Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 129

Chains were drilled from all directions to the Fujimura Tachibana entangled, and they reached the surroundings of the Fujimura Tachibana in an instant. Seeing that they were about to grab the Fujimura Tachibana, a huge object suddenly came with electric light from below, directly He smashed the chains of the Skylock into the air, and continued to hit Gilgamesh. This turned out to be the off-road vehicle that Fujimura Tachibana said before.The person who "launched" the off-road vehicle was naturally Misaka Mikoto. Just after learning about the evil in the church on the side, Misaka Mikoto realized that Gilgamesh was not a good person, so when Fujimura Tachibana was in danger, the off-road vehicle As a cannonball, Misaka Mikoto used her signature super-electromagnetic gun, and the off-road vehicle was shot at Gilgamesh.


The deviance sword in his hand directly knocked the off-road vehicle into the air. Gilgamesh wanted to kill Fujimura Tachibana, but after hitting the off-road vehicle, he did not find Fujimura Tachibana, Gilgamesh, who was supposed to be behind the off-road vehicle. A trace of misfortune flashed in Shi's heart, and he immediately turned around and found that Fujimura Tachibana had actually relied on an off-road vehicle to block his vision. The moment he came around from one side and came to Gilgamesh's side, Fujimura Tachibana pulled out the scabbard The demon sword village is in.


Along with the red blood soaring, Gilgamesh's eyes widened, and the head with an expression of disbelief flew high.

Squatting on the ground, Fujimura Tachibana wiped the body of the sword on the clothes of his arms, wiped the blood from the body of the sword, and then inserted the sword into the sheath. At this time, Gilgamesh's headless body fell behind him. , Fujimura Tachibana raised his head.

Author's message:

emmmmmmmm, ask for a change, the latest update time is too wrong, you need to adjust it, or you will die suddenly.

Chapter 200: I'm Misaka Mikoto, like a village girl

"Kill the EX-level creature "Archer" (Archer) and get an Ex-level item: a holy grail."

As Gilgamesh's body fell, and then turned into golden particles to dissipate, Fujimura Tachibana heard the sound of the system, and then put the weapon away, Fujimura Tachibana found that he had obtained an EX-class item holy grail.But Fujimura Tachibana hadn't received the system prompt to win the Holy Grail War. Fujimura Tachibana remembered what Kirei Yanfeng had said before, and then picked up the headset and contacted Nan Rika.

"Class leader, Kou Kou is safe and is currently with me, Illya? I will check it now!"

Nan Lixiang just found Kou Kou, who had crashed and parachuted. Although Kou Kou was still smiling at this time, she squatted to the side and muttered to herself that the business had lost money.After hearing Fujimura Tachibana’s request, Nan Rika immediately returned like Einzbern’s castle. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana had one more thing to do, that was, he appeared before and saved Joan and herself, but stopped Kill Yanfeng Qili's tea-haired girl by himself.

This girl was wearing clothes that resembled a school uniform. Fujimura Tachibana recognized that this school uniform was exactly the same as Shirai Kuroko's school uniform. Did she also come from Tokiwadai Middle School in the school city?And the ability she just demonstrated is not weak, it seems that she can fight the heroic spirits, how many students like Academy City?

"I'm Fujimura Tachibana, Director of the Ninth Division of Public Security, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Japan. Please show your identity!"

When she came to the girl, she seemed to see the police account taken out by Fujimura Tachibana. The girl looked a little flustered, and then immediately said her name.

"That... I am Misaka Mikoto, please advise!"

It didn't seem like an answer to being questioned by the police, but like introducing herself to a new friend, Misaka Mikoto was also quietly looking at Fujimura Tachibana.I found out that Shirai Kuroko, who was in the same dormitory with him, often disappeared suddenly and mysteriously for a period of time, often in a daze there from time to time, and then muttered to herself like Tachibana Sister, Misaka Mikoto became suspicious.However, when Misaka Mikoto really learned the truth, she quietly followed Shirai Kuroko and discovered that Shirai Kuroko had a secret stronghold in the academy city, where she discovered that Shirai Kuroko had hidden a lot of charms called computer accessories. Medicine, Misaka Mikoto immediately gave Shirai Kuroko a loving electrotherapy.

So while giving Shirai Kuroko electrotherapy, Misaka Mikoto interrogated Shirai Kuroko. In the end, she learned that Shirai Kuroko had become a "courier" and had traveled between the two worlds to deliver express delivery to Fujimura Tachibana, Misaka. Mikoto was a little worried.

Finally, under the strong request of Misaka Mikoto, she came to this world instead of Shirai Kuroko this time, and was looking for the whereabouts of Fujimura Tachibana.Unexpectedly, I found Fujimura Tachibana. Looking at the Fujimura Tachibana in front of her, Misaka Mikoto suddenly realized that she was moving.

