Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 147

Cooking: 0.3 (0.1)

The driving of the vehicle has reached the value of 4.3. Perhaps only one or two drivers in Japan can test driving skills with Fujimura Tachibana, and such a driver Fujimura Tachibana has seen one, and that is Fujiwara Takumi's father Fujiwarata.At this time, neither Fujiwara Takumi nor Nakaritsu who was driving the GTR32 had the qualifications to challenge her, so before the start of the race, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly said to Joan with interest: "If I win, do you have any rewards? "

"How could it happen! Don't think too much... Hey, let's get started, hurry up and drive!"

At first, Joan arrogantly refused, and then saw that the race started. Both AE86 and GTR32 set off, but his car was still parked in place, so she shouted anxiously, Fujimura Tachibana released the brakes and the car It rushed out like an arrow from the string.

"Wow, it's totally different from riding a cold-blooded woman's motorcycle!"

Feeling the power generated by the car on the mountain road because of the constant turning back and forth, Jeanne exclaimed.

"Why, have you ever been on Altria's motorcycle? Have you touched it?"

I immediately remembered the scenes when the black Saber teased herself in the past. She always controlled the acceleration and deceleration of the motorcycle and let herself hug her tightly. Fujimura Tachibana did not expect that Joan of Arc had also been in a black Saber car, so she was curious. Asked.

"I won't touch the cold-blooded woman! Even if I die, I will not go on the cold-blooded woman's motorcycle when I return to the Hall of Valor!"

Joan hurriedly yelled, trying to explain clearly. This made Fujimura Tachibana suddenly turned her head and stared at Joan. He found that there was a strange and complicated expression on her face, and Fujimura Tachibana's heart suddenly muttered. For a moment.

"These two people don't have a leg?"

The sixth sense told her that her head seemed to be a little green, so she thought while controlling the steering wheel. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana had already seen the two who set off first, and she caught up with them in a very short time, Fujimura. Tachibana looked at Joan again and found that she was still in various entanglements, so she asked abruptly: "Jan, do you like Altria?"

" could it be, how could I like that cold-blooded woman!"

Joan of Arc rose and blushed and shouted, but when she shouted, she suddenly felt Fujimura Tachibana’s engine roar, and the car suddenly started accelerating violently and surpassed the AE86 and GTR32 ahead.

Author's message:

I am out of this update time

Chapter 232: Your lipstick number, the color is wrong!

At the entrance of the Fujiwara Tofu Store, a GTR parked at the entrance of the tofu store with its lights on, but if someone looked closely, they would see the slight shaking of the car?

"Uuuuu... hurts, hurts, hurts!"

I saw Fujimura Tachibana stepping down from Joan of Arc in the front passenger seat. Joan cleaned up her clothes with flushed face and blocked her exposed double points. Jeanne looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a shy look. Fujimura Tachibana straightened his suit and tie blankly and then opened the door. At this time, Joan of Arc hadn't even arranged his clothes.

"Eh eh eh!"

Immediately shouting loudly, he rushed up and closed the door. Jeanne was flushed and put on her coat. Then she glanced at herself through the mirror in the car and found that her blush was completely red, the lipstick on her lips was also spent, and her chest was still left. With the messy lip print, Joan bit her lip and said angrily.

"It's really an abusive guy!"

With that said, he took out the paper towels from the car and wiped off the lipstick on his lips, and found that he had forgotten to take the lipstick out of the house, and Joan did not reapply makeup. After wiping off the lip marks on her chest, Joan got out of the car angrily.

"Two servings of Mapo tofu, very spicy! One fried tofu, fried chicken is still being made, please wait."

After entering the store, I heard the boss carrying the food and putting it on the table where Fujimura Tachibana was sitting, and Joan sat angrily on the opposite side of Fujimura Tachibana.

"You bastard! Are you not afraid of being seen!"

After the boss returned to the kitchen, Joan said in a low voice that just now Fujimura Tachibana pulled her clothes apart very roughly after parking, and then gnawed hard before letting him go.At that time, Joan’s entire brain was about to crash. This sense of happiness and humiliation were intertwined. Joan didn’t expect that this abusive guy would finally take action on him. It’s just what motivated this abusive woman to Do it yourself?Joan did not understand.

