Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 139

Seeing Nan Rika seemed to be looking at herself, Fujimura Tachibana took a soup and asked.

"It's nothing."

Author's message:

py trading hours

"My youth can't be so cute"

There is no memory, no past. Su Mu, who was taken away by Eliza for some reason, came to Griffin as the commander. Our story begins after he robbed the safe house No. 3 after six months of his tenure...

Book guest's famous broken shoe code Ji's book.

Chapter 218: Fujimura Tachibana, I want to challenge you!

"Should we investigate the Fuji Aesthetic Garden?"

Nan Rika asked curiously. At this time, the car was outside the Fuji Aesthetic Garden, and Fujimura Tachibana sat in the car looking at the Fuji Aesthetic Garden.After Fujimura Tachibana’s careful observation, almost the entire citizens of Fukuoka City carry a trace of death resembling a zombie, but the amount of death resembling a zombie is different for each person. Some of them are more people, and some are less. some.

Throughout the investigation, Fujimura Tachibana also kept collecting the data collected for analysis by Kiko. In the end, Fujimura Tachibana saw a distribution map of lifelessness. She found that the lifelessness of Fukuoka City was centered around Fuji Aesthetic Garden. Decreasing continuously, it is obvious that the source of the dead spirit is likely to be the Fujimi Garden or the vicinity of Fujimi College.So Fujimura Tachibana needed to enter the Fujiaesthetic Garden to investigate, but in order to prevent a group of people from entering the school to investigate and startling, Fujimura Tachibana sought help from colleagues at the Fukuoka Police Station.

"Yes, the people from Fukuoka Police Station should be here."

Fujimura Tachibana just finished talking. A police car belonging to the Fukuoka Police Station arrived nearby. It seemed to look for it. Then it stopped next to Fujimura Tachibana’s car. Then two policemen got out of the car. Fujimura Tachibana told Nan Rika. Said with Sato: "You two get off the car with me, the others are waiting in the car..."

After getting out of the car, Fujimura Tachibana adjusted his suit. After confirming that the pistol in the suit was working properly, Fujimura Tachibana brought Nan Rika and Sato to the side of the two police officers.

"Fujimura Police, I am the Masamoto Miyamoto Police Division of the Fukuoka Police Station. I am ordered to come and cooperate with the Police!"

A person in the lead saluted Fujimura Tachibana and said that this person’s name was Miyamoto Masayo, and Miyamoto’s materials appeared in Fujimura Tachibana’s glasses. She found that Miyamoto’s daughter Rei Miyamoto was also studying in this school. However, Fujimura Tachibana did not show anything, but said in salute.

"At present, we suspect that there is a terrorist organization hiding in the school to carry out terrorist activities, but it needs to enter the school for secret investigation and cannot make a statement, so you need your cooperation."

After saying his request to Masamoto Miyamoto, Masamoto Miyamoto immediately agreed. Then, under the leadership of Masamoto Miyamoto, a group of people walked towards the school. A group of people came to the school’s security room. The reason for saying to the teacher at the door: "I am the Masamoto Miyamoto Police Department of the Fukuoka Police Station. According to the request of the police station, I am planning to arrange an emergency drill at the school. These three are professionals and need to conduct an investigation around the school. ."

After casually talking about a reason, Fujimura Tachibana and his team easily entered the school because there was an official document from the police station and the teachers knew Masamoto Miyamoto.

"Miyamoto Police Department, leave it to us next, as long as you make sure that no one will interfere with us."

"No problem, Police Officer Fujimura."

Miyamoto was talking, and then he began to help the teachers in Fujimura Tachibana’s school, and Fujimura Tachibana said to Minami Rika and Sato, “This is the glasses for you. Go to the playground and the back mountain to check it. If there is any abnormality, please notify in time. I, remember, send an email."

Fujimura Tachibana handed his multifunctional glasses to Sato. Sato put on the glasses of Fujimura Tachibana curiously, and then looked at Fujimura Tachibana: "Height 165, measurements..."

The measurement data of Fujimura Tachibana was displayed all at once, and it even showed that Fujimura Tachibana’s bust was a little bigger than the F cup, and it could become a G cup if it was longer. Sato showed a hint of surprise, and then blushed. a bit.

"what happened?"

Perhaps he did not expect his glasses to betray his body data, Fujimura Tachibana asked, Sato immediately shook his head, and then looked at other places as if nothing happened.

"These glasses are so powerful, let me get used to them."

"The method of use is very simple, so I will check the teaching building."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana separated from the two, and then Fujimura Tachibana put on a headset and said very softly.

"Xizi, control all the monitoring in the teaching and send me any abnormalities."

"Understood, Master Orange!"

After Kiko's voice came, Fujimura Tachibana continued to observe her surroundings.At this time, because it is the end of school in the afternoon, students and teachers can be seen everywhere in the teaching building. Fujimura Tachibana’s eyes flashed on these people constantly, similar to the people outside, although these people are more lifeless. It's thicker, but at the same level as Juchuan Shizuka, and nothing special.And most of the students are good people. Although a small number of people can see some breath that symbolizes bad people, they are still good people overall.

Along the way from the teaching building, Fujimura Tachibana saw many people. At the same time, Fujimura Tachibana also attracted the attention of many people along the way. Both boys and girls looked over, and there was a certain desire in their eyes. Fujimura Tachibana ignored it.

"Nothing of value was found."

