Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 142

At this moment, the footsteps became more intense, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately turned her attention back, and then she saw a group of soldiers wearing black combat uniforms, armed with guns and shields appearing from the corner, and quickly facing Fujimura Tachibana’s The direction rushed.

Chapter 223: The Tachibana Tachibana

These black soldiers wearing black combat uniforms are definitely not good at coming. After fixing the positions of Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Tsuneko, these soldiers did not hesitate to take out shock bullets and threw them in the direction of the two. Woke up.

It only flashed out for less than half a second, Fujimura Tachibana fired two shots, and then Fujimura Tachibana immediately hid back, and when Fujimura Tachibana hid back, countless bullets hit Fujimura. If the bunkers where Tachibana and Toshishima Satoko are located, if Fujimura Tachibana slows up a little, then Fujimura Tachibana will be sieved.

After firing the shot, Fujimura Tachibana did not panic, but counted down in his heart, because the bullet that Fujimura Tachibana fired just now accurately hit the two soldiers who wanted to throw the shock bomb, and the bullet hit accurately. They pierced the eyes of the soldier and pierced the skull to shatter the brain. The two immediately fell backwards, and the shock bomb immediately fell from their hands and fell into the crowd. At this time, the shock bomb exploded.

"Protect yourself!"

At the moment when the shock bomb exploded, Fujimura Tachibana, who had turned on the doping mode, immediately stood up and shouted to Toshishima Tsuiko. At the moment of the call, Fujimura Tachibana also used enhanced magic. After the enhanced magic strengthened Fujimura Tachibana’s body, Fujimura Tachibana rushed towards the group of soldiers.

Two shock bombs were exploded directly in the crowd. The soldiers did not react. They were immediately swayed by the flash and impact generated by the shock bomb explosion. Although some people saw Fujimura Tachibana rushing, they tried to lift it with difficulty. The gun in his hand is aimed at Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana is faster.

"Da da da da da da da!"

When Fujimura Tachibana charged with the G. Locke 17 in his hand, he shot the speed of the submachine gun, and one round shot out of the barrel and shot towards the soldiers in black.One could see a burst of blood bursting out of each soldier's face, and these soldiers fell backward, and they were all headshot by Fujimura Tachibana.


At the moment when Fujimura Tachibana’s bullet was finished, Fujimura Tachibana decisively dropped the pistol. At this time Fujimura Tachibana had entered the crowd of soldiers. In front of Fujimura Tachibana was a soldier who was raising the muzzle of his gun and was about to pull the trigger with his finger. .


A collapsed punch hit the soldier’s chest, and the heavy body armor on the soldier’s chest was deeply dented. The ceramic plate used for bullet-proof was smashed by Fujimura Tachibana’s bare hands, and the soldier’s was also broken. Ribs and internal organs, the soldier's body flew upside down and hit the wall in the next second, spitting out blood, this soldier could no longer survive.

Then, just as the evil tiger entered the flock, Fujimura Tachibana slaughtered the soldiers. One by one, his chest was sunken, his hands and feet were broken, or the corpses with their helmets and heads exploded were constantly falling to the ground. The soldiers recovered from the shock of the shock bomb, but they were completely unable to lock Fujimura Tachibana’s movements. They shot either in the air or hit their own people. Fujimura Tachibana easily killed the group of soldiers. These soldiers were terrified. Frightened and wanted to stay away from Fujimura Tachibana, a katana was drawn from the side.

Poison Island Suiko, who is holding the demon sword Muramasa, suddenly appeared from the side flushed, and the samurai sword in his hand was slashed diagonally from top to bottom. The two turned their backs to Poison Island Suiko who planned to shoot Fujimura Tachibana with a gun. The soldier was directly cut into 6 segments by a katana.

A soldier was chopped into two arms and four upper and lower body sections. Although the arm was not chopped off, the upper and lower body of a soldier were also chopped off.A large amount of blood was sprayed from the place where they were cut off, sprayed directly onto Dudao Kongzi's body. The clothes and face were stained with a lot of blood, but Dudao Kongzi was even more excited.

"What a good knife!"

