May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 685: : Nirvana (name) is to be concise and clear!

Looking at the nasal blisters hanging on Kagura's nose, Jiang Cheng nodded his head and held his hands affirmatively: "Well, it's completely out. Although it's still a little bit small, it's okay."

"Yeah, it's okay." Yin Shi took the conversation very perfunctorily, and continued without raising his head: "Then you can start the next stage of Realm King Fist."

"You can be big!" Xin Ba Hao clenched his fists, bursting with blue veins and saliva, yelled: "Are you going to die once and go to the King of Realm?! The other is just a dirty snot bubble. ! It's not a tortoise style qigong anymore! Go back to me! This is not a tortoise island!"


Wearing Kakarot's same style of martial arts uniform, Kagura, whose nasal bubble burst instantly, rubbed his big eyes and yawned and complained: "What the **** is it? It's rare that everyone sleeps... It's so hilarious. Lu."

"You admit that you are sleeping!"

Jiang Cheng propped his chin and muttered with solemn brows: "Sure enough... can't it?"

"Is that nonsense?!"

"Suga, I know." Jiang Cheng nodded, then took out two Vegeta combat uniforms and handed them to Kagura and Haruta, "So, is this OK?" Hello, you two, let’s practice the Galek Cannon with me!"

(Note: Vegeta’s well-known stunt.)

"It's not that problem either! Although there are indeed fighting nations here! But it's not that problem!"

"Huh!" Kagura, who had been put on his battle uniform, hugged his hands and snorted, "Dirty fireworks."

"No, although the imitation is very similar, but... the fire is big."

"But..." Jiu Bing, who had been standing behind A Miao since just now, said with his chin in thought, "Although it's a mess, it still makes sense."

Hearing the sound, Shinba Hae showed a face of uncertainty, so he looked at Jiubei, and asked, "What is it? By the way...Why does Jiubei Eisang wear women's clothing?"

"No... this..." Jiu Bingwei blushed, and unconsciously moved away from the sight of Jiang Cheng who had just been secretly looking at Jiang Cheng. "Ahem, this kind of thing doesn't matter. (Xin Ba Hao: No, this is my best now." There is no strange thing, you just blushed? Why?) is a nirvana! As long as they see the goal of "learning this tactic through hard work", they may change! "

"You said nirvana..." Xin Ba Chi sighed, with a melancholy expression, "How can our genre have that nirvana?"

Jiang Cheng silently raised his hand and said: "Besides, regardless of whether there is something like nirvana, now they obviously have the goal of Wei Yi Xia Chocolate Fruit. Let them focus on Wei Yi Xia Chocolate Fruit. Isn’t it difficult to shift the goal to that nirvana?"

"That is to say..." Haruta nodded with his chin, and analyzed it to himself, "It's just ordinary nirvana such as the boring spiral pill, it's no longer good. You must have the kind of surpassing Wei Yi summer chocolate. The fruit’s nirvana is good."

Xin Ba Hao murmured silently: "I don't know how Naruto would feel if he knew that in the eyes of the bloggers, the spiral pill was not as good as the chocolate fruit..."

"It's troublesome," Yin Shizie murmured with solemn brows as he walked over, "It's really not easy to find a nirvana that is more gorgeous than Helix Maru."

"It's not completely gone," Jiang Cheng said, shrugging his shoulders, "for example... (eye) mirrors or something."

"What is that?" Xin Ba Haw twitched the corner of his eyes, "What is the mirror solution? Does it mean my glasses?"

Jiang Cheng introduced seriously: "Mirror solution, skill introduction! As long as you use it before watching the AV, you can automatically remove the mosaic!"

"Teacher, please!" Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng took their seats at the same time and bowed their heads towards Xin Ba Ha.

Xin Ba Hao cast his eyes blankly and exclaimed: "Please be tall! How could there be such a trivial nirvana!"

Yin Shi waved his hand, curled the corner of his mouth and sipped: "Cut, you don't even know this level of nirvana, how could it be attracted to people."

Jiang Cheng held his hands, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, and then said, "So...if it is a website where you can watch late-night movies for free..."

"Teacher! Please!" Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng lowered their heads towards Xin Ba Ha at the same time.