I walked through the teaching building all the way, and even saw Shizuka Marikawa in the school infirmary, but Fujimura Tachibana did not find anything of value. Fujimura Tachibana left the classroom and went inside the gymnasium. She saw that there was a school in the gymnasium. The club is engaged in sports activities, and Fujimura Tachibana also met an acquaintance-Toshishima Maiko.

Tokushima Maiko is a tall girl with long purple hair, and is the head of the Kendo club of Fuji Meiseiyuan. She has a very high level of swordsmanship and a professional level. She once won the championship in national competitions, but after that championship He was defeated by Fujimura Tachibana in an unexpected encounter with Fujimura Tachibana.After that, Fujimura Tachibana did not have any other exchanges with Toshishima Maiko, and she didn't even leave her email or phone number. She didn't expect her to be in this school.

"Fujimura Tachibana? Why are you here?"

Because of seeing an acquaintance, Fujimura Tachibana stood there and paused for a few seconds, and this pause made Tokushima Maiko notice Fujimura Tachibana.I found that I had defeated myself, but I didn't have any reputation in the kendo world, as if Fujimura Tachibana popped out of the stone suddenly appeared again, Toxic Island Yuko immediately called Fujimura Tachibana.At this time, I looked at Fujimura Tachibana and found that Fujimura Tachibana was wearing a suit. He didn't look like a student but a civil servant. Toshishima Tachibana was a little surprised. Did she give up kendo?

Thinking of the scene where he was easily defeated by Fujimura Tachibana in the past, Tokushima Maiko is also constantly training to strengthen himself. He is already stronger than the self a year ago. Tokushima Maiko wants to prove himself again, so he shouted at Fujimura After Tachibana, Toshishima Maiko almost immediately shouted: "Fujimura Tachibana, I want to challenge you again!"

Author's message:

Yesterday, I had a headache after drinking and writing a chapter. I couldn’t help it anymore.Wait another one

Chapter 219: Contest with the Poison Island

Fujimura Tachibana was a little surprised by the challenge that the Toshishima Maiko suddenly called out. In fact, not only Fujimura Tachibana, but other members of the Kendo Club were also very curious to see it, because Fujimura Tachibana looks like a white-collar worker in the workplace. Beautiful, but beauty has nothing to do with swordsmanship, right?As the champion of the national competition, can it be that the drug island maiden can't compare to her.

"I just passed by."

"Don't go, I will definitely beat you this time!"

The attitude of Toshishima Maiko seems to be very determined. He raised the wooden knife in his hand and aimed at Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana ignored it, and turned around and left. The attitude can be said to be very bad, so there is a kendo on the side. The members of the club seemed to be planning to give the drug island a head.

"Well, it's impolite for you to be like this!"

A boy probably wanted to behave in front of the Toshishima Maiko, so he wanted to hold Fujimura Tachibana, but before his hand held Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly turned around and grabbed the boy. Then Fujimura Tachibana twisted his hand.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Fujimura Tachibana grabbed his finger and twisted it. Although this action did not cause any harm, it was very, very painful, so the boy knelt down and cried out for pain almost instantly. This accident made the Kendo club members Others immediately watched, and there were even a few people who walked forward two steps to stop Fujimura Tachibana’s movements. Fujimura Tachibana let go and shakes the boy’s hand. The boy who was crying for pain immediately fell to the ground. , Grabbing his hands and shouting pain.

"You are outside the school, you are hurting our school students!"

At this moment, a voice came. Although Fujimura Tachibana did not turn around to see the person behind him, he felt that the voice of the person behind him was a bit annoying, so he turned around and saw a black-haired teacher. Fujimura Tachibana knew right away. The identity of this person: "Korichi Wisteria, a teacher of Fujisigakuen, and his father is a local councillor of Fukuoka City."

Kiko sent this person's message to Fujimura Tachibana, a typical member of a political family. His younger brother was the heir to the family, and he became his assistant.Although this person does not seem to be strange from the data, and it seems to be a talent, there seems to be nothing strange, but Fujimura Tachibana found that this person exudes a guilty atmosphere, this is not a good person.

"Mr. Wisteria, it was just an accident, and there was no injury."

Suddenly, Dudao Maizi stood up and spoke, and defended Fujimura Tachibana. While speaking, he looked at the member of the Kendo Club on the ground. This member immediately stood up when he noticed the look in his eyes, even though he just It hurts, but Fujimura Tachibana's subordinates are merciful, and it doesn't feel very painful anymore.In addition, Dudao Mai is the leader of the Kendo Club and the love of many people's dreams, so this member immediately said after the Dudao Maizi spoke: "Yes, just a little accident happened just now."

"Really? How did you get into the school? You are an outsider!"

Looking to investigate the identity of Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana looked at him blankly and was silent for a few seconds.At this time, Toshishima Maiko seemed to be trying to find a reason for Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana took out an ID card from his pocket.

"I am a security expert, and I am commissioned by the Fukuoka Police Headquarters to conduct a security assessment of each school."

As a member of the secret service, Fujimura Tachibana has a lot of identity documents, not only the identity of the police, but also the identity of the Self-Defense Forces, government personnel, scholars, and experts.Even Fujimura Tachibana has seen some strange identities prepared by the headquarters, such as the Bridge and Tunnel Administration, the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau and other identity disguise, which looks very strange.And every document is true, and Wisteria Koichi in front of him can't tell the authenticity of the document.So after hearing Fujimura Tachibana telling his disguised identity, Hiroshi Wisteria glanced at Fujimura Tachibana, and then at Toshishima Maiko. He didn't say anything, so he turned and left.

"When did you become a security expert? Shouldn't you still go to school?"

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