Max Level Newbie

56. Collision (3)

Is it because they burst out without the same perfect preparation and the best environment as usual?

Bulkan's shot of the lightning sword flew toward Rock Seager without a perfect appearance.

There is no sense of stability due to the rapid progress that leads to the energy of the brain, Yeomwanggangrim, and the protection of the devil.

The thunderstorms and flames fired from the sword looked precarious, as if they were about to disperse elsewhere.

Even the timing of the volcanic eruption was not right, so it was clear that even if Rock Seager had the technology, it would not be able to produce 100 percent destructive power.

But that wasn't the only way to look down on Vulcan's attack.

Even if it's a half-sized lightning rod, it's a lightning rod.

Previously, when he used technology against Gao Chin-ta, he didn't perform 100 percent perfectly, but that alone had considerable power to take his life.

What's more, the current flare-up came at a time when weapons proficiency was upgraded to SSS-grade!

No one would have been able to ignore the mysterious swordsmanship of the Vulcan, which developed anger into a catalyst, and the fire and lightning that poured out there.

Naturally, rock-seager was also not free from this.

Feeling a great energy coming toward him, he raised his head.

Then he opened his mouth wide with a relaxed expression.

A terrible mass of energy, coming as if to devour itself, that would annihilate everything!

Besides, the speed was incredibly fast.

It might have been possible to avoid it if he hadn't focused on his meal, but now that he's noticed it's late, it's hard to stop it.

He quickly spewed smoke-like magic through the faces of the devil on his back.

Then, as soon as they were entangled, they held Powell's body and turned the body back.

A moment of crisis in which one may suffer some damage, a greedy figure who won't lose his prey even then.

Of course, behind the act was the confidence that he could "prevent the skills of someone who seemed weaker than himself."….

A moment later, the moment the Vulcan's lightning sword was fired upon his back.



He had no choice but to make a huge scream.

A pain so intense that nothing can be recalled.

In such a great deal of pain that he couldn't even think of the appetite he had to live on, Lak Seager reflexively pulled his hand towards his back.

But even though it was time to be touched, nothing was being touched.

With a look of doubt, he turned his agonizing eyes and looked down at his body.


There wasn't.

The flesh, which can be called the right side and the back, is clearly disappeared based on one's spine.

Being horrified as if eaten by a giant shark, he screamed again.

"Oh, my God!"

"There's still a long way to go... ... Cuckoo. You son of a gun!"

Rock Seager unable to come to his senses with pain far beyond expectation and fear that resulted from it.

Bulkan ran out to launch an additional attack on such a fellow, then threw up blood and knelt down.

It was because the lightning rod was forced to be released at a much faster time than his ability, which caused a great strain on his body.

Fortunately, the use of the masquerade, which gives a great sense of stability to mana operation, prevented the collapse of the body, but the internal organs were quite damaged.

It is clear that he has suffered considerable damage, if not as much as Rock Seager.

But Vulcan was undaunted by such a thing and raised up again.

Then, after inhaling three bottles of the potion at once, he re-positioned and began to prepare for the use of the lightning rod.

According to scans, the level of the rock siggers in front of your eyes is 1515.

I don't know how on earth he escaped from the horse-riding at the Galacco level, but he had become incomparably stronger than before.

The figure is even higher than that of himself, who has accumulated experience at high speeds.

He was by no means weak enough to be knocked down by a single shot of his skill just now.

What's more surprising was that his level was rising slowly in this situation.

[Strange Horror Rock Seager]

[1516Lv (absorbing force after predation)]

[Psychology: Absolute Evil]

[potential: Unable to measure]

* Absorbing the power of the war god Powell, ability is rapidly increasing.

The hollow side of the guy that regenerates with him so quickly that it can be seen.

The bull's eye caught fire again when he saw it.

After moving on to Act 3, you can say that you took the best care of yourself.

The thought of continuing his dirty life as nourishment for his teacher, friend, and sometimes brother or sister, made him feel like a brother or sister was all over his body with uncontrollable anger.

A heated body, as if hot lava flows instead of blood, and as if it were throwing up fire instead of breathing.

In a state of mind burning with excitement and fury, the energy of the lightning sword began to wane again.



Bang! Bang!

The energy of fire and lightning that is not properly controlled and hits with a loud noise around the sword.

Because of it, damage began to build up again in the Vulcan's body, and mana was also wasted and came as a greater burden.

However, the spirit of Vulcan, which rose to its highest level, was able to capture the energy of lightning in its own pet disease and lightning sword.

Soon enough, the bulkan raises his head and stares straight at Rock Seager, who cries out in pain.

He wielded the sword fiercely, hoping that this single blow of his own might would end everything.

The goal is near the pit of his stomach.

Forewar's face.

Go to hell!

With his desperate cry of heart, the second round of the Lightning Sword appeared rough.


A thunderstorm and flame that sweeps through everything around, like a powerful typhoon.

