May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 638: : It's risky to be handsome!

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"Boy, do you admit this?" The headed Catcher turned around and pointed to the flag on the side of the chair with [Heaven Wuxin Lightsaber Ryu Master Brother: Haruta].

"I..." Haruta just wanted to deny it, but then he thought of something and lowered his head silently.

After a long time, Haruta made a small noise.

"Ah, admit it. I'm the big brother of the Heavenly Wuxin lightsaber flow-Qing Tai Da! Also the successor of Omiichi-the new big brother of Heng Daoguan! Keep it for me! You bastards!"

When it came to the last sentence, Harita raised her head and shouted.

After listening, the lead arrester was about to get angry, but was stopped by a arrester behind him patted his shoulder.

"Speaking of it, will there be anyone here?" The catcher pointed at the door of the dojo and said, "Now that the Shinsengumi and the No. 1 Yanagyu family are not there, do we want to..."

"That's right, just in case, let's go in and search. Everyone! Follow me in..."

"You can't get in," Qing Tai muttered with her head down, "Even if I am alone, I won't let you in."

"Huh?" The head catcher looked at Haruta with weird eyes, "What nonsense are you talking about? Little devil. That's enough. Go back and cooperate with us in a while and record a transcript, and you will be released. Now I'm old. Honestly..."

"So didn't you say it?" Harita raised her head, staring straight at the catcher's face with a serious expression, "As long as I'm here, you can't get in..."

After all, the rope tied to Haruta suddenly loosened. Then Hou Qing got up slowly, and took the practice bamboo sword that had been on the ground all the time and carried it on his shoulders.

"Even if it is such a dojo where two teachers don't care about it for three days," Harita pointed to the door behind her with the other hand, and said seriously, "As long as I'm here, you won't be allowed to enter so easily! I'm...big brother!"

"Smelly kid!"

In the distance, with Yue Yong, Jiang Cheng, who was looking at the door of A Miao's house on a certain wall, gently raised the corner of his mouth, then jumped off the wall, turned and left slowly.

"Go away, Yueyue."

"Hey? Haruta... Yueyong stopped talking.

"Relax, those catchers will not kill you." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said without looking back, "And let him be handsome for the time being today. What a kid... don't you like to be handsome?

Of course, playing handsome also has to take a little risk. You have to know that there is no risk of being handsome, but it will spoil the little devil, or it will make him bad in the future. "

After listening, Yue Yong pondered for a while before jumping off the wall.

Finally, after looking back at Harita’s direction, Yue Yong started to follow Jiang Cheng...

"Humph," Yue Yong said with a grin, "I didn't expect you to remember the matter of Daqingtai's tutor who was asked by the sun wheel."

"Huh? Has it happened again?" Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes and asked blankly.


"Ah! There is still such a thing!" Jiang Xiang thought of something like he held his hand and tapped his palm with his fist, and then he showed a surprised expression, "Yo Xi! After I go back, I will go to the Sun Wheel to make up the tuition fee. ! Now the money that was snatched by Kagura just came back! No! It's been doubled and it's back again! Great!"

"Do you only think about this kind of thing?!" Yue Yongbai exclaimed.

However, at this time, Jiang Chengzheng was immersed in the fantasy of receiving a large amount of supplementary tuition fees, and did not hear Yue Yong's words...

Seeing Jiang Cheng who was whispering to buy a new graphics card after getting the money, Yue Yong was so angry that he lifted his foot and kicked Jiang Cheng's **** vigorously.

"Don't get in the way! Idiot!"

On the other side, the battle between Silver Time and Konofi has also been determined.

At this time, Yin Shi had blood on his face and blood stains on his clothes, and only the ups and downs of his chest could prove that he was alive.

I saw him leaning on the wall with his head down and slumped against the wall. The wooden knives and the knives given by the old man Yuanwai were scattered on the ground.

And what was stuck in Yin Shi's belly was the lightsaber that Kenofei had previously held in his left hand!

On the other hand, Kanofi stood on the spot, looking at Yin Shi coldly and silently while leaning on her side.

But Nophie's left hand still kept the action of throwing the sword just now.

"Oh!" Yin Shi suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Da da da…

But Nophie walked towards Yinshi without hurries, and said as he walked: "There are still 30 minutes before the system is automatically repaired. Before that, there is only one way to stop the laser cannon."

Konofi, who was in front of Gintoki, leaned down and hooked her mouth, jokingly with a hint of sarcasm and continued: "It's just to destroy me...Omiichi."

