Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 159

There was no change in expression, Fujimura Tachibana took out the dominator from his suit at this time, and said blankly after checking the dominator's ammunition.At this time, the dominator also made the people next to him a little curious. Fujimura Tachibana had not taken out this gun before. What is the origin of this gun that looks very sci-fi?

"I know you want to know a lot, but some secrets can only be known if you are alive. The 14 experimental items in front of you are all biological weapons made by umbrellas. If you can kill them all, then I don't mind telling you some secrets. "

Wesker spoke again at this moment. When he finished speaking, these 14 biochemical monsters seemed to be activated by something. They were originally calm and moved, one by one exuding a tyrannical atmosphere.Not only that, the surrounding parachute mercenaries also surrounded from all around, blocking all Fujimura Tachibana’s retreat.

"Perhaps even if we kill these biochemical monsters, the mercenaries on the side will do it? Wesker?"

Calmly speaking to the screen, Fujimura Tachibana didn't seem to worry about the biochemical monsters and mercenaries on the side, but after speaking, he raised his gun and aimed at the biochemical monster in front.

"You can wait, I will come up later and blow you up together!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana pulled the trigger and shot a giant licker away.If the licker that Fujimura Tachibana encountered at the Fukuoka base was only a little larger than a human head, then the size of this licker was about the size of an elephant. At first glance, it was a very difficult object to provoke, but it was in control. After the needle-shaped bullet hit the licker’s body, in everyone’s surprised eyes, the licker’s body inflated like a balloon, and then with a snap, the elephant licked the food. The person was blown into a ball of blood, which looked extremely miserable.

And as the licker was exploded into a ball of blood, the blood splashed around, and several biochemical monsters around it were splashed in an instant. The blood immediately made these monsters become frantic and commotion. Attack each other.Fujimura Tachibana also used this time to shoot at several other biochemical monsters, and a cloud of blood exploded again. After a short time, 14 biochemical monsters were left less than 10, which made Wesker's complexion look a little bit. It's hard to look.So Wesker in the command room immediately issued an order to the controller controlling the monster.

However, it was probably the control items of the umbrella company that played a role. These monsters immediately turned their heads and aimed at Fujimura Tachibana after a moment of commotion. The monsters stopped fighting each other, but launched a charge.

"Hey, I also want to save a spell, it seems I can't save it."

With that said, Fujimura Tachibana ignored the various biochemical monsters that were launching the charge, and then unfolded his suit and the white shirt under the suit, and showed a large white skin, and red lines appeared in Fujimura Tachibana. On the chest, the people on the side felt a feeling of chest tightness. The stronger the person, the more obvious it was, as if an abyssal behemoth was appearing, so Alice immediately looked aside, and then one was not tall, dressed in black The silhouette of the armor and the face mask appeared next to Fujimura Tachibana. Then, in everyone's surprised eyes, the person who appeared suddenly kissed Fujimura Tachibana. The two even ignored the biochemical monster that had rushed halfway, but came as if nothing had happened. A passionate kiss, which caused countless jealous emotions in King Ada's heart, but Fujimura Tachibana didn't notice it.

"It seems that you still need me."

After kissing Fujimura Tachibana, Black Saber showed a slight smile on his cold face, then turned around and looked at the biochemical monsters, Black Saber sneered, and then a massacre began.

"My wife, I'll leave it to you here. Let's go into the building, don't let people run away, I still have a lot to ask!"

With that, Fujimura Tachibana pulled out Demon Sword Muramasaka.

"Doping is on!"

"Strengthen Open!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana jumped to the high-rise building of the umbrella company and jumped to the height of several floors.

Chapter 251: Wife is an inappropriate title

Handing the downstairs to Black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana didn't care whether Alice and others could keep up, but started climbing directly along the outside of the umbrella company building.

The building of the umbrella company is more than 100 meters high, and the outer wall is made of smooth bulletproof glass. It seems that there is no place to climb, but Fujimura Tachibana has a demon sword in his hand.

With one leap, he jumped more than ten meters high, and watching the bulletproof glass get closer and closer to him, the knife in Fujimura Tachibana pierced the bulletproof glass.The sturdy bulletproof glass was pierced like butter in front of the almost indestructible bulletproof glass, and then she personally hit the bulletproof glass.At the moment she hit, the bulletproof glass that could withstand large-caliber sniper rifles quickly cracked and shattered, and Fujimura Tachibana directly smashed the bulletproof glass!


Directly smashing the glass and entering the interior of the umbrella company building, Fujimura Tachibana immediately felt a crisis coming from behind him, so he rolled forward without hesitation, and then dense bullets shot from behind.

