May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 654: : It is the nature of children to imitate the behavior of adults!

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

Listening to the footsteps of the new eight chis and Kagura, Jiang Cheng sighed softly and whispered to himself: "Is really a troublesome kid..."

After all, Jiang Cheng turned around again and picked up the gamepad on the ground, continuing his adventure.

But at this moment, Yue Yong's voice, who appeared silently in the room, came from behind Jiang Cheng.

"Does it really matter?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng asked without looking back while choosing to restart the game.

"What? Of course it's Xiaoyu's business." Yue Yong replied casually while smoking a cigarette, "Don't you care?"

"No, I care a little bit." Jiang Cheng replied.

Yue Yong chuckled and said with emotion, "Sure enough, even a scumbag man like you will care about women."

"That "mountain kid" or something..." As he said, Jiang Cheng turned around, squinting Doudou's eyes and asked with a puzzled look, "Who is it?" "

"It's Yamazaki!" Yueyong corrected, and then grumbled angrily, "Do you care about such insignificant things?!"

"Hey? Are there other things I need to care about?" Jiang Cheng still looked puzzled. "Who is it about Yamazaki?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's appearance, Yue Yong burst into flames for no reason, then turned around and left: "Well, forget it, I will let Baihua solve it."

"Solved? What to solve?" Jiang Cheng still looked puzzled.

"Of course it's the Yamazaki or something!" Yue Yong said bitterly, bursting with veins, clenching his fist.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng still looked unclear. "Did that Yamazaki provoke you? Why should Baihua solve him? By the way...who is he? Is that gorilla?"

"You are a fool...I should have known it." Yue Yong sighed heavily while holding his forehead.

"Hey, it's really rude," Jiang Cheng grumbled, frowning. "Stupid, stupid. The guy who says other people are stupid is himself a stupid."

"Idiot is not enough to describe you, it is more appropriate to say that you are an idiot."

"The guy who says other people are idiots, I just..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng with a few kunwu sticks in the back of his head slowly fell down.

"In short, I will handle it properly." With that, Yue Yong started again and slowly walked towards the door.

However, just as Yue Yong was about to step outside, Jiang Cheng's voice rang again, but Yue Yong's footsteps were abruptly stopped.

"Wait," Jiang Cheng got up and finally got serious, "Don't do unnecessary things, not because you are bound to me in the eyes of many people. More because , This is the child’s decision. Since it’s your own decision, don’t do those superfluous things.

If I remember correctly, I once told her that if there is anyone who wants to see, go to see, and do what you want to do. Our hearts are far more free than we think. If she still remembers, she would not do anything against her will. "

Yue Yong was silent, and after a moment of silence, she pretended to speak again with ease: "So... if it is Xiaoyu's wishes, then at least... at least I should see that Yamazaki or something to see what kind of guy the other party is? After all, she didn't Are you a father or something?"

"No matter," Jiang Cheng raised his hand to refuse without hesitation, "I don't want to do that kind of troublesome thing, and besides, when did I become Xiaoyu's father? That's just the same voice actor! Me! I don’t have time to do that kind of thing."

"Then...No way, I'll just do that...Let's take a look."

"You?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and showed a weird expression, "Why are you? What kind of identity would you use to go to that occasion?"

"That's...that..." Yue Yong had some unexpected rhetoric for a while, "that...this...comrade woman!"

"You really are a weird fellow." Jiang Cheng murmured silently.

"I don't want to be said by you!" Yue Yong retorted angrily.

"I know, I know, if you really want to go, go." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "Whether it's a woman's comrade or a woman's companion, it's up to you, but don't talk to me. Good relationship..."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong's body stiffened slightly, and he froze at the door for a long while without moving or making any sound.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Cheng showed a weird expression again, "By the way, didn't you mean to go to a blind date?"

"No, it's nothing, but I suddenly remembered that tomorrow will be busy too." Yue Yong blushed slightly and replied pretentiously, "So I might not be able to go."

