfeng boss was coming, he said: "boss Jiang, I knelt down for myself. I'm really sorry!"

Jiang Feng was more surprised when he heard the speech. Before waiting for what he said, Shen ruohai jumped over directly and said excitedly, "boss Jiang, I can't believe you're here. I'm Shen Shi's nephew. I'm from the imperial capital. I've seen the legendary people. They're so strong and powerful. They're so amazing

Facing Shen ruohai's ecstasy, Jiangfeng did not have any mood, but asked, "how did your uncle kneel?"

Seeing the anger and impatience between Jiang Feng and Mei Yu, Shen ruohai knew that this matter must be right. He turned and pointed to a eating Qin Tian and said, "that's the boy. He must have used some evil means to cause my uncle's martial arts to be useless. You should be careful. You'd better invite all your experts here, while he is not full !”

"Which one?" River wind around the people, saw the table on the edge of Qin Tian, almost no direct urine to directly scared out, that is a shiver!

Qin Tian's appetite is very good, sitting on the table side of the wind, eating slowly, it seems that no matter what happens on the door!

Jiangfeng's strong muscles trembled. Without saying a word, he knelt down directly to Qin Tian who was sitting there eating, and stood side by side with Shen Shi!

This action is to let the whole audience were shocked, a face showing an incredible look, a mouth is about to close, this is what happened?

I thought this was a big man who was more powerful than Shen Shi. The matter should be solved. But who could have thought that boss Shen didn't get angry and didn't vent his anger on Qin Tian and threaten him. Instead, he knelt down directly!

They didn't see the means of the No.1 underground man in Yancheng. What they saw was that he and Shen Shi were lying on the ground like a dog and kneeling respectfully to Qin Tian. It was a bit of a surprise that he was frightened and respectful!

What's wrong with the world? Why are you so crazy?

Shen ruohai and Zhang Nan and other students, more than a dozen people, now have eyes staring at the dog, can't speak, even breathing will stop the same!

For the first time, they saw such a big man who could call on the wind and rain, and kneel down to someone who didn't know his identity!

They suddenly remembered that Qin Tian said that there was a big man on wechat who said that Hei Wushang was his student and said he would not come to trouble. Was it because Qin Tian knew more powerful experts in Yancheng?

Shen ruohai also thought that Qin Tianming had offended Gao Shengwang, and Gao Shengwang also said that he would settle accounts with him, but this guy can come down intact, which makes people feel shocked!

We are more and more frightened. Although this fact is hard to be believed, it is the case in front of us, so we have to let them believe this fact, because it is the case. You can't believe it or have no way to do it!

It's enough to make Shen Shi, the leader of the Shen family, the imperial capital, kneel down together with the big man of the first underground organization in Yancheng. Such an identity background is enough to make people feel afraid and worship!

Lin Xiaoyao's beautiful eyes twinkled and looked at Qin Tian inconceivably. No wonder this guy said he was not afraid of revenge before. It was like this!

It seems that Qin Tianyu really has something to rely on, and it is still a greater force. Just like the Jiang Heng he said before, he should be a stronger man. Otherwise, how could the river breeze be like a dog?What is the real strength of Qin Tian? From Songshan to Shanghai, to the present northern capital, he has a strong personal background. Everywhere he goes, he is an absolute big man, and everyone should kneel down in awe of him.

Lin Xiaoyao finds that he can't see the man in front of him. He just feels that Qin Tian's identity is more and more mysterious and his strength is more and more terrible. This feeling makes him want to know Qin Tian more and more.

If Qin Tian is strong to a certain extent, what he can have is not only a woman, but also has the opportunity to speak frankly, isn't it?

"Master Qin, I feel sorry for you. I didn't manage the people around me well, and Shen Shi offended you. It's really a shame!" Jiangfeng lowered his head and did not dare to see Qin Tian. His voice was shaking and his whole body was sweating.

He repeatedly offended Qin Tian. I'm afraid this time it's a bit dangerous. I don't know what to say.

"Shen Shi, your friend, took the lead for his nephew, saying that I cheated him by 10 million yuan, and also said that one hundred million yuan sold my whole family. Shen ruohai of the Shen family can't be better!" Qin Tian's tone is blue yuan Yue's opening, with a chill in his voice.

"What's the matter with you? You still have one hundred million yuan to buy master Qin's family?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but shiver, looked at Shen Shi, slapped him directly, and then angrily said, "Shen Shi, are you really bold or have no brain? He is the awe inspiring hero of the three cities. He has been sold in the imperial capital several times. Mr. Jiang Heng is in awe of him. Do you dare to buy his family? "

Shen Shi's face was instantly drawn blood fingerprints by Jiangfeng. He could only kowtow and say, "I don't know that master Qin in front of me is a hero of martial arts in three cities. I just know that I will kill my nephew directly. I dare not show any disrespect to master Qin!"

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