Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 143

Author's message:

Oooo QAQ

Chapter 225: The Chaser?Weak, next


Without hesitation, he pulled up the poison island directly, Fujimura Tachibana directly hugged her, and then quickly ran to a car on the side. The moment he took the poison island and overturned the car, a rocket fired It hit the place where the two of them were just now, and the impact of the explosion could even be felt by the two people hiding behind the car.At this time, the sound of dongdongdong's footsteps came from a distance, and Fujimura Tachibana saw a huge figure about 2 meters high, walking step by step from a distance.

This figure is very strong, and his thick arms are probably as thick as Fujimura Tachibana's waist.But this is not the key, Fujimura Tachibana saw this huge figure throw a rocket launcher down, holding a Gatling machine gun in his right hand, this huge figure is walking step by step in the direction of Fujimura Tachibana and Toshishima Tsuneko. Come, give people a great sense of oppression.

"Stay here and don't move! This is for you. When you see the threat, pull the trigger at the target!"

Taking out the pistol and putting it in Toshima Tsuiko's hands, Fujimura Tachibana did not have time to consider whether Toshima Tsuiko would shoot, but if Fujimura Tachibana continued to be with Toshima Tsuko, then Toshishima Tsuko was dead.So after handing the pistol to Toshishima Tsuneko, Fujimura Tachibana just walked out with a samurai sword.

The huge humanoid creature in front of him is wearing a huge body armor and holding a Gatling machine gun in his hand. It should be what the system calls the pursuer.In Fujimura Tachibana's sixth sense, this pursuer exudes a tyrannical aura, not weaker than the enemies Fujimura Tachibana saw in the past.I glanced at the pursuer. In addition to the huge power that can be seen, the biggest threat this pursuer to Fujimura Tachibana is the Gatling gun on his body. This machine gun with a rate of fire of more than 3000 rounds per minute can easily The creation of a dead zone, even Fujimura Tachibana could not ignore so many bullets.

So after getting out of the car’s bunker, Fujimura Tachibana immediately moved. The strengthening magic immediately strengthened Fujimura Tachibana’s body, and then Fujimura Tachibana rushed towards the pursuer. At this time, the pursuer raised the Gatling machine gun in his hand. The 6 barrels began to rotate under the drive of the motor, and the muzzle began to spray flames symbolizing death.

"Da da da da da da da!"

There was almost no gap between the gunshots. The bullets could be seen by Fujimura Tachibana’s naked eyes. The bullets were almost shot one after another. If Fujimura Tachibana did not change the trajectory of his actions, I’m afraid Fujimura Tachibana would be sieved by the bullets. So when Fujimura Tachibana’s feet pressed hard, the charging Fujimura Tachibana suddenly stopped. The high-speed sprinting Fujimura Tachibana even left a shoe mark on the ground, and Fujimura Tachibana’s body moved quickly to one side. Move, the bullet hit the place where Fujimura Tachibana just settled, countless fires broke out in an instant, and Fujimura Tachibana's hand made a throwing motion.

I saw Fujimura Tachibana throwing the Demon Sword Village in his hand towards the pursuer, and the katana flew towards the pursuer while spinning in the air.The speed of the katana was very fast, and the chaser who was shooting had no time to change their movements, and the katana came in front of it.


The katana did not aim at the body of the pursuer, but locked the Gatling gun that was being turned on.The invincible katana blade easily cut the solid barrel. The Gatling gun that was firing at high speed exploded in an instant. The explosion produced fragments that made the pursuers inevitably take a step back. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana arrived. Leaping high, a whip kick hit the chaser's head.


A whip leg that was enough to kick a block of cement was like kicking it on a steel plate. Fujimura Tachibana felt a huge reaction force coming from his calf and made a loud noise.With this force, Fujimura Tachibana moved away from the pursuer. In mid-air, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the body of the pursuer was skewed and realigned, and took out two thick metal sticks from behind. Fujimura Tachibana came.


Pulling out from the ground before throwing out the demon sword Muramasa, Fujimura Tachibana held the katana in both hands, and then rushed to the pursuer.

The huge figure of the pursuer is very oppressive, and the two metal rods in his hand are even more threatening. Under the huge power of the pursuer, this metal rod waved vigorously, but Fujimura Tachibana didn't care.

