May Be the Fake Gintama

: It may be a fake testimonial... (How could there be such a thing as a manuscript!...

   It’s this time again, it’s time to put it on the shelves. As soon as this time, other authors began to write some more motivated testimonials on the shelves, crying and crying in order to subscribe.

   But I am different from them! If you want to ask why, then this novel has nothing to save...

   I’ve been running naked for two months, and I received more than 700...According to my last book’s subscription ratio, this book has a maximum of four subscriptions. That’s right, the book’s subscription ratio on the street is two hundred to one! Who is more aggressive than me in the whole starting point? ! Please stand up!

   When there are so many characters in the book, it is about to end, this book has just begun...

   Actually, this result has always been known to me, after all, it is a very small subject. How should I put it, when I was about to write something, it was just a whim. I never thought I would persist for such a long time. In fact, there are times when I want to give up. I believe readers who have been reading it can also see that sometimes the quality will fluctuate.

   Every author should have such a time. When the mood is bad and there is no motivation, the quality of the writing will decrease.

  Personally, I feel that I am still more diligent. I have never been lazy before, and I guarantee a minimum of 6,000 updates every day, even if it is an occasional one, I will make up for it. For a working party, this is pretty good, right? Right? (Ask weakly)

   In fact, I have always followed my own ideas to write things. The author respects the worldview of the original work. This is the bottom line of what I write.

   Actually, I don’t actually read a lot of web articles. I used to read more and all kinds of articles. Now I have less time to watch the fans, and the new fans are not chasing them all. I just take a look at the new fan guides of some up masters, and choose some of them that I am interested in to chase after them. As for web posts, I’ve seen a lot of them recently. Scan the list or something.

   But I learned very little, because my thoughts are too strong. To make a simple analogy, for example, Naruto in Naruto, many people think [if I am Naruto, I must be blackened], but I don’t think that when we watched Naruto, what we liked was not Naruto’s. Is it a reluctant and optimistic attitude? The world kissed me bitterly, but I replied with song.

   Falling down and standing up again and again, the phrase [I have always been straightforward, this is my Shindo! 】I don’t know how many people are touched. Of course I am too.

   So when I write things, I will follow the original world view to write, and I rarely incorporate modern ideas. This is my only insistence.

   Of course, writing in this way is not recognized by most readers, I am clear. Traversal, system, I don't know what to do, I just don't want to write about it.

   respect the original, respect every character in the original. Because that was the existence that touched me. I don't know how to change the personality of the person in the original work. Some readers said that it’s okay to change a little, just explain it as a parallel world.

   I refused, because...Although I am also very interested in quantum mechanics, I think I have not studied the parallel world, the ultimate concept extended by quantum mechanics. It seems that I am not a little bit behind the big hands who can tell the parallel world at every turn. The starting point is Einstein per capita. I am the one who dragged me back. Sorry! ! Although it is a pity, there is no way. After all, I am not specialized in physics~

   Say a few jokes, don’t mind.

   I don’t have any extravagant expectations. I’ll collect 700. The best case is 20:1, which is 35 orders...whatever.

   But I still hope that you can subscribe a little bit, and you can get coins if you look at the advertisement. Try not to watch piracy. There are more pirated typos. I usually read it myself after uploading, and then change the typo or wrong sentence. Piracy will not correct you typos!

   Then I don’t know if there are any pirated readers. If there are some, I hope to start a little collection and vote for a free recommendation vote. It's good to be able to subscribe, because you can get starting currency when you watch advertisements! !

   Tell me about the plan for tomorrow. The plan is four shifts, and it depends on the situation. what? You say save the manuscript? How could there be such a thing! !

   Personal five thousand reward plus one more.

   Everyone has accumulated 20,000 rewards plus one more.

   Weekly recommended tickets over 600, plus one more on weekends.

  Leader (Although I know there is definitely no, but let’s talk about it), add twenty more!

   Silver League (Puff!) plus two hundred more!

  Golden League (can't stop laughing...) plus two thousand more! ! It's so arrogant, it's so confident!

   If you subscribe... no need to say...

   The code word speed is very slow, only three thousand hours. Compared with those hand-speed madmen, I am really ashamed.

   Then thank you! Thanks to everyone who has been voting for recommendations! Everyone who keeps reading! Most of the people who voted for the recommendation are acquaintances, and I can see them every day, and I know your id by memorizing! I won’t name a single name, it’s definitely not that I was lazy and deliberately didn’t name it! Absolutely not!

After    is a reward!

   Thanks for all the tips!

   Lamentation’s 8688 starting currency rewards.

   Reward at Shimosakamoto Tatsuma’s 2612 starting coin.

   A 2,000 starting coin reward for a snooze artist.

   A reward of 1,000 starting coins with ninety-nine shades of gray.

  Resurrection of the Spring Watcher's 904 starting coins to reward.

   A reward of 700 starting coins for Dark Moon Repair.

  Kuroro_'s 500 starting coin I am the 500 starting coin reward of oh night in the second stage.

   Fantasy and extraordinary 200 starting coins rewards.

   Xiaoxiaodu's 100 starting coins rewards.

   Know it is Cicada’s 100 starting coin reward.

   Book Friends 2020xxxx2673 is rewarded with 100 starting coins.

   White tea Qinghuan and other winds are also waiting for your 100 starting currency rewards.

   I don’t like to eat fish x 100 starting coins as a reward.

   tasteless, 100 starting coins rewards.

   Ihahea’s 100 starting currency rewards.

   Xiaosheng 007x 100 starting coins rewards.

   Chedanba’s 100 starting coins rewards.

   The awkward joker's 100 starting coin reward.

   The above rankings are in no particular order. Thanks to every book friend who has given a reward, thank you very much. After all, I feel that what I wrote is really not worth the money to read.

   But this way you are all willing to reward me, I am very touched. This is also the motivation for me to continue to write down. Every comment, every article mentioned in this chapter, every recommendation ticket, is the motivation for me to write down!

   Thank you again! I also thank the editor-in-charge Ziliang for signing our xiaozhongwen.

   Finally, thank you for your continued support! See you tomorrow! !

   Group number: 837190494.

  Ps: There are still some ideas, you can come to the group to discuss. Have some ideas about original chapters, let's discuss them together.

  Ps' ps: I wish you all a happy New Year's Day~

   ps’ ps’ ps: My girlfriend is getting angry. I originally wanted to go out to play during the holiday, but...huh, huh, huh~ it’s all for you! !


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