May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 672: : Occasionally there will be too much excitement! Like getting new toys...

   "...It's completely turned into the worst kind of tram idiot who wants to attack elementary school students!"

"Huh?" Jiang Zi flicked off the earwax on his pinky finger, in a casual tone: "What are you talking about? Didn't you see? The font of PTA written on my head now, if there is this kind of thing, that kind of thing? How could the guy dare to shoot casually."

" too, after all, Jiang Chengsang is protected by PTA." Xin Ba Hao touched his head and smiled, but then he saw the members of Baihua and marked "Yoshihara Baihua Guards♂" After the slogan suddenly changed to "PTA Warrior♂", the ground became expressionless again.

"Jiang Chengsang, these people are not afraid of PTA at all," Xin Ba Hae said silently, "Even the slogan has been changed to PTA fighters. What exactly are PTA fighters? Are they fighters who support PTA or fighters against PTA? Who is it?"

   "Then you need to ask?" Jiang Zi hugged his hands and hummed, closing his eyes and replied naturally, "Of course he is a fighter who supports PTA."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Zi suddenly felt that the back collar of his fate was pulled up.

   Looking at Yuexiong, who was holding a pipe with a casual expression, Jiang Zi suddenly noticed something, and the expression on his face gradually became more subtle.

"Ah, indeed, but the premise is if it's a real loli." With that, Yuexiong casually threw Jiang Zi at a group of Baihua fighters who had been impatient for a long time. "If it is a legal loli, talk to PTA. It doesn't matter."

   Looking at Jiang Zi who is like a sheep entering a pack of wolves, Xin Ba Hao's choice is... silently turned around, after all, the picture is really a bit miserable.

   "Hey! You guys are! No socks or anything! Small skirts? Wait... live... stop! Ah ah ah ah!"

   Listening to Jiang Zi's screams coming from behind him, Xin Baji quietly closed the curtain, completely blocking the scene behind him.

   Yinzi reminded everyone on the side: "Nothing happened just now, and we will not be held accountable by any organization (PTA). Remember?"

  Almost everyone nodded silently at the same time.

   At this time, Ah Miao couldn't help but smiled suddenly and said: "It always feels like everyone is more suitable for the current gender, maybe the current gender is better."

   "What horrible things are you talking about!" Yin Zi immediately complained.

"Then if you change back to the original," said Ami, pointing to the quartet of men (Sango, Tsukio, Jubei, and Kagura Dun) on the side, "Can you beat these high-level guys? Obviously there is no use for it, and you still want to enjoy their merits and turn your cheeks back into the original shamelessness?"

   Hearing the sound, the faces of all the "lady" present were getting darker and darker, and their faces were also tacitly violent at the same time.

   At this moment, Ah Miao looked at Yuexiong and continued on his own: "It would be better to work for Mr. Yuexiong together. Only by sweating for Yoshihara can we benefit the society even more."

   Yuexiong supported his chin with a chuckle, and replied, "Just wrap it on me."

   X sub was unhappy for a moment, and the finger men said unhappy: "What do you think of women?!"

   "Yeah! Your purpose is only your body!" said the ape, tweakingly.

   "This has nothing to do with the half-cent of money that is not credit!" X child burst into the blue veins and said, and then clenched the pig's hoof, "Anyway, we want to regain the original body!"

   Immediately afterwards, X son turned his head to the Wanxuan team members behind him and asked: "Hey! Isn't it okay? There is always some vaccine that can make us back to the original look, right?"

   Yamazaki saluted, and replied hesitantly: "About this... Deputy Chief, no similar items were found."


   "And not only that." Shihbei said with a serious expression, "The archbishop himself is nowhere to be found."

   "Isn't that a matter of course?" Jiang Zi, who had been forcibly closed in a black goth loli costume, walked over, and continued casually, "That kind of thing is not here since the beginning."

   "Hey, what does that mean?" Yinzi asked.

