Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 148

"Illya, this is Hui Yuan Ai, temporarily staying at our house, you must get along well."

"Little Ai, I usually rely on you to take care of Ilia."

After returning home, I introduced Ilia and Ai Huihara to each other, and Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt funny.Elia is her own daughter, but she is one year older than herself.Hui Yuanai looks only 7 or 8 years old, but in fact he is already 18 years old, and both of them have grown up.

"Sergeant Fujimura, if I remember correctly, I'm only 7 years old now, so she should have taken care of me."

Aihara Ai expressionlessly looked at Fujimura Tachibana and said, emphasizing the fact that he was only 7 years old. Aihara Ai felt that Fujimura Tachibana was unreliable.

"Sorrow! Then I am my sister, I will take care of you from now on!"

Before Fujimura Tachibana could speak, Ilia smiled and held Hui Yuanai, and then pushed Hui Yuanai into the room. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the closed door and thought for a moment.

"I have a room, Altria’s room is on my left, Jeanne’s room is on my right, Xiao Ai’s room and Ilia’s room are downstairs, so there is only one room, and the room is not enough... "

After thinking about the size of his mansion, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly found that his single-family villa mansion could not be accommodated. Should he buy a new house?Fujimura Tachibana looked around his mansion.

"The practice room is too small to meet the demand, and the parking garage seems a bit crowded..."

Suddenly feeling that his house is so small, Fujimura Tachibana began to think about where to buy a house in Tokyo, or learn from Tosaka Rin's house to build a manor?

"Is there such a place in Tokyo... and the manor is a bit expensive... the usual pocket money is about to run out..."

Talking to himself, Fujimura Tachibana walked to his room to get a change of clothes to prepare to take a bath. At this time, the sound of the door opening came. Fujimura Tachibana saw the black Saber and Jeanne coming back.The two walked in one after another. Jeanne followed Black Saber, her figure swaying a bit. What did the two of them do?

"Wait for me in the bath!"

He noticed Fujimura Tachibana’s sight, Kuro Saber raised his head and suddenly cast a wink at Fujimura Tachibana, and then said with his lips, Fujimura Tachibana did not speak, but turned and walked towards his room. The ghost paid attention to these two too What happened to my sister, it was my wings anyway!

I thought about it angrily, and then I took the clothes and entered the bathroom. The bathroom was immediately enveloped by steam, which made Fujimura Tachibana immediately relax. After all, there was a big fight in the umbrella base during the day. It is very intense, and the skill of stimulant is activated. Although the sequelae of stimulant is not as strong as the original one, it will make people coma at every turn, but the feeling of weakness still exists. When the hot water touches the skin, Fujimura Tachibana immediately feels his The body softened.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the feeling of fatigue, the temperature of the hot water was specially increased, and Fujimura Tachibana took a comfortable bath, and it took more time than usual to get up.

"Sure enough, a hot bath is the most comfortable."

Standing in front of the mirror, taking care of his hair, the sound of the hair dryer rang.Looking at herself in the mirror, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, most of her breasts were exposed to the air, and a deep cleavage was exposed.Suddenly realizing that his bust was bigger again, Fujimura Tachibana frowned, so he took the eye that was placed aside, and the image of Kiko appeared in front of him.

"Lord Orange's bathing photo, Xizi is so happy, Xizi is dying!"

Xizi, who looked like a slut, uttered a voice and said that she was obviously an AI, but she would be affected by her own orange fragrance, and she was completely ashamed of AI.

"Xiko, measure my bust, is it bigger again?"

"Understood! According to Kiko's calculations, Master Orange, you need to change the G cup!"


I didn't expect that I would continue to grow as an adult. Could it be that I was rubbed up these days?The big chest is very tiring, and it also affects the battle very much. After tackling a few words in his heart and comforting Kiko, Fujimura Tachibana took off his eyes blankly, and Fujimura Tachibana continued to manage his hair.The hair has grown a bit longer, so it should be trimmed.

It took another time to take care of the hair. Thinking of the black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana left the bathroom just wearing light pajamas.In the corridor, I could hear the noise of Yiliya and Hui Yuanai in the room downstairs. Although they were two fake loli, they could get along unexpectedly.

Continuing to walk to his room, Fujimura Tachibana took a special glance at the rooms of Saber and Joan. The doors of both of them were closed and there was no movement, so he looked at his room.

The light in my room was on, but I couldn't see the situation in the room from the corridor, but I could hear some suppressed gasps, and a picture that was not suitable for children appeared in my mind.So she walked into her room blankly, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately saw the situation in the room. Then her face turned black. What are these two people doing!

I saw that Black Saber was pressing Joan under her body to kiss. Jeanne panted and wanted to push Black Saber away, but she didn't refuse to give up. The two of them really had a relationship. She really didn't. Wrong!So looking at the two people's performance blankly, Fujimura Tachibana stood there without speaking.