It's so beautiful. Fujimura Tachibana's beauty is the most beautiful person Misaka Mikoto has ever seen. Not only is his face beautiful, but his figure is also a good explosion.Misaka Mikoto thought for a while, and found that whether it was the princess of Tokiwadai Electric Shock, or the bee-eater who was called the Queen of Tokiwadai, she was just like the village girl in front of Fujimura Tachibana. Misaka Mikoto suddenly felt that she was hit. Up.

So after saying his name, she lowered her head in a flustered manner, Misaka Mikoto felt her face a little red, this action was noticed by Fujimura Tachibana.

Realizing that he seemed to be in the upper position, the body fragrance on his body was blowing towards Misaka Mikoto under the breeze, so Fujimura Tachibana moved a little bit, and then asked: "You hindered the police law enforcement before."

Putting the police account away, he said to Misaka Mikoto that what Fujimura Tachibana said was of course that Misaka Mikoto stopped herself when she was about to kill Yanfeng Kiriege.If it is not for Fujimura Tachibana’s physical fitness better than ordinary people, and under the action of stimulants, the electric shock on Fujimura Tachibana is not strong, it is very likely that Fujimura Tachibana’s movements will be blocked, and Yanfeng Kirei might be anti-killing. Fujimura Tachibana, this is a very dangerous thing.


Misaka Mikoto was hesitant to stammer at this time. The kind-hearted Misaka Mikoto did not want to see someone die. When Fujimura Tachibana wanted to kill Yonmine Kirei, she instinctively shot it.But thinking about it now, I don't know what happened before, and this is not a school city, but another world, and Fujimura Tachibana is a policeman in this world, and his behavior seems to hinder official duties?

"Forget it, without causing any serious consequences, I won't pursue your behavior. Then, what is the relationship between you and Shiraiko?"

Continuing to ask Misaka Mikoto, Fujimura Tachibana was very curious why it was not Shirai Kuroko that appeared, but Misaka Mikoto, and it seemed that Misaka Mikoto's name had been heard from Shirai Kuroko, but Fujimura Tachibana was not sure.

"I am Heizi's roommate, she is my school girl!"

Misaka Mikoto hurriedly explained her relationship with Kuroko. At this time, she also confirmed that the Fujimura Tachibana and Kuroko in front of her are indeed related. She is the Tachibana sister in Kuroko's mouth. Now it seems that Kuroko seems to be in front of her. The female police officer who was a few years older was fascinated, and Misaka Mikoto suddenly felt a sense of loss, as if her pet had suddenly abandoned her and found a new owner.


After Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, Nan Rika's voice came from the headset. Nan Rika reported that Ilia was in a coma at this time. Berserker guarded Ilia from the side. The news was Ilia's maid. I told Nan Rika that after learning about this situation, Fujimura Tachibana asked a member of the mobile team to drive to pick him up. The off-road vehicle he drove was used as a cannonball by Misaka Mikoto. Now it has become a pile of scrap iron. There are still many things to deal with, such as concealing the traces of the battle, how to disclose it to the outside world, and at the same time rescue the survivors in the basement of the church, and sort out the evidence of Yanfeng Qili’s crime, but someone needs to come. To do, Fujimura Tachibana also immediately ordered Zhu Zhu from far away in Tokyo and other criminals to come by helicopter. Fujimura Tachibana continued to arrange various tasks, but before that, Fujimura Tachibana had one more thing to do.

"Woo! I'm alive now, and I'm almost going to return to the Hall of Heroes by magic power."

After kissing Black Saber, Black Saber said contentedly. At this moment, Joan of Arc crouched in the corner and started counting ants, while Misaka Mikoto's eyes widened, looking surprised at the end of the kiss. , The two still blushing.

"You, you, you!"

Misaka Mikoto stammered.

Author's message:

First more~

Chapter 201: You have the smell of mother

"Berserker, we're here to check Eliya's situation."

After getting out of the car, Fujimura Tachibana said to the giant-like Berserker. At this time, Berserker was motionless with an axe and sword, but if someone approaches Berserker, Berserker will look at each other because behind Berserker is a comatose Yili. elegant.

"Class leader, he didn't allow..."

Minami Rika just wanted to continue talking, but after Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking to Berserker, Berserker stood up, and then made a way to let Fujimura Tachibana walk in, so the people on the side, including Rin Tosaka and others, also I wanted to follow up, but I didn't expect that the axe in Berserker's hand suddenly stretched out and stood in front of everyone, preventing others from advancing, but one exception was Misaka Mikoto.