When the pursuer swept the metal rod towards Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana's body bent down and was almost close to the ground. The metal rod almost moved along Fujimura Tachibana’s face and passed over Fujimura Tachibana, and the blade of the samurai sword cut open. After the metal rod was removed, part of the metal rod that was broken into two pieces was immediately thrown out, and fell on the ground, smashing a small hole.At almost the same time, Fujimura Tachibana stood up abruptly, and then quickly turned around. The katana slashed through a huge arc, and the blade of the katana slashed across the leg of the pursuer.


As a biological weapon, the pursuer hardly felt pain, but after one thigh was cut off, the body of the pursuer fell to one side, making an angry howl, and the pursuer was unwilling to hold a metal rod in one hand. Lived, but Fujimura Tachibana appeared in front of the pursuer again.

The light of the sword kept flashing beside the pursuer, and the other thigh and two arms flew out one after another. The blood from the wound sprayed almost ten meters away, but Fujimura Tachibana's body was still not stained. Any blood stains, and the pursuer has fallen down, the pursuer is unwilling to growl on the ground, but Fujimura Tachibana walks to the side of the pursuer step by step, the samurai sword in his hand is raised high and then down, looking hideous The extremely head separated from the chaser's neck and rolled on the ground a few times before stopping.

"Successfully killed the tyrant-the pursuer, the task reward: a full set of rotten sniffing CD, a full set of backstreet girls CD.

"The discovery of a C-level creature—the tyrant has been included in the Unknown Creature Book."

"Successfully kill the C-level creature-Tyrant, reward A-level items-Alice cloning technology."

Hearing the sound of the system, Fujimura Tachibana couldn’t figure out what the reward was, because Fujimura Tachibana quickly turned around and the katana slashed towards the front. A metal crash suddenly sounded and a bullet was hit by the katana. Cut in half, the level of the bullet almost flew past Fujimura Tachibana's head, and fell behind Fujimura Tachibana.

"It really is wonderful, Officer Fujimura, introduce myself, I am Albert Wesker, the person in charge of this base."

The blond man who had appeared before holding a pistol said that it was him who had just shot.Behind him were hundreds of soldiers in black with guns, and Poison Island was held by a soldier and stood behind Wesker with a bruise on his face.

Author's message:

Meow meow meow

Chapter 226: Joan is here!

While Fujimura Tachibana was fighting with the pursuers, Wesker showed up with someone and attacked the poison island tongzi who was hiding by the side.Toxic Island Kongzi, who possessed good skills, did not have any power to fight back in front of Wesk, and was easily caught by the uniform.

Looking at Wesker and the struggling Toxic Island in front of him, and then at the fully armed soldiers hundreds of meters behind him, if Fujimura Tachibana has anything to do, the other party may shoot the Fujimura Tachibana directly. .

"Umbrella company?"

Fujimura Tachibana shook the Demon Sword in his hand, and shook off the blood stains on the knife. Then he looked at Wesker indifferently, and Fujimura Tachibana spoke.

"Yes, what about you? In our information, after entering the Metropolitan Police Department, your whereabouts are unknown. Let me guess, is it a secret agency in Japan? You became an agent similar to a man in black?"

Wesker guessed that he did not know the supernatural investigation headquarters in Japan, but he knew that the supernatural investigation agency in the United States was the "Bridge and Tunnel Administration", but more people would like to call the "Bridge and Tunnel Administration" agents. For "the man in black" only.After seeing Fujimura Tachibana’s superhuman skills, Wesker decided that she was an agent of the Japanese Supernatural Investigation Department who had come to investigate the Fukuoka base specifically.

"So, don't you hurry up and lay down your weapons and surrender, you have violated Japanese law!"

Hearing Wesker’s words, Fujimura Tachibana was also surprised by the ability of the umbrella company. He was able to identify himself and find his resume in such a short period of time. Although there is no data from the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters, this is amazing enough. Up.But at this time Fujimura Tachibana's momentum did not lose at all. Although facing the muzzle of hundreds of guns, Fujimura Tachibana still said coldly, as if the people in front of him were a group of monkeys holding guns.

Hearing Fujimura Tachibana’s words, Wesker seemed to have heard some joke. Although the base has been exposed, the Japanese government wanted to enter this base not in a short time, and Wesker discovered a huge high-value target. , That is Fujimura Tachibana.