Rock Seager looked terrified at the terrible power of the art that no powerful demon of the world had ever shown.

In fact, he had been working on the escape before the Vulcan unleashed technology, or even before preparing for the second strike of the lightning rod.

Of course, Rock Seager didn't want to either.

Although he became a monster who lived only by his long-time instinct, he is full of confidence and pride in the power he has built.

That's why he didn't want to leave that little guy who looked weaker and shabby than he was.

However, the situation was not good enough to fight head-on.

He has already suffered massive damage from the dragon, which was as powerful as the monster Powell.

Besides, it was another blow to that monkey-like fellow who took advantage of his carelessness.

Although he was gaining strength by absorbing a tasty body that he had never tasted before, it took a considerable amount of time to recover.


In the end, his choice is to run away.

It wasn't just moving into another space, it was also about running away to a different dimension that he couldn't follow.

Therefore, he is a rock-seager who quickly eats space by making fun of his mouth while neglecting to recover his body.

Fortunately, the work was much faster than before.

The huge wound on the side was painful, but I was able to concentrate much more comfortably because it was better than when I endured the fire of eternity earlier.

And finally a rock-seager that succeeded in creating a level crack.

He made a happy face and tried to widen the gap.

But his face hardened in an instantaneously.

The terrible energy that comes from behind his back again.

It was because he felt the waves of fire and lightning rushing against him like the wrath of the God of Destruction.


Fortunately, the energy that comes at a rather slow pace than the initial attack.

And unlike before, the timing of the attack is quite fast.

That's why the Rock Seager wouldn't move, even though he could have avoided it enough if he wanted to.

If the cracks in the dimension were closed while he was away, he might be in a greater crisis than now.

Feeling it instinctively, Rock Seager forced his eyes away from the enormous pressure felt behind him, quickly putting his hands into the cracks of the dimension.

Then he gritted his teeth and poured all his energy into it.

Stump, stumpy!

A crack in a larger dimension, with the sound of a cloth flag being torn.

Toward the crack, Rock Seager put Powell's body near him and threw himself as a kite.

He was so nervous that he hurriedly closed the door of the dimension before entering the building and cut off his right leg.

But the judgment was ultimately right.


The Bulkan's Lightning Sword that passes as soon as it closes the dimension's crack, wipes the rock's legs clean.

Having saved his life from it, it could be said to be a profitable business for him.

Of course, Vulcan's position was quite the opposite.

A state of disordered body, even though it had not been attacked once.

A large amount of blood pouring out of the features, which led to a series of coughs from the mouth of the Vulcan, which became a hideous bone like a ghost.

"Cough, khuck, khhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, my God! Cuckoo, cuckoo...….”

By all means, I tried to finish it.

To that end, he threw the bomb that he thought was too much, but failed to deal with it.

Even more upsetting was the fact that he had no idea where he had fled.

The ability that Rock Seager just showed you is not just moving through space, but beyond the walls of the dimension itself.

Of course, he also had a harness that enabled dimension movement, but it was almost impossible to search for him in more than 100,000 dimensions.

Furthermore, given the ability to scan through the previous system, it is certain that if given time, he will absorb Powell's body and become a stronger being.

Therefore, even if he was lucky enough to find him, he was more likely to be reversed.

'......of course you won't be scared of the odds, level playing.’

Vulcan wiped the tears of blood from his eyes with his hands and organized his look that had been completely damaged.

Nevertheless, blood-stained tears still came out and stained his face, but he looked much better than before.

He forced himself to drink a potion that wouldn't go to that state, then sat on the floor, turned on his legs and slowly went all out to heal his condition.

Powell's death, one of his best friends.

The resulting sadness, anger at himself, and other confused feelings that failed to stop it kept coming to the surface, disrupting concentration, but still had to do it.

'Restore as soon as possible, then use the harness to search the horse!’

The odds of finding the Rock Seager right away are at least one in 100,000.

But even so, it would have been much better than sitting there doing nothing and dragging on thinking of Powell.

Vulcan trying to enter the meditation without wiping away the tears that flow.

Unconsciously speaking to himself came out of his mouth.

"Revenge... ...I'll do whatever I can. And I'll have to clear Act 3......I'll save you. It was a wish that was nowhere else to be used anyway. I think that's what you've been up to."

A word full of hatred for Rock Seager and affection for Powell, full of emotion.

The words were received by someone behind the back of the Vulcan.

"Huh... ...I didn't know you were thinking so deeply about me. You don't feel bad."


a familiar voice

But a voice I thought I couldn't hear anymore.

It came from behind him.

Vulcan looked back hurriedly, with a look distorted by astonishment.

Then he opened his mouth with a blank look with his big eyes that he couldn't grow any bigger.

"Pa...... Well?"

"Aha ha ha ha, that's a masterpiece! Did someone give you a smack?"

Powell, the god of war, pointing a finger at the Vulcan with a mischievous look.

Vulcan kept making a stupid face at his fine appearance.

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