May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 190: :Furong Chapter 8

At this moment, the voice of Zero Two came again, "Everyone, forcibly delete data."

Therefore, Jiang Cheng saw that the good maid robot, who had been trained, once again looked at him with ugly faces.

"Hey, is it really okay to betray the kindness of others like this?" Jiang Cheng's slightly helpless voice sounded, "I have helped you train the staff..."

"no need."

"I think you have the same voice as mine, so I want to help you." Jiang Cheng replied, "But since you don't need it, just forget it."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng turned around again to leave.

"Command. Take back the zero machine, that man... erase it." Zero II commanded.

"Understand." ×n

Immediately afterwards, a group of maids rushed towards Jiang Cheng again...


All things house.

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with Jiang Chengsang now. Will he really fall into something strange." Xin Ba Hao murmured while sitting on the sofa.

"Don't **** with that idleness..." Yin Shi was lying on the sofa, clasping his nostrils while looking at the jump in his hand, "Now it's working hours. If you are distracted, be careful that I deduct your salary."

"Are you qualified to say this?" Xin Ba Hao spit out expressionlessly, "You are the one who is the least motivated! You don't want to think about how long you haven't paid a salary! Granny Dengshi has already asked me. It’s going to be rented several times! Really! And you, Kagura-chan,"

Speaking of Xin Ba Hao, he looked at Kagura, "You can also talk a little bit about Yinsang, I am not the only one who can't get the salary."

However, at this time, Kagura was still squatting on the ground, drawing circles with aggrieved expression.

"My egg beater Aru..."

"Still thinking about that?!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from a distance, and Xin Ba Haw was startled.

"What's the matter?" Xinba Haw opened the window and looked at a place with thick smoke billowing in the distance, "What the **** is going on, how can an explosion happen in broad daylight? Is it Okita-san?"

But just after finishing talking, Xin Ba Hao noticed that there were several black spots on the roof in the distance moving in his direction. Xin Ba Hao raised his glasses: "That is..."

Finally, the black spots got bigger and bigger, and Xin Ba Haw was able to see clearly that the leader was Jiang Cheng who was running wild, and Jiang Cheng was behind a group of maids chasing after him.

"Isn't that Jiang Chengsang?!" Xin Ba Haw twitched the corners of his mouth, "What the **** is going on..."


"Hey, you can't get rid of it no matter what!" Jiang Cheng said as he ran on the roof, "Even if you hide, you will be discovered why!"

"The eyes of the robot maid can analyze the heat source of the human body." Xiaoyu explained.

"It turned out to be like this... Ah, that's not right! Before that, you would let me go first!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "It's because of you that I was targeted! And isn't it a leggings? Why? Come on to my arm!"

Xiaoyu kept silent.

"Don't pretend to be dead, hello!" Jiang Cheng yelled, but just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng found out who was walking on the road next to him. He stopped in an instant and shouted at Zongwu, "Hey! Mr. Zongwu. !help me!"

"Oh, boss, I'm so interested. Playing this kind of chase on the street." Sougo raised his head and said hello, "I'll just open one eye this time. But remember to pay for the damaged roof when you look back. Oh."

"Let me see clearly, hello! I'm being chased, okay!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "and what is chasing? I have never heard of such a thing!"

"It turned out to be a maid..." Sougo murmured, supporting his chin, "So boss, your hobby turned out to be this way."

"How could it be possible!" Jiang Cheng explained, pointing to Xiaoyu, who wrapped his hair around his arm, "It was all this head that made the mistake! Let me use the knife!"

"Knife...wait, isn't that a human head? Boss, you dare to chop people at will during the day. You deserve to be from Yoshihara." Sogo praised.

"Show me clearly, hello! This is a robot! A robot!"

"Robot?" Zongwu asked in confusion, but then Zongwu reacted and gave Jiang Cheng a thumbs up, "I understand, I will write your case report like this. Don't worry, no Someone will hold you accountable."

"It's you who don't know the situation!!" Jiang Cheng shouted, but then Jiang Cheng glanced at the maid army that was getting closer and closer behind him. , I will slip away first, please stop them for a while, please ask Mr. Zongwu!"

"Blocking? Stop talking stupid, I don't like maids..." Before Zou Wu finished speaking, he saw Jiang Cheng starting a fatal run again, "Forget it, no matter what, patrol. What a trouble ~Let’s find a recliner to sleep in..."


"That's..." Jiang Cheng, who was running wild, suddenly spotted Fourteen on the street below, and stopped again and shouted at Fourteen: "Liu Haijun! Liu Haijun!"

"Who is Liu Haijun, you bastard!" Fourteen yelled at Jiang Cheng on the roof, "Give me the names of others well! Hey? Wait, what's the one on your arm?"

