May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 115: :Drinking things should do according to your ability! (4000 words!)

   "Miao, don't fight!" A Liang hugged A Miao and persuaded him, "Take a closer look! Although he looks a lot like a gorilla, there is no doubt that it is Kondo-san!"

   "Huh?! Even dare to pretend to be a human!" Ah Miao became even more angry.


   "I listened to the girl in the store to explain the situation," Kondo said while sitting on the sofa holding his hand, "Miss A Miao, why do you think so? My passbook is already shared with Ms. A Miao in the name of a couple~"

   Talking, Kondo took out a passbook from his arms and squeezed his eyes. If it weren't for the big bags on his face, he still looked a little handsome.

   "Don't look at me like this, I still saved some money!" Kondo put on a handsome pose.

   "Mr. Gorilla..." Ah Miao was so touched, she looked at Kondo gratefully.

   "You still call me a gorilla..." Kondo's mood instantly fell a bit, "I still call me a gorilla..."

   "Then, Mr. Chimpanzee?" Ah Miao changed his title tentatively.

   "Isn't it the same?" Kondo's mood was even lower, but he cheered up to please Ah Miao and shouted at the waiter on the side, "Bring me ten bottles of Champagne King!"

The store manager beside    nodded when he saw it, and drew a strong stroke for Ah Miao on the performance chart beside him, even directly surpassing Ah Yin.

   "That's amazing! Sister A Miao surpassed Ayin in no time!" The girls cheered around the performance table.

   "Nani!" Ayin put down his glass after hearing the cheers of the girls, with a face of disbelief.


   "Hey, I hate this kind of wine~" Jiang Cheng looked at the ten bottles of Champagne King brought up by the waiter, and curled his lips.

   "Hey? Have you ever drunk such a high-class wine?" Kondo showed a small smug, "It's okay, just drink it, I'll treat you today!"

   "No, I only like Chinese wine." Jiang Cheng shook his head and replied.

   "Chinese wine?" Kondo was a little puzzled, but in order to save face in front of Ah Miao he still put on a generous expression, "No problem! If you like it, please feel free! I have taken out all the deposits!"

   [Anyway, that kind of Chinese alcohol has such a high alcohol content that you have to get drunk if you can’t drink a bottle. 】Kondo thought to himself, Kondo had been exposed to Chinese wine once, after all, he was in the shogunate and had frequent contact with foreign things.

   "Thank you, then!" Jiang Cheng said in surprise, and gave several orders to the waiter. After listening, the waiter hurried to get the wine.

   "What happened to the two of them?" Kondo asked Hasegawa, pointing to Gintoki, who was still sleeping.

   "Drink too much, probably." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "It's really useless. I was drunk right from the beginning." Kondo sneered, "Let me today, Kondo-the new King of the Night and lead you to victory!"

   At this moment, Ms. Matsudaira came with a warm voice, "Kondo! You kid, want to be more popular than me in this Kabukicho, wait a hundred years!"

   "What is noisy! You old man!" Kondo replied without hesitation holding the microphone, "From today, I will be the King of the Night!"

   "What a joke! If you want to deprive me of the meaning of life, even the general, I won't let it go! Ten more bottles of Champagne King!!" Matsudaira was not to be outdone.

"Miss Ah Miao! There is also the King of Champagne!" Kondo refused to admit defeat, and shouted, but when he turned around, he realized that Miao had already shouted wine with Kondo's wallet, and the table was full. An empty wine bottle, to be precise, it should be an empty wine bottle from Wuliangye.

   "I'm already screaming! And I still use my wallet! Don't give me a chance to be handsome! And how come it's all Chinese wine! How come I drank so much in a while!" Kondo exclaimed.

"No, you are really handsome," Jiang Cheng put down the bottle, stretched out a finger and shook his head, and said earnestly, "You can really see the attitude of the emperor of the night, then, let me be the real night... …"

   Before the king said it, a Kuwu took the lead to hit Jiang Cheng's forehead, "Don't talk nonsense! You idiot!"

   Yueyong walked straight towards Jiang Cheng.

   "Yueyue?" Jiang Cheng pulled off Kunai and looked at the people who came, "I thought you weren't coming anymore."

