Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 140

When the Toshishima Maiko came to Fujimura Tachibana, he first signaled the others to leave and stop watching the excitement, and then asked Fujimura Tachibana in a low voice.According to Tokushima Maiko's feeling, Fujimura Tachibana should be about the same age as her, at most just going to college. How could he become a security expert?

"I have graduated from university."

After receiving the disguised ID card, Fujimura Tachibana said faintly, and then he was about to leave. Toxic Island yako stopped Fujimura Tachibana again.

"Fight me! I have become stronger than before!"

Still not giving up the idea of ​​wanting to compete with Fujimura Tachibana, Toshishima Maiko stood in front of Fujimura Tachibana and said firmly.Looking at Fujimura Tachibana face to face, Toshima Yako suddenly felt that the Fujimura Tachibana in front of her was so beautiful. Last time I just felt that Fujimura Tachibana was very strong, but this time after feeling her beauty, Toshishima Yako suddenly appeared in her heart. One thought: "Sure enough, beauty and strength coexist!"

Looking at the Toshishima Maiko in front of her, Fujimura Tachibana said:

"Then try a game, but if you lose, you will take me around the entire campus."

"it is good!"

Toshishima Maiko immediately agreed, because Fujimura Tachibana’s request was too simple.The reason Fujimura Tachibana agreed is to find someone familiar with the school to lead him. After all, the school is not small, and it would be too slow to rely on only three people to check.

"The wooden sword is there. You can choose one at will. If you don't mind, you can use mine if you don't mind. The dressing room is there."

The Dudao Maizi pointed to a few places and said that while the Dudao Maimai was talking, other members of the Kendo Club were sitting around to watch the match between the two.However, Fujimura Tachibana did not change clothes, but came to the knife stand, and then picked up a handy wooden knife, Fujimura Tachibana went directly to the opposite side of Toshishima Maiko.

"No need to change clothes, that's enough."

After Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, many people were surprised and even angry here.

"What? Is this too arrogant?"

"Does she look down on people?"

The members of the Kendo Club chuckled and said, but the poison island maiden was not affected. Instead, he took a deep breath and squeezed the wooden knife in his hand and said: "Then, I am poison island maiden, the third section of kendo to Fujimura Tachibana challenges!"

"Fujimura Tachibana, no rank, accept your challenge."

Fujimura Tachibana said to Tokushima Maiko with a wooden knife in one hand, looking very casual.

Author's message:

Japanese kendo ranks have a minimum age limit. For example, at the age of 14 in the early stage, the second dan can only be tested one year after the first stage; and the third dan can only be tested two years later.The limit of 18 years old is three stages.

Chapter 220: You Are Already A Girlfriend

After the voice of Fujimura Tachibana accepting the challenge fell, everyone present focused on the two people on the field.One is the head of the kendo club of the academy and the former national champion Tokushima Sakiko. Although everyone does not know him, he is a very powerful guy from Tokushima Sakiko's tone.

"She is too arrogant, right?"

"Senior Poison Island will definitely win."


He is ready, and because not only did Fujimura Tachibana didn’t change clothes, but at the same time he just casually carried the wooden sword, it seemed that his body was full of flaws. Everyone didn’t think that Toshishima would lose, if the national champion would lose. I don’t know where the cats and dogs popped up. Then these cats and dogs are too powerful.

Just when everyone was talking in a low voice, this time the competition began.Seeing that Toshima Tsuiko approached Fujimura Tachibana cautiously, holding the wooden knife tightly, Tokushima Tsuiko did not casually attack Fujimura Tachibana, but maintained a defensive posture.But the opposite Fujimura Tachibana seemed unmoved, just casually holding a wooden knife and looking at him, but Toshishima Suizi felt the pressure increased crazily, and he seemed to be stared at by a beast.


Knowing that if he continues like this, he will be crushed by the tremendous pressure, so Toshishima Suiko finally made the decision to attack, raising the wooden knife to attack Fujimura Tachibana, knocking it towards Fujimura Tachibana's body.You must know that neither of them was carrying protective gear at this time. If the wooden knife hits the body directly, it is very likely to cause bones. But there is no appearance of poisonous island Tongzi. Vaguely, poisonous island Tongzi's goal is actually It was the head of Fujimura Tachibana, and it seemed that he planned to explode Fujimura Tachibana's head.This scene also made many people watching the battle feel scared. After all, seeing that Toshishima Satoko's wooden knife was about to fall on Fujimura Tachibana's head, Fujimura Tachibana seemed to have not reacted yet.So suddenly someone was excited to stand up, but Fujimura Tachibana moved.


I saw Fujimura Tachibana raising the wooden sword at an astonishing speed and blocking it above his head. It collided with the wooden knife of Toshishima Mitsuko and made a huge noise, and then everyone saw the figure of Fujimura Tachibana suddenly on Mishima Mitsuko. After passing by, everyone only saw Dudao Kongzi standing in a daze, empty in his hands.He raised his head and watched the wooden knife fly high and spin in the air. It took a few seconds before the wooden knife fell on the ground and made a clattering sound.

