Max Level Newbie

43. The New World (2)

a speech in which there is not a grain of respect for God

But Hokulus did not reproach his attitude.

It was because I didn't expect it in the first place.

It was too much to ask for courtesy if you were looking at the strange yet greedy energy inside him.

Hokulus looked at the old man with a serious stiff face.

'What a terrible mix, ······.'

He must have adapted his body in all sorts of miscellaneous ways.

After staring at the old man for a few seconds, Hokulus slowly opened his mouth.

"Are you going to tell me your wish without taking the test?"

"Oh, that's right. You had to take the test even after you broke that door, right? All right. Send anything out. I'll take care of it right away."

He is so confident that he can't get to the bottom.

But it was a fully understood attitude.

It was no exaggeration to say that the strength of the current old man was the best of the people who came to him to take the test.

'······불칸보다도 더. The test is nothing more than a formality.’

Hokulus summoned the demons under the authority of the general manager.

The most violent ones in Act II's most difficult "Light in the Dark."

They were scary enough to make even brave men nervous, but the old man was calm.

No, it was rather smiling.

A face as bright as a child growing up ahead of a hearty meal.

He jumped between the demons before Hokulus could even open his mouth.




Just three attacks.

With two blows and one kick, the demons lost their lives.

a sheer gulf

But Hokulus was not surprised.

It was because I knew this would happen in the first place.

He sighed and looked at the old man with a confused look on his face.

'If the author tries to get on Act 3,'.'·.'.''

So if you are recognized as a formal god, what method should you use?

How on earth can I lead that wicked, terrible man to the right path?

Hokulus was in agony.

Not all of the people who had been officially appointed as gods were good people.

Some were greedy, some were selfish or cold-blooded.

However, not a single person was judged to be impossible to cultivate like the old man in front of them.

I wonder if he's been raised in the world of course.

But this wasn't the end.

A series of more shocking events happened.

"Laughing. This, by the way, is unbearable.


a trump card

An old man who finished battle and looked at the bodies of demons with eyes glistening with desire.

He lifted them up and began to munch.

"What, what!"

An embarrassing Hokulus voice rang out, but the old man did not care.

To split and ingest corpses with one's own mouth and another on the side of the stomach like a shredder.

The old man burped loudly and smiled contentedly, as Hoculus looked embarrassed at the magical sight of disappearing in a flash, even though it was larger than his own body.

He said so.

"You say again. I'll tell you my wish."


A hokulus standing in a hollow temple.

Overall, he had a serious look and a little relief mixed in.

A single word popped out of his mouth.

"Is this a good thing?"

The old man, as he feared, rose to Act 3 and became no official god.

He only said his wish and left his seat quietly.

No, the wish itself was to move him to another place, so the expression "quietly left" may be inaccurate.

After all, the situation was much better settled than he thought.

The place he moved to was where he didn't have to care no matter how hard he hit.

'······어떻게 보면 그놈에게 가장 어울리는 장소기도 하군.’

Even so, it was unclear why he walked directly into such a dangerous place.

I didn't even want to understand.

Hokulus shook his head like a man trying to force his memory of the terrible past.

'I want to take a break, ·····.'.'

I didn't put much effort, but I was very tired.

He unfolded his index finger and drew a line in the air.

Blue was poured out of the thinly stirred space along his fingers, and a rectangular mysterious portal was completed.

With a sigh, he tried to walk inside with his left hand on his forehead, but again he felt someone coming into the temple.

Hokulus frowned slightly.

This is because he was not happy to have a job when he was desperate for a break.

However, as soon as I saw the person inside, the feeling disappeared as if it were washed away.

Indeed, Hokulus, who faced the face he had seen for the first time in a long time, looked pleased.

"Bulcan! Welcome!"


Unlike Act 1, which stopped by every few years in global time, Act 2 was a blanks with little traffic.

Because there was no close friend in Act 2.

I knew that Hokulus and Honus had good feelings for him, but there was also a reason why I felt burdened and deliberately had less time.

For that reason, the two met face to face after a long time ago.

But there wasn't much to talk about.

After defeating the king of the underworld, Vulcan only enjoyed the life of the lower world, and Hoculus also had a fixed job, so there was not much to talk about.

Hokulus, who had just happened with an old man, but didn't want to talk about it.

He unraveled his recent connection between the Vulcan and those who might be his link.

"I see. I thought it was going to be Cheongpung soon, but Clutus did, ·····."."."

"Well, I thought he'd be a god one day, sooner or later. I might be stronger than you now. Haha."

"Well, I've been busy playing and eating, ·····.""

The Vulcan had a condescending look on his face.

It wasn't a shameful past, but it was because it sounded like what you did while someone who was far below grew up like this.

But I didn't care much.

There was a lot of time.

If you also work hard after going up to Act 3, you will have to work hard.

Vulcan spoke quickly, thinking of the "Act3" monsters that are certain to be different from Act2.

"Well, shall we go over to Act 3 and talk about what we haven't we?”

"Well, I didn't have anything else to say. Honus has more to say to you than I do.”

"음······ 그건 좀······."

