May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 653: : Xiaoyu Blind Date (1:5)

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

[...It's just boarding a boat made of drawn paper! Definitely just want to sink me and laugh at me! 】

While thinking about it, Yamazaki hurriedly started rushing into the alley on the side of the Dengshi shop, lying on the window of the Dengshi shop, talking with his head, and secretly probed.

At this time, Dengshi shop.

Staring at the dead fish-eyed silver, looking at the person in front of him, Sougou asked aloud: "Okay, what do you want to say?"

Sougo, sitting on the chair in front of the counter, spoke without hesitation, commonly known as straight to the point.

"I just said bluntly, can we let our Yamazaki and the robot girl here send a [BEEP—]?"

Upon hearing the sound, Yamazaki slowly opened his mouth and eyes widened outside the window. At the same time, cold sweat began to seep out drop by drop.

[I don’t even have a napkin boat, it’s just thrown into the sea directly from the rolls! ! ] Yamazaki collapsed and thought.

"Huh? I don't understand what you are talking about."

Sougou replied unhurriedly: "In short, let the stamens and pistils..."

【Do not! not this! 】

"In fact, Yamazaki seems to have accumulated a lot of pressure recently, and it has hindered our work. We have a headache." Sougo continued on his own.

[No, no, if you insist on saying something, there is indeed such a thing, but your way of expression is too...! 】

"So I'm here to ask if I can borrow the boss's [BEEP—] toy for use." As he said, Sougo looked at Xiaoyu who was standing on the side.

[[Beep—] Toys or something...Who is that kind of thing? ! 】

At this time, the mother-in-law Dengshi who was standing at the counter couldn't help but reprimanded: "Wait! What do you think of our child?!"

"Huh?" Sougo let out a puzzled voice, and asked in a natural tone: "Isn't it an inflatable (air) doll?"

[You show me the air! 】


Kagura knocked his fist on the counter, and said with a serious face and angrily: "Are you **** despising us Aru?! How could our family's Kanban girl give it to you!"

Xinbaji said, "That means Mr. Yamazaki is interesting to Miss Xiaoyu, right?"

[Wait...Don't tell me, New Baja-kun, it's shameful...]

"I'll make a copy of Yamazaki's love letter..." Sougo took out a stack of a4 paper from his sleeve...or a copy of Yamazaki's supervisory diary and handed it to Gintoki. "After you read it, Will understand."

[That's not a love letter! 】

"On the fifteenth day, Miss Xiaoyu today is as gentle as ever. Ahhh~ I want to arrest Miss Xiaoyu, I want to interrogate Miss Xiaoyu; I want to arrest your pupils, I want to interrogate your pupils; I want to arrest your lips, I want to interrogate you. Lips; want to arrest your nose, want to interrogate your nose; want to..."

Looking at the content on the top page, Xin Ba Hao showed a disgusting expression on his face: "Wow, what is this?"

Kagura on the side also had a disgusting expression on his face.

[Everyone is speechless! 】

"On the seventh day, I have been secretly monitoring my life for a week, and there is nothing in the House of All Things today. After knowing that the owner of the House of All Things is a hero [White Yaksha] who participated in the War against Barbarians, he finally officially followed him. I started to monitor the House of All Things. But as expected, the House of All Things remained silent.

No matter what happened, the current boss is just a scumbag. Why do I still have to do such boring things when I know this? What am I doing, watching the idle days of such idlers? It's just a waste of time!

In other words, why should I be a monitor? Why should I waste my precious life on such a fool? "

When I turned to this page, I raised my head and frowned slightly and said, "Hey, wait a minute, Okita-kun, this..."

[Moreover, even the surveillance has been exposed! ] Yamazaki's heart is not good.

"...Who is Yamazaki?" Gintoki looked at Sogo with some confusion.

[Is this what I'm talking about? ! 】

"Is that the child with the V-shaped bangs?" Yin Shi continued.

[That is the deputy chief! How non-existent I am! 】

At this time, Xiaoyu took the monitoring diary in Yinshi's hand, and after reading it roughly, he said to the three of Yinshi: "This record is stored in my database."

[Miss Xiaoyu, do you remember me? ] Yamazaki's heart is overjoyed.