"There is no such thing at all! By the way, that kind of thing is not a nirvana at all! that kind of thing so attractive to you?!"

"After all, a man..." Jiang Cheng and Yinshi exchanged glances, and at the same time they hummed softly and said at the same time: "You know men best."

"You two get out of here right away!" Xin Ba Haw spit out with wide, bloodshot eyes.

"Xin Ba Hao, don't be deceived! Someone lied to me last time and said it was a free website, but when I logged in, I was cheated of 30,000 yuan."

Seeing Kondo who naturally poked his head out of the floor and closed his eyes with a serious expression, Shinhaw... fell silent.

Kondo shook his head softly with an expression, "I also said that if I didn't send money, I would publish my browsing history or something. At that time, it was really hard to solve this matter."

"No, everyone here now knows that you have browsed unhealthy websites." Xin Bahao reminded him expressionlessly, "When did you hide there?"

"Really?!" Kondo was surprised.

next moment…

A Miao, who stepped heavily on Kondo’s face, gritted her teeth with a burst of blue muscles and muscles, and gritted her teeth without a smile, and reminded fiercely: "Can you get me back?"

"Wait...Miss A Miao..." Kondo's furious voice came from under A Miao's feet, and then raised the scroll in his hand, "I found this in the warehouse. I heard you say that it is a killer skill or something. I couldn't help but walked out."

Xin Ba Hao vomited blankly again: "No, you just can't help but hear about the website, right?"

"God! This!" A Miao who took the scroll covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Could it be the scroll of paradise without heart flow?"

"Profound meaning?" Xinbajia asked in surprise.

"Hey? Really?" Haru asked excitedly, "Does this kind of dojo really have that kind of thing?! Can I learn it? Is it okay?!"

"Hey..." Ah Miao nodded lightly, and then slowly explained to Xin Ba Hao: "This was written before our father died before the sickbed. At that time, he said that sooner or later he would pass this to you. ."

"That...that means..." Jiu Bingwei said with a solemn expression: "In this scroll there is the profound meaning of heaven's unintentional flow recorded by the lord."

"Hey, I said Basang," Yin Shi, who was leaning on the door, expressed his dissatisfaction with his hand in his hand, and complained: "You don't even tell me, there is such a thing as a nirvana, it's really cunning. what."

"Xinjiang..." Ah Miao solemnly handed the scroll in her hand to Xin Ba Hao. "Now is the time to inherit the last trick left by his father. There is no secret flow in heaven. The name is—"

Taking advantage of the time when Ah Miao was speaking, Xin Ba Hae untied the scroll in his hand and saw the mysterious name that Ah Miao was about to say.

"—The evil holy sword, Liewu, is always in the dark, and the Thunder God is like driving, especially the miraculous super plumber brother No. 2 who can counterattack and supervise the cut!"

After listening to Ah Miao's words, Xin Ba Hao, who looked at the mysterious name on the scroll, murmured: "Father..."

But the next moment...

"I'm going to die--yo!" Xin Ba Haw frantically vomited, "No, although I did feel the hard work in this name, but it's too long to remember! Even if it is miraculously memorized... Before the name of the nirvana was reported, let someone do it first!"

Kagura said aloud, "No one stipulates that you must call the name Aru when you use a special move."

Jiubei raised an objection: "But after all, this is a move that my father came up with in the hospital bed. It's better to shout out when you use it... and you must speak as fast as possible."

"Is the purpose of this nirvana is just to find fault?!" Xin Ba Chi spit wildly.

"But my family also has the secret of being embarrassed to call the name of the move, so that's why..." Jiu Bingwei continued quietly, and then made a scene in his mind—

"Wan [Beep—] Tong Tian has eyes open!" While shouting like this, he took off his blindfold.

"...Will add a beep in it."

After seeing Jiu Bingwei’s new eight harp, he immediately complained: "Where are you going to beep! On the contrary, it is even more misleading, okay!"

Kondo, with a blue nose and a swollen face but he didn't care, stood up and took the stubbornly at the same time: "Our genre's secret name is Tama King Kong Smashing Three-stage Assault. It's a little bit awkward, so it's abbreviated as "Tama Jinsan"! "

(Note: TAMAKINSAN: [Beep—] [Beep—])

"Hid your whole body with a beep first!"

