May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 191: :shock! The ontology of the author of the street is actually...! ! !

--Dividing line--

   House of Everything.

   "The hard day is over~" Yin Shi put down the jump in his hand and rubbed his eyes, then sat up from the sofa, "Who is on the turn for dinner today?"

   Voiceover: What is a hard day? Didn't do anything at all! Just watched a day's jump on the sofa!

   "It's me!" Kagura raised his hand and said, then put a rice cooker on the table, "Today's dinner, raw egg bibimbap Aru!"

   "Even if you like raw egg bibimbap, you don't have to eat three meals a day, right?" Yin Shi was a little helpless, but then compromised. "Forget it, raw egg bibimbap should be used."


after dinner.

   "I always think something is wrong..." Gintoki murmured.

   "Actually, I feel that way too..." Kagura nodded and said, holding his hands.

   "I always feel like I'm missing something, but I feel that nothing is missing..." Yinshi frowned and thought for a while, before he finally took a shot, "I know!"

   Talking, Yin Shi looked at some three-dimensional glasses on the table and a bowl of white rice in front of the glasses, "Hey, Shinbaji, it’s not a good habit to skip dinner."

  Voiceover (three-dimensional glasses): Do you use that eye to tell that I am a new eight! Xin Ba Hao is not here at all!

   "Today's Shin Baji feels something is wrong, Aru, Ginchan." Kagura pointed to the glasses on the table and said to Gintoki.

   "What silly thing to say? Aside from eating a little less, isn't it exactly the same as usual?" Yin Shizuo dug his nostrils in disapproval.

   "That's right." Kagura nodded.

   Voiceover: I've said that it's not a new eight! How many times do you want me to say it! Xin Ba Hao has a very important role today! That's why I came to the roof class of everything!

   "Wait, what do you mean by the very important scene?" Gin Shiki moved his neck and looked at the glasses on the table. At the same time, Kagura also geared up and showed an unfriendly look...

  Voiceover: Gudong (swallowing saliva), um, can we put the hammer down before we talk?

   Then, a scream from a voice-over and the sound of broken glasses...


   The voice-over that broke the ground: In short, that's it, because the new eight princes have a very important role in the scene, considering the lack of complaints in Wanshiwu, so...

"Really, I used this method to add drama to myself, that **** glasses!" Yin Shi gritted his teeth, "don't look at who is the protagonist... and the **** author, who even deleted Lao Tzu's. Scene!"

   "What does the author look like Aru? I always feel a little curious." Kagura asked curiously.

   Voiceover: I can tell you this.

   Right after, Gintoki and Kagura saw a photo appear in front of the glasses on the table.

   "This is...orangutan, right, Aru?"

   "Ah, there is no doubt that it is a gorilla." Yin Shi nodded and said, "Accurately speaking, it is a three-dimensional gorilla."

   "Why is the author a gorilla Aru?"

   "A creature like the author, in general..." Yin Shizhang stretched out a finger and said solemnly, "...Basically, it's all apes."

   "So that's it..."

   (End of small theater)

--Dividing line--

   The main story begins.

   Voice-over: The country of samurai, our country is already called this way...

"Qiaodou sack!" Xinba Haw burst into Qingjin yelling, "That's my line! It's mine! Isn't it enough to just appear in the small theater?! Why do you want to grab my line in the main story?! Letter If you don't believe me, I really smashed you!"

   Voiceover: Ah... I'm sorry, I can't help myself...

   "Then do it again! Op broadcast!"


  Op is over.

   "Is that true?" Xin Baji asked in confusion, "The incident that Xiaoyu killed Dr. Liushan..."

   "Dr. Ryushan...wait..." Fourteen suddenly thought of something, and then he looked at Xiaoyu carefully, "No wonder I feel familiar, it turns out that this is the suspect in that case."

   "Case? Is the case of Dr. Lin Liushan responsible for the Zhenseng team?" Xin Ba Hao asked in shock.

"Well, it happened to be my responsibility." Fourteen nodded, then lighted a cigarette and took a sip, "It's not a waste of time to run today, it's a mistake to catch the suspect. It's for the sake of this. Come on, today you two will not be held accountable."

   "Hahahaha..." Jiang Cheng suddenly laughed, pointing to Xin Ba Ji and Shi 14 and said, "Are you two idiots? Are you watching too many sci-fi movies? How can robots kill people?"

   "That's right, how can robots kill people," the new eight jokes smiled wistfully, "and Dr. Lin Liushan is the one who created Xiaoyu."

   "That said, it's not impossible at all." Fourteen said, "The results of the investigation and all the evidence point to this guy."

   "What are you referring to? Personal evidence?" Jiang Cheng sneered, "Those guys want to get rid of Xiaoyu more than you."

   "That's the problem, there are still many doubts about the case, and..." Fourteen hesitated.

