Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 141

"The school wall envelops the entire back mountain. It is not possible to enter the back mountain from other places. However, on weekdays, for safety, school regulations stipulate that students are not allowed to enter the back mountain except for activities, so there is no place here on weekdays. who."

"Then have you violated the school rules now?"

Fujimura Tachibana suddenly said jokingly, and Toshima Tsuiko smiled when she heard her.

"No, I'm leading the way for security experts."

While talking at Toshishima Toshiko, Fujimura Tachibana discovered that although the path he was walking on was not spacious, there were traces of people walking. There were a lot of leaves on both sides of the path, but there were not many on the road, so he continued to ask: "Does anyone maintain this place on weekdays?"

"The school has hired school workers to maintain the path, and there are still a few small wooden houses on the mountain used as temporary rest points, and there is one."

Toshishima Tsuiko pointed to one side. Fujimura Tachibana saw a faint wooden hut in the distance. Fujimura Tachibana narrowed his eyes and said, "Go and take a look."

After speaking, Toshishima Satoko led Fujimura Tachibana to the cabin. After walking for a few minutes, the two came to the side of the cabin.

"There is no one in this cabin on weekdays. It is just used for shelter from rain and rest. There is nothing special."

Standing next to the cabin and said, Toshishima Tachibana didn’t seem to care about the cabin very much. At this moment, she looked at Fujimura Tachibana who was observing the cabin and felt a little curious. She came to Fujimura Tachibana and asked suspiciously: Is it special?"

Toshishima Junko looked at this small wooden house. She had been here several times, and she hadn't found any strange place. But why did Fujimura Tachibana stare at this small wooden house?So when he asked Fujimura Tachibana, Toshishima Tsuiko smelled a scent of tangerine, and she felt good.

"Go in and take a look."

There is an indescribable feeling. Fujimura Tachibana feels that there is a faint life in the cabin, but does Fujimura Tachibana feel any living creatures in the cabin, so he said, Fujimura Tachibana walked to the cabin, and the poison island Suddenly, Suozi noticed that the good-smelling orange scent suddenly disappeared. Seeing Fujimura Orange walking towards the cabin, Toshishima Suozi hurriedly followed.


Pushing open the wooden door that looked a bit decayed, there was no dust on the wooden door, and the cabin looked very clean, as if someone had specially cleaned it.

"Does the school staff clean the cabins on weekdays?"

"Perhaps? Am I not very clear?"

Toshishima Saiko said uncertainly. In her memory, she had seen school workers clean the paths up the mountain, but there was no memory of school workers cleaning the cabin.Looking back on the scene when I came here in the past, it seems that the cabins have always been clean and tidy.Just as Toshishima Junko recalled, Fujimura Tachibana had already started to check the cabin, and the first time Fujimura Tachibana walked into the cabin, Fujimura Tachibana discovered an abnormality.

"The following is empty!"

Although the sound was not obvious, after Fujimura Tachibana stepped on the ground in the cabin, there was a slight dissonance between the soles of the shoes and the ground.Although it sounds exactly the same as the sound of stepping on a solid ground, Fujimura Tachibana could feel from this voice that it was deliberately disguised.Knowing immediately that there was a huge hole under the cabin, Fujimura Tachibana immediately lowered her head. She could perceive a trace of lifelessness oozing from the ground, Fujimura Tachibana did not hesitate to hold the headset, and then He opened his mouth and said: "Kiko, send my knife, inform Nan Rika and Sato, and immediately bring people and guns to the back mountain, and be careful not to attract others' attention!"

"what happened?"

Toshishima Tsuiko said in surprise. Just now Fujimura Tachibana talked about guns. What is going on?And seeing that Fujimura Tachibana pulled out a pistol from his suit, Toshishima Tsuiko was even more surprised. Why did Fujimura Tachibana take out a gun?Isn't she a so-called security expert, but is there a security expert with a gun?

"When my colleague will come, I will ask someone to take you down the mountain, pay attention to nothing."

When talking to the poison island Kongzi, there was a very slight buzzing sound in the sky. After ten seconds, a multi-axis drone appeared at the door and flew into the cabin flexibly. You can see With a katana hung on the drone, Fujimura Tachibana put the gun away again, and then took the katana in his hand. Fujimura Tachibana believed in his katana more than a gun.

"Drug Island Kieko, now it is related to state secrets, and it will be very dangerous next, so please..."

As she was about to let Toujima Tsuiko leave here, and after Sato and the others came up, let her be taken down the mountain, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly changed her expression, because she heard a mechanical sound, the ground trembled, and it seemed that she was about to be opened.The appearance of this change caused Fujimura Tachibana to stop talking, and then the host who did not hesitate a side of Toshishima Tsuiko's waist tightly hugged him, and the ground suddenly cracked in the next second, and then it was like a pedal being opened. A bottomless pit appeared at the feet of Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Suizi, and the two immediately fell vertically.


Almost instantly, feeling the weightlessness of Toshishima Toshiko exclaimed, she immediately hugged Fujimura Tachibana next to her, and the two fell down together, and the bottom seemed to be bottomless. If they fell like this , Then the two will probably fall into a muddy trip.

Author's message:

Actually... In the apocalypse, what I admire most is that fat man... the best teammate

Chapter 222: Umbrella!

Because of the falling downwards and the bottomlessness of the bottom, Toshishima Yuko, who looked calm, also lost her composure. She hugged Fujimura Tachibana tightly and screamed while Fujimura Tachibana was very calm.