   "How is it possible, how can someone refuse a kind invitation?" With that, Yueyong sat down and tried to make an appearance that didn't matter, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yueyong was super nervous. Of course, this discerning person does not include Jiang Cheng.

   "Miss Yueyong~" A Miao yelled sweetly, "If you like to drink, you can order anything. It was originally to thank you for taking care of us on weekdays."

   A Miao's two hands hold a bottle of Champagne King in one hand, and a bottle of Wuliangye in the other hand, one mouthful in his left hand and one mouthful in his right hand, watching Jiang Cheng a little... sweating aside.

   "Speaking of Chinese wine, the alcohol is quite high... Miao, you drink it like this..." Jiang Cheng hesitated to speak.

   "High?" Ah Miao put down the bottle, a little confused, "I didn't feel it at all, it's no different from drinking beer..."

   "This way..."


   "What's the matter with these two people?" Yue Yong pointed to Yin Shi and Hasegawa who were fainting on the side.

   "Don't care, don't care, just drink too much." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said indifferently.

   "It doesn't seem to be any different from Yoshihara here," Yue Yong glanced around, "It's all a place for men to have fun."

   "It makes sense~" Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "No! This is different from places like Yoshihara!" Kondo said sharply.

   "Except for not letting you touch it, there is no difference." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Feel free?! Can you feel free to feel inside Yoshihara?!" Kondo came in interest.

   "Cut," Jiang Cheng made a cut and continued, "Didn't I give you a coupon? Wouldn't it be okay to just go and try it?"

   "I said so..." While speaking, Kondo looked at Ah Miao who was aside, and then shook his head frantically, "No, no! Never go to such a place! I only have Miao in my heart!"

"Hey, it's not that I said you," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, and then eloquently persuaded, "You should recognize the reality, too? Take ten thousand steps and say that even if A Miao can really see you, you should consider it. What about the reality? What about reproductive isolation between different types? When considering your own preferences, you should also consider the parents who sleep in the old family. They are also looking forward to your inheritance."

   "What do you mean?"

"That means you should at least look for a gorilla of the same kind!" Jiang Cheng said and took out a few zoo tickets from his arms. "There are a few good gorillas here, as far as the **** is concerned. If it is, it is absolutely good for health! I originally kept it to see pandas, but you should need it more than me! Don’t thank me, this is the friendship between males!"

Looking at the zoo tickets stuffed by Jiang Cheng in his hand, Kondo and his whole orangutan... people are not good, "Do you think I am an orangutan?! I am a human, OK! There is no such thing as reproductive isolation! ! And let's say that it is the friendship between men! What kind of trouble is the friendship between males!!"

   Hearing this, Yue Yong put the banana that was just about to be taken out into his arms again, and pretended that nothing happened.

   "Hey, did you just take out the banana? Are you going to feed it?!" Kondo exclaimed, "I saw it all just now! No need to pretend that look! You are really super rude!"

"I understand," Jiang Cheng wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. "It must be very hard, right? In order to prevent yourself from being separated from the people around you, it must be very painful to try to play a human role and integrate yourself into the surrounding environment, right? I understand everything!"

   "No! You don't understand at all! What are you thinking!" Kondo was almost irritated to lose his mind.

   "It turned out to be like this... It's really touching." As he said, Miao began to hide his face and cry.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this kind of story. The Nujia was also touched by your spirit." Yue Yong said, she was also moved and squeezed out two drops of tears, and secretly stuffed two bananas into Kondo's arms, "Don't worry. Well, no one has seen it, so eat if you want."

   "Hey!!!" Kondo was really blown up with anger, but after seeing Ah Miao's gentle gaze, he suddenly felt better.

   [Being an orangutan can reap the sympathy of Miss A Miao! ! ] Kondo was delighted in his heart, and glanced at Jiang Cheng gratefully, [Being an orangutan is also good! ! 】

   Before Kondo was moved, Ah Miao on the side squeezed out: "What should I do? The wallet seems to be empty~"

   "Hey? Really? I took out all my deposits..." Looking at his deflated wallet, Kondo's whole body was not well.

