Just when Gintoki and O Miichi...no, the man who should be called Kenofi gave his life to fight, on the ship of Piyi Mengxing outside the earth, two unexpected guests were also ushered in...

Kondo and Kubei, who claimed to be a light saber stream from heaven, joined forces and dived on the ship of Piyi Mengxing.

As soon as the two appeared, they destroyed the device that Piyimeng Xingren was preparing to recover Knofi.

At this time, Piyi Mengxing, who was in the spacecraft, was able to discover that his spacecraft was unknowingly surrounded by the earth’s Zhensengumi spacecraft.

At the same time, Kenofi, who was fighting with Silver Time on Earth, finally reacted and figured out some things.

It turned out that the blow to the chest stabbed by Yin Shi in the Hengdao Pavilion at that time affected not only his own emergency system, but also... his own communication function!

Gintoki was just buying time, planning to let Kondo and others find a way to stop the laser cannon during this period!

When looking at Silver, who was already covered in blood but with a relaxed expression, Conophy, who had just been hit hard by Silver Shi, turned her face away and spit out a mouthful of blood.

As if he could see what Conofy was thinking, Yin Shi slowly said, "Didn't I say it? No one will come here except me. You disappeared from that body first, or I disappeared first. Let’s compare your endurance a little bit."

But Nophie grabbed the lightsaber that fell to the side with her left hand, and at the same time slowly got up.

"Stop nonsense!"

Looking at Conofy, who rushed straight towards him, the corners of Yin Shi's lips raised slightly, and a smile appeared on the serious mode's face.


On the streets of Kabukicho, Jiang Cheng, who walked side by side with Yueyong in front of the Baihua sisters, suddenly stopped and raised his face to look at the night sky with two emotions.

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong stopped and frowned slightly, glanced at Jiang Cheng weirdly, and at the same time said impatiently: "Hey, hurry back..."

Jiang Cheng softly interrupted Yue Yong's words and asked: "Yueyue, why do humans work hard for something that can't reverse the result at all? They even fight for their lives for this. I... I don't understand a little bit, obviously the result is doomed, but There will still be so many idiots..."

After a moment of silence, Yue Yong replied softly: "Probably...I want to grasp the slightest possible miracle."

"Miracle...?" Jiang Chengqian smiled and shook his head after murmured softly, "Maybe. But for some people, he never puts everything under the slightest possible miracle. What's the matter. It's just an idiot if he would do that..."

Yue Yong hugged her hands and snorted, "In my eyes, you are already a complete idiot."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng didn't speak up, but just raised the corner of his mouth gently and started slowly.

After walking a few meters, Jiang Chengcai replied: "No, even if you are an idiot, there is a difference. At least I have never believed in that kind of thing, and never wanted to put everything on that kind of thing. Because …"

With that said, Jiang Cheng stopped again and raised his head, squinted his eyes and smiled and looked at the night sky before he paused before continuing:

"I'm a general. If even the general pursues that kind of thing, then the people behind may also become that kind of idiot one by one. The more painful you have, the more you have to laugh?

Sorry, I can't say that. When you are happy, you can laugh, and when you are sad, you can cry without scruples. Isn’t what you will do to support such a free sky for those behind you?

It’s good for people with only a few followers, or people with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions or even more followers. If you can’t even do this kind of thing, at least I am Wouldn't think of him as a general.

On the contrary, even if there is no one to follow, someone who is still trying to prop up such a sky for the people around him, I am willing to regard him as a general. "

"There are still people." Yue Yong, who got up and came to Jiang Cheng's side at some unknown time, showed a proud bust with one hand ringed on her chest, and pointed her thumb at the other Baihua girls behind her.

"Aren't there still a bunch of nympho?"

"Jiang Cheng Sama~!"

A group of young ladies from Baihua shouted and rushed up, and surrounded Jiang Chengli on the third and outer three floors.

By the way, Yue Yong was squeezed aside by the excited Baihua ladies.

Looking at the little sisters Baihua who were constantly twittering like a flock of sparrows around Jiang Cheng, a few black lines slowly fell on Yue Yong's forehead, and a blue vein violently broke out on her cheeks unconsciously.

"You are so noisy!" Yue Yongbai shouted angrily, then stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiang Cheng, "What is so good about this idiot man?! Are you all blind?!"

"Yo Xi, everyone!" Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and raised his fist and shouted, "Finally come to the ground together, let's go on a date together today!"

"Oh!" ×n

All the Baihua ladies cheered at the same time.

