May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 673: : Choosing 1 to be confused is also a performance not to be confused!

At this time, Jiang Zi and Yuexiong were slowly walking on the way back to Yoshihara.

"Really," Jiang Zi (Jiang Cheng♀) rubbed the back of his head, while still muttering in his mouth, "What are you doing? She is a weak girl now, and she does such rude things to girls. ,cut!"

Yue Xiong, who was following Jiang Zi, said disdainfully: "What girl? Even if you become this kind of appearance, I don't feel that you are a bit like a girl."

"Really?" Jiang Zi murmured with dignified brows under his chin, "Is it really the problem of the European school? Indeed, there is no such thing as running up and down, and it really can't be said to be a woman."

"I'm not talking about that!" Yuexiong exclaimed, "Does that mean you treat women like that?!"

"How about it?" Jiang Zi turned his head and blinked his pure glass bead-like eyes and looked at Yue Xiong.

Looking at Jiang Zi's appearance, Yue Xiong said silently: "Ah... that's right, you **** is a very pure scum, and... as always."

"You said that such a cute girl is a scum, right? always." Jiang Zi said with a sullen mouth.

"I'm sorry." Yuexiong suddenly apologized.

"Huh?" Jiang Zi was stunned for a moment, then stopped and turned back to look at Xiang Yuexiong and said: "Hey, what are you talking about suddenly?"

Yuexiong stopped, took a sip of the cigarette and slowly spit it out, faintly said: "Sorry, I seem to be too excited today. I didn't do anything, but I thought I could do everything."

After listening, Jiang Zi snorted softly, then turned around and started first.

"Sa, go back. Also... I am not the person you should apologize for, right?" Jiang Zi waved his hand and replied flatly.

Looking at Jiang Zi's little back, for some reason, Yuexiong suddenly had the illusion of seeing Jiang Cheng's original back, and after a long time he chuckled and shook his head.

"That's right, I should apologize for being betrayed by myself. Whether this fool is a man or a woman, there is really no difference at all. As always, he is an idiot."

After Yuexiong whispered to himself like this, he started to follow Jiang Zi slowly.

[Sure enough, this feeling is the most reassuring... the feeling of following behind this fool. ] Yue Xiong thought so in her heart.

"Hey, staring at the girl with such a direct stare, but it will be regarded as a pervert." Jiang Zi shoved his shoulders and said without looking back.

"No... I'm just thinking," Yuexiong murmured, "What do you think of Western-style skirts?"

"Really killed you, stinky woman." After saying this lightly, Jiang Zi waved his hand again, "Hurry up and give me a little bit. I have had enough of those idiots, so don't give it to me. Become like that. In other words, now is not the time to think about these things, do you want to keep that look?"

"It's not... unacceptable."

"You really are such an incredible woman..." Jiang Zi twitched his mouth and spit out black lines, then stopped and raised his head to look towards the sky, his expression gradually becoming fierce.

"It doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman, but after being teased like this, it is not my style not to take revenge..."

"Huh!" Yuexiong snorted, "Don't worry, someone has been sent to investigate, and there should be results soon. Then... I am not the kind of stubborn stubborn that I am ignorant of being played by others."

"That's good."

At night, Yoshihara.

Just like before, Jiang Zi, who played the game late at night, put down the game controller in his hand contentedly.

But when Jiang Zi was about to wash and go to bed, she suddenly got into trouble, standing at the door of the bathroom without moving for a few minutes.

It may be because of the worry of inadvertently crossing the line that I don't know if it is PTA or ethics.

But... Finally Jiang Zi stepped into the bathroom door.

In the misty bathroom, something shocking is happening.


Jiang Zi, with the holy light on her body, kept making sounds similar to ka ka ka, and the body also changed little by little with this sound.

Not only is the height increased a little bit, but also...

A few seconds later, a woman with fair skin, a beautiful face, a tall figure, and a shawl and long hair similar to the shrunken Jiangzi appeared in the bathroom.

"It's been a long time since I used this trick~" Jiang Zi put his chin on and looked at himself in the mirror, muttering: "But I'm really amazing, this body even feels terrible to me. Yo. West! It's OK now! If Loli doesn't work, this look is definitely OK!"

But just as Jiang Zi was praising his wit, the bathroom door was suddenly opened by someone, and someone's voice came in at the same time.

"If you can't do it alone..." Yuexiong said as he opened the door, but before she finished speaking, she was stunned when she saw the grown-up Jiang Zi in front of him.