These bullets came from the mercenaries around the umbrella company. These mercenaries saw Fujimura Tachibana entering the umbrella company and immediately made the decision to attack. The dense bullets immediately hit the one that Fujimura Tachibana had just knocked out. In the gap, she immediately avoided the shooting range of mercenary bullets.Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, even more crisis came. The mercenaries of these umbrellas immediately raised the muzzle of the armored vehicle and aimed it at the floor where Fujimura Tachibana was, and the shells and grenades were shot at this floor in the next moment. floor.

Although the caliber of the shells is not large, the shells are still shells instead of bullets. These shots from all directions into the floor where Fujimura Tachibana was located. After the shells exploded, the surrounding items were torn apart, and various fragments were immediately on this floor. Flying across the room.At this time, there were many other umbrella company employees besides Fujimura Tachibana. These employees had not had time to react. The debris from the explosion shredded their bodies, and a dead body fell over. Come down.

Seeing this, Fujimura Tachibana did not hesitate to tear down an iron door next to him, and then squatted down to protect his body from the iron door, and then he felt waves of impact from his arm. It felt that the iron gate was under constant impact, and she could see all kinds of debris falling around her. Without this iron gate, Fujimura Tachibana might have been sieved.

However, this situation did not last long. After about 10 seconds, the scale of the explosion suddenly weakened, and Fujimura Tachibana received the words from Saber Black through the spell.

"Leave it to me here, wife, hurry up and solve the guy upstairs!"

Although keenly felt that Black Saber used an inappropriate word to address himself, it was too late to correct Black Saber’s mistakes. Fujimura Tachibana understood that if he was unhappy, the Wesker and others who were near the top of the building would have to run. Lost.So he immediately rushed to the elevator shaft. At this time, the elevator just reached this floor and made a ding sound, and Fujimura Tachibana jumped towards the elevator door.

The moment the elevator door opened, several fully-armed parachute mercenaries appeared in the elevator. These mercenaries pointed their guns at the elevator door and prepared to rush out to kill Fujimura Tachibana, but they had not waited for the elevator door to complete. Open it, and an arm stretched in from the elevator door that had just opened a little gap, and a mercenary standing at the door was hit in the head with a punch.


I saw a huge depression on the helmet on the mercenary's head, and the head under the helmet exploded with a bang under the huge impact, and then Fujimura Tachibana went directly into the elevator, with gunshots and melee collisions. The sound rang through the entire elevator, and within a few seconds the movement in the elevator stopped. Only Fujimura Tachibana was standing in the elevator. The mercenaries were embedded in the elevator in various positions, and the elevator closed automatically at this time. Closed the door.

I pressed the elevator button on the top floor, and the elevator under my feet made a slight running sound, and the elevator started to move to the top floor.Watching the numbers on the floor keep getting bigger, Fujimura Tachibana is also perceiving the changes on the top floor. At this time, Wesker on the top floor has not left yet, but another sinister aura is ready to leave with a woman similar to Alice’s. , Fujimura Tachibana stared at the breath of these people, that is, at this moment, the elevator suddenly shook and then stopped.

"Did you control the elevator?"

After pressing the buttons in the elevator several times, I found that the buttons in the elevator had lost control. Not only could the elevator not continue to move, but also could not open the elevator doors. At this time, the elevator was only located in the center of the building.Not only that, Fujimura Tachibana also felt that a large number of parachute mercenaries were gathering outside the elevator. These mercenaries were approaching here. If they did not leave here, Fujimura Tachibana would be screened in the elevator, so there was nothing. Hesitating, Yaodao Village is being drawn out.

With a swipe of the samurai sword above the head, the top of the elevator was cut open to reveal a circular incision. After the top fell, Fujimura Tachibana jumped directly through this incision to the top of the elevator car. At this time, dense bullets ejected. After passing the elevator door, the position where Fujimura Tachibana was standing just now became a sieve, but holding a samurai sword in one hand, and the other hand grabbing the elevator cable, Fujimura Tachibana cut the steel cable under his feet, and the elevator car immediately looked like a The weight fell to the ground like a weight, and Fujimura Tachibana, who grabbed the wire rope, was immediately pulled and quickly rose upwards.

At the original speed, the elevator should have risen for tens of seconds to reach the top of the roof, but under the pull of the free-falling car, Fujimura Tachibana arrived in just a few seconds.Looking expressionlessly at the top of the roof elevator shaft getting closer and closer to him, at the moment of arrival, Fujimura Tachibana released her hand holding the steel cable, and her body continued to rise under the inertial drive, slowly in Fujimura Tachibana. After decelerating, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the edge of one elevator door. Then he turned over and went straight up, pulling the elevator door open with one hand.

