Wearing her black ripped jeans, Sandy went to her bestfriends coffee shop. She always go there everytime shes not in the mood. And rigght now she definetly not in the mood.

"Hi Christine" She greeted as she enter the shop. Christine shop were given to her by her auntie wwho is now living abroad.

"Hi Sandy.." she greeted back then turn to his assistan"... Gary (Christine assistant), please get Sandy a pure brewed coffee and the tripple chocolate cake" Sandy smiled at her, she definetly know how to make her feel okay. She always order brewed coffee and tripple chocolate cake whenever she feel down.

"So whats the problem this time" Christine know her bestfriend for 5 years now. She know what kind of girl Sandy is. She was this crazy bitchy type girl who flirts with every guy whenever she feels it, and she never go with the book, unlike her mother who so composed and proper. But for 5 years of being with her, she can tell that Sandy is sweet deep inside, she knew how soft and feminine this girl can be.

"Im mean they are crazy! what the hell were they thinking!" Sandy said while holding firmly her hair with anger. Christine can say that is big.

"Tell me, what is it?"

"They arranged me in a marriage, Chris, after 5 months i am going to get married to my family's friend, whoever this CEO, and whats worse i am going to have an ethiquette lesson after class. For goodness sake Chris, you know i am the kind of girl who goes with the book" Chris wanted to laugh by the way her bestfriend is saying. Why would she care more about her ethiquette lesson than the fact that she is actually getting married in 5 months.

"So your problem is that ethiquette lesson rather than the fat that you are getting married" she said while holding back her laugh. "... have you seen the guy, is he hot, is he your type that you actually want to get married with that guy" she teased. Sandy looked at her with disgust.

"Eww Chris, first of all, i havent seen that CEO, and what, hot? my god, hes probably some old creepy guy whose only pride is his money"

"Dont say that, you can never tell, ad beside why would your family let you get married to some old creepy guy" Sandy rolled her eyes.

But before Sandy can talk, Chris shop door opens. They both twist their head and look at the guy in suit. Tall, proper, and hundred percent hot. Chris looked at Sandy then winked.

"That is the guy i told you about, the hot guy who always come here every tuesday and friday an ordering the same as you re having" she said then stands "..good morning sir, the same order"

Sandy looked at the guy who walked passed through her. Unexpectedly, the guy is looking at her too, or the food that she had have.

"No, make my tripple chocolate cake doubled" Sandy's eyebrows met. Was this guy competing with her tripple chocolate cake?

"P-pardon sir?" even Chris cannot believe it.

"Make my cake six times chocolatey" after that he went to the table he always sit.

Sandy went to Chris.

"I dont like that guy, he is definitely trying to compete with my tripple chocolate cake"

"I dont think so, maybe he just want some chocolatey cake" Said Chris trying to defend the hot guy.

"Didnt you see him, he saw my order and trying to match my cake"

"Youre just upset Sandy" Sandy rolled her eyes.

"I really dont like that guy, i wish that CEO is not as arrogant as him"

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