"I bought a lot of red bean bags and broke the cash register, our machine...enemy!"

[What kind of ghost memory is this! And it's said to be an enemy! 】

After listening, Yinshi took the monitoring diary in Xiaoyu's hand and handed it to Zongwu. At the same time, he said again: "Look, my kids have said this, so can I trouble you to go back like this?"

"Well, please listen to me," Sougo looked at the monitoring diary in his hand, "I just thought what was written in this miscellaneous letter..."

[What the **** is Zaxin? ! Is it a letter from trash fish? ! 】

"...Actually, Shinsengumi has been eyeing the boss recently." Sougo looked at Yin Shi and went on to say, "Tufang-san is ready to arrest you whenever he gets the chance."

"It's just what I want, let's try it out." Yin Shi replied uncomfortably.

"Although I also intend to compete with the boss, I am very upset that I followed the wishes of the earthmoving mulberry." Sogo put up an index finger and suggested: "So, in order to solve this problem, let Yamazaki and Xiaoyu How about a miss date?"

…After a few seconds of silence, Yamazaki once again showed a shocked expression on his face and thought: [Huh? what-? ! 】

"If Shinsengumi and Wanshiwu become in-laws, a settlement can be reached. Boss, your suspicions can also be cleared."

"I don't agree!" Mother-in-law Dengshi was the first to express her objection, "I just talked to myself without asking for my own opinions, right? Xiaoyu."

"I don't care." Xiaoyu said.

"Let's see," said, Mother-in-law Dengshi suddenly reacted and let out a panic, "Huh!"

At the same time, Kagura and New Eight Haws also let out a panic.

"If I can get both parties to get along well..." Xiaoyu continued, "because the original intention of machinery is to help humans."

[No, wait, how do you feel that I am a super villain? 】

"Xiaoyu—!" Kagura yelled excitedly, and then grabbed Yin Shidi's head and persuaded Xiaoyu, "You promised too early, Alu! It's okay! Anyway, it's okay for such a fool to be arrested! "

"That is to say!" Xin Ba Hao also got up and clenched his fists and said to Xiaoyu, "I definitely can't give you to that kind of ordinary character!"

"This approach is despicable Aru!"

"It's not a human being!"

Listening to both Kagura and Shinbaji's uninterrupted persuasion or Mai Tai, Yamazaki once again complained in his heart: [I have become a wicked scumbag! 】

"But since the parties have agreed so, so let's do it." Yin Shi said to Sou Gou indifferently, "As guardians, if we invite us to have a meal in a high-end restaurant, we will play with you for a while. Of course, all the money will come from. You come out."

"It's okay." Sogo also looked indifferent, "Even if he failed in the end, Yamazaki would not be able to lift his head in front of me for the rest of his life."

[The real scum is clearly in front of you! 】

Kagura poking his head out of the door looked at Sougo who was leaving slowly and shouted, "Don't let us see you again! Bastard! Get ready for kaiseki cooking! Boy!"

"Please also high-grade engine oil." Xiaoyu who also poked her head out shouted.

At this moment, Zongwu, who walked to the side of the alley, stopped, closed his eyes and said softly: "The stage is ready for you, and it's up to you next, Aqi."

Looking at Sougou who left behind such a sentence and started slowly again, Yamazaki raised his face madly and yelled, "What -!"

In the Dengshi shop, looking at Xiaoyu who was cleaning or preparing to open the store, the mother-in-law Dengshi finally couldn't help but said, "Hey, is it really all right? Xiaoyu? She decided to do this without asking the man's opinion. Kind of thing..."

"Hey, it's okay." Xiaoyu said without raising his head, and the movement of dragging the ground in his hands did not stop at all. "And given the personality of Mr. Jiang Cheng, there should be no opinion on this kind of thing."

"Cut," Mother-in-law Dengshi curled her lips and said uncomfortably, "Really a scumbag man, he doesn't even pay attention to this kind of thing. After leaving the woman here, she didn't even show her face a few times."

Xiaoyu didn't reply, still doing the floor cleaning work.

But what Xiaoyu didn't know was that outside the door, after listening to the conversation between Mother Dengshi and Xiaoyu, Kagura and Xin Bajia looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Then tacitly turned around at the same time and started to walk slowly in a certain direction...