At this time, Dr. Isaacs was taking Alicia and was about to leave, but with a loud noise, everyone in the room saw the elevator door open on the side, and Fujimura Tachibana appeared in the elevator holding a samurai sword. Doorway.

"The Umbrella Company was declared an illegal organization for crimes against humanity. All those who resist... are killed!"

After speaking, the katana in his hand was swung, and the bullet that was fired at her was cut open, and two clusters of sparks appeared behind him, and the person who shot was naturally Wesker.

"Wesker, stop him!"

Dr. Isaacs shouted immediately.

Author's message:

Yesterday I wrote and wrote and fell asleep...Today is still two more changes, tomorrow there will be more changes

Chapter 252: The villain died of too many ideas

Using a knife to split the pistol bullet that Wesker had shot, Fujimura Tachibana couldn't understand why someone likes to shoot himself with a pistol. The speed of the pistol bullet is so slow that there is no threat at all.

Seeing that the bullet was split by Fujimura Tachibana, Wesker immediately understood that the pistol in his hand was not effective for her, so after a cold snort, Wesker immediately...ran away!That’s right. At this moment, Wesker didn’t fight with Fujimura Tachibana. Instead, he turned around and entered a tunnel and ran away. He dropped his boss, Dr. Isaacs, and was escaping into the tunnel. In an instant, Wesker also detonated explosives, which blew up the passage and blocked other people's pursuit of the road, which caught Fujimura Tachibana by surprise.

Wesker at the Fukuoka base looks exactly the same as Wesker in front of us. It is probably the relationship between the clone and the ontology. The characters of the two should be similar, but why are the two so different?But after thinking about it carefully, Wesker at the Fukuoka base immediately chose to evacuate after seeing the bad situation, but he was caught up with a violent beating. In fact, there was no difference between the two choices.

Also caught off guard was Dr. Isaacs, who was surprised to see Wesker run away through the secret passage without hesitation, and he was stunned as he was evacuating.Looking at Fujimura Tachibana who turned his attention to him, Dr. Isaacs gave up Alicia who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"It's so funny, Isaacs, it looks like your dog has run away."

Alicia sat in a wheelchair mockingly said, Isaacs took two steps back with an ugly face, pointed at Fujimura Tachibana, and shouted at the surrounding umbrella company mercenaries: "Kill her!"

After speaking, Isaacs strode to the roof, where there was already a helicopter ready and ready to take off, but when Isaacs came to the roof, only saw Wesker sitting in the helicopter with a smile on his face. Driving the helicopter in the driver's seat and leaving, he didn't feel the guilt of selling his boss at all, and was even a little excited.

Seeing Wesker who left him and ran away, Isaacs did not hesitate, because at this time he had heard the gunshots fading behind him, and Isaacs understood that his men could not stop Fujimura Tachibana.And he also discovered that there was a terrifying presence on the ground destroying the mercenary army of the umbrella. All the biochemical monsters on the ground had been killed, and various armored vehicles had also been destroyed. The black Saber was simply for ordinary soldiers. Unmatched object.Knowing this, he immediately turned around and entered another passage. There was only one way to escape successfully, which was to kill Fujimura Tachibana and then leave Raccoon City through other secret channels.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana killed the mercenaries of the umbrella company and came to Alicia. This young woman in front of her did not have a sinful atmosphere, and she looked very similar to Alice. I didn’t know her. What kind of identity is she? Is she the body of Alice?At this time, another elevator behind him suddenly opened. Alice, Jill, and King Ada walked out of the elevator and saw Fujimura Tachibana and Alicia.And Alicia showed a touch of relief the moment he saw Alice, Fujimura Tachibana noticed, but she didn't have time to figure out the inside story, because she was going to pursue Dr. Isaacs.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll arrest people!"

After speaking, he immediately chased in the direction where Dr. Isaacs was fleeing. Fujimura Tachibana broke through the layers of the parachute mercenaries along the way, and the distance between Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Isaacs quickly narrowed. Soon Fujimura Tachibana saw Isaacs Doctor's back.

I have to say that as a doctor of biology that seems to be quite young, Dr. Isaacs's running speed is not slow at all, even faster than the running speed of ordinary people. If it were not for Fujimura Tachibana's pursuit speed, it was far beyond ordinary people. , I'm afraid most people can't keep up with him.

Following him down several floors along the way, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that the surrounding scenes suddenly became a bit familiar. After carefully observing the surroundings, he immediately recognized that the scenes here are very similar to the scenes inside the hive, as if the hive was copied here. , What is the purpose of the umbrella?

"Dr. Isaacs? You have been arrested."

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