"Don't worry, your lipstick is gone. I have one with the same color as your lipstick. You can touch up your makeup."

Fujimura Tachibana took out a lipstick from the small bag next to him and gave it to Joan. Joan took the lipstick angrily and took out the mirror to touch up her makeup without looking at it.

"Why is there fried chicken? I'm not Altria, I don't like junk food!"

Joan said while applying makeup, but she did not hear an explanation, instead she heard a little girl's voice.

"Mom! I'm back!"

Hearing this sound made Jeanne's body immediately tense, because this voice was Ilia's voice, and Ilia appeared here, which means that the black Saber who went to Europe with Ilia is back!So immediately turning his head following the voice, Jeanne saw Black Saber and Ilia appear at the door.

"Eh eh eh! Why did you come back suddenly!"

Joan jumped up from her position like a frightened kitten. Why did Black Saber suddenly come back!She appeared in front of her without any news. Jeanne immediately glanced at her chest, her lip prints had been wiped clean, her face shouldn't be so red, shouldn't it be exposed?

"My dear, I'm back, where's my food, I'm starving to death!"

The black Saber sat down beside Fujimura Tachibana, and the host directly touched Fujimura Tachibana’s waist and said affectionately, while Ilia sat next to Joan and took the mapo tofu in front of her and took a big bite. .

"Spicy! So spicy!"

Illya didn't expect this mapo tofu to be so spicy, so she immediately panicked to find water to drink. Fujimura Tachibana put a glass of water in front of Illya, and Illya drank it all in one go.

"This is my tofu!"

Because she was a little overwhelmed, she didn't notice that her Mapo tofu was robbed at first. After reacting, she snatched the plate of Mapo tofu back, and she also took a big bite.

"La La La La La La La! Water! Water! Water!"

There was also a glass of water in front of him, and Jean drank it in a hurry, but she did not notice. The black saber who was holding her water stared at her carefully, but when Jeanne put down the water, the black Saber was gone. Staring at him, he squinted his eyes and glanced at the Fujimura Tachibana next to him with a meaningful look. Fujimura Tachibana pretended that he hadn't seen anything, but smiled and asked the black Saber: "You guys are talking about Einzbern What did the family do?"

"It's nothing, just tell them not to come to Ilia in the future."

Black Saber also said with a smile, and Illia on the side hurriedly said: "Little mother and Berserker are the best, grandpa...oh, it should be that the former grandfather has agreed not to come to see Ilia. From now on, Illya's name will be Ilia Fujimura!"

Holding a spoon and saying cutely, Illya's appearance is really cute. Fujimura Tachibana looked at Illya with a smile. At this time, Fujiwara came up with the fried chicken too much: "Fried chicken, please take your time."

Putting the fried chicken in front of the black Saber, Fujiwarata continued: "It is said that you broke the record again?"

"This record is actually quite simple. Doesn't it count?"

"Hey, that silly kid."

Fujiwara said with a sigh, and then left. Then a group of people began to enjoy the food on the table. A group of people were talking and laughing. Illia was talking about what happened before, and Fujimura Tachibana listened like this, except for Joan. Apart from the appearance of fear and fear, everyone looked like a family.

"Then, let's go back, Illya, do you want my car?"


Fujimura Tachibana said that he took Ilia into his car, and Joan also hurriedly wanted to follow, but was caught by Altria.

"That car is too small, Jeanne, let me take you."

Black Saber smiled and pulled Joan to her motorcycle, and pulled her into the car to start the engine. Jeanne had to hug Black Saber from behind, and Black Saber immediately controlled the motorcycle and rushed out. Joan hurriedly hugged Black Saber. At this time, Joan had been thinking, shouldn't she be exposed?

"Jan of Arc, haven't you noticed that the color of your lipstick is wrong? Although the colors are very similar, your current lipstick in this color number only has orange, and our two lipsticks don’t have this color number. You don’t need to explain. What?"

At this moment, Black Saber spoke, and Jeanne's body instantly stiffened.

Author's message:

La la la~

Chapter 233: It's All My Wings

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