Max Level Newbie

44. Unfit clothes

That's all Hokulus said.

Vulcan, who had never thought of his answer, tried to ask several questions, but Hoculus shook his head and said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a little tired, so I'd like to take a break. I'll get someone to explain in detail for me, so wait here for a moment."

You can't rush me to say that.

Vulcan watched Hokulus leave, pressing down on the rising curiosity.

Several gods around him looked at him with an interesting look, but did not enter the eyes of the Vulcan.

I just want someone to explain it to me sooner or later.

Fortunately, the wind in the Vulcan came shortly after.

The space was cut as sharp as it was before, and a square blue door appeared.

And when he saw a tooth coming out through the door, Vulcan almost frowned unknowingly.

"It's been a long time. Vulcan. Then it's going to be a long story, so let's move the place."

said Horculus' brother, Honus, stroking his long beard.


"So far, did you get it?”

"···네네네, to some extent."

As Vulcan expected, Honus' explanation was long and long.

A few minutes' explanation to put it simply to the point.

However, due to Honus' unique way of speaking, the story was over an hour and close to two hours later, and the Vulcan had to try to hide its expression of boredom.

'It was much easier when Mr. Fielder explained Asgard.'

Compared to Honus, he realized how well Fielder explained.

Vulcan closed his eyes for a moment and began summarizing and organizing only the important parts of what Honus had said.

"The reason for bringing masters to Asgard is to train God, to protect the summer from demons."

tens of thousands of dimensions

Three to five handovers in each dimension.

And one demon that exists on every dimension, which is aimed at the human race.

It was the role of the gods to protect the handmaiden from the devil, and at the heart of what Honus said.

Thinking so far, Vulcan opened his eyes and asked Honus a question.

"Then bring together masters from all levels of Asgard, ·······"

"That's right. It's to raise as many gods as possible, because the number of gods is far short of the dimensions to protect." Of course not all horsemen are powerful enough to invade the human world, but when they will grow up so much, 쯧."

"I see. So was the Earth invaded due to the lack of God's numbers?"

"It's heartbreaking to see the world so invaded, but we can't just leave our world alone and go to help other dimensions."

"No, I didn't blame you. It's been solved. I just wanted to know. And may I ask you some more questions?"

Bringing up this remark, Vulcan managed to hold back his laughter.

It was funny that I heard the long explanation and kept asking questions.

Honus nodded, and the blanks solved the questions one by one.

"So the gods of Act 3 are all in charge of one dimension? And build strength through the faith of the summer people?"

"You're most right. Many people gain their spiritual power with the power of faith and love, and protect the world with its power. The God of God says that if you gather more than a certain number of gods, you can be reborn as a more powerful being, but there's no God to that extent yet.”

"Isn't the power of the supreme god enough to destroy everything? 제 두 번째 소원······ 그러니까 차원 하나의 시간을 통째로 돌릴 정도의 능력이라면, 마계의 마왕 따위 가뿐할 것 같은데······."

"He's putting all his energy into maintaining this world. We are taking care of much more worlds besides our own, and the devil, including the devil, can't easily come over, and even if it comes over, it comes to a very restrained state."

"Then, on the contrary, can't the gods go directly into the world of witchcraft? As far as I know, a god as powerful as Hokulus, I think even the devil can finish it at once."

This was what Vulcan was most curious about.

In fact, he was disappointed with Act3 throughout listening to Honus' explanation.

It was for his own desire and pleasure that he left the earth, and for the Vulcan, joy was a battle full of tension with himself and with stronger enemies.

Of course, according to Honus, a stronger force can be obtained by ruling the lower world, but that's a completely different way than he thought.

In a way, it was not much different from what he had done on Earth so far.

'I'm tired of being a Devil Man on Earth, so I'm here.'

Now we need to rule them and bring out faith because we need to protect the lower world.

The mere mention of it seemed to be boring, and on top of that, even burdensome.

That's why I asked this question.

It didn't matter much if Hokulus could beat the devil.

It's only important whether you can go to the horse market and fight.

Sadly, however, Honus's answer betrayed his wishes.

"Never! Never!"

Honus, who speaks in a very strong tone, unlike before.

Surprised by the sudden yell, the Vulcan tried to say something, but Honus was a step faster than that.

"Don't even think about going directly into the horse business. Just as the devil's invasion of the human race weakens his strength, the gods also have great restrictions when they go over to the horse kingdom. And the king's strength varies greatly depending on each horse. If you jump to the horse market and meet a powerful man among the kings of the devil, ···."·."."."


"And the devil, including the devil, will come back after a while, so there's no point in punishing them. They're the ones born with the magic of the horseback riding. Of course, it takes quite a while for a new king to be born, but it's ridiculous to invade the world directly for a moment's peace."

Honus, who spoke up to this point, took a moment to pause, and added, "I have a stern look on my face."