At dusk, Yoshihara.


Shen Le, who kicked the door of Jiang Cheng's room, rushed forward with a swell, leaned down and grabbed Jiang Chenghou's collar, leaning to his ear and shouting loudly: "Hey! Scumbag." Uncle! Are you still playing games here leisurely at this time Aru?! Do you still have a conscience?!"

"Ha..." Jiang Cheng put down the gamepad while covering his ears and sighed, "What are you doing? Thanks to you, now my eardrums are almost broken. And... I lost this game. ."

"That's not something you should care about now!" Kagura yelled again.

"No, that's what I care most about right now."

"go to hell!"


After squeezing Jiang Cheng's head into the floor, the puzzled Kagura was still kicking again and again.

Seeing this look of Kagura, Xin Ba Ha hurried forward, hugged Kagura from behind, and exclaimed: "Slowly wait, Kagura-chan. Jiang Chengsang still has nothing to do with Kagura. I don’t know! It’s useless for you to do this!"

"I'm just angry!" Kagura yelled, "Throwing a woman in such a place regardless of behavior is already a typical scumbag!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" After pulling his head out of the floor, Jiang Cheng wiped the blood from his forehead and asked in confusion.

"Jiang Chengsang, it's actually..." Xin Ba Haw pulled Kagura vigorously while slowly explaining.

After listening to Xin Ba Hao's explanation, Jiang Cheng narrowed his peas and said indifferently, "No, isn't it good?"

"Hey?" Xin Ba Hao and Kagura were stunned at the same time.

"I said isn't it good?" Jiang Cheng continued casually, "and Xiaoyu also agreed. If I agree, even if you come to ask me..."

"Stupid!" Kagura roared and kicked Jiang Cheng's head into the floor again while screaming, and stepped on it hard. "Just think about this kind of thing for a while! As long as my uncle says I don't want to. If Xiaoyu is allowed to go, Xiaoyu will definitely not go! Give me a little attention to a woman's mood!"

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng's weak voice came from the floor. "Why do I want to say that I don't want Xiaoyu to go? Didn't she say she wants to go?"

"No matter how slow, there must be a limit!" Kagura continued to step on Jiang Cheng's head.

Xin Ba Hao reminded: "Kagura sauce, if you step on it, Jiang Chengsang will probably really be going to die."

"It's better for such an idiot to die!" Kagura retorted angrily.

"Jiang Chengsang, Miss Xiaoyu... she agreed to that kind of thing to get the House of All Things to reconcile with Zhensengumi!" Xin Ba Hao explained aloud, "I must have forced myself to make that choice! And! The other party is still that kind of inconspicuous character! A guy with almost zero presence!"


Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to hold Kagura's ankle, and then pulled out his head from the floor again, and said impatiently, "Isn't it annoying? Willfulness also has a limit."

"Little...Uncle?" Kagura showed an expression of disbelief.

"If it's okay, go back quickly." Jiang Cheng let go of Kagura's ankle, waved his hand and said, "Uncle has more important things to do. You can solve this kind of thing as you see it."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's disapproving expression, Kagura yelled loudly, "Uncle, you stupid!"

After shouting, Kagura turned his head and ran away angrily.

"Kagura-chan, wait!" Xinba Haw hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, but it didn't work at all. Kagura didn't stop as if he hadn't heard it.

"The rebellious period?" Jiang Cheng asked Xin Ba Hao, pointing in the direction of Kagura's departure. UU reading

"No, it's not that kind of thing anymore." Xin Ba Haw shook his head, then sighed and complained, "Jiang Chengsang, you really don't understand girls' hearts."

"I don't want to be said by a virgin..." Jiang Cheng spit out contemptuously.

In an instant, Xin Ba Haw blushed, and incoherently defended loudly: "What does virginity and virginity matter? If I want to get rid of virginity, there will be a lot of opportunities! Only...that...this...that...what... "

Jiang Cheng faintly reminded: "Hey, your eyes are starting to wander around, virgin glasses."

"Jiang Chengsang, you idiot!" After cursing such a sentence, Xin Ba Hao also turned and left angrily.

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