May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 686: : There are competitions everywhere in life!

"My secret secret—pudding counterattack." Kagura took the words and explained to himself: "Also, press the cross key from bottom to horizontal, and then press the P (pudding) button Aru!"

"What is the pudding button! How do you use the P button!"

Kubei stood up and said, "Anyway, I will be the opponent. Try to fight back without spare effort."

"That, is it really okay?" Shinpachi looked at Kubei in a pink kimono with a puzzled look. "This kind of attire has to be tried with a sword. I always think it's a bit bad. Besides, why is it today? This outfit?"

"No, this is..." Jiu Bingwei's pretty face blushed again, but he was not at a loss, but concealed the past: "Anyway! No matter what kind of clothes, there is no problem with the swordsmanship test!"

"Xiao Jiu, I think it's better not to reluctantly." A Miao said kindly, "After all, it is this kind of clothes that have not been used to wearing them, and it may affect their performance."

"What do you mean by influencing performance?" Xin Bajia vomited expressionlessly, "It's bad to use real skills! I'll be killed instantly!"

"It doesn't matter..."

With that said, Jiubei looked down and wanted to pick up a bamboo sword from the ground, but before she bent down, Jiang Cheng who picked up the bamboo sword casually handed the bamboo sword in his hand to Jiubei.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng said casually.

Looking at the bamboo sword in Jiang Cheng's hand, Jiu Bing Wei hesitated and held out his hand tremblingly to take it, but... when Jiang Cheng just got the bamboo sword, Jiang Cheng's loose hand touched Jiu Bing Wei inadvertently. Hands.

Ever since...

Feng Qingyun calmly caught Jiang Cheng, who was subconsciously swung by Jiu Bingwei, with his full-strength fist, with a look of doubt: "What's the matter? Don't you want to compete with the new eight?"

"Hug... I'm sorry." The Jiu Bingwei who gradually recovered his senses retracted his fist, then turned around and walked towards the new eight haw who was already posed and ready, and at the same time he thought: [Sure enough...that One day is not my illusion, it seems that I can really touch this man. The only man in the world who can be touched by me? In the end...what's the matter with this mood now? Why are you a little happy, a little disappointed, and a little nervous? Anyway... why am I in this costume? 】

It turned out that on the street the day before yesterday, Jiang Cheng, who went out to buy games as usual, met Jiu Bingwei who was also on the street, and by some coincidence, a little physical contact occurred (the shoulder was rubbed when he passed by). Kyubei, who subconsciously counterattacked... for the first time, the man (Jiang Cheng) took the attack in this state effortlessly and steadily.

From that time on, Jiu Biebei had something wrong.

Of course, what Jiubei didn’t know was that Jiang Cheng... just didn’t treat her as a woman. If he insisted, in Jiang Cheng’s mind, Jiubei was neither a man nor a woman. So this kind of person's attack can be blocked.

Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense. Let’s go back to the martial arts meeting place, and see the new Bajas that have been prepared, and say to Jiubei Wei, "Well, Jiubei Wei-san, are you really not used to the new What about equipment (clothes), or forget it?"

Even if it was against the wall but still walking step by step, Jiubingwei, when even reacted, his pretty face flushed again and silently stood on the opposite side of Xinba Hao.

A Miao flicked his sleeves and said with some worry, "Sure enough, I still can't force it, and equip myself with unfamiliar equipment or something."

Although he was the youngest person present, but was extremely observant, Harita quietly said, "No, I don't think it has anything to do with clothes or anything. If you insist, it might have something to do with an idiot."


Ignoring the smashed bag of Harita who wanted to cry without tears, Jiang Cheng put away his fists, held his hands and said, "How can you say that others are stupid? It's rude! Harita!"

Rubbing her head, Qingtai, who was so painful that the corners of her eyes were tearful, spit in her heart silently: [No, you are the idiot I'm talking about...]

"It's okay to know this kind of thing in your own mind, there is no need to say it! This is the way this society lives!"

"You are the most rude!" Qingtai couldn't help but spit out, "If you say what you said, you will abide by it!"

"Sorry, Harita," Jiang Cheng shook his head softly, "I...I'm tired of the boring interpersonal relationships in this society, so there is no need to follow this unspoken rule."

