It has been a week since the assassination of my grandfather. His body was returned with full military honors. Grandpa has prepared everything before he died. He already prepared a plot of land in case of his death. In fact, the land was sufficient enough to allow all of us to be buried there in the future.

'That became dark real quick', I thought to myself.

My grandmother and my father were the most affected by the death of my grandfather. Grandma spends most of his time in our mansion, while dad became recluse as of late. My mother has helped them in any way she could. Bernard has spent most of his time attending the twins. The twins weren't that close with our grandfather, so they weren't affected much from his death.

Today is the day of his burial. The mansion had a somber air lingering around it.

"Hey Ethan, will there be many people there?" my brother asked me.

"Yes John, grandpa did many things in his life. Many of his friends and business partners will be there. Also, the president will be in attendance as well," I said as I tousled his hair.

"Hey stop ruining my hair. I already fix that, now I have to do it again," John said. I gave my brother a smile as I watch him fix his ruined hair.

William laughs at his brother's hair dilemma. "It looks fine to me," he said.

"Shut up," John said as he continues to fix his hair.

"Is everything ready Bern?" I ask Bernard.

"Yes sir Ethan, the limo is waiting for us outside. We're only waiting for Madam Martha now," he said.

"The rest of you go to the limousine. I get my mother," said my father. My mother gave an understanding look to my mother and ushered as to the limousine.

A while later my father came together with my grandmother in the limousine. The rest of the day went by so fast. My grandfather was given a full military honor funeral. Among the attendees were secretaries of different departments of the United States, key figures in the political party that my grandfather was a part of, business colleagues of my grandfather, and even the President himself. The president came to us to personally offer his condolences and his personal promise that whoever did this will be punished with the full might of the law. My grandmother was extremely glad when she heard this.

It was already evening that when we return to the mansion. Waiting for us in the living room was my grandfather's personal Attorney, Attorney Scott Lawler.

"Scott, can we please not do this now. How about tomorrow?" my grandmother said with a tired tone.

"I'm sorry Martha, but Charles told me that on the day of his funeral his last will and testament would be read out to his family," Scott said.

Apparently Scott has been the personal attorney of my grandfather ever since he returned from the war. Scott was an elderly man, overweight and with a head that was a couple of years from going totally bald.

"Scott, I haven't seen you in a while," my father said.

"I'm sorry I could not attend the funeral. I had a prior commitment on the same day, did you at least receive the flowers I sent over?" Scott ask.

"Yes they were wonderful," my mother said.

"Let's get this over with. I want to rest," said my grandmother grudgingly.

"I will let you to it then," I said to them.

"Actually your grandfather said that in an event that he passed you are allowed to hear his last will and testament. He said that you are mature enough to be part of it," Scott said to me.

"Then will you excuse us," Bernard said as he ushered the twins out of the room. You can hear the twins arguing why they could not stay and I can. Bernard sent them straight to another room so they could eat their dinner ahead of us.

"Okay, I know this is hard on everyone so I will get to it then," Scott said.

Scott took his briefcase and opened it. He took a folder out and began to read the last will and testament of my grandfather.

"I Charles A. Carter, resident in the City of Chicago, Country of United States, State of Illinois, being of sound mind, not acting under duress or undue influence and fully understanding the nature and extent of all my property and his disposition thereof, do hereby make, publish and declare this doc.u.ment to be my Last Will and Testament....."

My grandmother, father, mother, and I listen carefully to the Last Will and Testament of my grandfather. It basically boils down to two things, my grandmother as his spouse will be the owner of his wealth upon his death, secondly, a shocker was that my grandfather gave me a decent amount of money which I can spend only after I turned 18 or upon my graduation in university, whichever came first. The money will be placed in a trust fund for safekeeping.

My grandfather also left a message for my father, that message was my grandfather telling my dad that he had a mind for business and that he wants his son to be the CEO of the company he worked so hard to build.

After the Will was read Scott immediately left to give us time to rest from the funeral. My mother ushered him out of the mansion, while both grandma and father decided not to eat dinner and went to their rooms to sleep early.

I was left in the living room alone thinking about all the things that happened. I open one of the windows to allow the cold night air to hit my face. I look to the stars and said: "Thanks grandpa, I will use the money well, and I promise to find out the truth of what happened".

I stared at the stars for at least 15 minutes and decided it was enough staring. I close the window and decided to get something to eat before I go to bed.


Author's Thoughts

I would like to thank people who gifted me their power stones.

As of right now, I had made a pat.reon account for those who wants to have early access to my chapters.

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