Then, not only because of the male instinct, but also because of the male instinct, Yuexiong's nose surged with a slightly fishy warm current.

And Jiang Zi looked at Yuexiong, whose eyes were widened and his nosebleeds could not stop, and several black lines slowly appeared on his forehead.

[Really or not...] Jiang Zi complained silently in his heart.

"You..." Yue Xiong just said, but the next moment his eyes suddenly went dark, and his consciousness fell into a faint.

When Yuexiong woke up again, the sky was already completely bright.

Lifting the quilt, rubbing his neck and sitting up, Yuexiong looked at the quilt under him, then looked at his room, and then muttered, "Is it a dream? Dreaming that that guy has changed? The terrible dream of a woman like that..."

In the restaurant.

"Hey," Jiang Zi put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and looked at Yuexiong who was staring at him with weird eyes, "What are you doing? You want to expose your shameful XP in the morning? Why stared at me for such a cute little girl for so long."

"Who is a pervert!" Yuexiong retorted in an instant.

Jiang Zi clutched his chest, made a very weak look, and said pretentiously: "No, staring directly at the girl's body with that kind of eyes is absolutely perverted. I hate it~ You are so good at it. A bite? Loli or something, underage or something, it’s really amazing~ Uncle Police~ Save me~ There is a pervert here~"

"It's okay," Yuexiong replied coldly, "Because it was originally Yoshihara. So from now on, you can learn how to become a qualified wandering girl. Hirin, trouble you."

"Hi~" Hinawa said with a smile, squinting, "I will definitely nurture the sauce into the future Yoshiwara's oiran bit by bit."

"I didn't expect to be targeted by a guilty adult at such a young age... and the person's body was the target." Jiang Zi sighed and said with a melancholy expression, "Tao Qing~Save people~"


Counting from the day the satellite was destroyed, it has been nearly half a month. In this half a month that is not long or short, the lives of Jiang Cheng and others who have changed gender do not know what to say. Is it changed or not, or it may be both.

The first is Jiang Zi. Although she has indeed become a cute little Lolita, her character and living habits have not changed at all. It is worth mentioning that, for some reason, the number of people who are expected to be scolded by Jiang Zi will gradually increase.

Then again, the former Baihua members closest to Jiang Zi have changed from idiots to...somewhat more idiots. If there were no such regulations on the protection of young people in Oedo, Jiang Zi felt that he might have been brutally attacked by his research.

Yuexiong, I don't know if it has changed or not. It seems that it hasn't changed, but there is a strange habit that no one else knows. That is the concern for Jiangzi's honey. The reason is either a dream or not. Except for me, no one else will know.

On the other hand, other people who have changed their personalities, first of all, are Zhensengumi, and their lives are basically on the right track now. The work of the miniskirt police shop is booming.

It’s worth mentioning that, thanks to the blessing of a certain ugly woman who controls the ninja, the customer base of X sub is also very stable, and not only in possession, X sub also has two unknowns who have never met before and don’t know what they look like. Guests.

The two guests, one tall and one short, would come to the store with their faces masked every time, and then named X Zi to order twenty special rice bowls for them, which has been the same every day for half a month.

By the way, there is still son. Soko went out independently and practiced with a pervert consultant (Sango) to form the SM club in Kabukicho. Under the merciless S aura, Soko has become the oiran of Kabukicho, and he is the kind of oiran who can make a fortune without touching his hands.

The only ones left are the three of the House of All Things, Yinzi...he never appeared in the House of All Things after leaving the sentence "I am going to pursue my own journey."

Kagura Dun and Chitu Machun also left together, embarking on a journey to find Cao Cao for his service.

With only one person left, Xin Ba Hao began to focus on the teaching of swordsmanship in his own dojo, and even planned to go out to practice for his own dojo.

To describe the above people in a simple sentence is: people who change are people, and life is the same.

But there is another person who is not like the previous ones, but...still confused.

In the streets of Kabukicho where Xiaoyu kept close, Jubei walked absent-mindedly with his head bowed while holding the movie ticket that the apes had given him a few days ago to let him go to watch with him.

[This is the world I hope for, everything should be as I wish, but... why is the mood so gloomy? I know this is definitely not just because of the weather. 】

Thinking of this, Jubei held up the wet movie ticket in front of his eyes and looked at it.

[I also know that the wet movie tickets given by others are not just because of rain. 】

At this moment, a female voice on the side of the road called Shibingwei to stop.

"Mr. Samurai, if you don't mind, can I make a calculation for you?"

