Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 144

"Jan of Arc is here!"

After blocking the bullet, Joan slammed the flag against the ground, and a huge spider-web turtle cracked road appeared on the ground. Then Joan looked at the people in front of them with a haughty attitude, and Wesker felt a little bad. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana also took out a communicator and made a phone call.

"Heizi, I need help."

Author's message:

Bai Zhen: My lord is here!

Shiro: Saber is like a vise

Chapter 227: Ah, the smell of Sister Orange!(Black face)

Although Fujimura Tachibana was trapped in the secret base of the umbrella and lost contact with the outside world, this does not mean that Fujimura Tachibana has completely lost foreign aid. Fujimura Tachibana still has two hole cards.

Fujimura Tachibana’s first card is Lingshu, which can call the heroic spirit to the master's side over a long distance. The connection between Lingshu and the heroic spirit is not interrupted. As long as Fujimura Tachibana is willing, then whether it is Joan or Black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana You can summon it to yourself at any time.

The second card of Fujimura Tachibana is naturally Shirai Kuroko, and the mobile phone that can connect across the plane will naturally not have no signal because it is underground, so Fujimura Tachibana can also use the mobile phone to contact Kuroko to contact Kuroko.

After Fujimura Tachibana summoned Joan, Fujimura Tachibana contacted Kuroko again, and the situation was completely reversed.

After Joan appeared, he directly smashed into the black soldiers of the umbrella company. These soldiers who can be regarded as elites in the outside world were easily harvested like a bunch of leeks in front of Joan. The resistance of the soldiers seemed so weak. Seeing to be completely defeated.


Wesker realized that the situation was completely out of control, and shouted to the soldier in black who was holding the poison island Kengzi behind him. Wesker was planning to leave here with the poison island Kengzi, but when he turned his head, he saw a tea-haired girl suddenly appeared out of thin air. By the side of Dudao Kongzi, this girl is naturally Shiraiko.The sudden appearance of Baijing Kuroko activated his ability, and under the eyes of everyone, he took the poison island and disappeared.Seeing this, Wesker understood that he had lost all his hole cards, so he made a decision immediately. Wesker ran to the side channel alone, regardless of other people. While running away, Wesker turned on a switch.

"Warning, the subject has been released! Warning, the subject has been released!"

When Shirai Kuroko appeared next to Fujimura Tachibana with Toshishima Mitsuko, Fujimura Tachibana heard sirens coming from the surrounding radio.And after the sirens appeared, some soldiers in black immediately showed horrified expressions, and immediately gave up resistance, and they all planned to evacuate regardless of their intentions, but their movements were not as fast as Wesker. The moment Wesker rushed into the passage, the passage was The heavy isolation door was dropped, and the test field was completely sealed.

"Heizi, take her out and spread the news here. They will believe it if they hold this thing."

After putting his police account in Shirai Kuroko's hand, and describing the appearance of Sato and Nan Rika, Shirai Kuroko nodded and was about to leave with Toshishima Yoko, but Fujimura Tachibana felt that Shirai Kuroko was holding his policeman The hand account seems to be a bit strange, it seems that I smelled it with my police hand account, and I still enjoy it?Fujimura Tachibana squinted his eyes, Shirai Kuroko also found out that he was in a state of misbehavior, so he immediately put the police's account away, and disappeared with the poisonous island with a look of righteousness. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana also discovered the experiment. Uninvited guests in the field.

Strange creatures appeared around and immediately attacked all living creatures around. A creature that looked like a dog jumped towards Fujimura Tachibana, and Fujimura Tachibana swung out the knife in his hand.

"The discovery of the D-class creature-the zombie dog, has been included in the Unknown Creature Book."

"Successfully killed the D-class creature-zombie dog, and rewarded the D-class item-compound bow."

Ignoring the zombie dog that had fallen into two halves on the ground, Fujimura Tachibana glanced around. There were already a large number of strange creatures around, including some large creatures. These creatures appeared from various places and were hunting down the black umbrella. Soldiers in black clothes, these soldiers in black had no ability to resist, and they were rushed to kill by these creatures.

"Jane, use the treasure!"

He opened his suit and shirt again, and most of Fujimura Tachibana's white rabbits were exposed. A large number of magic spells appeared on Fujimura Tachibana's chest. As one magic spell disappeared, the banner in Joan's hand was immediately unfolded.

"Roar, my anger!"

"The teammate successfully killed the D-class creature-the zombie dog."

"The teammate successfully killed the D-class creature-the zombie dog."

"The discovery of a C-level creature-the licker, has been included in the Unknown Creature Book."

"The teammate successfully killed the C-level creature-the licker, and the file will be classified as D-level, and reward D-level item-a box of happy water from the fat house."

"Successfully killed..."

With the unfolding of Joan’s treasure, the surrounding area was immediately swallowed by flames. The various zombies that were still flaunting their might immediately burned into a ball of flames, and Fujimura Tachibana saw that the system refreshed dozens of information at once, but it was too late. Looked carefully, but immediately ran in the direction where Wesker had escaped, and Fujimura Tachibana chased him.


The heavy isolation door blocked Fujimura Tachibana's front, but the demon knife village in Fujimura Tachibana's hand was directly facing the isolation door with 4 knives, and Fujimura Tachibana cut out a square shape on the isolation door.Then he slapped it with a strong palm, and the cut square metal block broke away from the metal gate heavily and then made a loud noise on the ground. Fujimura Tachibana saw the long passage behind the isolation gate, and Fujimura Tachibana could see When Wesker's figure disappeared from the end of the passage.

"Jan of Arc, kill all the zombies here and disinfect them with flames to prevent the virus from leaking!"

"Understood, Master! You have to be careful!"