"No, you are just a trash nit out of society."

"Who is the trash nit out of society! Smelly brat!" Jiang Cheng retorted in an uncomfortable moment.

Kagura said without expression: "No, uncle, you are really just a trash nit who has left the society and lived on the game world with no shame and shame from a woman, just Aru."

"There will be no pocket money next month." Jiang Cheng replied casually with a shrug.

"Ah! Cunning!" Kagura said dissatisfied.

"Sorry, this is also rule."

"It turns out that sometimes the pocket money will be deducted to tell the truth..." Harita murmured and analyzed with his chin, "It's really a very cruel society."

"So bad society." Kagura sighed melancholy.

"Yes, yes." Qingtai nodded.

Listening to the words of the two, Jiang Cheng unknowingly burst into several blue veins on his forehead.

"Are you two brats deliberately? Are you deliberately looking for me?"

"Ah!" Kagura seemed to have thought of something suddenly, covering his mouth pretending to be surprised: "Could it be that... did the words just irritate my uncle Aru? Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"The pocket money for next month is gone!"

"Hey! Give me a little bit!" Kagura stood up, rolled up his sleeves and exclaimed angrily, "This kind of rule is too unreasonable!"

Jiang Cheng showed a serious look and nodded: "Yes, there is such an unreasonable side in society, the wife who ran away with the rich, the colleague who used small means to grab the promotion opportunity, and the Jiu Bing Wei Shun The new eight chis killed, the orangutan who was blasted by Ah Miao, and the omitted combat details, all fully reflect the unreasonable side of this society! Give me a good memory!"

Haruta spit out expressionlessly: "Wait a minute, what are the three examples behind? It doesn't matter at all, right? Just sum up the results of the first two matches during our conversation and then make complaints by yourself. Hey! Just enough! Bastard orangutan!"

"Then the next game will be the highlight," Jiang Cheng said, looking at Yin Shi who picked up the bamboo sword and walked towards Xinba Hao, "It's really looking forward to it."

"I look forward to your size!" Harita spit out again, "Why did you skip the topic so naturally! Why did you put on an enthusiastic expression of watching the game so naturally! I can't understand it at all!"

"Idiot!" Jiang Cheng reprimanded with a serious expression, "Life is always a game! While playing his own game that you can't lose, you must also watch other people's games appropriately to increase your life experience! "

"Do you think you can fool it with this kind of principle?!"

When I came to the opposite side of Xinbahao, Yinshi's expression also became rare and serious.

"Get ready, I will give an appropriate attack."

"Hi...Hi!" Xin Ba Haw quickly responded.

In this way, ROUND3 began. With the sound effects of FIGHT, the fighting game between Gintoki and Shinbaji began.

Seeing Xin Ba Hao who started to save a little bit in the glasses trough, she was still feeding the new Ba Hao the silver, Qing Tai opened her eyes wide, and muttered: "Finally...Finally, I can see the profound meaning of our genre. , Brother Jiang Cheng, fell asleep? Didn’t you just say that you want to see other people’s games to increase your life experience?"

"What's so good about the match between Virginity and Idiot?" Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the floor with his eyes closed, said without looking back, "That kind of experience is not necessary at all."


The result of the game did not disappoint Qing too much. It was indeed that Qingta saw the so-called nirvana, although it was not the result of the new eight.

"The result is that you resorted to the profound meaning?!" Xin Ba Hao, who was knocked down to the ground by Yin Shi's own profound meaning, frantically complained, "Why did you master it so quickly!"

"Because it's easy."

"This is the profound meaning of a single pass! Show me the situation clearly!"

"It's not just me, just while you are quietly rubbing," Gintoki said, looking at Haruta, Kagura, Kubei, and Miao who were practicing. "Everyone has learned it all."

"It's not difficult at all." Qingta who held the bamboo sword yawned and said, "Brother Xin, is this really the secret of our genre? Didn't you really lie to me?"

New Eight:...


"And even learned Aru in defensive battles," Kagura said after receiving Harita's blow.

"Hi—it's my next turn!" A Miao raised her hands and said excitedly.

"Then practice with me, Miao." Jiu Bingwei said.