Two people were cut off with a single knife. The body armor and firearms were also cut off. Toshishima Suizi did it all without feeling resistance.An impulse came from her heart to make her want to kill more people, so she raised her head and looked in the direction of Fujimura Tachibana. She saw Fujimura Tachibana grabbing a soldier's throat with one hand and pressing the soldier directly down. On the wall, a huge impact made a loud noise. A spider web-like crack appeared on the wall behind the soldier. The soldier was killed on the spot. His body slowly slipped off the wall. Fujimura Tachibana stood by.At this time, there were no other soldiers standing beside Fujimura Tachibana. They were all killed by Fujimura Tachibana.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana picked up a m.4a1 rifle dropped by a soldier from the ground with no expression, and picked up several magazines. The suit on Fujimura Tachibana was not stained with blood, only the hand Just a few traces of blood.Picking up the gun, looking at Toshishima Toshiko, and spotting the two people killed by Toshishima Toshiko, Fujimura Tachibana said blankly, "Follow me!"

At this time, the sirens in the base had already sounded, and it seemed that more soldiers were about to rush here, Dudao Tongzi showed a trace of excitement, his tongue stuck out for a sweet tooth and the blood on his lips was touched, Dudao Tongzi shook it. With the katana in his hand, he immediately followed Fujimura Tachibana.

At this time, in a command center inside the base, a man with a height of 190 and a platinum hair color stood in front of the screen and looked at the two people, Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Yoko who were advancing on the screen.To him, Toshima Tsuneko didn't have the slightest interest in him. He was just an ordinary person who stretched out his hand better, but watching Fujimura Tachibana wipe out a group of black soldiers with guns and fists, showing superhuman strength. The man smiled.

"Did you find out the identity of this person?"

"Fujimura Tachibana, graduated from the University of Tokyo, is the youngest professional police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department. He previously worked in the Police Department's investigation section, but was later transferred. The current situation is unknown."

Umbrella’s information does not contain information from Fujimura Tachibana’s work in the Ninth Public Security Department and the Supernatural Phenomena Investigation Headquarters. Only Fujimura Tachibana is searching for information on the first class.But being able to find this information in such a short period of time can also show Umbrella's powerful intelligence capabilities. If Fujimura Tachibana knew it, he would also be moved.

"Are they members of the Japanese Secret Service? Introduce them to the experimental field!"

"Experimental field? If it is exposed there, then it's over."

Hearing this man's order, his men immediately said nervously, but before he could finish speaking, a bullet directly penetrated his eyebrows, and it was the blond man who shot.

"Bring them to the experimental field!"


When other people saw their colleague who had been killed, they immediately shouted in fear, if they didn't do this, then the bullets might also be shot into their heads.

Chapter 224: The Devil

Walking inside the base all the way, Fujimura Tachibana with Toshishima Tsuneko had already defeated several black-clothed soldiers. By this time, he hadn't encountered a black-clothed soldier for several minutes. Fujimura Tachibana frowned and passed a fan. After the door, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that the environment had changed suddenly, so he stopped immediately.

"what happened?"

Dudao Kongzi said with flushing face, the fighting along the way made her feel that her body was burning. This kind of pleasure is too difficult to describe, but it is great, there is a desire to fight forever, so Dudao Kongzi's tone There is a desire to keep on fighting.

"Someone is guiding us here."

Walking all the way, Fujimura Tachibana found that someone was deliberately tempting him to go to this place, because Fujimura Tachibana felt that the lifelessness here was getting more and more dense, so he immediately stopped, Fujimura Tachibana looked around, it was disguised as The streets of Japan seem to be the streets of Tokyo. Fujimura Tachibana took a closer look and recognized that it was Shinjuku.It's just that there is no one here, which is very strange.And almost the moment it stopped, Fujimura Tachibana heard the system's voice: "Quest release: Destroy Umbrella's Fukuoka base, mission reward: 0.5 random physical attribute points and 0.5 skill attribute points."

"Task release: Kill the tyrant-chaser, task reward: a full set of Rotting Sniffing CD, a full set of Backstreet Girls CD."

Because the system releases tasks also have certain rules, Fujimura Tachibana was not surprised by the first task of the system, but for the second task, it seems that the system has started to go wrong again. What are the rotten sniffing and the backstreet girl?But there is no time to pay attention to what these two things are. What Fujimura Tachibana noticed is the tyrant-the chaser shown by the system. What is this?

"If the tyrant is the enemy, is the pursuer some sort of classification below the tyrant?"