"I'm dating you!" Yue Yongbai exclaimed with an angry eyes, "Yoshihara still has a job on patrol!"

"No, according to ordinary development, won't you not go to Yueyue?" Jiang Cheng pretended to be puzzled, and then showed a smile again and raised an index finger. "Then all patrols will be left to Yueyue. Months, hard work for you~"

"Thanks for your hard work, boss!" ×n

"You guys..." Yue Yong gritted her silver teeth, and squeezed a few words out of her throat.

Perfectly ignoring Yueyong's words, Jiang Cheng raised his hands and squinted his eyes again and shouted: "Everyone, let's go for a supper first, and then watch a movie. Let's go!"

"Go!" ×n

Finally, the unbearable Yueyong finally broke out, pointing to Jiang Cheng's nose with white eyes and saliva, yelling: "I said there is still work! Where do you want to take them?! After the supper and the movie. What do you want to do?! You scumbag!"

"Boss, do you still have to ask about that kind of thing?" A Baihua lady answered naturally, "It must be a playground afterwards."

"Where will an amusement park be open at this time!" Yueyong ranted frantically, "have you become idiots after spending a long time with this idiot?!"

Jiang Cheng was unhappy in an instant, and cast his eyes blankly and shouted: "What a rude! Who is an idiot? Even I know that there is no amusement park open at this time!"

"What are you talking about? Jiang Cheng sama?" A Baihua lady asked in doubt, and then she deliberately stood up and showed her face for granted. "The amusement park for adults is Jiang Cheng sama 24 hours a day. The door is open!"

"That's it..." Jiang Cheng nodded, his gaze locked on a certain part of Miss Baihua who was abnormally plump at that certain part. It’s an amusement park. An amusement park for men and women..."

"What do you **** want to do to my subordinates?!" While shouting, the Kuwu Wu in Yue Yong's hands had already let go.





Jiang Cheng, who rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, murmured: "No, I'm not ready to do anything... I just looked at the amusement park from a distance. I haven't bought the tickets for the amusement park yet... "

"I think you are ready to step into the gate of the amusement park!" Yue Yong retorted angrily.

"Jiang Chengsama!" A group of young ladies from Baihua quickly gathered around.

"Hurry up and go back to patrol—!"

"Huh—" a young lady from Baihua deliberately dragged a long tone and complained, "Ming Ming Jiang Cheng Sama said she wants to go on a date with us."

"I am the leader of Baihua! Hurry up and get me back to work!"


A group of young ladies from Baihua expressed their dissatisfaction, but in the end they reluctantly left under Yue Yong's duress.

Jiang Cheng, who got up, looked at the back of the Baihua sisters who were walking further and further, and smiled softly.

"Well, it looks like a normal girl already."

"Where does it look like?!" Yue Yong said angrily, "It's just a bunch of idiots whose heads are ringed!"

"I mean you, Yueyue." Jiang Cheng looked back at Yueyong and said with a smile.

Yue Yong was inexplicably stunned, but then suddenly he noticed it again, and instantly raised his foot to knock Jiang Chengji to the ground and stepped on it vigorously.

"When you **** talks to a woman, can you change your gaze?!" Yue Yong cursed as she stepped on, "You scumbag!"

"That's just a subconscious conditioned reflex!" Jiang Cheng defended, "Trust me! I have no interest in your Opai at all!"

Hearing the sound, Yueyong's face was filled with two more blue veins, and she stepped on her feet harder...

By the way, when Jiang Cheng was making trouble, in front of Heng Daoguan, a kid named Harita who was tied to a chair was shivering because of fear.

If you want to ask why, it might have something to do with the group of catchers who are looking at him with ugly faces with ten hands in front of him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

By the way, I almost forgot to say that on the right side of the chair tied to Harita, there is a flag on the right side of the chair with [天无心光剑流大师: Harita], and on the left side there is a flag with [天无心光剑流]. Consult the registration office] for the flag.

"That...that, in fact, this matter has nothing to do with me, do you believe it?" Harita said with a trembling smile.

"Although there is only one left, I can catch it back for business." The leader of the hunter quickly grinned and showed a grinning smile.

Harita tremblingly defended, "It has nothing to do with me! I was just **** by Jiang Cheng while sleeping at home! I don't know anything about the rest!"

"Take it home, please do it!" The lead catcher turned around and shouted to the rest of the catchers.

"Oh!" ×n

Looking at the unobtrusive arresters in front of him, Harita looked up to the sky with tears in the corner of his eyes and shouted, "Why, why did it become like this! Who, who will save me!"

But obviously, even though there won’t be any at night...

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