Single-handedly defeated the elite special team of the umbrella company, and demonstrated superhuman strength and reaction ability, it is obvious that Fujimura Tachibana is an elite trained in Japan. If Fujimura Tachibana can be captured, then the umbrella company will have a superman experiment It doesn’t matter if you sacrifice the entire Fukuoka base.Moreover, the knife in Fujimura Tachibana's hand did not look ordinary, and it was also a very valuable item, so Wesker raised his pistol and aimed it at the poison island Satoko behind him.

"Throw the knife over, or I will kill her."

The naked threat said that the captured Toxic Island Toshiko had become Wesker's hostage. As long as Fujimura Tachibana hesitated, Wesker would probably shoot without hesitation.However, when facing the gunpoint, Toujiao did not show a scared expression, but instead looked at Wesker angrily. If it weren’t for Tokushima Toshiko’s attention was on Fujimura Tachibana, Tokushima Toshiko didn’t think he would be so affected by Wicks. Grab the easy one.

Looking at Wesker’s gun and Poison Island Satoko, Fujimura Tachibana sneered, and then randomly tossed the knife. Demon Sword Village was leaving Fujimura Tachibana’s hand and spinning in the air towards the middle of the two, following With a sound of "Ting", the blade of Demon Dao Cunzheng pierced into the concrete ground, leaving only one handle exposed.


The moment the samurai sword pierced the ground, a soft sound came from a distance. An anesthetic needle was shot at Fujimura Tachibana, and it was about to pierce Fujimura Tachibana’s neck. Fujimura Tachibana tilted his head slightly, and the anesthesia needle was applied. He flew over Fujimura Tachibana's neck, and fell on the ground with a soft noise.

"Ha ha."

Seeing Fujimura Tachibana avoiding the anesthesia needle, Wesker was not surprised. Taking off the sunglasses, Wesker suddenly threw the sunglasses in his hand towards Fujimura Tachibana, even if the distance between the two was more than ten meters, but the sunglasses Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana dodged his sunglasses on one side of his body. At this moment, Wesker also arrived in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

The speed far exceeded the speed of ordinary people. Wesker punched Fujimura Tachibana, but it seemed that he was planning to subdue Fujimura Tachibana. Wesker did not aim at the key points, but aimed at Fujimura Tachibana's chest.


Even if Fujimura Tachibana defeated the pursuer, he has already shown a strong strength, but Wesker also believes that he has been strengthened by the virus, and he can easily defeat the pursuer, and Fujimura Tachibana does not have the indestructible samurai sword. , So I think I can beat the delicate Japanese woman Fujimura Tachibana.But the reality always slapped the face, just when Wesker's fist was about to fall on Fujimura Tachibana's chest, suddenly a small hand grabbed Wesker's wrist, and the owner of this small hand was Fujimura Tachibana.

The stimulant skills are turned on, the strengthening magic strengthens the body, and originally has the strength far beyond ordinary people, so at this time the strength of Fujimura Tachibana has reached a very exaggerated level, just one hand firmly grasped Wesker's hand , With all the strength Wesker exhausted, he couldn't get his hands out of Fujimura Tachibana's hands, as if his hands were firmly fixed by a vise, Wesker's complexion changed.


As Fujimura Tachibana's hand exerted force again, the hand that was grasped by Fujimura Tachibana immediately distorted and made a sound of bone fracture. Wesker made a muffled noise because his right hand was broken by Fujimura Tachibana.Immediately after he felt his body fly, Wesker rolled on the ground several times, and finally fell in front of the black soldier before stopping.


Standing up embarrassedly, the original fractured right hand was squirming, and after a few seconds the fractured place was completely restored to normal, and Wesker's expression looked a bit fierce.Unexpectedly, Fujimura Tachibana was so strong that it was no longer realistic to capture alive, so only one corpse could be taken away.


The order was immediately issued, and the black soldier behind him immediately squeezed the trigger. Hundreds of guns fired at Fujimura Tachibana, countless bullets seemed to be about to drown Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana showed a sarcasm, because In the next instant, a burst of golden particles flashed by, and a figure appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana. As the banner in her hand was constantly waving, all the seemingly insoluble bullets were bounced off.

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