May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 176: :Don't underestimate the forest!

"To Come."

   After speaking, Yue Yong walked forward again, leaving Kondo alone watching the two bananas at his feet mess in the wind...

   Of course, Gintoki and Kagura were not far away who had witnessed all this. At this time, the two of them were in an extremely speechless situation.


  The first echelon Jiang Cheng and Xin Ba Ji continued to walk forward, and soon they met another fairy who was smearing mayonnaise on the tree.

   Xin Ba Ji just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Cheng.

   "I know, I don't need to remind you!" Jiang Cheng chuckled with his hands, showing a little pride, "That's the mayonnaise fairy! The fairy who is responsible for protecting the mayonnaise!"

   "How is it possible! How can there be a fairy who protects that kind of thing!" Xin Baji exclaimed, "That's obviously an acquaintance too!"

   Without waiting for the new eight jokes to finish, Jiang Cheng sighed again and said, "I don't need this, it's really distressing, let's go find another fairy."

   After saying that Jiang Cheng started again and left, and Xin Ba Ji had to follow. At the same time, he looked back from time to time to look at the fourteen who smeared mayonnaise on the tree if no one took care of himself.

   "This forest is really very wrong..." Xin Baji murmured, full of black lines.

   "The so-called forest is like this." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then reminded: "Don't underestimate the forest~ There are many wonderful creatures hidden here."

   "No... this is not what I want to say..." Xin Baji murmured.


   "This is the mayonnaise monster?"

   "It's amazing, it's almost indistinguishable from humans..."

   "But I really can't underestimate the forest, there are so many unheard of species..."

   "Sama Jiang Cheng makes sense, you must not underestimate the forest..."

   "You said, if you come forward and ask if you can take a group photo..."

   "Don't be stupid! I will definitely be thought to have come to grab the mayonnaise! I will be driven out of the forest!"

   "It makes sense, let's hurry up and follow Jiang Cheng sama, it's almost gone..."

   A kind of Baihua member standing in the distance, watching the fourteen who is constantly working, whispered.

   However, it only stayed for a while, and then followed again in the direction where Jiang Cheng had left. And Yue Yong didn't mean to stay at all, and followed.

  Of course, Yueyong’s psychological activity is like this: [I didn’t expect that there are still fairies guarding such things. The forest cannot be underestimated...]

After    Yueyong left, the third echelon of Gintoki and Kagura came.

   "Silver sauce, that's nicotine, right?" Kagura whispered, "Is he nicotine poisoning?"

   "That's right, that's the nicotine monster, there are two small monsters." Gin Shiki replied casually.

After    finished speaking, the two also followed in the direction where everyone left...


   At this time, Jiang Cheng and Xin Ba Ji stopped and cast their eyes on the big tree in front of them.

   The eyes of the two of them were full of surprise, and they looked at the tree along the line of sight of the two of them, and saw a unicorn the size of an adult lying quietly on the tree...

   Jiang Cheng: This must be used!

   New Eight: This one will definitely sell for a high price!

   Both eyes were full of bright little stars, and then they rushed towards the big tree at the same time.

   After the two kicked the tree a few feet, the big unicorn finally fell down.

   The two walked forward in surprise, Jiang Cheng said with joy, "This one will definitely work!"

   "Well, can this be given to me? I mean after participating in the bravery test..." Xinbaji said with a twist.

   "You should be over the age to like this kind of thing, right?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and asked in confusion.

   "Ah, it's not that I want it," Xin Baji explained quickly, "but Kagura-chan wants such a unicorn..."

"Masaka!" Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, and then showed a touch of emotion, "Did you and Yin Shi also come here to catch the unicorn for Kagura sauce? There are really two kinds of Kagura sauce. A good partner."

   "Ah...for the time being, for the time being..." Xin Baji said, scratching his head.

   "Yes!" Jiang Cheng gave a thumbs up, and then reached out his hand to turn the big unicorn over. After all, he turned his belly and it was not easy to run away.

   "Really?!" Xin Baji said in surprise, and then showed gratitude, "Thank you so much!"

   But just after finishing talking, Xin Ba Ji couldn't laugh, because Xin Ba Ji saw the true face of the big unicorn...It was just Sougo Okita wearing a unicorn leather case!

   "Why are you!" Xin Ba Ji rushed forward, kicking and cursing.

"Well, calm down, maybe the unicorns have grown like this." Jiang Cheng quickly grabbed Xin Ba Hao and persuaded him, "This may not be a unicorn, but a unicorn fairy! Responsible for protecting the unicorn. Fairy fairy!"

   "How could it be possible! There should be a limit for natural staying alive!" Xin Baji pointed at Sou Gou on the ground and exclaimed, "It's Okita-san in any way!"

   "Hey? Really?!" Jiang Cheng said in shock, and then showed a look of disappointment, "I thought I could finally find a fairy that can be used in the bravery test..."