Although the two were falling down, Fujimura Tachibana immediately pulled the samurai sword from the scabbard with one hand, wrapped his arm around Toshishima Tsuiko, and pierced the blade with the samurai sword in the other. Among the walls on the side, the blade of Demon Blade Cunzheng easily pierced the side wall.

The vertical passage wall under the cabin floor is made of reinforced concrete, which is very strong, but Yokotomura is easily pierced into the wall, and because of the weight of Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Yoko, Yokotomura is right. The blade pulled out a huge scratch on the wall, and at the same time, you can see the equipment of the slide rail installed on the wall, which seems to be part of the elevator.

Because the characteristics of absolute cutting are perfectly manifested, the blade of Demon Sword Murata cut through the reinforced concrete and various equipment installed on it. Although the equipment was damaged and there was a lot of fire, the speed of Fujimura Tachibana’s decline did not drop at all. At the end, continuing on, the two were still fate of falling to death, so Fujimura Tachibana took the hand of the demon sword and twisted strongly.

I saw that Demon Sword Murakami, who was cutting vertically downwards, suddenly twisted the blade under tremendous force. The blade squeezed the cement aside, and the blade and the descending direction became a 45-degree angle. Fujimura The falling direction of Tachibana and Toshishima Tsuiko also changed. Although they were still descending, the direction had changed to descending obliquely in the direction of the blade, and the speed was decreasing, but the wall on the other side appeared in Fujimura. In front of Tachibana, the two of them were about to bump into it. Fujimura Tachibana raised her feet in mid-air and hit the wall with Toshishima Tsuiko. The two stopped, and Fujimura Tachibana took the direction of Demon Sword Village. After a change, the two continued to descend along the other wall.

"Hey, what is going on!"

Seeing that the speed of her descent had slowed down, Toshishima Suiko finally recovered, but she still held Fujimura Tachibana tightly without letting go. Watching Fujimura Tachibana holding herself down along the wall, Toshishima Sukoko suddenly felt well at ease. .

"I don't know, we are about to land."

Fujimura Tachibana said that at this time, the lights can be seen below, and a lift-like equipment is under the two of them. Fujimura Tachibana spotted the height. At a place less than 10 meters from the ground, Fujimura Tachibana directly took the demon sword village. Pulled out from the wall, and then jumped directly from the heights holding the poison island. This made the poison island scream again. After all, the height of 10 meters is still very high for ordinary people, so this time directly He hugged Fujimura Tachibana's neck and almost buried the whole person in Fujimura Tachibana's arms.


With Fujimura Tachibana’s feet making heavy noises on the lift, Toujima Tachibana felt that he no longer felt weightless, and then looked up from Fujimura Tachibana’s arms cautiously, and found that she finally stopped falling. Kongzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are we safe?"

Asked carefully, Toshishima Tachibana asked in Fujimura Tachibana’s arms, but she found that Fujimura Tachibana’s eyes were not looking at her face, but in the direction of her legs.

"Aren't you coming down? And you are gone."

Fujimura Tachibana spoke faintly. Toshishima Suiko was taken aback when she heard it, and then she realized that her skirt was flying up during the descent. At this time, the skirt was completely lifted, revealing her underwear, so Toshishima Tsuiko climbed down from Fujimura Tachibana almost screaming, and then pressed her skirt.


Fujimura Tachibana accidentally finds that the seemingly conservative Toshishima Yoko is wearing sexy thongs.

Fujimura Tachibana was also observing the surroundings while Toshishima Matsuri was tidying up her clothes. He had already pulled out the pistol. Fujimura Tachibana carefully inspected the surrounding area and found a sign on the wall.


A red and white umbrella-shaped logo is very famous. This is the symbol of Umbrella, a super company in the United States. Its industries cover pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, and defense industries. It is a truly international company.If you want to describe Umbrella's strength, it means Umbrella's strength surpasses most countries in the world, and only the power of a major country can surpass Umbrella.

"Why is there Umbrella's logo here?"

Fujimura Tachibana quickly recalled Umbrella's information. Umbrella has bases all over the world, but in Japan, Umbrella did not build any bases. This base is not in the data. It is very likely that Umbrella I don’t know if it was built by Umbrella privately or the Japanese government participated in the construction. Fujimura Tachibana felt that he was caught in a big conspiracy.

"Xiezi, can you invade the network here!"

I immediately called Kiko, but Kiko said that the network here was completely isolated from the outside world and could not find any wireless signals, so Kiko could not invade the network. At this time, Kiko's voice in the Fujimura orange headset was gradually blurred. The rustle of electric current began to appear, Fujimura Tachibana looked up, the light above was disappearing, and the connection between Fujimura Tachibana and the outside world was interrupted.

"Sato? Minami Rika? Please answer when you receive it! Please answer when you receive it!"

After asking a few times and getting no reply, Fujimura Tachibana understood that he was trapped here, and at this time Fujimura Tachibana felt a tremor on the ground, as if a group of people were running towards this side.

"Take it, pay attention to safety!"

Throwing the samurai sword in his hand to Toshishima Toshiko, then Fujimura Tachibana took a pistol in one hand, and took her to the outside of the lift with the other hand, and hid aside. Fujimura Tachibana glanced at Toshishima Toshiko and was surprised to find her At this time, there was no tension, but a little excited.

At this moment, Toshishima Tsuiko is holding Fujimura Tachibana’s demon sword Murata Masa, although he and Fujimura Tachibana are hiding, but Fujimura Tachibana feels that he can't help but want to rush out, seems to want to kill the enemy with a knife in his hand. people.Even Fujimura Tachibana noticed a flush on Toshishima Yoko's face, and her body began to tremble slightly. Fujimura Tachibana noticed that she was rubbing her legs unconsciously. Is she excited?

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