The ten soldiers who stopped, said without turning their heads: "Sorry, I've had enough fortune-telling, so let's find someone else."

"Do you want to be a man or a woman?" A woman sitting in front of a divination table with a hat in the rain, lowered her head and said, "It seems you have made up your mind, but why are you gloomy? It's hard to imagine You are going on a date in a while."

Shibingwei was slightly startled, then lowered his head and slowly spoke, while his fists gradually clenched.

"I don't know who you are... but I am not a man, let alone a woman. I planted the bane and involved everyone around me, pretending to give up for my own desires, and still enjoy all of this very much. Knowing this, I still care about me so much. What is meant by "Don't let her cry." Isn't it you who is crying?

Even if I become a man's body, I am not masculine, nor feminine, but just a despicable scum. Always confused, the answer I got in the end turned out to be like this. So there is no need for me to fortune anymore. "

"The answers you get may not all be the same. Maybe you got lost on a more intricate road," she said, and the woman took a ticket out of her arms and put it on the table, "but there is another ticket here. , Unfortunately, this is not for dating, but a ticket to the next target planet of the God Sect."

When he heard this, Jubei suddenly turned his head and looked at the woman with some surprise.

"Mr. Yagyu Jiubei, I will ask you again, do you choose the ticket in your hand and be a man for the rest of your life, or choose the ticket in my hand to take back your daughter?"

"You...who are you?!"

The woman went on to say to herself: "No matter which ticket you choose, you will always be confused, right? But this is also good. Whether it is masculinity or femininity, this kind of values ​​that don't know the celebrities come up with is your goal. Is it? If it comes down to this value, whether it is a man or a woman, and you..."

Saying,, it should be said that Yinzi took off her hat and looked at Shihbei and said: "And me, I don't need to live so hard anymore. Everyone is the same, Jiubei. Confused. You are not alone. I don't know those complicated things, but we are not the kind of good people who don't fight back after a loss!"

The Milky Way, Chris Star, as the name suggests, is the planet where everyone is Chris.

Today's Chris star is as always full of Chris, and life is also very Chris. In short, it is very Chris.

But... the purple ball of light suddenly falling from the sky changed the life of Chris star and Chris.

boom! !

The moment the purple ball exploded, the burst of purple light made all Chriss choose to close their eyes.

"What was that light just now?"

Some Chris had such a question, but immediately afterwards, all Chris suddenly noticed something and instantly panicked.

"What?! A man has become a woman, and a woman has become a man!"

Looking at the panicked Chriss on the side, Jiang Cheng spoke silently and complained: "Hey, it's true? Is this reaction true? Isn't it all Chris?"

As he said, Jiang Cheng looked at Yin Shi and the others who had recovered. "What happened to you guys? Why are you all looking at me? Didn't you say you want revenge?"

After being silent for a long time, Xin Ba Hao said silently: "Then what...Jiang Chengsang, are you involved in the time machine?"

"What?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"What is it!" Xin Ba Hao pointed to Jiang Cheng who looked like a child and vomited loudly, "You should also pay attention to what you look like! Your gender has changed back, but your age has not changed at all!"

"Ah! Really!" Jiang Cheng reacted, looking at his body panicked, "Hey! What's going on?! Why is it like this! This kind of body doesn't even exist like this or that? Can't you do things that can't be written like that?!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng who was more alarmed than the Chriss on the side, everyone was speechless.

"Calm down! Jiang Chengsama!" A certain Baihua lady comforted quickly, "Even if it doesn't work now! But it will be fine in a few years! Please bear with me before that! If it doesn't work, I will use it at night. Do everything possible to alleviate Jiang Cheng Sama's pain!"

"What do you want to do to the children!" Xin Ba Haw on the side struggled to complain, "Enough of you!"

"Hey, don't froze," Yin Shi flicked off the nose on his little finger, and then said to the Jiu Bingbei on the side, "I will leave it to you over there."

Jiu Bingwei came back to his senses, turned around and rushed to the side.

But at this moment, Jiang Chengyuan's voice rang behind him.

"Already... no longer lost, right?"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's voice, Jiu Bingwei paused, then shook his head.

"No, whether it was before or in the future, I have decided to remain confused. I am...Yagyu who has always been confused...Kubei!"

After snorting softly, Jiang Cheng, who had recovered to his original shape for some reason, continued, "Really? That's fine."

"Hey?" Xin Ba Hao took off his glasses and wiped his eyes, "Recovered? Hey? What's the matter? Why did you suddenly recover? How did you do it?"