  Zou Wu, who was struggling on the ground, heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and said: "Try the bravery? It sounds very interesting. Would you like to take me?"

   "It seems that Sou-go-kun also has some good ideas." Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at Sou-go, the eyes of the two crossed. Then, the two laughed at the same time.

   Listening to the dangerous (black belly) smiles on their faces, Xin Baji muttered with black lines all over his head: "I always feel that the earth mulberry and the silver mulberry should be unlucky again..."

   "Well, don't laugh first. Pull me first. I can't get up alone." Sougo stretched out his hand and said.

   "Oh," Jiang Cheng also stretched out his hand to pull Zou Gou out, "What are you doing in this way?"

   The new eight jokes by the side also looked at Zou Gou curiously.

   Hearing the words, Zou Wu replied casually: "Can't this kind of thing be seen at a glance?"

   "Suga, that's the case, I know." Jiang Cheng nodded with his hands in his arms.

   "I can't see anything at all!" Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically, "Why do you understand?! Why?!"

   "Although all the battle plans that pretended to be their comrades and tried to contact the unicorns were ruined, but..." Sougo laughed again, "I heard more interesting plans again..."

   "So you're just catching a unicorn fairy?!" Xin Ba Hao said with a blank look.

   Seeing that the two of them began to exude a dangerous aura again, Xin Baji quickly stepped back a few steps, pulling away from the two of them.

   Jiang Cheng and Sougo laugh more and more loudly, more and more perverted...

   "Hahahaha...cough cough cough cough, don't laugh first, I'm choking." Jiang Chengshun said smoothly in his chest.

   "Let's discuss the plan." Sougo sat down with his legs crossed, but from the back he looked like a giant unicorn who had been standing.

   Jiang Cheng also sat down, but before Jiang Cheng could speak, the members of Baihua, Gin Shi and Kagura roared towards Sougo.

   "Hey, calm down." Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng hurriedly shouted to everyone.

   But except for the Baihua sisters who stopped when they heard Jiang Cheng's words, Yin Shi and Kagura didn't mean to stop at all, and the two rushed over with their pockets in their pockets.

   "Hey? What's the matter?" Sougo was puzzled, and he was about to turn his head subconsciously.

   But before Sougo turned his head, Gintoki and Kagura have come behind Sougo...

   (The following picture is too **** and violent, so it is omitted selectively, please imagine for yourself.)


   After a scuffle, Jiang Chengcai finally separated the three people who were fighting together.

   "What are you doing!" Sougo, who was helped by Jiang Cheng, wiped his nosebleed, and yelled at Gin Shi and Kagura.

   "You should ask yourself before asking someone else! Why do you want to sit there in that suit?!" Yin Shig retorted without thinking, and then poked his nostrils casually.

   "Sou Da Sou Da, wearing that suit, no matter who it is will think that it is an oversized one-horned fairy Aru." Kagura also picked up his nostrils as he learned the way of silver.

   "Well, calm down first." Jiang Cheng reconciled, then looked at Yin Shi and Kagura, "Aren't you trying to catch unicorns? Go ahead, don't get in the way here."

   "What did you say?" Yin Shi was unhappy for a moment, "What does it mean to get in the way?!"

   "Literally." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "What do you mean literally?! Do you want to fight? You bastard!" Yin Shi tugged Jiang Cheng's collar.

   "I promise you can finish it today." Jiang Cheng replied with a smile, "I even thought about your funeral speech."

   At the other side of Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng, Sougo and Kagura are facing each other, looking at each other uncomfortably, seeming to be pinching up soon.

Seeing that they were about to fight, Xin Ba Haw hurried forward and smiled bitterly to persuade him: "Well, now is not the time to fight? Isn't everyone's purpose to catch unicorns? At this time, we should cooperate well. Right?"

   "Cooperation?" Fourteen's voice sounded behind everyone, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com "Don't be kidding, all the unicorns in this forest are from the real selection team, you guys get out of here."

   After smoking a cigarette, I heard no one talking around. At this time, Fourteen curled his lips, thinking that he was bluffing them, and then slowly raised his head...

   Only Gin Shih, Jiang Cheng and the others only glanced at Fourteen and continued to pinch them. The same goes for Kagura and Sougo on the side, as if they did not put Fourteen in their eyes.

   The little sisters Baihua on the side are the same. They all just glanced at the fourteenth post, and once again buried their heads in doing their own things.

   "You bastards..." Fourteen burst with blue veins, cursing word by word, "Are you deliberately ignoring me?!"

   Then, on the fourteenth, a group of Baihua sisters began to whisper and look at themselves from time to time, as did Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi and the others.

   "Yes, this kind of reaction is right..." Fourteen took a cigarette again and said to himself, but after Fourteen accidentally heard the words of Miss Baihua, the whole person was not good...

   "The Mayonnaise Fairy has spoken!!"



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