Immediately afterwards, Kanofi stood up straight again and opened her right hand to aim at Yin Shi's head, "I will send your lovely little brother and this planet to accompany you immediately. Go there and wait. ...In hell."

The red light began to gather in Konofi’s right hand, getting brighter and brighter...

At this time, Yin Shi just lifted his eyes and glanced at Konofi. There was no fear in his eyes. If he insisted on describing it, his eyes were just the same as usual. He didn't know where he was looking. The dead fish eye of the place.

However, at a critical juncture, a sword suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell straight towards Kenofi's right arm.

呲-呲- (current sound)

Looking at the machine's right forearm being chopped off the ground, Nophie was stunned for a moment, and then glanced aside at the new eight haw who was still slashing and slashing.

"Who do you think is the younger brother? It's really noisy to call all the older brother and younger brother! That kind of thing, Yin Sang and I are not rare at all! You bastard!"

While shouting, the new eight harp raised the sword in his hand again and slashed straight at Konofi.


Konofi, who only caught the blade with his left hand, grasped the broken blade, and yelled at the same time: "You fellow, what are you here for now?!"

But Nophie held the broken blade and pierced straight towards the head of Xin Ba Ha.

"Xin Ba Chi..." Yin Shi reacted instantly, and after pulling out the lightsaber from his abdomen, he stabbed Conofi hard in front of him!

Conofi, who was pierced in his chest, flew out a few meters away before falling to the ground.

But compared to Canofi, Silver's condition is even worse...


Seeing that after a blow fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, the whole body was extremely weak and silver, Xin Ba Ha squatted down and shouted with concern: "Yin Sang! All right? Cheer up!"

At this moment, Yin Shi struggling to get up while supporting the floor with both hands, and at the same time glanced lightly at the side of Xin Ba Hao.

"What are you doing? Idiot stuff..."

"I already know what you are doing here, and the fact that that person can never come back." Xin Ba Hao replied flatly.

"What are you kidding..." Gintoki struggled to stand up, and at the same time picked up the wooden knife on the ground tremblingly, "Who said these things on his own terms? Go aside, that guy... that guy will be back soon, I Definitely, he will be brought back to you. So, just wait a little longer, wait for me... it's still a little bit, the last little bit, really...please, I promise you."

Looking at the brave silver who was still trembling even though he was supporting it with a wooden knife, the shoulders of Xin Ba Hao and Ah Miao, who had also arrived, began to tremble gently.

Xin Ba Hao pursed his lips and cried depressively and said, "You know? Yinsang, I always thought that when the general does stupid things, he only needs to do stupid things with him. But Jiang Chengsang said, if the general does stupid things , I’m going to punch him hard to wake him up. If it’s not like this, now...I really want to punch you hard."

"Xin Ba Hao..." Yin Shig breathed out again, "That idiot...It's not that I don't believe in miracles, but I don't know when I can't believe in miracles anymore. Believe me, just once, I...I will. Brought him back. A miracle will happen. I can!"

Seeing the silver spit out a big mouthful of blood again, Xin Ba Ha put his hand on the hand that Yin Shi put on the wooden knife, lowered his head and said, "It is enough, so Yin Sang, don’t even connect. You also disappeared from us. Even if Brother A came back, even if the earth could be saved, if you were not there, we wouldn't be able to laugh.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have to be a big brother or a general. It doesn’t matter if you are far from the role model or scornful, because even if you can’t show us the way to the future, you’ll be confused with us, as long as you are by your side and accompany us in pain and grief. We will laugh when everyone is around.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is..."

Having said that, Xin Ba Hao started slowly and walked towards Conofi, who had already stood up. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Xin Ba Chi..." Gin Shiki murmured as he looked at Xin Ba Chi's back.

"So, can you leave it to me next?" Xinba Haw stopped in front of Konofi, and continued without looking back, "It doesn't matter, it's not O Miichi's crying brother who is standing here. Not a disciple of the lightsaber ryu. But the Shimura Shinpachi who inherited the heaven's uninspired ryu-Mushiya!"

"Wait, Shinba..."

Before he finished speaking, Yin Shi spit out a bite of blood again, and the wooden knife in his hand loosened uncontrollably and fell to the ground again.

"Ginjang!" Kagura, who arrived at the same time as Ah Miao, shouted and rushed forward to squat down on the ground and began to check Gintoki's situation.

"Kagura-chan." Xin Ba Chi yelled.

"Huh?" Kagura looked at him suspiciously.

"Yin Sang, please."

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