"Come on Chris lets go, let get a few drinks" Sandy wearing a black tube and a leather jacket on top, black jeans and boots. Now she looks like a total cool rockstar. And she kep on pursuing Chris to come to her at the bar.

"If you want to get drinks, just drink it here, i have a big day tomorrow" Sandy gave her a cute puppy eyes.

"Please, give me this one, this may probably my last club party, will you not allow me to do something that i really love for the last time" Chris rolled her eyes.

"Fine, just till 12 midnight" Sandy's cheeks flew up showing up her pearl white teeth.

"Yey!" she exclaimed then hugged her friend.

Chris brought her car, just incase Sandy gets drunk, while her friend rode her motorbike.

"See you at the bar"

"Wait for me at the entrance" Sandy said knowing that Chris will arrive first.

Sandys hair were blowing by the wind, but she didnt even care. She drove her motorbike like it was her last time. She didnt passed through the main road, because her mother blockedd her bike and she will surely get caught by the police when they saw her, so thats why she took the route that she can definitely get away with, but it will take her time to get to the bar.

While driving, Sandy saw a car aheaded her. But what's weird that it stopped right in the middle off the road. So she had no choice but to stopped.

"Um excuse me sir, but can you please move your car aside" she asked politely, but the driver seems have no plan to get out the car to face her, nor listen to her.

"Sir, excuse me, youre blocking the way" and she is getting irritated. But too late, she was already pissed.

"So this is what you wanted to be huh" Sandy stepped on her motorbike, put it in high speed and ready herself to make her motorbike fly. A smirk were drawn in her face.

"You want fun, ill give you some" but before she can make her bike run, the car move and make a way for her.

"boo!" she exclaimed ".. yeah thats right move aside chicken" after she said those words, he drove her bike in full speed. She was already pissed.

While inside the car.

"Where are we offf to sir" said the driver without looking at his boss seated confidently in the bckseat.

"Follow her" without hesitation, the driver followed Sandy.

"That crazy woman, she really knows how to make me go crazy"

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