"Just in case, don't even think about going to horseback riding. From now on, you're the official god. Not a divine being, but a true god. Keep in mind that countless lives of the human race are in your hands, and value your life. There's not much God himself who knows how to get over to the horse business."


Hearing Honus' stern warning, Vulcan had no choice but to nod.

That's how the Vulcan Act 3 began.


It took some time for Vulcan to formally rise to the position of God and be assigned dimensions.

It was because the Vulcan knew so little that it could leave a dimension to it without any hesitation.

With the help of Hokulus, Vulcan was able to observe some gods managing the summer, and realized that this was a very difficult task.

The case of Hokulus, who has been in the position of God for more than 20,000 years, showed a great performance.

Sometimes like his brother, and sometimes like his father, he mingled with men in the lower world without any sense of incompatibility, but was worshipped, loved and respected in one body, showing the dignity of God properly if necessary.

Watching humans and other tribes happily lead their lives without any major misfortune, Vulcan looked back at Hokulus.

On the other hand, his most recent friend, Clutus, showed an apologetic creak to compare with Hokulus.

He began to interfere one by one because he could not see any conflicts between humans, and was at last complaining about his handling of the matter.

a state far short of being a reliable god

'The level of physical strength is also low, ···· 물론 물론 물론, although the time itself is very different.'

When I talked to Clutus, who came up to Asgard to rest, it seemed that he was suffering a lot.

I laughed when I saw his grumbling face, saying, "It would have been better to do nothing and leave it alone."

But he couldn't even smile at ease at the thought that it might be his future.

'Just say no?'

It's a blister that I've been thinking about for a while, but I couldn't put it into practice.

The dimension to be assigned to him is where Ma Wang-gun is expected to invade right now.

If he were to be shunned, they would face a catastrophe in a few years or decades.

Besides, not playing the role of God didn't mean there was anything to be done.

In Act 1 and Act 2, it was ridiculous to do a drab job against the Jomuragi monsters, and I didn't even think about going back to Earth.

'I'd rather be a god, the earth is tired of it now.'

Vulcan rolled his head to think as positively as possible.

In fact, it was unlikely that living as a formal god would be too bad if the burden of "rule the summer" was removed.

Considering the freshness that comes from what he has never done before, and the existence of a new "neutrality level," I thought it would be much more fun than when he spent his time meaninglessly on Earth.

In addition, the quiet words Hokulus hinted at greatly reduced his burden.

"You don't have to have the compulsion to do something perfect after you've taken the position of God. The mere fact that you exist makes your dimension safe from the world of the devil. The force and not-so-evil character to defeat a weakened demon. If you have this, you can say that no one is short of becoming a god."

It was only a few days before Vulcan was able to make his mind's decision, and a few days later, he was able to formally ascend to the throne.

[Sin Vulcan]


[Physical Level: 989Lv]

[Relastic Level: 70Lv]

'Finally you're on the level of four digits. The level was originally four digits, but....'··.'.'.'.'

Seeing that his achievements as a half-body had been converted to a level of deity, Vulcan realized that the energy he had used so far was also a form of deity.

Hokulus approached Vulcan, who was thinking this and that.

Vulcan smiled at him as he patted him on the shoulder without saying a word.

It's not just about Act 2, it's about taking care of the newcomers.’

Although he is different from Fielder in many ways, I felt that such consideration was similar.

said Vulcan.

"Well, I'll do my best."

"I know. Like I said last time, don't feel too much pressure. I'm trying to do this and that from the start, and I might end up like Clutus."

"Haha, I'll be careful."

"Oh, and."

Hokulus bringing his mouth to the ear of the Vulcan, perhaps to tell a secret story.

"If you have a chance, do night work sometimes. It's okay to do it often."

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, isn't it a good thing to have more half body? Of course not all children are born with divine abilities, but..."

"I'm a player and probably not even."

"Really? Too bad."

A hokulus that opens its distance from the blanks with a chirping sound.

Then the Vulcan thanked him.

"Thank you for your consideration in many ways."

Hokulus answered with his hands raised, and the Vulcan took out a mirror that mysteriously shone from his bosom.

An object that allows you to see at a glance all the handgrips at the Helkium level that Vulcan will be in charge of, and to move anywhere.

As the imprint had already been completed, it was possible to go down to summer right away.

Vulcan opened his eyes wide and looked at the four handovers he was in charge of.

'It feels strange, ······.'.'

The Vulcan who ended up living in Act 3 that was completely different from what he had thought.

I was quite disappointed by that, but when the time came for me to play the role of God, other emotions arose.

Expectation. And excitement.

The blanks, slightly shaken by the excitement they gave, thought inwardly.

'그래······ 내가 생각했던 건 아니지만 한번 해보자. Think of it as a planet, a planet, a planet, a planet, a planet, a planet.’



After a brief tremor, the blanks moved with mirrors to the Helkium dimension.

It was a historic moment when I finally took my first step as a god.

After 200 years like that's how it goes.


Vulcan was under stress and spending each day.

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