"Idiot are you guys?" Jiang Zi looked at everyone with an idiotic expression. "I have said it many times before. It is important to learn to empathize. If I am the other party, and that kind of thing really exists. , When the first surveillance probe is hacked, I will press the button without hesitation, and I won’t give you the opportunity to play this kind of play house game, understand? I was blinded by the scenery along the way Handsome men?"

   "What do you mean?" Yinzi asked, "Isn't this the other side's stronghold?"

"No, this is indeed their base camp on the earth." Jiang Zi waved his hand and continued casually, "I knew it at the very beginning. But it's not clear whether the switch is here or not, and... the archbishop. What? I should have left the earth early in the morning. I understood it after the pig appeared."

   "What does it mean for a pig to appear, bastard!" X Zi said uncomfortably, "It is said that they have known their stronghold here, but you can tell! The limelight will not be robbed!"

   Jiangzi squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "No, because I like to see others show up, but finally found out that my show is actually useless. It feels very interesting~"

   Hearing the sound, the expressions on the faces of the men such as Juhbei are like the expressions of the ladies who have just been teased by Amiao, although they are angry... but they have nothing to say.

   "Although the appearance has indeed changed, this terrible character has not changed at all." Xin Ba Hao murmured silently.

"And speaking of it, my purpose is different from yours from the beginning." As he said, Jiang Zi walked up to the monitor on his own and climbed onto the console and sat down. He raised his legs and said, "Not that Have you passed? I just want to recover my body, trial? Save the earth? Sorry, no interest. So..."

As he said, Jiang Zi knocked on the display behind him without looking back, "It's time for you to come on stage, that archbishop. There should be more to say? If not, maybe those men's expressions will be even better for a while. It's ugly~ although I don't mind it."

   "The Archbishop?!" Yin Zi was surprised, "Isn't the Archbishop gone..."

Amid the sound of snowflakes, the archbishop's figure slowly appeared on the big screen.

"Hahaha, beautiful reasoning." The archbishop laughed a few times and praised, "I got it all, little girl. Indeed, I am no longer on the earth, and the control switch is in my hand. Everything... just one It’s just a trial."

   "You... this fellow!" The Ten Guards gritted their teeth.

   "The trial was completed perfectly, Eisan Jiu Bing." The archbishop on the screen continued, "I have seen your actions all the way, Eisan Jiu Bing, through your sword."

   "Knife?" Shibingbei looked down at his hilt, and finally reacted after seeing the bug on the end of the hilt, "bug...could it be..."

   "Didn't I tell you? The gods are always watching you."

   "You bastard!!" After cursing, Shibingwei threw the wiretap in his hand to the ground and smashed it. "What is your purpose?!"

"The **** chose you. Like me, you are neither a man nor a woman. Only such a pure and innocent person can be qualified to be an apostle of the gods. Jiubei Yagyu, the destiny of this planet lies in In your hands, the gods have been watching.

   Seeing you in this trial, you are more masculine than anyone else, and you are just a group of sows. Kubei Eisan, you perfectly followed the teachings of the **** of bumps and overcome this trial. In order to praise your martyrdom, we, the gods will also keep the promise. "

   At this point, the archbishop on the screen picked up a device similar to a switch.

   "What on earth do you want to do?" Shibingwei asked.

"Kyubei Yagyu, you are the best candidate for the apostle of the God of Concave and Convexity, and then you will guide everyone on the planet to reset the messy gender on this planet!" At this point, the archbishop chuckled lightly without hesitation. Pressed the switch in his hand.

   "That's right! Use the gender you master!"


   Jiangzi and the others who returned to the street again saw the residents who had already recovered their original body, who were already cheering on the street.

   "The city...returned to its original state." Jubei murmured.

   Behind him, except for Jiang Zi, who looked indifferent, everyone was black and expressionless.

   "Except for us... this group of people underground." Yinzi took the words, then lowered her head and slowly took a deep breath and raised her head...

   "What the **** are you kidding?! What the hell!!"