"You really are a weird guy." Jiang Cheng twitched his lips in embarrassment, "Obviously he said he was going, but now he said he was too busy to go."

"You can control it!"

After leaving this sentence, Yue Yong stepped out of Jiang Cheng's door and closed the sliding door forcefully.


"Sure enough, it's a strange guy..." Jiang Cheng murmured, but then suddenly he thought of something, chuckled and shook his head, muttering to himself: "Father? Then I hope it's not imitating the parents. The behavior, if it is, it is a little bit troublesome..."

The next day, noon.

Standing at the window, Jiang Cheng looked up at the clouded sky and murmured: "It doesn't seem to be the weather suitable for going out. As expected, you should stay in the room and play games in this kind of weather."

"Hey, they have already set off." Yue Yong's voice came from behind Jiang Cheng.

Looking back at Yue Yong in a formal suit, the corners of Jiang Cheng's eyes twitched twice.

"So are you going or not?" Jiang Cheng murmured a little speechlessly, "What's the matter with that outfit? And then, why are you going to have such a high fork in your formal suit?"

The old blushing Yueyong immediately defended: "Don't get me wrong! Today is that...Yoshihara's formal dress day!"

"Really?" Jiang Cheng looked disbelief, turned his head and looked down at the wandering girls on the street, "but everyone is wearing the same clothes as usual today..."

Just after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he saw Yue Yong rushing forward in an instant, staring blankly at the wandering girls below, yelling: "Give me all dresses! Today is Yoshihara's dress day!"

"Oh!" Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, and murmured while holding his chin, "It turns out that today's subject is the undead!"

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong showed a look of contempt, and asked: "Hey, why can you think of the undead in a formal dress? What disgusting things are in your head?"

"Huh? Don't you know?" Jiang Cheng asked in doubt, then raised an index finger and smiled and said, "Then I will lend you a plate..."

"No need!" Yue Yongbai interrupted Jiang Cheng's eyes, "Do you still have that kind of thing?! Do you still hide that kind of thing?!"

"I'm also a man anyhow." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "Isn't it normal to have that kind of thing? And I don't even bother to hide that kind of thing."

As he said, Jiang Cheng pointed to the AV disc mixed with the game disc, "Look, it's all there. I can lend it to you if I want to watch it, you are welcome."

Yue Yong did not reply, but walked over silently, picking up all the CDs with mosaics on the covers.

"Hey, is it really okay to borrow so much at once?" Jiang Cheng reminded aloud, and then pointed to the magazine with a mosaic on the cover mixed with JUMP. "Do you need this? If you need it, too. I can lend it to you. It’s all my treasure. Last time Harita said that I wanted to see it, I was not willing to show it to him. Of course, there are also reasons for age."

Looking at the pile of magazines with mosaics on the covers, Yue Yong's forehead was unconsciously black. After a moment of silence, she turned around and picked up all the magazines.

Looking at Yue Yong, who was slowly leaving with a bunch of CDs and magazines, Jiang Cheng chuckled and shook his head with emotion: "I borrowed all of them. I really can't underestimate him."

Yes, at this moment, Jiang Cheng completely forgot the fact that Yue Yong is a woman...

By the way, Jiang Cheng has never seen these things since Tian Yueyong "borrowed" them. Although she had asked Yue Yong to return it several times, Jiang Cheng gradually forgot about this kind of thing after all fruitless.

On the other side, in a high-class Japanese mansion...or in a Japanese guest house, in a certain room, the Shinsengumi trio (Kondo, Fourteen, Sogo) seated at the same table across the table with The trio of Wanshiwu (Yin Shi, Kagura, Xin Ba Chi) looked at each other speechlessly.

By the way, except for Kagura who is wearing a purple cheongsam, all the rest are in formal wear.

In the end, it was Yin Shi who broke the silence first.

When Yin Shi cleared his throat, he said, "Ahem, hello, everyone, today is really beautiful..."


