Powell looking at such a bulkan with a happy look.

He was actually in a pretty good mood, though he made fun of the Vulcan mess.

The Vulcan was not the only one who had been without interaction with other gods since he was on Act 3.

Powell is also frustrated with other gods who are only focused on building up their physical strength.

Therefore, as the Vulcan was in favor of Powell, he also thought the Vulcan was the closest of the Act III gods.

In such a situation, I couldn't feel bad to see the Vulcan who did not betray his faith and made a vow of revenge for himself.

He burst out laughing a little more in his high-toned voice, then changed his appearance with a flash of light.

Powell, who became a slim, healthy beauty, said with a smile, not an ordinary healthy woman.

"I'm quite moved. As a prize, I'll be there for you especially for a year. You can call me sister, ho ho ho."

Powell, who covers his mouth with his hands and smiles modestly.

The blanks, who were looking at the figure with a blank look, screamed.

"What nonsense is that! What happened to this?"

"What do you mean, dog-sound?" You're talking too much. And wasn't this what you liked? I think I've seen you meet this girl in the summer who looks like her."

"I did it for a while on a break......that's not the problem! What happened? I'm sure I saw it! I'm sure it's... To Rock Seager...….”

"Isn't he dead? "Because I broke my back of my head, not knowing how ugly it was to dig backwards?"


The Vulcan, who could not answer 'Yes' remained silent.

But Powell can't be unaware that its meaning is positive.

He thought of making fun of the Vulcan staring at him with a more puzzled look, but decided to stop here and told him his secret.



"My wish! Act 1's wish brought me back. I was begging for the life of an extra pair, clearing Act 1."


The Vulcan looks at Powell with a face that says "I know it now."

Then he looked at him and continued to say that Powell was insignificant.

I originally made a wish, "Let me be forever resurrected!" and they said no. So I tried to bargain with him for about 100 lives, but he said no, but he's a little fresh....but he said it was possible to resurrect once, so I said yes."

Farwell's eyes, which he had said so far, were filled with sorrow.

He added a horse.

"So I can find the guy who killed me and pay him back. Directly with my hands."

The Vulcan breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Powell sprinkling life and speculation with his whole body, breaking away from the playful atmosphere in an instant.

It didn't matter much that he made fun of himself.

I'm just grateful that the precious relationship made by Act 3 has not vanished in vain.

Vulcan looked at Powell with a more relaxed look and spoke with sincerity.

"I'm glad to hear that. Because I'm alive."

"......heung. You're also good at making embarrassing remarks."

Powell, who was snorting but slightly reminded of his face, opened the distance moderately from the Vulcan.

Then he took off his metamorphosis magic and returned to his true form, the appearance of the giant dragon.

The Vulcan who saw it joked at Powell.

"I thought you said you'd be my cup of tea for a year?"

"Come to think of it, then I can't train. I'm afraid it's a cancellation.”

"Well, it's not too bad."

"Tell me more than that. What happened?”

"What do you mean?"

Bulkan asked a question to Powell, who turned the subject too quickly.

Powell was angry with a look of frustration, but when he remembered that he had done his best for himself, he killed his temper.

'I'm much weaker now. Well, sometimes it's like this.’

"What do you mean, me and the...What was your name again? All over your face.….”

"Rock Seager."

"Yes, you must have seen me fight him. How did I get hit? Although the defense was a bit lax due to over-investment in the eternal fire and restraint magic, he did not neglect his guard. I don't even know how I got hit by him."

"I can't be sure because I've only seen the end, but based on the fight with him...... Oh, let me explain the situation first.….”

Vulcan described the shocking scene of Powell's death as detailed as possible.

He also ate up the space he showed when fighting with him, made a crack, and even disappeared without a trace, and added his personal opinion at the end.

"......it seems to have moved somewhere, but it didn't just look like space movement. If it were within the world, I would have noticed it, but it disappeared as if it had never been in this world in the first place. I think it's just like...... I think he has the ability to move to a different dimension."

"......yes, it wasn't magic, was it?"

"Yes. I don't know what it is."

Upon hearing the explanation, Powell breathed a deep sigh.

Then he spoke in an angry tone.

"I was too careless. I thought we could automatically block the movement of space if we cut off machinations using magi or mana, but we had a unique ability related to dimensional motion.... Whoo, I've been stuck in Act 3's life for too long. I've only developed my ability to fight, and I'm not as good times....I am ashamed of the title of the God of War."

disallowing one's actions

This was a little different from not admitting defeat.