   X son who ran forward clenched his fists, raised his face and cast his eyes in resentment: "Why didn't we get back to the original state only if we passed the trial!!"

   "The concave and convex **** of the hemp egg, give some sunshine and you will have a brilliant wool! You want to die!!" Yin yelled.

  X son hurriedly changed his mouth and pleaded: "The joking and the joking, just now is nonsense, let's launch the virus again! Please! Launch the virus again! Just one shot!"

   Just then, the street broadcast sounded again:

   "Now notify the residents in the street that the offensive artificial satellite targeting the earth has been successfully destroyed. From now on, the special martial law is officially lifted. Repeat..."

   Listening to the content on the radio, everyone except Chu Jiangzi's imaginary expressions...stiffened.

   Looking at the Shibei who has never looked back, and the silent people on the side, Jiang Zi stretched out a big laziness on his own.

   "Then what, after staying in the underground for so long, I feel that my body is stained with taste, I will go to have a soup or something. Goodbye~"

Hearing the sound, the silver with stiff expression in the last second instantly changed his expression, turned around and walked towards Jiangzi, and at the same time said: "Wait a minute, I also seem to have a stinky smell, I Go take a bath too."

   "You two are too leisurely, too!" Xin Baji vomited angrily, "Why is it still that expression in the last second, but it can be like this in the next second?!"

   "What and why?" Yinzi replied casually, "I'm just going to make a soup. There is no evil at all!"

   "It's not wrong at all." Jiang Zi nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry, I only saw evil thoughts in the eyes of the two of you." Xin Ba Hao replied blankly, and then spit out loudly again: "Hey, do you two want to change back? what!"

   "After soaking in the bath, we will talk about that irrelevant topic." Yin Zi raised his hand and waved behind him and replied.

   "Let’s lie down in Akihabara after taking a bath." Jiang Zi murmured as he walked, "It just happens to be the release date of the game today."

   "These two people don't want to recover their bodies at all!"

   "Calm down, Xin Ba Jijun." Apes patted Xin Ba Ji on the shoulder, and then leaned into Xin Ba Ji's ear and said quietly, "The two of them may just not want to put pressure on Shi Bingwei."

   Xin Ba Ji now reacted, looking at the backs of Jiang Zi and Yin Zi slowly leaving with some disbelief.

"Then, we too..." Apes turned his head and glanced at Jubei, who was still carrying no sound at this time, but then changed the conversation, "Little ones! All the female baths in Edo today belong to us. Go! Cheers!!"

   "Aren't you the same!!"


   "Hey, you fellow," Yinzi dug his nostrils and glanced at Jiang Zi aside, "Should we have discovered the bug long ago?"

   "Ah, what's the matter?"

   "What's wrong? Wouldn't it be okay to say it earlier?"

Jiang Zi chuckled, then raised his head to look at the bathhouse door in front of him, and at the same time he replied, "No, I just thought it was a rare Yinzi looked at the bathhouse door in front of him and nodded. He showed a serious look: "I understand, after all, the chance to enter the women's soup with such a fair face may only be once in this life. "

   Jiangzi chuckled again, and then shook his head reluctantly: "That's right, there is only one chance in a lifetime or something."

   "It's really rare. You can do this for a, no, a, you can do it alone."

   "Ah, maybe it was infected by you." Jiang Zi raised the corner of his mouth gently.

   At this time, Jiang Zi thought of the long ago that Jiu Bingwei went to Jiyuan to ask himself about the troubles and confusion between men... and women.

   [There is only one chance in a lifetime. After this time, maybe you can choose the real answer in your heart? Kubei Yanagyu...】

   While thinking like this, Jiang Zi raised his leg and stepped into the door of the bathhouse.

   But at this critical moment, the two Kuwaiti shoots from a distance...

   噗嗤! ×2 (Bitterness does not enter the body sound)

   Snap! (Sound of Jiang Zi falling to the ground)

   Plop! (Silver falls to the ground)




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