Xin Ba Hao's expression at this time has been frozen...


Jiubei: "And I know the number of defensive battles, Shin Baja-kun."


Ah Miao: "Moreover, the number of defensive battles of the defensive defense is also available, Xinchan!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Silver Time: "And the number of defensive defensive battles of defensive defense, oh, old eight."


Kubei: "Moreover, there are no defensive defensive tricks of defensive defense, defensive defensive defensive tricks, Shin-Yachi-kun."

Before leaving the house, Xin Ba Hao finally looked back and took a look at the people who were still practicing their own special moves, and then...a person quietly walked out the door.

Jiang Cheng, who brought Xin Ba Ji's back figure full of depression and loss into his eyes, drooped his eyes and said nothing.

About two minutes after Xinbahao left, Jiang Chengcai sat up from the ground and picked up a practice bamboo sword from the ground.

"Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng glanced at Yin Shi on the side, "Are you interested? Let me try that nirvana or something."

"No, I'm not interested." Yin Shi replied without thinking, "I have won you many games."

"Miao, can I give it a try?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Well, of course." A Miao squinted her eyes and responded with a smile.

"Hey, wait..."

Yin Shi suddenly thought of something and hurriedly spoke, but... it was obviously too late, because Jiang Cheng had already lowered his body...

A minute later, looking at only half of the dojo in front of him, except for Que Jiang Cheng, the expressions of everyone present were surprisingly uniform.

"The lethality is really great, this kind of nirvana." Jiang Cheng nodded and commented.

"You are the one who is the most lethal!" Yin Shibai looked at him angrily, "It has nothing to do with nirvana or something!"

"Sorry, A Miao..." Jiang Cheng put on a hint of apology on his face, and then raised the bamboo sword with only one hilt in his hand, "Broken this."

"No, that doesn't matter, the important one," Yin Shi pointed to the gymnasium, which was almost in ruins. "This is the one that needs an apology! This is the one that has been damaged the most!"

"I always feel that there is a deep sense of disobedience..." Harita murmured silently, "Obviously it's a useless Zenit, obviously it's a useless Zenit."

"Great... great!" Jiu Bingwei exclaimed, "This kind of power...what kind of defensive tricks are useless!"

"He's an idiot, are you too?" Yin Shi spit out again, "No one will compete with this monster at all!"

"That... Jiang Chengsang," Ah Miao finally recovered and walked over, looking at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, "I..."

"Amiao..." Jiang Chenggang wanted to say something, but as soon as he spoke, there were two misfortunes in the back of his head, and the next moment he rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

"Oh!" The sharp-eyed Kagura looked at Yueyong standing on the wall and exclaimed: "It is also the cross key from the bottom to the horizontal press, UU reading and then press the S (dead) button! This Is it Yueyue’s nirvana Aru?! Amazing!"

"Found...the scum who stole money and went out to buy games..." Yue Yong said coldly, and then jumped off the fence and came to Jiang Cheng step by step.

"Wait...wait! Yueyue!" Jiang Cheng stumblingly said, while struggling to raise his head, "Miao, she... still wants to ask me the tricks of nirvana! At least..."

"No, that kind of thing doesn't matter." A Miao squinted her eyes with a smile, and then pointed to the gym on the side. "The important thing is compensation for this! Bastard!"

"Miao, haven't you agreed?"

On Yueyong's forehead, blue veins appeared one after another: "Not only did he steal money to buy games... but also smashed other people's dojos..."

"Wait...wait, Yueyue, this really has nothing to do with me! Hey...wait, you calm down! Hey...ahhhhhhhh!!!"

Under the setting sun, everyone was silent as they watched the long blood line drawn by Jiang Cheng who was being dragged by Yue Yong on the ground.

" seems to have made a mistake." Jiu Biewei suddenly said such a thoughtless sentence.

"Huh?" Ah Miao said in a puzzled voice.

"No, it's nothing." Jiu Bingwei shook his head, then looked at the gymnasium to the side, "Miao, let the loss here go to the Yanagi clan."

"Hey? No way, Xiao Jiu."

"No need to refuse. After all, I owe him more than one favor. It's time to pay him back."


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