He said such things because he was too embarrassed to relax in a situation where he had the chance to win and not maintain his keen concentration.

Knowing it well, Vulcan remained silent instead of consoling Powell.

If you think of his high-profile pride, you could have helped him out in a bad way.


There was such a period of silence.

Powell seemed to think deeply about the death he had experienced for the first time in his life, and the Vulcan was also confused with his future schedule.

'He becomes stronger by absorbing demons......and an instinctively greedy man, regardless of his strength, who probably ran away with plenty of devils to eat. First, I regularly look through the world I didn't go to.’

Of course, the chances of finding him were near zero, so the Vulcan did not give much weight in this direction.

It was safe to say that they had little expectation, to be honest, by hunting the demons and searching them to raise the level until they carried out a quest called the "last test."

The same mindset as giving up revenge in a way.

But of course, the idea of doing so was not a grain of rice in the slightest grain of rice.

He carried on his thoughts calmly.

'When I think about the look on his face when he eats Powell's body......and given the obsession he's shown me before, I'm sure he's interested in God as well as the devil. In the end, even if I don't find him myself, the day will come when I meet him! Maybe... ...in a stronger state.'

The Vulcan, with a near-confident mind, grasped the next action of Rock Seager.

With a determined look on his face, he recalled his next destination, the Nurhark-level Ma Uranus.

The last test guided with the message that you have qualified to be a 'true god'.

Thinking of the quest, where everything was veiled, the Vulcan vowed to be reborn more quickly, more powerful.

There was a lot of pressure from the grand name of the last test, but the bulky enough to cover it up.

And so was Powell.

The gaze of the two, who had been reserved for some time, struck in the air, and Powell opened his mouth first.

"That's not bad. I've got a kick in my boring life."

"Is that so? Apparently something has changed."

"Yes, the first death...It's weird to say it's my first time. Anyway, I've learned a lot from the experience of death. To the point where I want to test it right now.”

His words were not empty words.

It's not just that the momentum has become stronger in the abstract, the atmosphere has changed.

Vulcan was able to grasp the objective power of the opponent through his scanning ability, so he was able to recognize that he was stronger than he was about to die.

[War God Powell]


[Physical Level: 1535Lv]

[Relastic Level : 124Lv]

[Psychology: Neutral, arrogant, violent]

[potential: best]

* Gods at the Agameth level. They boast the highest level of body among the gods. profound knowledge of fire I like fighting and surprisingly like research activities.

* I have gained some enlightenment through a special experience of death.

* I'm doing you a favor.

You're 15 levels higher than you were about to die.’

It was Powell, who had grown greatly while studying Madogu, Rock Seager's hand and other levels of demonic kings given by Vulcan, but he became stronger there.

Of course, he was also on the 1500th level and was not far behind Powell, but Powell was never helped by the system.

There was no choice but to compare naturally.

"I have to go back to training. It's hard for us to find him, but...The way he looked at me was unusual. We'll be back."

"Really? Then I'll have to stick with you, too?”

Powell turned into a beautiful woman again and came to the side of the Vulcan.

Vulcan laughed aloud at Powell's playfully arm-in-arm behavior, and Powell also smiled on his face, abandoning his previous form of speculation.

Of course, neither of them was in a state of enjoyment.

The enmity of the rock-sigar burning in the heart was still burning, not fading away.


The time when Vulcan and Powell are grinding the blade of revenge.

Rock Seager, who escaped in a hurry to escape the unknown world, was also grimacing with hostility toward the Vulcan.

He had suffered a great deal by cutting off one of his arms before.

That's not enough, and this time he made his upper body mop and even lost his right leg.

I felt so hateful that I wanted to go back to where he was right now and chew his head off.

Rock Seager that would normally go wild to relieve that emotion.

Furthermore, he was still tormented by the unrecoverable wound, so it would not be strange to scream a hundred times and a thousand times.

But unlike before, he bit his molars and killed his mettle as much as he could.

It was because I knew that even the devil of the devil could be in trouble if I met him in his current mess, which was completely different from before.

Powell, before facing the Vulcan, the Rock Seager is a beastly state that you can't find even if you wash your eyes and look for it.

It was like the price for absorbing an unmeasurable amount of magi, but...….

His brain gradually began to wake up, thanks to the first predation of the divine being of Powell and the first acceptance of the word "nova."

When one day passes, two days pass, and a month or so pass.

The first thought he had come to mind after finally recovering some reason.

It wasn't anger at Vulcan and Powell who made him suffer.

'......it's delicious.'

It was a newfound appetite for more delicious prey than the devil.

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