Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 145

Pulling out Wesker's body, he directly interrupted all the bones of both arms. Fujimura Tachibana hit Wesker's chest one after another, breaking all his ribs. Fujimura Tachibana had not stopped.Spine, leg bones, hip bones... Fujimura Tachibana did not let any place on Wesker's body go, and almost smashed 206 bones of the human body. Fujimura Tachibana also grabbed Wesker's body and smashed his head down. To the ground.

He smashed his head directly into the chest cavity, and because of the broken bones, Wesker's body was greatly deformed.It was as if it had become a ball of meat, and it was completely invisible that it was a person. Fujimura Tachibana only took a breath, and the successive efforts made Fujimura Tachibana feel a little tired, but Fujimura Tachibana did not take it lightly, because she saw A face of Wesker appeared on this ball of meat.

"I will still..."

"Da da da da da da da!"

Another punch hit Wesker’s face that had just recovered. Fujimura Tachibana continued to punch Wesker with a series of punches and kicks. This time Fujimura Tachibana almost beat him into a ball of mud. Stopped without expression.Looking at Wesker who was still squirming and seemed to be recovering, Fujimura Tachibana came to the side of the dead soldier, and then took out two grenade from the body, and Fujimura Tachibana opened the grip of the grenade.

"Say goodbye!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana squeezed two grenade into Wesker's mud, and then walked to the side of the car blankly, and the grenade exploded.

"It's disgusting..."

Looking at the pieces of meat splashing around because of the explosion of the grenade, Fujimura Tachibana showed a look of disgust, as if Wesker had not died yet.

"Medea? I need your help."

Fujimura Tachibana took out a cell phone and dialed a call.

Author's message:

The amount of recent updates is a bit weak... Let me adjust.

Chapter 229: Headquarters Secret Meeting

In the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters, Motoko Kusanagi was walking quickly, ignoring anyone along the way, but walking towards the meeting room very anxiously. This is an emergency meeting, and it is a confidential emergency meeting. The location of the meeting is secret. In the conference room, you need to take a secret elevator to enter. Only a few people from the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters are eligible to enter.

Coming out of the secret elevator, Kusanaru Motoko came to the door of a meeting room. As she pushed the door open, the people in the meeting room looked at her.

"I just rushed back, did the meeting begin?"

"It's about to start, Kusanaru watched you just right."

The person who opened the mouth was the Hesheng Yangzong. After signalling the grass to sit down, the Hesheng Yangzong spoke.

"Everyone, Section Chief Fujimura discovered some situations during his investigation in Fukuoka, which can be identified as a Class A crisis."

The A-level crisis in Hesheng Yangzongkou refers to the grading standards established by the Japanese government for supernatural events, which are divided into five levels: S, A, B, C, D, and E, corresponding to different levels of harm.Class E is basically harmless, Class D is a hazard that may cause casualties, Class C is a hazard that may cause heavy casualties, Class B is a hazard that may cause harm to a city, and Class A is a disaster that may cause the destruction of Japan. , As for the S-class, it is naturally global extinction.

There are very few crises of level B or above. Since the establishment of the Supernatural Phenomena Survey Headquarters, the B level time has been counted. Except for the meteorite crisis, which belongs to the S level crisis, other times that Fujimura Tachibana participated in, such as the lion The incidents of Shenhao, Ghoul, and Parasitic Beasts are only C-level incidents, and in most cases, the Supernatural Phenomenon Investigation Headquarters said that they are facing D-level or E-level incidents, and C-level is already a major case.So suddenly there was an A-class case, and Motoko Kusanagi couldn't help getting serious. After all, this was a crisis that might destroy the entire Japan.

"This is the information, and it will be destroyed after the meeting."

A document appeared in front of everyone. Everyone at the scene picked up the document and looked at it. This is the information collected by Fujimura Tachibana at the Fukuoka base under the umbrella, and various photos taken by Fujimura Tachibana and his men on the spot. data.Although the order to destroy all the materials was issued when Wesker evacuated, the complete destruction of such a huge amount of materials could not be completed in one or two minutes, and Joan of Arc's assault speed was really fast, suppressing the entire Fukuoka After the base, Fujimura Tachibana also took back his glasses from Sato.

So he directly connected the glasses to the computer inside the Fukuoka base. Kiko relied on the supercomputer located in the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters to violently invade the Fukuoka base. Before the data was completely destroyed, Fujimura Tachibana copied the data that had not been destroyed. , Among them there is an introduction to the T virus.

This virus is derived from an ancient virus, and the umbrella company combined it with the leech gene, and finally the T virus was born.The original purpose of the T virus was to create a powerful biological weapon, but because most organisms cannot withstand the destruction of genes by the T virus, it will eventually cause the organism to become a kind of zombie that only eats instinctively, only in a few cases. The birth of powerful biological weapons such as tyrants and lickers.

There are also two versions of T virus, one can only be transmitted through body fluids and water, but there is another version that can be transmitted through the air in addition to these two modes of transmission!If the T virus spreads into the air, then I am afraid that everyone in a city or even a country can be infected into zombies in an extreme time!

