MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins


At 10:00 am the regular shows that were scheduled to be televised in the United States of America were suddenly interrupted by a Press Conference of the White House. People reluctantly decided to watch the press conference hoping that it will end soon so that they could continue watching their favorite morning drama.

On the screen of every television set the people could see the face of the 40th president of the United States. President Ronald Reagan known as the "Great Communicator" is shown with a serious look in his face.

"People of this great country. I stand before you all bearing saddening news. In roughly 12:30 pm Eastern European Summer Time a great injustice has been committed. A man who has served this country as a former governor and currently as a secretary in one of our country's esteem departments had been assassinated," the president said.

People were shocked. The news that someone would assassinate a high ranking political figure of the US was maddening. The American people were extremely patriotic to their country. Many people who did not care about the sudden press conference that the president was about to give had a sudden shift of interest after learning the news.

"The secretary of the Department of Commerce, Secretary Charles A. Carter was assassinated in Greece. Secretary Carter has been staying in Greece for a week now to promote the interest of the country. He was seeking new trade agreements that would have strengthen the economic growth of this nation. He was scheduled to have a meeting with the Prime Minister of Greece in the Maximos Mansion at 1 pm Eastern European Summer Time. As he was traveling for this said meeting he and his security was attacked. Charles and his security detail were all killed. None survive the attack," he said.

The people went silent after hearing this news. Disbelieve could be seen in their faces, then suddenly anger erupted throughout the country. Houses, diners, bars, anywhere were people could watch the press conference people were pissed. They were able to calm themselves when the president continued his speech.

"On behalf of the American people, I would like to say my condolences to the families of Secretary Carter and to the families of the soldiers who died in their duty. The families of Sergeant Owen Hardy and Private Jeff Smith," he said. There was a moment of silence throughout the country.

"All the people in the American embassy to Greece have been temporarily pulled out, and they are estimated to return to the country within 5 days from today. The country of Greece has begun its own investigation on the matter. Even in these dire times the country of Greece remains an ally to the American people and has promised us that they will do a thorough investigation. People of this wonderful country I promise you one thing," the president pause as he stared at the camera having the eyes of a man who is determined beyond belief. "I will not allow such acts against our people to remain unpunished. I have assigned the full might of the country in this matter. The CIA had begun their own investigation on this crime. As the 40th president of this country, I promise you we will find the people responsible for this death and they shall be prosecuted. Thank you and God bless," he said.

The press conference ended and the regular televise shows continued but the people did not care about those shows. The American people were busy talking about the news that the president gave them, rather than care about their morning drama shows. Theories to who, why, and what, was being produced by the people. The news outlets immediately sent their most seasoned reporters to Greece to get more follow up on this news.




"Mr. President as for your instructions they are waiting for you in the in the oval office," a staff member said.

Inside the oval office were key figures in defense of the United States. These people were the Director of SHIELD accompanying him is a female agent, the Director of the CIA, the secretary of the Department Of Defense, and the Chief of Naval Operations.

The people saw the president entered the office and they all stood in attention.

"All right people we have much to discuss. So what are the developments?" the president asked.

"Well Mr.president the National Intelligence Service of Greece, which is their primary intelligence agency has been assigned by the Prime Minister to personally do the investigation," said William Joseph Casey the Director of CIA.

"Any leads to who did it. I want to know if it was an attack to the US or an attack to sow distrust between allies," asked the President.

"As of right now Mr.president we have been trying to track any suspicious movements in southern-eastern Europe in the last 24 hours," said the Director of CIA.

"We have also tried to gather information from our end in Europe Mr.president. Even some cities that we know that has KGB hideouts," said the Director of SHIELD.

"You know information about the KGB? Why wasn't I informed of this information?" said the Director of CIA, the man was shocked at not being able to know the information about its Soviet Union counterpart.

"This information is classified. Only the President and members of the World Security Council know this information, and now people inside this room," said the only woman in the oval office.

"Mr.President as the Director of CIA, I want to be able to see all the classified information that Shield has on the KGB," Director Casey said.

"You already know this Director Casey, the US doesn't have sole control of SHIELD. After it's reconstruction from the SSR, SHIELD has been under the United Nations. particularly the World Security Council", the President said as he looks at the now angry CIA Director.

After a while, the President ask "What do you think of this attack?".

"Due to our conflict with the Soviet Union, they seem to be the first one you would consider. But I highly doubt that," said the woman.

"Why is that Agent Peggy Carter? If those communist wants war let's give it to them," said the Secretary of Defense, Caspar W. Weinberger with an annoyed expression.

"Firstly Mr.Secretary they stand nothing to earn from stopping the trade agreement between Greece and the United States. I strongly believe whoever did this is hoping that we put the blame on this assassination on them," said Agent Peggy Carter.

"I also believe this assessment Mr.President. I learned throughout the years as Director Of SHIELD to trust Agent's Carter assessment," said Director Alexander Pierce fully supporting Agent Carter.

"hmmm….I need all of you to find out who really did this. Admiral Watkins, I need you to increase the security in all our bases abroad. I don't want any incident during this time," said the President.

"Of course Mr.President," said Admiral David Watkins, the Chief of Naval Operations of the United States.

The meeting between these people lasted at least 3 hours, planning, security threats, and weapons development were the most topics that were discussed.


Author's Thoughts

I would like to thank people who gifted me their power stones.

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