"Hahahaha! Your kid has never drunk Champagne King so much, so don’t you know? That’s super expensive, I’m not kidding you. If you call to buy, your wallet will be empty! Hahahaha..." Matsuhira laughed, but then he turned his face away and said with tears, "What should I do? Mom is going to scold me to death..."

   "You can't do it for a long time!" Kondo exclaimed, and then looked at Miao apologetically, "It's not good, Miss Miao..."

   "Kondo-san, it doesn't matter, you have done enough for me." Ah Miao shook his head and said, this is full of understanding in Kondo's eyes.

   Before Kondo was moved, Ah Miao hiccuped a drink, raised Kondo’s sword, raised his head and smiled and said, “In the end, just selling this is enough!”

   "Sell that..." Kondo murmured, "That's the soul of a samurai..."

   "Just save the soul and buy it?" Ah Miao replied with a smile.

   "That's not what I said..."

"That's right!!" Yue Yong lowered his head and shouted, then raised his head and said, "Didn't the party just start?! Do you want to run?! Orangutans or men, come and have a drink with this uncle. !"

   "Yueyue, you..." Jiang Cheng looked at the crimson-faced Yueyong and glanced at the empty wine glass in front of Yueyong, and instantly understood something, "Are you not allowed to drink..."

"What are you talking about!" Yue Yong slapped Jiang Cheng's head onto the table, and the whole table was broken. "I've been upset with you a long time ago! What is that? I know I just stay in the house and play all day long. Games, my mother has had enough of you! At least I have to go out to breathe fresh air, work hard and make money, you bastard!"

   "Hey, what are you talking about! Why do you say that I am the same as your dead son who can't leave the door!" Jiang Cheng raised his head and retorted, his entire forehead was already full of blood.

"Hurry up and drink! Asshole! Don't you have any eyesight?!" Yue Yong cursed, and took out a few kunai from her body. "My old lady has just started drinking, okay? If you don't, I will kill you. Oh~"

   Just finished speaking, Yueyong had already thrown out Kumu, and the four men present (Egypt, Kondo, and Gintoki and Hasegawa who passed out) were all spared.

   "Sorry, I'll take her back first." Seeing that the situation is not good, Jiang Cheng wants to drag Yueyong back, otherwise the progress will not be able to keep the store from being demolished by Yueyong.

   "Don't touch me! Do you want to force me to follow me..." Yueyong said with a smirk and teased, "Jiang Cheng sama is lustful~"

   Jiang Cheng only felt inexplicably hot, "Who would be interested in a female Tyrannosaurus like you!"

   just finished speaking, there are two more kunai.

   "Jiang Cheng sama, drink!" Yue Yong took the half bottle of Champagne King left on the table and poured it into Jiang Cheng's mouth. Jiang Cheng choked a few Ah, that's awful. This is Jiang Cheng's last thought...


   After a long time, Gintoki and Hasegawa woke up leisurely, looking at the ruins in front of them, feeling the ultimate doubt.

   "What's going on?" ×2


   The next day after the incident, Jiang Cheng and Yueyong stood in front of the store manager’s hospital bed and compensated the manager for his losses. The losses included employees’ lost work expenses, store reconstruction expenses and... the owner’s medical expenses.

   Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong promised never to come to Huo Huo Smile Bar again. Similarly, Jiang Cheng and Yueyong were also permanently blacklisted by Smile Bar.

   It is said that the manager of the Smile Bar said nothing at the time, and there was no sorrow or joy in his face. As for why, it should be a whole body fracture, and I can't say anything. After all, the bandaged is the same as the mummy.

Thanks to Jiang Cheng and Yueyong’s troubles, neither Ah Yin nor Ah Miao were expelled. As for why, many girls were implicated by the drunk two, and there were several fractures... Layoffs are no longer realistic...If any one is cut, the store should be closed...


   Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong promised to never drink again in front of the sun. (PS: Forced.)

   "It's not like that! It's not my business at all! It's all Yueyue's fault!" Jiang Chengyi retorted, "I don't know how to drink and I have to try it. In the end, I was involved!"

"That makes sense," Sun Wheel nodded, then raised her head and continued with a smile, "But in terms of destructive power, Yueyue is far behind you~ I heard that Yueyue is just tearing down the sofa. Hit you or something, you seem to have demolished the whole house~"

   "Private Marseille..."


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