Kagura exclaimed in excitement: "Aru is awesome! Uncle! I want to learn this trick Aru too!"

"It's not a big deal," Jiang Cheng said casually, "It's just what I learned on other planets after Namei O star defeated Fu Osa and escaped in a flying vehicle. For more details, you can read the Dragon Ball booklet... "

Xin Ba Chi Tucao: "No, Kakarot doesn't know how to do this kind of skill. The teleportation he learned there is right!"

"Really?" Jiang Cheng asked in doubt, and then suddenly thought of something, "Ah, that is after being discussed with the black-skinned boy in the temple, Pilaf was transformed into a child's appearance with strange beads by Pilaf."

"Are you a Dragon Ball GT?!"

"It's been a lot of work after that," Jiang Chengtan sighed, "Evil dragon or something..."

"It doesn't matter to you! Kakarot is the one who has worked hard!"

"Anyway, Jiubei..." Jiang Cheng looked at Jiubei who was going away, "There is one last point..."

Jiu Bingwei slowed down when he heard the sound.

"The Archbishop of the Concave and Convex Cult, if you can..." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled as he always did. "I hope you can spare her life."

"Why?" Xin Ba Haw asked in confusion.

Jiang Cheng propped his chin, frowned slightly and said to himself: "Although it is the woman I dumped, but... I still feel a little sorry."

After listening, the faces of everyone present sinking at the same time.

"Then what..." Xin Bahao asked with a dark face and silently, "At that time... how did Jiang Chengsang dump her? Please explain this."

"I just said casually, "I don't like women who are not feminine." In fact, it's because Opie is too young. "Jiang Cheng replied casually, and then he showed emotion on his face, sighing: "But I really don't know how I did it, I actually made myself like this. What's wrong with you guys? Why did they all aim their weapons at me? "

"What do you mean!" ×n

"Ah ah ah ah!!!" Jiang Cheng screamed.

"Um..." Seeing the noisy people, X Zi ♂ raised his hand and asked silently, "Is it not effective just now? I don't seem to have changed anything. Although the gender is back, there is no change in body shape at all. ."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng and Zongwu gently hooked the corners of their mouths in secret...

A few days later, the earth.

In Edo, the light rain that lasted for several days finally stopped, and the gloomy "cloud" also disappeared.

In the movie theater, Jiang Cheng snored softly while holding the popcorn, while Kagura on the side was constantly grabbing the popcorn from Jiang Cheng's popcorn bucket and sending it into his mouth.

Yue Yong, who was sitting on the other side of Jiang Cheng, looked down at a certain part that she had always felt in the way, thoughtfully.

On the side, Kubei and Amiao smiled happily as they did in the past.

All the saliva from the sleeping silver time dripped on the head of the little ape who leaned in excitement, but the latter didn't care at all.

The orangutans in casual clothes in the back row, the trembling S, and the pig are also the same as always.

The picture freezes...

"Hey?" Xin Ba Haw suddenly discovered something, lowered his head and picked up a purple glass ball, and said in doubt: "What is this?"

"That's Alu who was given to my uncle by the woman who was dumped by my uncle." Kagura said vaguely while eating popcorn with his cheeks drummed.

"Hey? Are you giving gifts after being dumped so much?" Xin Ba Haw said in surprise, but then suddenly discovered something, "Wait, why is there a crack in this bead? It just fell to the ground. Is it possible?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Seeing the broken beads and the purple light shining through the gap, Xin Ba Hao was stunned, and then drops of cold sweat began to appear on his face, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"Hey? Could it be that... Could it be that..."

boom! !

"Isn't it—!!!"

(Sexual turn, UU reading is over.)

"Three-year Group Z, Jiang Cheng Sansan" I forgot the first few times, ACT!

"Ahem, anyway..." Jiang Cheng, who looked like a loli, looked at the students in the classroom blankly, "Don't expect me to scold you, I won't scold you. And... Wigs, Have said so many times, take off your wig."

"Teacher~!" Katsura, who was heavily makeup, raised his hand, then stood up and squeezed and said, "It's really too much! People have been waiting outside Kabukicho for a long time! No one has ever played! It's really too much! "

"That's right! Very excessive!" Elizabeth, who was also heavily makeup, stood up and raised the sign. "We are also working hard with the theme of this article for a lifetime!"

"Yeah..." Jiang Cheng groaned for a moment before speaking blankly again, "That's because you didn't work hard enough, next time I trouble you, Jin his mother will pick it up and go to the waiting room. Then... the get out of class ends."


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