Fujimura Tachibana immediately analyzed and thought, but this was just a guess. After all, the tyrant did not know what Fujimura Tachibana was. A new situation appeared in front of him. It seemed that some switch was turned on. Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Yako found that the passage they entered was suddenly closed behind them , And there seemed to be some switches turned on, and the two suddenly noticed that many pedestrians appeared around them.

These pedestrians have different identities. There are not only old people and children, but also people dressed in various occupations. Even Fujimura Tachibana saw people dressed as police officers.These people appeared and started walking like actors, and the originally calm place immediately became lively, as if it was a real Tokyo street.

"These are not people!"

Almost the first time these people appeared, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the breath of life in these people was rapidly weakening, and the death energy on the body began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fujimura Tachibana immediately took the poison island and raised it with one hand. Retreated with m4.a1, but many people also appeared behind them. These people walked past Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Tsuiko, and even hit them. They didn't seem to see the same.


Immediately aware that he was in a huge crisis, Fujimura Tachibana gritted his teeth and glanced around to determine the direction with the least people. Fujimura Tachibana immediately took Toshishima Tsuiko and walked here.Dudao Kongzi looked around strangely when an accident happened.

Just when Fujimura Tachibana pulled Poison Island Toshiko and walked past a girl dressed in cosp.lay, the girl suddenly fell to the ground, and the two immediately turned their heads to look. At this time, they saw the girl lying on the ground. The body began to twitch violently, and Fujimura Tachibana thought of a word: "corpse change!"

I came from investigating the T virus, and the T virus is a virus that can infect humans into zombies, so I immediately understood that this girl was about to become a zombie. Fujimura Tachibana immediately took the poison island and ran up, and this time more and more The more people fell down, or simply walked directly and turned into zombies and began to attack the surrounding area, the originally seemingly lively street became a slaughterhouse in an instant.

"Da da da!"

Without hesitation, he raised his gun with one hand and fired at the surroundings. A round of bullets shot out from the muzzle and shot to the surroundings. The heads of the zombies were shot. The bullets hit the heads, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately heard the voice of the system: "The discovery of an E-class creature-zombies, has been included in the Unknown Creature Book."

This is the weakest enemy Fujimura Tachibana has ever seen. Even an ordinary person can use various tools to kill an enemy, so even if he kills the opponent, he doesn't get any reward.But even so, Fujimura Tachibana did not take it lightly, because the two were surrounded.

The 30 rounds of ammunition quickly emptied. Although 30 zombies fell, there were more zombies rushing from all directions.One by one ran like a sprinter, and soon Fujimura Tachibana was surrounded by zombies.

"Give me the knife!"

If there is only Fujimura Tachibana alone, Fujimura Tachibana can still get out with a gun, but there is Toxic Island Suiko beside Fujimura Tachibana, and she must be protected, so Fujimura Tachibana chose to take a knife to solve all this.

Therefore, without waiting for Dudao Tsuiko's reaction, Fujimura Tachibana took away the knife from Dudao Tsuiko's hand, and then the lights of the knife began to flicker.

Several zombies can be beheaded with a single knife. Fujimura Tachibana just spawned a quick lap by the side of Poison Island Tongzi. Fujimura Tachibana easily killed all the zombies within more than ten meters around, and Poison Island Tongzi even Fujicun Tang realized that he was safe around him without seeing clearly.

"keep going!"

Feeling that her hands were held by a pair of soft little hands, Dudao Kongzi couldn't help but feel a little bit happy.As a very traditional Yamato Nadeko, Toshishima Suiko felt that it would be good to be protected by a strong and beautiful person, so she quietly glanced at the figure of Fujimura Tachibana who was continuously beheading zombies. Toshishima Suiko was a little fascinated.

However, compared to the poisonous island that let go, Fujimura Tachibana frowned at this time. Although the threat of zombies is not high, the endless zombies seem to be inexhaustible, and there are secretly named The enemy of the pursuer was hidden, and Fujimura Tachibana had to focus part of her attention around, but Fujimura Tachibana did not dare to relax her guard at all.And where is the exit here?Fujimura Tachibana felt that he had already smashed a distance of hundreds of meters, but he still hadn't come to an end!How was such a large underground base built?Without the cooperation of Japanese senior officials, Fujimura Tachibana does not think that Umbrella alone can complete this base.

At this moment, Fujimura Tachibana heard a strange sound, and immediately followed the sound. Fujimura Tachibana’s pupils shrank rapidly, because a rocket was shooting in the direction of Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Tsuiko.

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