"Well, it's late now. Your nephew is going to kill master Qin. This is a very serious problem." Jiangfeng didn't want to carry the pot. He threw it directly to Shen Shi and Shen ruohai. He was a apology. After all, I didn't do it. What else can I do?

"Master Qin blames us. Don't say it's our nine headed snakes. Even if you Shen family is going to die, don't drag me!" Jiangfeng also gnawed his teeth and said that he hated iron but not steel in his heart. He sheltered Shen Shi to create a foundation business underground, developed commerce, and mixed Fengshui with water. The result is good. This guy has caused himself such a big thing. Can he survive?

"Life experience, I've really been down for eight generations. I declare that all of your Shen family's property in Yancheng will go to hell. You can't do underground business any more. Clean up all your things. I'm going to uproot all your Shen's property in Yancheng!" River breeze turns head to look at Shen Shi, direct angry gush scold way.

If you lose the opportunity to develop in Yancheng, the loss for the Shen family is not 100 million yuan, and there are also some contracts. If you can't do this, you can have a pot of wine for yourself if you can't do it!

Shen Shi's face was as pale as death at this time. This punishment really made the Shen family suffer an unprecedented blow. It will soon be transformed from the top family of the imperial capital into those second-class families that are inferior to the Lin family and the Zhang family!

Maybe some underground organizations and some people who have been provoked in the future will come to him for trouble. This is not easy to do!

Shen ruohai is also scared to be silly. Jiang Feng's words are not just words. He knows that if this underground big man opens his mouth, he will certainly do it by saying it, and will never be vague. In this way, he will not be the second generation of the top rich. He will even bow his head in front of Lin Xiaoyao!

From the moment of wealth to a sinner of the Shen family, this feeling made him close to collapse, some unacceptable.

It's all Lin Xiaoyao, it's all about racing, it's about gambling, it's all about

His heart can not stop complaining, in the blood, the mood of regret filled his whole chest!

Zhang Nan and others were scared to death when they saw that a super big man like Jiang Feng wanted to please Qin Tian because he was afraid of Qin Tian's strength and wanted to suppress the Shen family's power in Yancheng!

They are all afraid of being in such a team!

What's more, they even ridiculed him as an assistant from the slums. Now it's really shameful to think about it. His face is burning hot. I don't know how many slaps he got. It's very hard!

They all want to kneel down, but do not dare to bear this matter, can only obediently shrink on the wall, looking at Shen ruohai, who is full of despair, silent like a cicada, for fear of being angry!

Shen ruohai collapsed and stagnated for a long time before he regained his mind. He raised his head and looked at Qin Tian. His voice was shaking. "Elder brother Qin, today is the first time we met. I really don't know that you are such a great master. Can I give you 100 million yuan now? I'll give you all the apologies I can get. Let me and our Shen family go? I'll take the consequences alone! "

"Ha ha, one hundred million?" Qin Tian couldn't help but smile: "you're the master of the Shen family. Can you only get one hundred million yuan?"

"If you really want to spend money on your life, don't want to live without a billion dollars!" Qin Tian seems to be smiling, and he has no pity at all. For this rich second generation, he has to kill and kill people with extremely cruel means. Otherwise, they always want to revenge. After all, in their subconscious, they want to spend money to do things.

It is to spend money, anyway, they don't need them to do it, so there are such things as revenge in succession. Qin Tian absolutely doesn't want to see this kind of thing happen. Today's identity let them know, and tomorrow they may launch an attack on Li's medicine!

Therefore, for these people absolutely can't have a little pity for the mind, directly let them half dead on the line!

"One billion?"

Shen Shi and Shen ruohai are shocked. This is an astronomical number!

Zhang Nan and others are also shocked. Let alone a billion yuan, it is a hundred million yuan. They can't make it in their lifetime, but Qin Tian can get it in one day. Is such a big guy comparable to any family? Can any underground organization resist it?

"Yes, I won't embarrass you. Everyone has a billion dollars. Whoever takes it out can live!" Qin Tian's eyes are very indifferent, the corner of his mouth still has a trace of playful smile.

Jiangfeng gets up from the ground, and then directly pulls Shen ruohai. It makes him spin like a top, and falls to the ground in a daze. He is blind!

"Call quickly to prepare the money, just say that I Jiangfeng let you take it. If you can't get one billion yuan, you don't want to leave. Tonight is your death date!" Jiang Feng knows that taking money instead of Qin Tian is a way to get rid of the crime.

So he went up against the difficulties and helped Qin Tian to top the pot. When the Shen family wanted to revenge, he would be willing to do so, right?

"Well, I have. I have worked hard for more than 20 years, and I can still bring out one billion yuan, but it takes time, and it is not something that can be solved in one night." Shen Shi doesn't care whether Shen ruohai is alive or dead. He has to protect his life first.It is more important to be able to keep a life, and it is more important to be true than anything, because such a thing is so. What is the use of you to keep more money when you are going to die?

"Well, all of this will make Jiang Feng take care of it. I need 2 billion yuan to my account in a week. Otherwise, you three will die!"

Another understatement, let the river wind shake themselves, originally he may not have to die, now unexpectedly fell into, suddenly there is a good wisdom but by the sense of cleverness!

"OK, OK, give it to me!" The wind is also a belly of fire, facing Shen Shi is a slap past.

"You go to prepare, your nephew I come to control, if you can not take money, Shen family will die!" Jiang Feng is not polite, and he will vent his anger to Shen family in a moment. If he can't pay, he will also make money himself. Otherwise, he will die, isn't he?

So so much money, then no matter, must be open-minded, no one will read any feelings!

At this time, all the people were already shocked. At this moment, they felt that the boss of Jiangfeng was not so terrible. The young man who sat in front of them eating all the time in his seat was the real terror big man!

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