"Haha, I'll go anyway. I was just about to go, too, ······."."

Hokulus, as before, made the door, and said as he walked in.

"Follow me."

As soon as the story comes out, Hokulus works with great speed.

On the other hand, Vulcan looked a little hesitant.

It was because I had been preparing for the next step since I raised my successor, but when I was about to move on, I felt strange tension.

Moreover, the current situation was a little different from when we entered Act 2.

At that time, regardless of his will, he had to go to save the world.

But now it was only up to Act 3 with his own will, to satisfy his desires.

There was no choice but to feel different.

"······뭐, 똑같겠지. You're a newbie again, and if you try, you're a full-level here."

The short-breathed bullcahn tried to lift up the mana and remove the tension.

Then he quickly jumped into the square portal.

a little dizziness And a strong enough light to make it hard to open your eyes.

As he raised his hand to cover his face with the feeling that the fierce light stream was penetrating his eyelids, the Vulcan slowly opened his eyes when he realized that the surrounding landscape had changed.

And, of course, an ear-picking alarm.

A ring.


[Main Quest: Be recognized by the Supreme Master.]

[Difficulty level X (based on Asgard)]

[One wish to reward, face the supreme deity]

*Get the recognition of Asgard and the supreme god who takes care of all human beings.

The condition of achieving a rather abstract quest.

But the Vulcan did not mind.

It was abstract because Act 2 was the same.

If hunting and training were repeated to become the strongest and the best in Act 3, the nobleman would not have admitted himself.

After thinking, Vulcan slowly turned his head and looked around.

And the outpouring of exclamations.


A beautiful and fresh scene that had never been seen before unfolded before the eyes of the Vulcan.

Beautiful flowers and trees that fill a well-groomed green forest.

And the cute and mysterious animals walking leisurely there.

The beautiful fountains and sculptures in places were so beautiful that even he could not take his eyes off the art.

It's as if you've moved the "Paradise" from the Bible.

Vulcan was busy looking at the ecstatic landscape, and turned to the god who ate the coveted fruit from the tree.

[Sin Romeo]


[Physical Level: 1145Lv]

[Relastic Level : 290Lv]

[Psychology: Goodness, mildness]

[potential: best]

* God in charge of the Romero dimension. have considerable knowledge of the wind

A much higher level than yourself.

It was a blister that awakened by it.

'Yes,··· 이곳은 이곳은, this was Act III.'

The blanks almost relaxed because of the beautiful scenery around them.

However, there was no time to enjoy the scenery so leisurely.

Like the six zones who were constantly seeking strength, he was now a warrior, or wizard, who was eager for higher ground.

For Vulcan, who had gained greater strength and had known the pleasure of striking with a much stronger opponent, there was little use in such a resort-like space.

He looked at Hokulus standing beside him in silence.

"The starting point of Act 3 is very beautiful, ····, but I don't think it's where I need it."

A large deep breath of Bulk added a sentence.

"Now, which way is the hunting ground?"


Hokulus looks at Vulcan with a face that says he doesn't know English.

Vulcan thought he didn't hear him properly and repeated what he said earlier.

"I'm going to hunt monsters now, which way should I go?"

"There's nothing like that in Act 3?”


"I said no such thing."

When a totally unexpected word came out of Hokulus' mouth, the Vulcan became a mute look.

Hokulus, who noticed that he was embarrassed, added a horse.

"Oh, I see. You were a human being. So you didn't know anything, 게 게······."

Nodding his head a couple of times, he gave a step-by-step explanation for the Vulcan, who was still embarrassed.

"This is where Act 3 is all about. It's an endless paradise, a resting place for the gods. So there's no hunting ground.”

"What? Wasn't Asgard a place where everything needed to be strong?"


"Then isn't Act 3 supposed to have the same,···, 몬, or something like a real-life monster, or a spiritual,···, ?", ?", ?"?"



Vulcan, who had nothing to say about the determined Hokulus' words, looked at him with a soft look.

In his eyes, demanding further clarification, Hokulus spoke slowly and clearly.

"The people in Act 1 and Act 2 have plenty of room for physical development. In other words, it's an imperfect vessel, ··· 하지만, but if you're a person who's capable enough to reach Act 3 by any route, it's no longer physically difficult to make progress. Of course, it can develop a little bit, but it's almost a limit. Oh, you could be an exception to the player, but..."


"Anyway, it's too much to gain strength through harsh training and combat. And it's almost impossible to bring out demons and monsters comparable to the gods. Well, it could be possible if you went directly into the horse-riding world.

"Then how can I be strong?”

Facing the intense gaze of the Vulcan, Hokulus remained silent for a moment.

After a few seconds of suffocating time to burn the Vulcan, Hoculus joined and slowly dropped both hands.

And a mysterious scene that unfolds before your eyes, as if you've moved the world.

His voice was heard in the ear of the Vulcan looking blankly at Hokulus, each embracing five dynamic worlds.

"This is the five Meyers-level worlds I'm protecting. These are the handovers I rule."


"You too rule your world. So if you get faith from could be stronger."

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