"Isn't this a good idea?" Yin Shi took the scroll in Xin Ba Hao's hand and said, "Simplify it a bit."

Jiang Cheng, who looked over, nodded and said, "That's right, it's simply called Saint Weapon Slash."

"Sacred Weapon..." Xin Ba Haw carefully pondered these three words, "Indeed, it's a bit like the name of a nirvana, and it's very concise and there is no beep..."

"Oh! It's really good!" Kondo nodded and praised, "It has the same meaning as my family, sex..."

(Note: Holy is the same as sex.)

"Forget it." Xin Ba Haw instantly raised his hand and changed his mouth.

"Hey? Don't you like it?" Jiang Cheng cried out in surprise, and then flashed again and suggested: " about XP cut? It can cut the enemy's XP or something, it sounds very powerful!"

"No, there is no such nirvana in this world. How do you cut XP? I don't know!"

"Yeah, that kind of name is too common, and no one wants to learn it at first glance." Yin Shi nodded and took the words, then looked at the scroll in his hand again, "Anyway, he wrote so much eloquently. In short, the Tianxiang mirror flashed."

"Where is this written? What is Jingshan?"

Kagura suggested: "Then add another beep here, and it will become Tianxiang O flashing Aru."

"What are you trying to make by covering up the mirror characters!" Xin Ba Haw complained again, "it's exactly the rhythm of others in the cottage!"

A Miao smiled and suggested: "Then just [BEEP—] [Beep—] [Beep—] That's good."

"Sister—! In this case, I will completely become a pervert who shouts forbidden words again!"

"Ah, that's enough." Qingta said with a little impatiently carrying the bamboo sword, "It doesn't matter what the name is, so please show it quickly, the O-weapon or something."

A Miao nodded: "Indeed, this is not the time to get caught up in a name. The question is what kind of trick is this profound meaning and how can I learn it."

Inside the room, including Kondo, who came in very naturally, Jiang Cheng and several people sat around the scroll with solemn expressions.

"Sa, let's start, Lao Ba." Yin Shi looked at Xin Ba Chi who was aside.

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Ha picked up the scroll and looked back a little bit.

"The evil holy sword Lie Wu Ta Chang dark (omitted below) refers to..."

Xin Ba Hao Tucao: "If it is troublesome to write, don't use such a name at the beginning!"

"...Heaven does not flow the most profound, strongest, one-line secret secret! This move must not be known to others!"

"Sorry, it's already known."

"If you want to ask why, because this trick has the power to change the truth of the world!"

Seeing this, even the expression of Xin Ba Hao, who was still talking about the name just now, gradually became serious.

"It... is such a powerful move...!"

"Record this profound meaning here."

"Using the secret method, after defending the enemy's attack...↓→+K"

Looking at the mark on the scroll, after a long silence, Xin Ba Hao spoke again: "What is this mark-like thing?"

Kondo said aloud, "Press the cross key from the bottom to the horizontal, and then press the K button?"

"Isn't this an order for a fighting game?!" Xin Ba Haw was all ill, holding the scroll and spitting out frantically, "Is there no such button on your son!"

The expression on Haruta's face on the side had also changed from the excitement at the beginning to speechless.

"No, UU reading might still be more concise and clear." Yin Shis then said aloud, "I guess pressing the cross key from the bottom to the horizontal, and then pressing the K button means that from the depression down The posture of the body preparing for the knife, suddenly became the posture of swinging the knife forward and slashing out! In other words, after defending the enemy's attack, take advantage of the unprepared counterattack technique of drawing the knife!"

"Do you understand this silly cheat book for Mao like that?" Xin Ba Hao twitched and spit, "Why did you nod Jiang Chengsang too? Do you understand it that way? Why?!"

"One of my profound meanings is to be in the moon... When others are not paying attention to secretly take money out to buy games, it is also to press the cross key from the bottom to the horizontal, and then press the K (in gold) button."

Xin Ba Hao replied silently: "No, you are just stealing money to buy games, you scumbag!"

"Then in my secret mystery, when I want to steal someone else's pudding in the middle of the night," Yin Shizuo explained to himself, "It is to press the cross key from the bottom to the horizontal, and then press the P button, basically the same. "

"What's the matter with your scumbag and my family?!"

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