Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 131

Fujimura Tachibana said word by word, thinking of Ilia Fujimura Tachibana, she didn't know how to deal with it. This legal loli, who was older than herself, called her mother?People who don't know think they are a young mother.And Black Saber has been trying to get Ilia to call her father, and Fujimura Tachibana is very aware of Black Saber's intention.But at this point, Fujimura Tachibana thought of one thing.

"In the record, you have a son named Mordred. Did she call you father or queen?"

Fujimura Tachibana asked curiously. She seemed to have asked similar questions in the past, but Black Saber didn't answer it. I wonder if she will answer it now?

"Little Mo..."

Black Saber fell into the memory for a moment, then showed a somewhat cold expression, and then replied coldly: "She is the child born by magic by my sister Morgan. I will not admit her identity, she Does calling me have anything to do with me?"

Black Saber’s answer made Fujimura Tachibana stunned, and then Fujimura Tachibana remembered that although Black Saber looked a bit funny at this time, she was actually a cruel king and could deny Mordred without hesitation. With the identity of this illegitimate child, Fujimura Tachibana turned to look at her.

"You are so cold-blooded, Xiao Mo will be sad."

In a somewhat complicated way, Fujimura Tachibana is actually implying that Saber can treat her illegitimate child cold-bloodedly, so one day will she treat herself cold-blooded?Maybe one day Black Saber feels tired of playing and then leaves himself?Fujimura Tachibana thought for a while, he is a human being, and the black Saber is a hero, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly had a little doubt, are the two really suitable for being together?Will there be a day when Black Saber doesn't feel fresh, and then abandons himself to find other new lovers?

Thinking about this, Fujimura Tachibana quietly turned his head and looked at Black Saber. It seems that the black Saber was thinking about the answer to this question, and did not understand Fujimura Tachibana’s hint. Fujimura Tachibana decisively changed the direction of the car and did not drive to the hotel. , But drove towards the uninhabited suburbs. Hei Saber hadn't noticed for a while. When she found that Fujimura Tachibana did not seem to go to the hotel, Hei Saber asked, "Little wild cat, did you drive to the wrong place?"

"No, I decided not to eat, I want to eat you in advance!"

With that, Fujimura Tachibana stopped the car to the side of the road, then turned off the lights, turned his head to look at the side, and said black Saber, with a very serious tone.

Chapter 204: The Bad Woman Fujimura Orange

He closed the door with his foot, and Fujimura Tachibana carried Black Saber into the room.This is the best presidential suite in the best five-star hotel in Fuyuki City. The price of one night is enough to make ordinary people retreat.And this room is not for external sale, only people with high enough status can book this room.

At this time, the black Saber has completely lost the cold and ruthless appearance before, but is extremely shy.She buried her head deeply into Fujimura Tachibana's chest, and her face was red, not the shy red, but a flush afterwards.In fact, if you look closely, Fujimura Tachibana's face is flushed, and the two seem to have done something.

Not only that, although the two of them have been covered up, they can still see that their dresses are a bit messy. Although they have been covered up as much as possible, the fine cloth used to tie the neck of the black Saber's dress has been broken. If Saber is not being held, but standing by himself, then the black Saber's dress will fall off immediately.That's why Black Saber hugged Fujimura Tachibana tightly to prevent the dress from falling off.As for Fujimura Tachibana’s dress, although it is not damaged like the black Saber, it can be seen that there is a light red on the deep V chest exposed by Fujimura Tachibana, which is the color of the black Saber lipstick.

Carrying the black Saber to the bedroom in the suite, Fujimura Tachibana threw the black Saber onto the soft big bed. After the black Saber exclaimed, he was thrown onto the bed.

"Little wild cat, are you so courageous!"

Kuro Saber said to Fujimura Tachibana while pulling the dress to avoid falling.First, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly boldly took herself to a place where no one was there, and then had some indescribable activities with herself in the car, located below the head. At that time, Black Saber hardly dared to make any noises. There is no one around, but Black Saber is still scared. If someone passes by and sees a Lamborghini that is constantly shaking, then he and Fujimura Tachibana will be seen!So I was shocked by Fujimura Tachibana’s choice. Black Saber even forgot to attack. Instead, he was attacked by Fujimura Tachibana one after another. In the blink of an eye, he threw his helmet and removed his armor and bit his lip under Fujimura Tachibana to bear her. Offense.

