Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 130

Hearing the prompt to complete the task again, Fujimura Tachibana breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ilia. Fujimura Tachibana found that Ilia's closed eyes were slowly shaking. A few seconds later, Ilia slowly She opened her eyes and seemed to be a little bit unaware of what happened. Illya looked around a little confused, and then stood up from the ground. Fujimura Tachibana was about to ask Ilia how she was feeling. Suddenly Illya looked around. Pounced at Fujimura Tachibana.

All of a sudden, she threw herself into Fujimura Tachibana's arms, and Illya rubbed Fujimura Tachibana. She seemed to enjoy herself and said softly, "It smells like a mother."

Chapter 201: Mrs. Fujimura likes to be a mother

After Ilia hugged Fujimura Tachibana and said the words that tasted like a mother, Ilia hugged Fujimura Tachibana again, almost burying her entire head in Fujimura Tachibana’s arms, and then added One sentence: "Mom!"

After saying this, Fujimura Tachibana's body stiffened.If there is nothing wrong, Ilia is a few months older than herself, so how come she has become her mother?This is related to his innocence, Fujimura Tachibana wanted to push Illya away, but Illya was so tightly held, Fujimura Tachibana had to turn his head and look at others for help.

"Mrs. Fujimura, Miss Ilia will trouble you."

I don't know when the maid Serra who appeared on the side said to Fujimura Tachibana. When she said this, Fujimura Tachibana immediately showed an embarrassed expression. Why did she become a wife without being married?And you said that on purpose, right?Are you a black belly?The frightened expression of Fujimura Tachibana, who was always calm and cold, made everyone present laugh happily, especially the black Saber. This bastard sister didn’t know what she was thinking. Fujimura Tachibana calmed herself down, and then Restored the original cold expression and said: "I am not your mother."

Said to Ilia, Fujimura Tachibana was going to pull Ilia away, but after Fujimura Tachibana tried a little harder, Fujimura Tachibana saw Ilia look at Fujimura Tachibana with watery eyes, as if as long as Fujimura Tachibana continued Push hard, then Illiya will cry out immediately.Although Fujimura Tachibana can continue to shake her head cruelly and leave, but the lethality of Lori is a little bit big, Fujimura Tachibana is still rare.

"Forget it, just call it whatever you like."

Said helplessly, Illiya immediately smiled, as if the tears that I was about to cry before were all fake, Fujimura Tachibana felt as if he had fallen into Ilia's trap.

"That... what happened?"

About this matter, the confused Misaka Mikoto finally spoke. After tossing for so long, Misaka Mikoto is still a little unclear about what happened.In particular, Misaka Mikoto saw the battle between the heroic spirits. After learning that there is magic in this world, Misaka Mikoto, who grew up in the college city, was full of curiosity. It seems that there is magic that does not exist in his own world. Misaka Mikoto really wants to understand this. some.

"Thank you very much for sending the Holy Grail. If you have any questions, you can ask Baijing Kuroko, she knows more."

It’s not suitable for telling about other worlds here, and Fujimura Tachibana’s system is her biggest secret, so she didn’t answer Misaka Mikoto’s words, but asked Misaka Mikoto to ask Kuroko, and Fujimura Tachibana didn’t say more. Mikoto Misaka was very depressed.But this time I came to this world and I have already gained a lot. Not only did he know the identity of Fujimura Tachibana in the mouth of Shirai Kuroko, but also knew that there are other worlds. There is no magic in this world. Misaka Mikoto felt that she had come into contact with it. There are more secrets in this world.

"Illya, hurry up and call to Dad~"

At this moment, Black Saber suddenly appeared, and then said with a smirk. According to Black Saber's understanding, if Fujimura Tachibana is a mother, isn't he a father?Hei Saber felt that this conclusion was very correct, so he wanted to hear Ilia call her father to reveal the offensive relationship between herself and Fujimura Tachibana, but then Hei Saber's face turned black.

"Little mother!"

Illia shouted loudly, and after that shout, Jeanne laughed immediately.

"Hahaha. Little mother, cold-blooded girl, you are laughing at me."

Although Joan of Arc failed in the battle to capture Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana and Black Saber already had an affair, but they must not lose in the quarrel, so she immediately mocked the cold-blooded woman, and looked at Yili expectantly. Ya, then also asked Ilia: "Illiya, come on, call Dad!"

I don’t know where the self-confidence came from, Joan looked at Ilia with expectant eyes, then Ilia turned her head and looked at Joan and said in a contemptuous tone: "Isn’t this a maid!"

Black Saber resisted smiling, and when Illya called Joan of Arc a maid, Black Saber almost laughed.Seeing Joan's face suddenly collapsed, Black Saber felt that Illia was not so hateful anymore, at least she could bring some joy to herself, so Black Saber looked at Joan, and then said in a mistress's tone: "Maid Joan, get me some food quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

"You foodie! Forget about starving to death!"

So the two began to quarrel. Fujimura Tachibana ignored the two and walked past them holding Ilia. Fujimura Tachibana realized that the two of them did not pay attention to themselves, but instead focused all their attention on the quarrel. , Fujimura Tachibana sighed, these two guys, can you not be so embarrassed?So Fujimura Tachibana walked to Tosaka Rin's side, and Misaka Mikoto hurriedly followed.

"That, Sister Orange?"