However, it may also feel that the T virus spread through the air is too dangerous. Umbrella Company does not have this version of the T virus in the Fukuoka base, only the version with weaker transmission ability.But even without airborne transmission, just dropping the T virus into water sources can cause hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to be infected in an extreme period of time, which is almost impossible to prevent.

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Kusanagi Motoko spoke up. As the person with the lowest police rank here, Kusanagi Motoko unexpectedly had a privilege.

"Has the Cabinet been notified?"

"This matter is currently in absolute confidentiality, and even the Prime Minister is not aware of this matter because we cannot determine how many people in the Japanese government are involved in umbrella companies."

Hesheng Yangzong said with a stern face that it is possible to build such a huge base in Fukuoka, an important city center in Japan. Hesheng Yangzong believes that there are absolutely people in the Japanese political circle, and high-ranking officials have protected the umbrella company to carry out this huge project, otherwise supernatural. The investigation headquarters cannot be ignorant of what the umbrella company is doing.Without knowing whether the cabinet, even the prime minister, is reliable, He Sheng Yangzong used the cabinet's privileges granted to the Supernatural Phenomena Investigation Headquarters to suppress this matter without reporting it.

"It is estimated that this person did not expect that the umbrella company would do such a frenzied thing? The kidnapping of homeless and smugglers, and human cloning for biological experiments. If this matter is exposed, then the political life of any politician will end, but politicians Isn’t there always no good morals? Chief, do you have any instructions?"

Kusanagi Motoko relentlessly vomited, looking at the Hesheng Yangzong after speaking, and there were other people at the same time, everyone was waiting for Hesheng Yangzong's order.

"Established a secret investigation team to investigate all personnel related to the umbrella company, and eradicate the umbrella company's backstage in Japan. This matter is led by the Ninth Division of Public Security by Kusanagi."

"Roger that."

"In the biological investigation class, immediately research and crack the T virus and create an antidote. The idol group does not have a drug that can restore the memory of the zombies. It can meet all the conditions of the agent. Be sure to let him come up with an antidote."

"The Supernatural Investigation Class cooperates with the Biological Investigation Class to prevent the spread of T virus."

"Roger that!"

"The Science and Technology Investigation Division cracked the participating materials in the Fukuoka base, and any cracked information was reported in time."

"Roger that!"

"In addition..."

He Sheng Yangzong thought for a while, then made a decision and said:

"Contact the U.S. Bridge and Tunnel Administration, report this matter to them through a secret channel, and ask them to cooperate. Let our Section Chief Fujimura go to the United States on a business trip to cooperate with the "Bridge and Tunnel Administration" to investigate the umbrella company. ."

"Everyone, this is absolutely confidential, and all content must not be leaked before the Ninth Division of Public Security investigates and deals with ghosts!"

He Sheng Rangzong said solemnly, scanning everyone in the audience, Hesheng Rangzong stood up.

"The meeting is over!"

Author's message:

There are two versions of the T virus, a game and a movie. The former cannot be airborne, and the latter can.

Chapter 230: Lovers, this is not a date!

"Sister Orange~"

He threw himself directly into Fujimura Tachibana's arms, and then buried her head in Fujimura Tachibana's chest. Shirai Kuroko kept rubbing his head against Fujimura Tachibana's chest, and also made the sound of inhaling hard.

"My sister's breasts are so soft~"

Listening to Shirai Kuroko's abnormal sound, and still scratching his chest a few times, Fujimura Tachibana grabbed Shirai Kuroko by the collar with no expression, and then picked her up.Seeing Shirai Kuroko's slut face and wanting to kiss herself, Fujimura Tachibana darkened her face, then walked to the car and pulled the door and threw her directly into the back row. Then Fujimura Tachibana also came to the car.

"My sister~mua~"

Although Fujimura Tachibana threw her to the back row, Shirai Kuroko is a space capable person who can teleport herself at will, so she teleported directly from the back row to the driver's seat. Shirai Kuroko sat directly on Fujimura Tachibana.

As a scum girl, Fujimura Tachibana ate Black Saber, Tosaka Rin, and Makiri Sakura. At the same time, Ishtar may have been possessed by Tosaka Rin and slept with himself. Fujimura Tachibana was at the same time 3 to 3 4 girls are dating.But Kuroko Shirai is only 13 years old!Although Fujimura Tachibana was scumbags, she also had principles, so when Shirai Kuroko turned her head, Shirai Kuroko's lips just fell on Fujimura Tachibana's cheeks.

But before Fujimura Tachibana pushed Shirai Kuroko away, she felt that Shirai Kuroko was wearing very thin underwear, so she could feel Shirai Kuroko's smooth body. Fujimura Tachibana grabbed Shirai Kuroko's shoulder again, then lifted her and threw her up. The position of the passenger seat.

"Don't move around."

Once again warned Shirai Kuroko that Fujimura Tachibana had taken out the handcuffs, but Shirai Kuroko took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and Fujimura Tachibana was defeated.Putting the handcuffs away, looking at Shirai Kuroko's slut face, but a little normal, Fujimura Tachibana said, "I'm going to trouble you this time."

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