I never expected that Fujimura Tachibana, who looks so serious, would do such a bold thing. Although this kind of exciting thing lasted only tens of minutes, the black Saber felt like dozens of hours had passed, and it felt The coming was particularly strong. When the body reached a climax, Black Saber felt that his brain was about to be burned. Waves of shocks made Black Saber completely lose his ability to think.

After finally regaining her meaning, looking at Fujimura Tachibana who was already wearing clothes and driving, Black Saber immediately exclaimed and put her hands on her chest, because she could already see Fujimura Tachibana driving the car into the city. So he immediately reached out and grabbed the dress on the side. Black Saber discovered that the strap used to fix the dress was torn off. Black Saber immediately looked at her with an expression of resentment.

Black Saber suddenly regrets it. When he molested Fujimura Tachibana before, Fujimura Tachibana is a cute little wild cat who is easy to blow up his hair and shy from time to time.But I didn't expect that after Fujimura Tachibana made a decision, he would be so radical and proactive. In almost a short period of time, the relationship between the two people was completely reversed, and the black Saber felt that he was being routine.

"You broke this?"

"Yes, wait for me to hold you up."

As long as he wore a dress with a torn string and was taken out of the basement, Black Saber kept sticking his face to Fujimura Tachibana’s chest, for fear of being discovered that he was abnormal. Black Saber’s original cold face has been It collapsed completely, and it wasn't until Fujimura Tachibana was thrown on the bed that Saber felt a trace of security.

"This is to let you know who is the one who talks between us in the future."

While talking, Fujimura Tachibana took off his jewelry, such as earrings and necklaces, and set aside.And Fujimura Tachibana’s words also made Black Saber look dark, and immediately wanted to stand up to express his dissatisfaction, but as soon as his hand loosened, the dress would fall off, and the black Saber immediately sat down on the bed with one hand on the bed. And the other hand is pressed on the chest to prevent the clothes from falling off.

"You bastard..."

Before Black Saber could finish speaking, Fujimura Tachibana had already kissed him, and directly pressed Black Saber under her body. The two men began to kiss fiercely. With the movements of their hands, the clothes on the two of them soon became worse. The less come.

Just when Fujimura Tachibana was passionate with Kuro Saber, Rin Tosaka, Sakura Ma and Rider sat face-to-face in the bungalow of Tosaka's house. At this time, the roof has been repaired, and the three of them don’t have to worry about it. The rain leaked in, but Rin Tosaka and Sakura Ma's faces were very solemn.

"Rider, do you have the confidence to hide from Saber?"

Rin Tosaka asked worriedly, if Rider is discovered by Saber in the next plan, then the three of them will bear the anger of Saber, and Rin Tosaka is not sure what Blue Saber thinks, so this Rin Tosaka was a little guilty of not calling Blue Saber for one action.

"Don't worry, I entered Fujimura Tachibana's dream before. The black Saber is not good at magic and will not be discovered."

Rider said softly, sitting next to Ma Tong Sakura, Rider and Ma Tong Sakura became very good after the Holy Grail War ended, almost becoming a good pair of best friends, Tosaka Rin was a little jealous.Why is the Archer he summoned so unreliable, and after the battle with Gilgamesh, Archer had to return to the Hall of Valor because his magic power was exhausted. Is this so big a gap?Fortunately, Blue Saber has not returned, he has the strongest Saber without Archer!

"So, let's get started!"

After hearing Rider's words, Tosaka Rin nodded and said, and after speaking, he extended his hand with Makiri Sakura. Then Rdier grabbed the hands of two people at the same time, and from Rider's body, a magical force began to flow around. diffusion.

Author's message:

Asked 202... Didn't you find that there are two in 201...

Chapter 205: It doesn't matter what you do

In the luxurious suite, the two beauties hugged and slept, but their fair skins were exposed under the quilt covering their bodies at will.If you look closely, you can see the various traces left by the two on the bed. In fact, not only the bed, but also the dressing table, bathroom, window and other places can see the traces of the two.

One is the heroic spirit, and the other is a guy whose physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people, and can even easily break the world record. Both of them are physically strong.Therefore, the fierceness and duration of the battle are even more unmatched by ordinary people, leaving traces of two people almost everywhere in the presidential suite.In the end, because Fujimura Tachibana was always a mortal, his physical strength was still lost in front of the cheating black Saber. Fujimura Tachibana finally collapsed on the bed, and the black Saber was still full of energy. He planned to continue the fight if Fujimura Tachibana killed a piece of armor.