Rin Tosaka, who had been watching the show, suddenly looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a little complicated mood. Thinking of the previous kiss between Fujimura Tachibana and Saber, Rin Tosaka felt very heartbroken. Is he going to lose?Will not!Tosaka Rin immediately made up his mind and decided to follow the advice Ishtar had given him before for the night's big strategy!

"what happened?"

"Nothing, can I see the Holy Grail?"

Rin Tosaka hid his thoughts, and then asked to see the Holy Grail in Fujimura Tachibana’s hand. Although Fujimura Tachibana held the Holy Grail in an inclined posture, the colorful magic in the Holy Grail did not flow out, but was still in the Holy Grail. Flowing inside.Speaking of it, Fujimura Tachibana still feels that the magic in the Holy Grail is very attractive, and Fujimura Tachibana still wants to take a sip.

"Give you."

He gave the Holy Grail in his hand to Rin Tosaka. Rin Tosaka took the Holy Grail in a little panic, and Shirou Shiro on the side also looked over curiously. Is this the Holy Grail?The two looked at the inside and out of the Holy Grail in an unseen manner, but at this time, Ilia said softly: "Isn't it the Holy Grail...Sister Rin and Big Brother don't be so naive, right?"

Although Illya's voice is not loud, her contemptuous tone was revealed. Why did Ilya woke up with a poisonous tongue after she was unconscious? So after hearing these words from Ilya, Fujimura Tachibana was faint Said: "Illiya, be polite to talk to brothers and sisters."

"Okay, mom!"

Author's message:

I went out to soak in the hot springs today, only one watch

Chapter 203: Nothing to eat, I want to eat you

"You are here, my princess."

Fujimura Tachibana said lightly to the black Saber. At this time, the black Saber was wearing a black dress, with black feet on her feet, and black high heels. She had no temperament as a normal sister, but was noble like a princess.

"I am a king, not a princess."

Although Black Saber said so, his face was indeed smiling, and he stretched out his hand to signal Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana immediately grasped her hand and kissed the back of Black Saber's hand.At this time, Fujimura Tachibana also wore a black dress, deep V-neck, and a large backless gown also let the usual Fujimura Tachibana’s heroic spirit dissipate, but it looked extra charming.At the same time, the two also put on light makeup and a variety of jewelry at the same time, which made them more dazzling. As long as they stand on the street, they can attract the attention of countless people around them.

"Let's go, honey."

Taking Fujimura Tachibana’s hand, Black Saber said softly, and then the two of them walked to the car beside it. This is a black Lamborghini. This time Fujimura Tachibana did not drive his own GTR sports car, but chose Lamborghini, or super sports car, is more in line with beauty.And the purpose of the two is of course not to drive a car, but to go on a date.

In the eyes of outsiders, Fujimura Tachibana and Black Saber suddenly confirmed their relationship and began to fall in love without warning. The two have not actually dated, so in order to try the feeling of dating, the two were in the evening. After careful preparation, we went to the best restaurant in Fuyuki City.

"Don't move your hands."

Probably to show that he was on the offensive side, Fujimura Tachibana was driving there, but when the car was just starting, the black Saber showed his wife's side and reached out to the driving Fujimura Tachibana.

With no intention of trying at all, or even a hint of hesitation, Black Saber's hand directly touched Fujimura Tachibana's thigh.Feeling the touch of Fujimura Tachibana’s thighs through the stockings, Black Saber's hands continued to touch upwards, and soon he came into contact with Fujimura Tachibana’s slender but fleshy thighs. Black Saber scratched him like a prank. Tachibana immediately turned his head and warned.

"Do not."

Hei Saber said with a hint of mischief immediately, and continued to stretch his hand upwards as he said, as if he wanted to go deep into the bottom of Fujimura Tachibana's skirt.

"I'm driving, I will be distracted."

Fujimura Tachibana continued, saying that he removed one hand from the steering wheel, and then removed the black Saber's hand, but Fujimura Tachibana could not see any dissatisfaction on his face, and seemed to have become accustomed to the behavior of the black Saber.

"It doesn't matter if you can leave the steering wheel with both hands and drift in Akina Mountain."

He continued to speak shamelessly to Saber, touched his hand while speaking, and lifted the skirt of Fujimura Tachibana slightly, and then there was a snap.

"Don't move!"

He hit the black Saber's hand heavily, and then said seriously to the black Saber with a hippie smile, this guy is obviously a little arrogant sister, how come he has become this shameless look at this time?

"What are you doing? You have promised me that we are going to the best hotel in Winterwood to open the best presidential suite, and then ~ hee hee."

Black Saber's words made Fujimura Tachibana blush a little. Although it is a kaolin flower on weekdays, Fujimura Tachibana will still be a little shy when encountering this kind of time, the most important thing in a girl's life.But immediately regaining his usual indifference, Fujimura Tachibana said to Saber in a warning tone: "If you are moving, then go to the toilet at night!"

"Ahem, okay, I'm not kidding, after all, we already have a daughter, we are already an old couple, and we should be more stable."

Although Black Saber was talking seriously, the content of what he said was not serious at all. Just when he said this, Fujimura Tachibana's hand almost shook.

"Although Illia called my mother, it was the daughter of Kirishu Eimiya and Alice Phil. You know that! From the blood, we have nothing to do with her!"

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