The sound of thunder interrupted Yin Shi's words.

"That..." said fourteen, "I have something to ask."

"What's the matter?" Yin Shi asked.

"Why does it become like this?"

"do not know."

In an instant fourteen, he patted the table and shouted uncomfortably: "Hey! I don't know what it means! Why do I have a blind date with you!"

"We only wanted to ask this question." Yin Shi replied casually, and then showed a little disdain, "Is it your people who asked for a blind date?"

"Hey, Sougo!" Fourteen turned his face and asked Sougo, who was sitting on the other side of Kondo, "What the **** is going on? I said that I could solve Yamazaki's boring love game."

Sougo replied unhurriedly: "I don't know. I only heard that Yamazaki was asked to work hard, and I wanted to settle down with him and a woman as a family."

Fourteen's face suddenly burst into blue veins, and said dissatisfied: "Why is it like this?! What is it like to enter the house of the person who is secretly watching!"

"Wait, calm down." Kondo quickly persuaded him, and then he leaned into Fourteen's ear and continued quietly, "It's the same as a latent investigation. As a son-in-law, he can be accepted by them. It will also be easier to obtain information. And if something happens, I will cover Miss A Miao (in my arms)."

"The bosom you said is the real embrace, right!" Fourteen spit wildly.

At this moment, Yin Shi suddenly opened the fan in his hand, fanning the wind while posing as a picky mother-in-law, and said in a very impatient manner: "Hey, what are you talking about secretly? The cooking and the wine are not good yet. Did you say that we wanted our family's Kanban girl so that we took the time out of our busy schedule."

After that, Yin Shi looked at Kagura who was aside, pretending to complain: "Boy damn, we can't give the baby to such an impolite guy."

Kagura was very cooperative and whispered in a critical mother-in-law's tone: "The district civil servants still have a great appearance and want to take action against our daughter."

After fourteen moments, I got upset, bursting with blue veins and replied: "I don't want to be said by a guy who owes a debt! You guys like you can be grateful for a blind date with a civil servant!"

"My child, dad, was that the black talk between the police just now?" Kagura asked Xiang Yinshi and said deliberately, "Because it's so boring, I didn't understand a word."

"Hey, translate," Yin Shi clapped his hands and deliberately shouted, "Find someone who understands Chinese gang lingo to translate!"

"Who is the Chinese gangster!" Fourteen White roared, staring.

At this time, Yamazaki, who was standing outside the door wearing a white formal suit, listened to the noise in the house, and his whole person showed an expression that was even uglier than constipation, and thought: [Sure enough, these guardians started arguing so soon. If handed over to this group of people, there is no doubt that this blind date will end in failure. Only oneself can be trusted! Let her anyway, let Miss Xiaoyu notice me! 】

"My name is Xiaoyu." Xiaoyu, wearing light blue vibrating sleeves, knelt on the ground and bowed to everyone in front of him, "Thank you today!"


Yamazaki knocked his head heavily on the ground, and shouted incoherently: "I, I, I...I call Yamazaki Retreat! This, this, this... please take care of this too!"

After Xiaoyu and Yamazaki were seated, Kondo spoke first and smiled: "Ah, she is really a pretty girl. Yamazaki, you are quite discerning."

"Director, did you see my right eye?" With his eyes closed and his face covered in blood, Yamazaki raised an eyeball that he had just knocked off in his hand, "It seems to be gone. "

"This is my eldest baby girl." Gintoki said, "But then again, hasn't your Yamazaki or something come yet?"

"I'm already there," Yamazaki reminded aloud.

"I'm sorry, the clerk," Kagura asked Yamazaki, who was eyeballing himself, "has the cooking been done yet?"

Yamazaki's eyes were flushed, and the blood was flowing, Yamazaki raised his head and replied, "No, not a clerk."

"Oh! The cooking is already here!" Kagura said in surprise, and then waved his hand to Ginshi.

"Hey! I'm not a cook!"

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