"There is no time to explain! You can help stop the people behind!"

"Don't be kidding, why should I help you!" Fourteen scolded, "And you have a human head on your arm! Your soul is actually killing people on the ground in broad daylight, this time even the shogunate doesn't care about me Also bring you **** to justice!"

"Show me clearly! This is a robot! A robot!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

"Robot?" Fourteen snorted disdainfully, "Even if I'm making excuses, I don't want to make such bad excuses. Do you think I'm a fool?"

With that, Fourteen climbed to the top of the building and handcuffed Jiang Cheng, "At 2:11 in the afternoon, you will be arrested for intentional homicide."

Looking at the handcuffs on his hands, Jiang Chengcai finally raised his head and snarled after being stunned for two seconds: "Show me a good look! This is really a robot!"

But just after finishing talking, Jiang Cheng realized that the maid army behind him was chasing up again, "I don't have time to say so much, I'll slip away first! You quickly unlock the handcuffs for me!"

"Don't be delusional, let Zhenxuanzuo talk about something." Fourteen said disdainfully, but just after speaking, Fourteen heard a mess of footsteps behind him, and glanced back subconsciously. "that is……"

"It doesn't matter! I'll slip away first!" Jiang Cheng said and fled again without looking back.

"Wait! Stop it for me, bastard!" Fourteen hurriedly followed, "Don't want to run away, hey!"

"You are an idiot! An absolute idiot! See what's going on right now!" Jiang Cheng scolded.

"How do you think you are a murderer..."

"Data record, Jiang Cheng Sama is a murderer." Xiaoyu opened his eyes and said.

"Don't record that kind of fake data for me!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed.

"Head..." The cigarette fell from Fourteen's mouth, "Human head actually spoke!"

"I said it was a robot!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "Hurry up and untie my handcuffs, bastard! It's very inconvenient!"

"Wait... this face seems a bit familiar." Fourteen glanced at Xiaoyu.

"Hey? Really? Is it your acquaintance?!" Jiang Cheng said in surprise, "Then take her back quickly! I can't stand it for a second!"

"Data record, Jiang Chengsama one second..." Xiaoyu said.

"Shut up to me! How could that kind of thing be possible! Can robots also make jokes like that?!"

Just after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly saw the new Ba Haw who was watching at the window not far away.

"Hey! New Eight Haw! Help me!" As he said, Jiang Cheng rushed towards the House of Everything. And Fourteen followed Jiang Cheng closely, but there was a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What is the situation now?" Xin Ba Haw shouted at Jiang Cheng who was not far away.

"Ghost knows!" Jiang Cheng yelled, and then jumped directly to the roof of the House of Everything, came to the edge of the roof, and stretched out his hand to pull the Xin Ba Hao at the window onto the roof. Even Xin Ba Hao didn't react...

So... the frantic fleeing duo became the frantic fleeing trio.


"By the way, there is no need to take me too!" Xin Ba Haw roared.

"Don't you like maids? Thinking about this situation, maybe you would like it or maybe." Jiang Cheng explained.

"Even if you like a maid..." As he said, Xin Ba Hao glanced behind him, and saw the maid army yelling and screaming and chasing the three people tightly. "I can't like it in this situation! Why? Is Tufang Sang here too?"

"Scared! Really!" Jiang Cheng pretended to be surprised and asked at Fourteen, "Why are you here?"

"It's not all because of you!" the Fourteenth National Congress cursed, "It's all because of you and I got into this dangerous situation! Are you amnesia?!"

"Don't be stupid, I don't remember seeing you at all." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually.

"I won't release the handcuffs for you if I knew it!" Fourteen gritted his teeth and said.


"Yo Xi, it seems to have hid this time." Jiang Cheng lifted his head and opened the manhole cover and let out a long sigh of relief after scanning the ground.

"I ran away for an entire afternoon, and I was almost exhausted." Xin Ba Haw sat on the ground and said breathlessly, "but it's a robot, it's not tired at all."

"I'm hungry~" Jiang Cheng whispered while rubbing his stomach.

"Indeed, me too." Xin Ba Haw scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"Really," Fourteen curled his lips in disdain, and then took out two bottles of mayonnaise from his arms, "Just treat it as a charity for you two. Eat."

Jiang Cheng: "..."

New Eight Chi: "..."


"Hey, I should be able to get off my arm now." Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaoyu on his arm and reminded him, "Is it enough to play with you for an afternoon?"

"The church is not detected, so the equipment cannot be uninstalled."

"Give me enough!" Jiang Cheng scolded.

"Is that true?" Xinba Haw asked in confusion, "The incident that Xiaoyu killed Dr. Liushan..."

It may be the fake Gintama https://

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