I probably found Fujimura Tachibana standing at the door. The lips of Black Saber and Joan of Arc were separated, and a long silver wire was pulled out. Only then was Black Saber flushed and said with a bad smile: "My dear, I have put her body in a state, do you want to eat her first? Or do you eat me first? Or do you eat together?"

The voice is unusually soft and charming, Altolia is poisonous!Listening to her voice, Fujimura Tachibana's body trembled. What is this guy thinking?Do you want to provoke yourself or warn yourself not to be sultry everywhere, otherwise you will turn yourself green?How could I let her conspiracy succeed, so Fujimura Tachibana just said faintly: "Today I am tired, I want to rest, if you want, come up and move by yourself."

After that, he went to the bed and lifted the quilt up and lay down. Then he turned off the light. At the moment when the light was turned off, Fujimura Tachibana felt a pair of hands on the left and right sides of his body touching his skin.

"MMP, two little fairies!"

Chapter 234: Supernatural Agent Organizations in Various Countries

"On a business trip to the United States? Directly investigate the umbrella company?"

After returning to work at the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters, Fujimura Tachibana received his new order to go to the United States to cooperate with the U.S. Paranormal Investigation Department "Bridge and Tunnel Administration" to investigate the umbrella company.

"Yes, this incident has been classified as a Class A incident, and it has reached a very serious level. At this time, the entire paranormal investigation headquarters has fully investigated this incident, but our resistance is also very high. The Americans are not. I would just sit back and watch the umbrella company be destroyed."

As He Sheng Rangzong said, he gave a copy of the umbrella company information to Fujimura Tachibana, and Fujimura Tachibana looked at it at will. The above is the in-depth cooperation between the U.S. government and the Umbrella Corporation. It can be said that there are many umbrellas in the U.S. government The supporters of the company want to rely on diplomatic pressure to make the U.S. sanction the umbrella company. I am afraid that the Japanese government will be the first to be sanctioned. The resignation of the prime minister and the dissolution of the cabinet will be normal operations.

"Then, won't the Bridge and Tunnel Administration work with the umbrella company?"

Putting down this information, Fujimura Tachibana, who is not very familiar with the Bridge and Tunnel Administration, asked. After all, the Bridge and Tunnel Administration is also an agency of the US government. Can they be left alone?

"Don't worry, the ethics of the Bridge and Tunnel Administration is still there. They have their unique security guarantees that they will not be invaded by the umbrella company. After all, they are one of the world's strongest supernatural agent organizations and they are very powerful. A lot of two female agents in black came back, just like Joan of Arc and Altria, and the sisters of Tosaka's family."

He Sheng Yangzong began to tease Fujimura Tachibana when he finished speaking, and he was simply planning to treat Fujimura Tachibana as the best implementer of the beauty plan.And from Hesheng Yangzong's words, Fujimura Tachibana knew something about her, which Hesheng Yangzong knew, so she looked at the Hesheng Yangzong blankly, and she didn't speak.

"So, when will we leave."

"Tonight, the ticket has already been bought. You have Kusanagi Moko temporarily taking over your work here. You can go and prepare your luggage. If you need to bring someone, such as the two of your family."

"No, I can do it alone."

Thinking of the two people tossing themselves yesterday, the expression of the ice beauty of Fujimura Tachibana changed a little.These two relied on that they were heroic spirits, and their physical strength was much better than ordinary people. When they were weak, they were constantly moving around on themselves, and they almost made themselves ashamed.Therefore, the proposal to take two people to the United States was directly rejected, and Fujimura Tachibana said that he alone is enough.

"Then this task will get rid of you, Section Chief Fujimura."

Hesheng Yangzong said seriously, Fujimura Tachibana immediately saluted and said that he would complete this task, and Hesheng Yangzong handed a pair of sunglasses to Fujimura Tachibana.

"This is an item used by the Bridge and Tunnel Administration to identify you. Put on these sunglasses after you get off the airport, and someone will pick you up."


I took the sunglasses, and didn’t find anything special about the sunglasses, so I put the sunglasses in his suit pocket. He Sheng Yangzong took a look again, and then said: “When I went to the United States, I changed to a black suit. Well, the agents of the Bridge and Tunnel Administration can be called Man In Black by the outside world."

"I know."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana left Hesheng Yangzong’s office and then returned to his office and immediately called Kusanagi Motoko.

"Chairman, any instructions?"

Kusanagi Motoko appeared very quickly, and Fujimura Tachibana did not talk nonsense, but said directly: "You know what I'm going to America, right?"

"Yes, I see. It's a rare opportunity to work with the man in black."

Motoko Kusanagi seemed to know the people in black well, so Fujimura Tachibana asked curiously.

"What is special about them? Why are they called one of the strongest supernatural spy organizations? What about spy organizations in other countries?"

"So what?"

Motoko Kusanagi thought for a while and then gave an answer.

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