Flicking the knife, Fujimura Tachibana turned around and came to the side of Toxu Island. When passing by Toxu Island, Fujimura Tachibana said faintly: "Then, as agreed, you will show me the way, and I will wait at the door. you."

Fujimura Tachibana's voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to Toujima's ears, and he felt a gust of heat coming from his ears, Toujima's ears felt itchy.I couldn't help feeling a little bit contemplative, but Fujimura Tachibana walked to a side door and sat down, and Toshishima Tsuiko immediately recovered.

"wait for me a while."

After speaking, Tokushima picked up the wooden knife that had fallen on the ground, and then placed the wooden knife on the knife holder with a bit of complexity, and then entered the locker room to shower her body and change clothes. At this time, discussions broke out in the Kendo Club.

Although everyone did not understand what Fujimura Tachibana did, everyone understood the results of the two competitions. Fujimura Tachibana only used one move to knock the wooden sword of Toshishima Tsukiko into the air. The national champion did not fight back in front of Fujimura Tachibana. , Everyone felt incredible.

Compared with the excitement of the students, a teacher of the Kendo Club was even more shocked. Although his level is not as good as that of Toxic Island in terms of strength, he is much stronger than other students and has more experience, so he Seeing Fujimura Tachibana's movements clearly.So the teacher was also gesturing with Fujimura Tachibana's action just to defeat Toshishima Yoko, and recalled what would happen if he encountered such an attack.


After calculating the whole process, I found that no matter if it was speed, power or technique, I couldn't make a blow like Fujimura Tachibana, so the eyes that looked at Fujimura Tachibana with eager anticipation, seemed to see a rising star in the kendo world. Up.But after looking at Fujimura Tachibana, the teacher's expression hesitated, because Fujimura Tachibana sat there with a face that no one would enter. Several students wanted to go up and talk to each other but were scared away by cold eyes. The teacher suddenly I remembered the appearance of Fujimura Tachibana before.

"Security Expert..."

After thinking about it, I decided to give up talking, probably because he instinctively told him that if he really wanted to talk to Fujimura Tachibana, he would encounter terrible things.So he sighed, maybe it was a pity or maybe a pity, the teacher yelled to the students around: "Continue training!"

After the teacher yelled, Fujimura Tachibana finally felt quiet. A group of people were chirping around, especially the boys surrounding him, which made Fujimura Tachibana feel very upset.At this time, Minami Rika and Sato also sent messages to Fujimura Tachibana. At present, they have not found any valuable clues and are planning to continue searching the school warehouse and other places. So Fujimura Tachibana whispered to them to pay attention to safety. Shima Suizi appeared at this time.

After taking a shower and changing into a school uniform, after Toshishima Tachibana came to Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana smelled the faint scent of Toshishima Tachibana. It smelled very good. Toshishima Tachibana was also a great beauty.On the other hand, Dudao Kongzi seemed to be seduced by charm, and his eyes were a little bit blurred.

"You are already a person with a girlfriend. You can't mess around with flowers anymore."

Immediately warned to himself in his heart, Fujimura Tachibana stood up blankly, and then took a step away from Toshishima Tsuiko.

"Then, please lead the way."

Speaking to Toshishima Tsuneko, Fujimura Tachibana saw that Tsushima Tsukiko's eyes had returned to the country with a slightly blurred look, her face was a little red and she lowered her head, but soon raised her head and said, "So, where are you going? Fujimura."

"Is there any secret place in the school? Is it a place where few people usually go?"

"Is it a secret place?"

Hearing Fujimura Tachibana's words, Toshishima Yoko thought for a moment, and then said, "Then it is the back mountain behind the school. Few people will go there."

"Then go there!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Toshishima Toshiko, then Toshishima Toshiko walked to the door, Fujimura Tachibana followed, and the two left the Kendo Club together.

Chapter 221: Mysterious Cabin

"Fujimura, are you a security expert? What do you do?"

Taking Fujimura Tachibana towards the mountain, Toshishima Suiko did not speak for a long time, as if she didn't know how to speak.But in the end when the two came to the back mountain and began to set foot on the back mountain steps, Dudao Kongzi finally spoke.

"Help people solve some security issues, some very common security issues."

Speaking casually, Fujimura Tachibana was looking around, looking at the back mountain of the school.It is indeed a noble school, there will be a back mountain, and the back mountain, which is rarely visited on weekdays, is naturally very secret. If there is any secret hidden in this school, then the probability here is not small.

"So, are you working as a safety consultant for the school?"

"I was hired by the Fukuoka Police Headquarters to do a safety assessment for the school. Apart from the school, is there any place in the back mountain where I can enter?"

While talking, Fujimura Tachibana looked around and found that the lifelessness here is more intense than that inside the school. There is no place in Fukuoka City that is more lifeless than here. Fujimura Tachibana feels that he is close to the truth.

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