   "And?" Xin Baji looked at Fourteen with a puzzled expression.

   "The surveillance has been completely destroyed," replied fourteen, and then looked at Xiaoyu with a huge knot: "At present, there are only witnesses, and all the witnesses all identify this guy as the murderer."

   "Witness? Does it mean that ordinary uncle?" Jiang Cheng said disdainfully.

   "Do you know?!" The fourteenth turn was shocked.

   "Ah, it was with the robot maids who were chasing us, seems to have been killed." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "Done? What does it mean to be done?" Xinbaji asked in a muttered voice.

   Jiang Chenggang was about to say something but was suddenly interrupted by Xiaoyu.

   "According to the data record, the doctor once said that he wanted to become a robot. But I don't understand." Xiaoyu said.

   "Want to become a robot? That Dr. Ryuyama?" Xin Baji looked incredulous, "Why? Why do humans want to become robots?"

   "The data has been retrieved, but the data is missing, so I cannot answer." Xiaoyu continued.

   "The clue is broken again..." Xin Baji murmured.

"Excuse me, is there a mechanical technician nearby?" Xiaoyu continued, "Just in case, a backup memory section is set up, but the section is tightly sealed. If you can open it, the memory will be restored, and you may be able to get it. Data related to the Ph.D."

   "Although I don't understand it, I should go to the old man outside the source again." Xin Baji suddenly realized something just after speaking, and looked at Fourteen with horror, [No! I subconsciously said it! The old man outside the source is a wanted criminal! Oh no! It was heard by the earthmoving mulberry! 】

   "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Fourteen asked, looking at the cold sweaty New Baji, "Are you deprived of oxygen? Or are you too hungry?"

【Great! It doesn't seem to be exposed! ] Xin Ba Hao was relieved.

   "In short, the soldiers should be divided into two ways, Xin Ba Ji, you go find a way to restore Xiaoyu's memory, I will stay with Liu Haijun and break the post." Jiang Cheng suggested.

   "Hey? Wouldn't it be okay to go together?" Xin Baji suddenly heard the sound of neat steps over his head just after speaking.

"Hurry up." Fourteen took the last puff, then pinched out the cigarette butt, then tore off his coat and threw it to Xinba Hao and drew out his own knife. "I just want to move a little bit too. ."

   Jiang Cheng glanced at Xiaoyu on his arm, "Hey, the church is here."

   "Why?" Xiaoyu asked.

   "What and why?" Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically.

   "Why help me? I'm just a robot."

"Is it a whim or nosy..." Jiang Cheng murmured, "but there is only one thing I understand. Ordinary robots don't shed tears. Although I don't know it is a confession to the creator who died. Tears, tears of farewell..."

   "Tears?" Xin Ba Ji was puzzled, "Did Xiaoyu shed tears?!"

   "There should be a limit to fooling people, how could that kind of thing happen?" Fourteen said disdainfully.

"Indeed, I also find it incredible." Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, then looked at Xiaoyu in his hand, "Maybe this guy really has any secrets... I might be curious, too. "

   After finishing speaking, Xiaoyu's hair loosened Jiang Cheng's arm, and Jiang Cheng handed Xiaoyu to Xin Bajia.

   "Jiang Chengsang, earthwork mulberry..." Xin Ba Ji murmured while holding Xiaoyu's head while looking at the back of Jiang Cheng and Shisi.

   "Although it's troublesome, but this time..." Jiang Cheng moved his neck, and then pulled out the umbrella from his waist, "Hurry up."

   "I see!" After responding, Xin Ba Ji turned his head decisively and left.


   "Hey, don't hold me back, otherwise, you will really be caught in the prison for obstructing law enforcement this time." Fourteen said with a grin.

   "You are." Jiang Cheng replied, narrowing his eyes.

   Then the two looked at each At the same time, they raised the weapon in their hands and smashed them at the manhole cover above their heads...

   Boom! ! !


   "Curious? Human curiosity is really hard to understand." Xiaoyu said.

   "No, it's not that kind of thing." Xin Ba Ji explained as he ran, holding Xiaoyu's head, "Jiang Chengsang is not the one who would do this kind of thing because of that."


   "To tell the truth, I don't know, Jiang Chengsang's character is more elusive than Yinsang's character to tell the truth." Xin Baji thought for a while and wanted to answer, "But one thing can be confirmed..."

   "What is it?"

  Before he could answer, he saw the door of the mechanical hall not far away, and said with joy: "Great!"


   Machine Hall.

   "Master from outside the source!" Xin Ba Ji rushed into the mechanical hall holding Xiaoyu's head and shouted anxiously.

   The old man outside the source who was playing with the TV yawned and said without looking back: "Really, let an elderly person wait until midnight. You must know that staying up late is a healthy number one public enemy."



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