But in the end Black Saber miscalculated, because Black Saber saw Fujimura Tachibana tap his chest suddenly, and a series of magic spells emerged. Black Saber immediately opened his eyes because there were too many magic spells, at least there were More than a dozen times, a complicated pattern was drawn on Fujimura Tachibana's chest, which looked full of strange temptation.

At first, Fujimura Tachibana didn't know where he got the three command spell, and then used two when intercepting the meteorite.Later, when participating in the Holy Grail War, Fujimura Tachibana obtained two more magic spells from the Holy Grail War. All three magic spells were used in the battle with Berserker. She should have no magic spells!

So he looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a suspicious expression, and Saber was wondering where she stole so many Lingshu?

"Taken from Yanfeng Qili."

Fujimura Tachibana said casually, these spells were originally on the right arm of Yanfeng Kirei, but after Fujimura Tachibana got the cup, these spells returned to the Holy Grail, and then transferred to Fujimura Tachibana’s body, so Fujimura Orange has so many spells.So seeing Fujimura Tachibana’s order curse, Black Saber immediately took it seriously, because she can give such a few orders: "Female dolphin."

"Forced estrus."


Thinking of the things Fujimura Tachibana did to herself in the car before, Black Saber felt that she really seemed to do something like this. The policewoman was very bad-hearted. She looked like a policeman, but actually came from a Jidao organization. The bad guy's genes are flowing in his bones, and he can't believe a word.

So looking at Fujimura Tachibana with a look of unhappy, Black Saber started to be proud, as if he wouldn't be happy without coaxing her.At this time, the black Saber has been completely changed, and the original arrogant and cold king posture is completely invisible.

Seeing the expression of black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana smiled, wrapped the thin quilt on her body, and then motioned to the black Saber to lie down. The black Saber who was still arrogant seemed to have forgotten what happened before and did not hesitate He lay down and hugged her from behind Fujimura Tachibana, and started to knead a big white rabbit in one hand.It's just that Black Saber's small hand can't completely hold Fujimura Tachibana's big white rabbit, which makes Black Saber a little jealous. How can this guy be so big!So I couldn't help but work harder, and Black Saber took the opportunity to avenge Fujimura Tachibana.

"Stop making trouble, sleep, I'm tired."

Although he didn't stop Black Saber's actions, Fujimura Tachibana warned her, but the warning seemed to have no effect.After talking about love with Saber for a while, Fujimura Tachibana slowly closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"Where is Altria?"

I opened my eyes and found that the black Saber who was holding him was gone, and he was not in the hotel, seems to be Rin Tosaka's home?Looking at the surrounding environment, Fujimura Tachibana flashed an idea.

"Is this a dream?"

Fujimura Tachibana thought suspiciously, and then sat up from the bed. Then Fujimura Tachibana smelled a faint fragrance, and Fujimura Tachibana felt a little commotion in his body.So Fujimura Tachibana was a little strange, but he had a dream today?Is it too tired today?I noticed that I only had a thin translucent pajama on the upper body, and there was nothing on the lower body, which looked a little alluring.But Fujimura Tachibana didn't care, it was just a dream.

"My dear, you're awake~ Are you going to eat me first or sister first? Or do we eat together?"

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, Fujimura Tachibana turned around and saw Sakura and Rin, who were also wearing thin pajamas, appeared, but Sakura put his hands on Rin's shoulders and pushed Rin out.Sakura with a look of expectation and rin with a shy look formed a great contrast. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the two in front of him suspiciously, dreaming of the two sisters unexpectedly?And after having close contact with Saber, I dreamed of other women. Is he a sinful woman?

But this is just a dream anyway. What happens in the dream will not affect reality. Fujimura Tachibana is also a little curious about what will happen next, so he said directly: "Your sisters, come and serve me together."

While talking casually, Fujimura Tachibana stood there like a king and gestured to the two sisters. After she said these words, Sakura's eyes seemed to light up, and Rin seemed to be even shyer, blushing and lowering her head. , Seemed to want to run away, but was pushed over by Sakura holding her shoulder tightly.

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