When Fujimura Tachibana came to Einzbern Castle, Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense told her that Misaka Mikoto’s arrival has a lot to do with Ilia, so she took Misaka Mikoto, and Misaka Mikoto did not have it. Refusal, she is also very curious about this world, this world without a school city.

Following Fujimura Tachibana all the time, Misaka Mikoto walked past the terrifying-looking Berserker, but unexpectedly found that everyone else was blocked. Misaka Mikoto turned his head suspiciously. At this time Fujimura Tachibana spoke. Up.

"Did you bring anything with you this time?"

Fujimura Tachibana did not turn his head, looking at Ilia who was lying on the ground in a coma, Fujimura Tachibana asked Misaka Mikoto.At this time, Illya didn't seem to have any abnormalities, there were no wounds on her body, and there was nothing wrong with her, she was just asleep.But Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense made her feel that the aura on Ilia was changing, as if she was changing from a person to an object.

"Huh? Wait a minute!"

When Misaka Mikoto heard what Fujimura Tachibana had said, he immediately remembered. He had forgotten because of the battle before. At the reminder of Fujimura Tachibana, Misaka Mikoto immediately remembered what Shirai Kuroko had told him before, so he took out one and only one. A little tall golden cup. This cup looks like a goblet, but the height is less than 1 cm. Misaka Mikoto gave this thing to Fujimura Tachibana. Is this the Holy Grail?

So he took the small golden cup from Misaka Mikoto, and Fujimura Tachibana suddenly discovered that the moment he took the small golden cup, an abnormality occurred.

This small golden cup immediately lit up with a golden light when it came to Fujimura Tachibana’s hand. Then the cup, which was only 1 cm high, suddenly broke away from Fujimura Tachibana’s hand, and automatically came to the top of Ilia floating, Fujimura Tachibana. Immediately narrowed his eyes, because Fujimura Tachibana saw that Ilia's body was changing.

The body of Ilia, lying quietly on the ground, emits a golden light, and then a cup that is tens of centimeters high and looks exactly the same as the golden cup in Fujimura Tachibana’s hand, which is only 1 cm high. From Ilia’s body Slowly drilling out, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the golden quilt was full of black sludge. The black sludge seemed to be full of unknowns, and the black mud seemed to continue to increase and was about to overflow. coming.

This picture made Fujimura Tachibana completely confused about what happened, because Fujimura Tachibana didn’t understand magic very well, and Misaka Mikoto didn’t seem to understand either. As for the magicians and heroes, Fujimura Tachibana turned his head and glanced at the people behind They were all stopped by Berserker, and none of them passed.

"This cup is getting bigger."

At this time, hearing Misaka Mikoto’s curious voice, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the little holy grail suspended in mid-air before suddenly produced a suction. The black mud in the holy grail drilled out of Ilia was sucked by this suction. Go, the black mud was sucked into the little holy grail, and the volume of the little holy grail was also getting bigger, and the black mud in the holy grail in Ilia's body was decreasing little by little.

Seeing that the black mud was gradually sucked away, the size of this little holy grail was also enlarged to the same size as Ilia's holy grail, and then this size was fixed and did not continue to change.However, at this time, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that the amount of black mud seemed to be a bit more than expected. The black mud has been transferred for several minutes, and the speed of the transfer is getting faster and faster. However, after the height of the black mud initially dropped a little, the black mud There is no change in the height, but the black mud is still shifting.And Fujimura Tachibana discovered that after the black mud entered his holy grail, it turned from black to a pure colorful color. The original sense of filth disappeared immediately, making people feel very comfortable. Even Fujimura Tachibana also had a desire. The urge to drink a few sips.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana also felt that the human breath of Ilia was returning a little bit, which made Fujimura Tachibana breathe a sigh of relief, and it seemed that his sixth sense was not wrong.

So quietly stood with Misaka Mikoto and waited for the black mud to be moved away a little bit, and the group of people beside Berserker also looked curiously from a distance.After waiting for more than 10 minutes, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly heard a voice: "Successfully won the Holy Grail War, mission reward: Magic teaching once."

After this voice appeared, Fujimura Tachibana's spirit immediately concentrated, and immediately looked carefully at Ilia and the situation of the two Holy Grails. Then Fujimura Tachibana saw that the black mud of the Holy Grail in Ilia seemed to have bottomed out. At the end After a little black mud was sucked away and turned into colorful magic power, the Holy Grail suddenly turned into golden particles and disappeared, and Fujimura Tachibana’s Holy Grail slowly fell and fell into Fujimura Tachibana’s hands. The colorful magic power in the Holy Grail was Flowing inside, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt a little thirsty.

"Successfully destroy the Holy Grail, mission reward: magic attribute 1.0, current attribute 2.2 (sacrifice)"

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