After Joan of Arc responded, Fujimura Tachibana immediately chased up, and firmly locked Wesker's trail with the sixth sense, Fujimura Tachibana would not let him run away.But when Fujimura Tachibana ran to the end of the passage, Fujimura Tachibana turned a corner and found a group of black soldiers stopped in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

These soldiers stood or squatted and aimed at the intersection. The moment Fujimura Tachibana appeared, they shot, and bullets blocked the entire passage, but Fujimura Tachibana did not intend to stop at all, but directly stepped on it. After crossing the wall, Fujimura Tachibana jumped back and forth on the wall like a Spider-Man, and suddenly came to the top of the soldiers' heads. Before these soldiers could react, Fujimura Tachibana fell into the soldiers, and then the knife began to light. shine.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Headless bodies fell one after another. Fujimura Tachibana easily dismantled the interception of these soldiers. Standing among the blood and corpses, Fujimura Tachibana continued to chase in the direction of Wesker.

"Chairman, I finally contacted you!"

At this moment, the signal from Sato and Minami Rika finally came, and Fujimura Tachibana ran while holding the headset.

"Nan Lixiang, block the exit, and no one can leave!"

Chapter 228: I'm Back


Wesker shouted to the driver that the car he was driving was driving fast in a tunnel. The end of the tunnel was directly connected to the ocean. There was a submarine belonging to the umbrella company, which was an emergency evacuation tool for the Fukuoka base. Wesker prepares to evacuate Japan by submarine.But when Wesker finished speaking, he saw the roar of the engine coming from behind him.

Seeing that an off-road vehicle belonging to the umbrella company was coming from behind and was still accelerating, Wesker saw that the person driving the car was the lingering Fujimura Tachibana. He arranged so many people to intercept her. Did it fail?

And seeing Fujimura Tachibana driving by, the soldier who was operating the machine gun turret on the roof of the car immediately shifted the muzzle of the heavy machine gun and aimed at Fujimura Tachibana’s car. Just when he was about to shoot, he ejected a shot. With its headshot, the soldier's body fell down and hung on the roof of the car.

Seeing the soldier controlling the machine gun in front of him was hit by himself, Fujimura Tachibana did not retract the pistol, but controlled the car with his left hand, and continued to shoot the car in front with the pistol in his right hand.At this time, Fujimura Tachibana opened his suit because of using Lingshu, revealing most of his fragrant chest, which looked very attractive.However, Fujimura Tachibana's expression was cold and frosty, like a mechanical gun, with bullets constantly hitting the car in front, like an iceberg beauty.

Looking at the flames that emerged after the bullet hit the car, Fujimura Tachibana pointed the gun at the tire of the off-road vehicle. After pulling the trigger several times, a bullet burst the tire of the car where Wesker was located, at high speed. The driving off-road vehicle immediately lost control. Although the driver desperately wanted to control the car, the car still turned over after driving crookedly for a certain distance.Under the effect of inertia, the off-road vehicle rolled on the ground for several laps before stopping. Fujimura Tachibana stepped on the brakes, and the car almost came close to the overturned off-road vehicle and stopped with a harsh brake sound.

Getting out of the car blankly, Fujimura Tachibana saw a soldier covered with blood pushing open the door and getting out of the car. He saw Fujimura Tachibana coming. The soldier wanted to take out his gun, but he was seriously injured. Before grasping the gun tightly, Fujimura Tachibana’s pistol rang, and a bullet directly headed it. Fujimura Tachibana came to the car, and then pulled open the car door that had been overturned 180 degrees. Fujimura Tachibana found Wesker. Not in it.

"Papa Papa Papa!"

He did not hesitate to raise the muzzle and shoot in the air. Wesker's figure was falling from a height and hit Fujimura Tachibana, knowing that all the shots hit Wesker's head, but Fujimura Tachibana found Wesker hit by the bullet It doesn't seem to be hurt.Although the bullet penetrated his head, he did not see the blood and brains popping out. Instead, the bullet seemed to have been swallowed by him, and Wesker continued to pounce on Fujimura Tachibana.

In the face of this situation, Fujimura Tachibana did not change his expression. Instead, he swung the katana in his hand, and the blade easily cut through Wesker's body, but Fujimura Tachibana felt that something was wrong the moment he cut it, and immediately moved back. With one jump, Wesker's attack landed where Fujimura Tachibana had just stood.


Looking at the healing wound on Wesker's waist, Fujimura Tachibana said lightly.Just now Fujimura Tachibana has cut Wesker in the middle with a knife, but when the Demon Blade Village is cutting Wesker’s body, Wesker’s body is healing at a high speed. Before the blade leaves Wesker’s body, Wesker’s wound is reconnected. We were together, so I didn't succeed in cutting it into two.And I also saw the bullets that had just been shot into Wesker's head. The bullets were being squeezed out one by one from the healed wounds. This was an unkillable monster.

"This is the future of mankind."

After Wesker finished speaking, he attacked Fujimura Tachibana with the same expressionless expression. Fujimura Tachibana threw the demon sword Mura Masa and the pistol on the ground. Only one hilt was left on the ground. Fujimura Tachibana made an eight-pole punch. The starting position.

"Then I will beat you to a paralyzed body."

After finishing talking, Fujimura Tachibana punched, faster and stronger than Wesker. Fujimura Tachibana hits Wesker’s face with a magic-enhanced fist. Fujimura Tachibana can clearly see that his fist falls on Wesker’s nose. As the power from the fist passed to Wesker's face, Wesker's handsome face sank in.

The bones of the entire face were completely shattered, and the facial muscles and facial features were completely distorted. Fujimura Tachibana even saw a few drops of white brains fly out, and Wesker's body flew upside down like a rag. In the car, the door of the car was sunken in an instant, and Wesker's body was embedded in the door, and Fujimura Tachibana rushed up to do it.

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